Nosferatjew ago

Says the fag who regularly wipes his own embarassing comment history to hide his true nature and to remove those pesky downvoats that keep piling up.

Le_Squish ago

You think virge creature will delete this post too? I bet it does.

virge ago

Says the fag who regularly wipes his own embarassing comment history to hide his true nature and to remove those pesky downvoats that keep piling up.

You're a subversive. We've already covered this.

  • Deleting posts with downvotes does not remove the downvotes. You know this, but you're a liar.

Keep rolling out your SBBH socks, JIDF motherfuckers. Don't send the B-team faggots, show me what you've got.

Nosferatjew ago

Deleting posts with downvotes does not remove the downvotes. You know this, but you're a liar.

Oh please, we both know that's not what you really think.

Proof that post was submitted by you :)

PS: it's spelled downvoats...

virge ago

Oh please, we both know that's not what you really think.

That was bait, just like this post was bait.

And like usual, you fall for it!

Nosferatjew ago

Oh right, that was "bait". Then why try to delete your connection to it? Hmm?? My thinks you're full of shit and just trying to hide your blunders.

virge ago

Oh right, that was "bait". Then why try to delete your connection to it? Hmm?? My thinks you're full of shit and just trying to hide your blunders.

You're entitled to your opinion, Shill for Israel.

I don't give a fuck about it. Bye.

Nosferatjew ago

I don't give a fuck about it.

Your rapid-fire responses to my comments lead me to believe otherwise.

Rotteuxx ago

Pull up @Virge's comments from that post with searchvoat, it wasn't bait by any means. He seriously thought he was doing something smart by deleting his history.

virge ago

Pull up @Virge's comments from that post with searchvoat, it wasn't bait by any means. He seriously thought he was doing something smart by deleting his history.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Playing stupid in the face of incomplete data is extremely effective. You do it all the time.

Rotteuxx ago

Playing stupid in the face of incomplete data is extremely effective.

It's not incomplete data when we can pull up all your deleted comments.

Fucking retard.

You do it all the time.

Baseless character attack, supply proof of what you accuse me of.

Fucking retard.

virge ago

It's not incomplete data when we can pull up all your deleted comments.

Proof? =D

Baseless character attack, supply proof of what you accuse me of.

Oh yes. Very sage. Very wise. Provide proof of something that by it's very nature cannot be proven. GENIUS!

SBBH trash are so predictable.

Nadeshda ago

SBBH trash are so predictable.

Well this didn’t age well, lol... :p

virge ago

Well this didn’t age well, lol... :p

Was it a bobber or a sinker, you think?

Nadeshda ago

You know the oceans are full of trash, I'll give you that but the natural beauty can still be found.

So, I may be saying that you are bopping along and taking in some water... ;)

virge ago

So, I may be saying that you are bopping along and taking in some water... ;)

Anticipation is always greatest before the turnabout.

Nadeshda ago

I will get to your other post, my time has run away and yes we will talk again...

Diving is a fun btw!

Rotteuxx ago

Proof? =D

Oh yes. Very sage. Very wise. Provide proof of something that by it's very nature cannot be proven. GENIUS!

If you claim I do something all the time, then you can easily supply evidence of what it is I do.

Fuck you're intellectually lazy.

virge ago

That's not what you said. You claimed to have my deleted messages. Any idiot can use SearchVoat.

If you claim I do something all the time, then you can easily supply evidence of what it is I do.

Of course I can, but we aren't finished dealing cards so I'm not paying my hand.

Fuck you're intellectually lazy.

Nah. I've just observed you long enough to know what pushes your buttons, so I'm enjoying myself. It's like fishing with dynamite.

Rotteuxx ago

So you admit to being a fallacious troll not worthy of being taken seriously & treated with respect.

virge ago

So you admit to being a fallacious troll not worthy of being taken seriously & treated with respect.


You're entitled to your opinion, but since you're probably paid to have it I know I can't sway it anyway.

Rotteuxx ago

That's intellectual laziness again.

Would a paid shill have supplied all the OC that I have over the years, 99% of which is made possible by my career as a welder & shop manager ? Also which consistently comes verifiably from the exact same work environment ?

Would a paid shill have made a voat merchandise proposal and verifiably sent samples to multiple users as gifts ?

Would a paid shill have verifiably sent money to a user when he and his wife were having hard times and needed all the help they could get to keep their heads above water ?

You see, retardedly calling me a paid shill is just about the stupidest strategy you could employ to attack my character. It does nothing but show others how delusionaly moronic your thought patterns are.

You've killed any credibility you've ever had on this platform already and just keep creating drama & harassing users.

