Drunkenst ago

Incomplete - add:


Pico de Ghey-o

Lime squeeze

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude you can add avocado to everything

so good

Drunkenst ago

Once again - halve, discard stone, fill cavity with balsamic vinegar.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

wait what

Drunkenst ago

Try it.

Soup’s on again. Chicken vegetable today. Makes a house smell like a home.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

maybe today ill have my leftovers i was supposed to have for lunch yesterday instead of fast food


Is that marshmallow fluff?

Vrblpollushin ago

Why is there cool whip all over them? Other than that, they look ok.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dont judge me shitlord

Vrblpollushin ago

I'm not. I'm trying to figure out if you're a retard, or an autist Gordon Ramsey.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

youve burnt so many cookies theyre demanding their own homeland

Vrblpollushin ago

Oh yeah? You've burnt so many wellingtons, they're writing fucking diaries! I totally stole that from a meme. It was a good meme, though.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

this cream has been whipped so much it belongs on a plantation

QualityShitposter ago

youve burnt so many cookies theyre demanding their own homeland


ArcAngel ago

ok.. i have ulcers.. from drinking alot in my 20s.. i make this stuff i call 'pink-shit' its basically medium picante & sour cream.. i get the flavour, w/o the acid reflux.

i also do this crap called 'everything sauce' equal parts yellow mustard, catsup ( or ketchup you faggots) & sweet relish.. fuck you, have a day. later, assholes..

Vrblpollushin ago

I think that's tartar sauce. I could be wrong.

ArcAngel ago

i think tartar sauce has cream of tartar, mayonase & pickles.. i avoid seafood cuz of the mercury

clamhurt_legbeard ago


interesting stuff dude

i love recipes

ArcAngel ago

ever do 'wet burritos'?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

not myself

but i love eating them

what is your recipe

ArcAngel ago

dont judge me... BUT..

plain ol el-montery 8 pack of 'blue' beef n bean burritos. some plain white or yellow corn tortillia chips, 2 cans of chilli (spicyness upon your personal preferance) & some shredded 4 blend shredded cheese... big enough glass baking dish.. line the bottom w/ chips.... arrange thawed burritos, smother w/ chili, sprinkle cheese & cook 325*F ish for about 20-30 mins... half way through, add diced onions & jalapinios ( and anythining else you like) top w/ sour cream (or my beloved pink shit) let stand for a few, & serve...

clamhurt_legbeard ago


long ago i used to put chili and sour cream on microwave burritos

thats good eatin

ArcAngel ago

it is.

from futurama... "batchelor-chow' as i call it... married now, but still eat it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


if its good then heck yeah

ArcAngel ago

i like making my own burritos/soft shell tacos, but when i have a gathering, these are kinda fast to put together & a crowd pleaser, so-to-speak.. another is a texas favourite... frito-pie.. just freitos & chili w/ cheese... easy peasy between reloads.. full bellies & happy patriots

clamhurt_legbeard ago

true stuff man

om nom nom

ArcAngel ago

pink shit makes it easier to eat spicy stuff for me.

everything sauce make everything kinda taste like mcdonalds..

that is all

nothing eles to see here..

carry on

con77 ago

no jalapenos

clamhurt_legbeard ago

chopped jalapenos cooked into the beef

onions too

con77 ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

dang straight dude

QualityShitposter ago

How does an autist eat nachos?


clamhurt_legbeard ago

face first lol

dashantavious ago

That looks awesome.

dashantavious ago

I see you were very excited about those nachos.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


om nom

Lagmonster ago

Those look like Texas wetback nachos.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude so good

never had wetback nachos

Lagmonster ago

Yeah, should have noticed your nachos were missing the E. coli lettuce.

QualityShitposter ago

Lettuce is girl food. You can get all your greens with chiles.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


actually i briefly contemplated shredding some spinach

i have basically replaced all lettuce with spinach nowadays

Lagmonster ago

The only food you can trust is the food you have grown yourself.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


anoncastillo ago

Gross. Go back to tacostan.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

no thanks

once was enough