You're a shit disturber, one who does it with loads of motivation just like a real shill would.

@ar47 @heygeorge @nadeshda @digitalentity1497 @puttitout

virge ago

So cute, you're willing to stop acting like a fucking toddler long enough to be serious.

Welcome to the club, I hope you stay longer.

Nadeshda ago

”Welcome to the club...”

Do you have to wear big boy pants to be part of this club? :D. Lol, being silly here but seriously now; what is this club that are you speaking of? You know you have me all intrigued now... :)

BTW @rotteuxx is a legit user, you know this though so I am further intrigued...

And yeah I see that you are baiting people all the time but you are in a sea of sharks... so you bait with life blood, metaphorically speaking? Pushing buttons? Naw, there something else you are trying to say, or so I think... :)

I just had this convo with a friend earlier about data is never technically deleted unless scrubbed through various methods and merely moved from one area to another. In Voat’s case, deleted comments/posts are merely moved to a deleted comments/posts sub folder but is technically still available for viewing albeit in a different place and out of context.

My issue is the culture mindset here and elsewhere amongst the majority of users are not accustomed to checking the mod logs of a subverse or maybe not even searchvoat to see what has been taken out of view and then later, out of mind?

I am of the school of thought that if you give someone enough rope, eventually they will hang themselves... Trolls will always out themselves as trolls, if ignored they often just run out of steam and often their trolling is highlighting something that is out of place which at times can be useful too, but that requires using yer noodle

Furthermore; deleting comments strips it out of context which makes comments awfully hard to read and leaves to much room for speculation which often leads to unnecessary drama. Don’t delete comments it’s a nightmare waiting to happen... :)

You know down voating is a thing if content is inappropriate and can be reported for ilegal, spam or individual data breaching.

About deleted content by mods: So in essence unless this behavior is called out no one knows about it... the comment/post still exists in the logs and can be viewed by anyone but the stickler is you are forcing someone to go that extra mile to obtain information. Doesn’t sound very free but to counter people have to log in to see that anyway so already a one-step process and generally speaking people are pretty lazy...

On my phone this is a touch annoying but hopefully it makes sense to you.

virge ago

BTW @rotteuxx is a legit user, you know this though so I am further intrigued...

Why are you the first one willing to point out the obvious? Or were you just sent in to play good cop? Relax, I'll respond the same either way, it's all the same in the end.

Rott probably also knows, so a better question is why would he keep up the act on his end?

And yeah I see that you are baiting people all the time but you are in a sea of sharks... so you bait with life blood, metaphorically speaking?

Closest anyone has gotten to the crux of it to date. The most effective data comes from the most realistic bait.

Pushing buttons?

Sometimes, but very infrequently. Usually as a leap of faith, and they mostly forgive me for it.

Naw, there something else you are trying to say, or so I think... :)


I just had this convo with a friend earlier about data is never technically deleted unless scrubbed through various methods and merely moved from one area to another. In Voat’s case, deleted comments/posts are merely moved to a deleted comments/posts sub folder but is technically still available for viewing albeit in a different place and out of context.

We should continue this conversation later. Higher levels, even if Voat didn't log anything at all, of data capture. This means VPN's, too. More than 50% of the current Internet is funneled through Cloudfare, after all? It's merely a matter of computational authority and motive to correlate as desired.

Data is extremely powerful.

My issue is the culture mindset here and elsewhere amongst the majority of users are not accustomed to checking the mod logs of a subverse or maybe not even searchvoat to see what has been taken out of view and then later, out of mind?

The problems with awareness are vast and we could have philosophical discussions for probably years about their patterns. I'll be the first to admit that even I rather recently changed my opinion of most people are stupid to most people are lazy. Anthropology 101 wins the day, I guess.

Furthermore; deleting comments strips it out of context which makes comments awfully hard to read and leaves to much room for speculation which often leads to unnecessary drama. Don’t delete comments it’s a nightmare waiting to happen... :)

Something nobody has noticed yet (for why would they?) is that the day I stopped deleting is the day I became mostly genuine.

Rotteuxx ago

Welcome to the club

Bwahahahahaha !

Your post history contradicts your self righteous delusion. Fuck you're pathetic !

virge ago

Your post history contradicts your self righteous delusion. Fuck you're pathetic !

So what's your issue with Putt?

Rotteuxx ago

Totally irrelevant to the subject at hand and an extremely shitty attempt at redirecting the conversation.

virge ago

Totally irrelevant to the subject at hand and an extremely shitty attempt at redirecting the conversation.

Oh. I see. You think you have some kind of control. How adorable. I guess if you're afraid of the question, otherwise why not include it?

Lets start from ground zero. Restate your current issue on whatever your problem is.

Rotteuxx ago

You're attempting to control the conversation and I ain't letting you, big difference and more projection on your part.

Why do you want to switch the subject to @puttitout ?

Answer that and I'll acknowledge your inquiry.

virge ago

You're attempting to control the conversation and I ain't letting you, big difference and more projection on your part.

Quite the opposite, and it's disingenuous for you to pretend otherwise. We're both smarter than that, so you can stop the stupid act.

I've been mostly disinterested and attempting to disengage, and you've been trying to control the conversation. It just ruffled your poor lil' jimmies when I pointed it out, so you're now weaving a counter-narrative. It's all so boring and such a waste of your intelligence. Why bother?

Why do you want to switch the subject to @puttitout ?

Answer that and I'll acknowledge your inquiry.

That's not a very strong negotiation. See the subtext there? Of course you do, so feel free to choke on it.

I was skipping ahead 20 steps in this particular Chess game. Your normal script is like watching bad reruns so I'm not giving this a lot of energy. Answering the question on Putt in public would guide the rest of what you've been jumping up and down like a figurative jack russel fuckin' terrier trying to get my attention for this entire time.

Your turn, since you still want to play this match one piece at a time like a goddamn sadist.

Rotteuxx ago

I've been mostly disinterested and attempting to disengage

It's called letting go and not replying.

That's not a very strong negotiation. See the subtext there? Of course you do, so feel free to choke on it.

Ramble on

I was skipping ahead 20 steps in this particular Chess game.

You overestimate yourself.

Answering the question on Putt in public would guide the rest of what you've been jumping up and down like a figurative jack russel fuckin' terrier trying to get my attention for this entire time.

That's a non-answer, more of a tantrum really.

Your turn, since you still want to play this match one piece at a time like a goddamn sadist.

I have my answer ready to be copy pasted but since you chose to answer like an emotional child you'll have to do better to get it.

Answer with maturity, in the spirit of having an honest conversation. Yes I'm moving the goal post but the subtext makes it obvious why, you can't give a straight answer.

virge ago

Motherfucker you know damn well the boundaries I've set and why I can't give you the straight answer you'd prefer.

I don't need your copy paste job if it comes with strings. If you didn't need me you wouldn't even be here.

Rotteuxx ago

See, you're not willing to have an honest conversation.

The only "string" is showing you're willing to converse with maturity and honesty.

I don't need you for fuck all, stop inflating your ego.

virge ago

See, you're not willing to have an honest conversation.

Demonstrably untrue, you've just got a power complex and I know it bothers you to be left unsatisfied.

The only "string" is showing you're willing to converse with maturity and honesty.

All you have to do is ask. It's always been that simple.

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck you're funny.

Seriously, you make me laugh. The amount of ironic projection & outright delusional replies you offer are a great source of entertainment for me.

I was raised by a psychologist in case you never came across me saying it before.

Think about that next time before you try and play pop-psych games with me.

virge ago

In my observation, the biggest difference between us is our methodology for OpSec.

sguevar ago

@Thelma... come on, comments shouldn't be deleted man... don't behave like the people we hate...

thelma ago

They are free to post their comments w/o deletion by me.

Just not at the Liberty HQ that is SMDC.

I normally do not limit posts that attack our liberty interests; however, Putt is using others to speak for him. Putt is not banned at SMDC. Nor have I tried to ban him.

So I am striking posts from individuals who doing so and are trying to shield Putt. IMO They are trying to post things that Putt wants to be posted but in which Putt can deny to avoid examination by us.

So I am not banning and deleting per se, I am demanding responsibility and accountability.

sguevar ago

As you stated it was in your opinion.

No actual fact nor evidence of the matter. One could argue that you may be right on your assumption but you can also be wrong.

And even if you were right, you have no right to suppress another user's right to speak their mind or whatever they were told to say.

The reason for the comments not to be deleted is for others to see the discussion and make their mimds about it. If you are concerned about u/virge shilling for put express it and try to rpove it but don't delete his comments.

Is all I am asking. You and O have discussed the enforcement of ambiguous rules on subverses opened for subjective interpretation at the whim of power moderation. I thought we were on the same page there. Why are you applying them then?

virge ago

Why are you applying them then?

Because he's a subversive faggot for Israel like all the core of SBBH. They pretend to be for Freedom just like all Jews because it's extremely effective camo.

The post he deleted showed his outright lies, and that bothered team JIDF because he didn't do a very good job at masking his agenda. He lied outright about the feature Putt is developing, and he's not stupid so he did it intentionally.


@crensch @womb_raider @kevdude @kestrel9

sguevar ago

Because he's a subversive faggot for Israel like all the core of SBBH. They pretend to be for Freedom just like all Jews because it's extremely effective camo.

I disagree with your premise here that u/Thelma is subversive and also that all of the SBBH members are also. Even u/Crensch expressed his vexing when he saw that the members of that subverse didn't back him up and appeared to have sided with u/zyklon_b (when in fact they didn't - most didn't like what u/srayzie was doing).

Also, you know perfectly well that I do not trust you and I have also been called subversive by you in the past:

I do see however where the concerns of u/Thelma come from about you shilling for @Puttitout and I quote on that same comment I quoted then:

Either contribute to Voat growing and accept the admin's rules or get the fuck back to Reddit with the rest of the ShariaBlue crew where you belong, you useless lying subverting manipulative piece of shit parasite.

That is just a simple example of how you categorized me in the past. And yet here we are.

However I recognize your right to express yourself and criticise others as you wish. You also know that you stopped deleting your content less than a month ago. You have also engaged on power moderation against me: for asking questions.

Now I am not here to engage in a debate with you on your trustworthiness or not. I am here to defend a user's right to express without suffering power moderation. Coincidentally you are that user. Hence I am also expressing my disappointment on seeing u/Thelma applying subjective rules on you when we discussed the danger of having them both on the site and on subverses:

This is why I am defending you.

The post he deleted showed his outright lies, and that bothered team JIDF because he didn't do a very good job at masking his agenda. He lied outright about the feature Putt is developing, and he's not stupid so he did it intentionally.

Well on here I acknowledge his concern but reserved my judgements until I see it put in practice in the general population of Voat. Then I will express my opinion on it: A user has a right to express his concerns u/virge just as I expressed mines many times about your push for "vote transparency" - most recent example:

Even if you don't agree with those concerns, that doesn't make them any less valid. One day you will have to understand that instead of branding everyone that disagrees with you as subversive, alt or a supporter of the Synagogue of Satan.

u/Thelma might have had it wrong on his perception, or might have not. We can only wait until the feature is put in place in the general population.

virge ago

They are free to post their comments w/o deletion by me.

Just not at the Liberty HQ that is SMDC.

I normally do not limit posts that attack our liberty interests; however, Putt is using others to speak for him. Putt is not banned at SMDC. Nor have I tried to ban him.

So I am striking posts from individuals who do so and are trying to shield Putt IMO. They are trying to post things that Putt wants to be posted but in which Putt can deny to avoid examination by us.

So I am not banning and deleting per se, I am demanding responsibility and accountability.

And Putt is the owner; which puts him under greater accountability rules than other goats.

@crensch @womb_raider @kevdude @kestrel9

kneo24 ago

This looks like a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but you think you can claim the high ground because someone in a position of authority did it to you, instead of you doing it to someone else.

Didn't you go around telling everyone it didn't matter anyway because everything was archived by everyone else? Do you now understand how big of a hypocrite you're being here?

WhiteRonin ago

Virge always deletes his history

virge ago

This looks like a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but you think you can claim the high ground because someone in a position of authority did it to you, instead of you doing it to someone else.

Didn't you go around telling everyone it didn't matter anyway because everything was archived by everyone else? Do you now understand how big of a hypocrite you're being here?

Quoting for future reference now that I've got your posting history locked down, including your deleted posts.

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

kneo24 ago

Cool, so which posts have I deleted? Why also won't you address the blatant hypocrisy of your actions?

WhiteRonin ago

Virge the king of deleted history

virge ago

Why also won't you address the blatant hypocrisy of your actions?

I'd rather laugh at the outright hilarious suggestion that you even understand my actions.

kneo24 ago

The more you change the subject and don't actually address anything, the more of a faggot shill you look like. So.. keep it up. And keep asking for shekels while you make your compilation posts too. You keep doing the work for the rest of us.

virge ago

The more you change the subject and don't actually address anything

Was there some kind of question?

the more of a faggot shill you look like.


kneo24 ago

The fact is, virge, one doesn't need to post a question for you to address comments that are being made. This is more of you sidestepping the obvious, your blatant hypocrisy and tactics to look like a person on the side of "right". You have done this consistently, and when called out on it, you just go, "not uh!" and then continue to do it.

The smart thing to do would to not do these things that people can easily call you out for.

virge ago

So now we go full circle because you've assumed things about my behavior that are not true. This would make your conclusions erroneous.

Now what?

kneo24 ago

None of what you wrote actually addresses what a giant hypocrite you are. Start there.

virge ago

Start there.

Make an actual accusation instead of a baseless accusation and I will.

Stop being a pussy and speak plainly like a goddamn man for once.

kneo24 ago

I find it insanely strange of you to tell someone to "delete" something, as in, "to hide it", when according to you, searchvoat bot auto archives everything.

I also find it insanely strange of you to cry over being banned when for a time, you were being a huge faggot in your own subverse when people were using it legitimately. Even after you stopped, you only did so, not because you understood that it was wrong or cared that it was wrong, but only because of the backlash.

This is stuff people have pointed out to you before, of course. They tell you that you're a hypocrite often, and you dance around it.

virge ago

I find it insanely strange of you to tell someone to "delete" something, as in, "to hide it", when according to you, searchvoat bot auto archives everything.

Respectfully, please refresh my memory.

Either way, I'll just be candid now and say there is a basic OpSec methodology called "poisoning the well". Regardless of if it was a mistake or otherwise, both are effective for this and thus legitimate mistakes are sometimes best left unresolved. How exciting!

I also find it insanely strange of you to cry over being banned when for a time, you were being a huge faggot in your own subverse when people were using it legitimately.

Two high-profile users were banned, and subsequently made a rather large fuss over it. Consider the possibility this was intended to happen.

Even after you stopped, you only did so, not because you understood that it was wrong or cared that it was wrong, but only because of the backlash.

Neither, but thanks for playing. @kevdude

This is stuff people have pointed out to you before, of course. They tell you that you're a hypocrite often, and you dance around it.

No I don't. I simply ignore it, because by very nature of the very boundaries I have set I have no choice but to be a hypocrite at times. If that's going to put your panties into a bunch then I can't help you.

kneo24 ago

Respectfully, please refresh my memory.

How about the title?


Either way, I'll just be candid now and say there is a basic OpSec methodology called "poisoning the well". Regardless of if it was a mistake or otherwise, both are effective for this and thus legitimate mistakes are sometimes best left unresolved. How exciting!

Yes, and its comments like this that lead people to believe you're not a normal user, but instead work for a group. And then you cry when people point out to you how your actions look.

Two high-profile users were banned, and subsequently made a rather large fuss over it. Consider the possibility this was intended to happen.

You're not as powerful as you think you are, but you keep telling yourself that. People are already on to you. They were over a month ago. They will continue to be on to you.

Neither, but thanks for playing. @kevdude

Reality tells a different story, but you go ahead and keep peddling that line.

No I don't. I simply ignore it, because by very nature of the very boundaries I have set I have no choice but to be a hypocrite at times. If that's going to put your panties into a bunch then I can't help you.

But you actually do. You'd rather hurl insults, call them a type 9000 shill bot master. Here you are again, lying. You're also insinuating that you're hypocritical on purpose, which indicates you have loose moral boundaries. Congratulations, you're a piece of shit.

virge ago

How about the title?

"DELETE IT FAST THELMA" was an insult. A jibe. Because thelma deleted my comments in SBBH.

Yes, and its comments like this that lead people to believe you're not a normal user, but instead work for a group. And then you cry when people point out to you how your actions look.

That's preposterous. I'm an American Citizen that knows my Government is the prime offender on spying on everyone and the rest of the Western World is just following suit like a bunch of lemmings because the U.S. is their Military defense force.

I have to develop protective methods, and some of the best are copying my (and yours?) oppressive overlords.

The very basis of OpSec means I've spun so much poison into the post history to throw off the G-man as the primary objective, of course there will be collateral damage to that.

I'm not here to convince you one way or the other, frankly, because by the very nature of the protection I employ it would violate the boundaries I set anyway. I sure as hell don't want to probe you for info about you, because I don't want you to doxx yourself either.

I've always held a strong suspicion it's the ones that ask so many questions that are the ones you should trust the least.

You're not as powerful as you think you are, but you keep telling yourself that. People are already on to you. They were over a month ago. They will continue to be on to you.

And they're all wrong, so what does that say about them? The people watching me are the people I want watching me. Period. I'm speaking to an audience. Some are getting warnings. Others threats. You've demonstrated quite clearly you don't have any clue how to tell the difference.

I've demonstrated time and time again how easy it is to engage the users I'm working on finishing my decision on which side they're on. I can't help it if you think you've got me all figured out, because the very fact that you think you've got me figured out means my defenses are successful.

Reality tells a different story, but you go ahead and keep peddling that line.

Ok. Illustrate it, then. Show some evidence. Maybe then you'll see where you're missing a few pieces of this particular puzzle.

You're also insinuating that you're hypocritical on purpose, which indicates you have loose moral boundaries. Congratulations, you're a piece of shit.

100% of what I post on Vote is for a reason. Including this. I only post what I am comfortable posting. The problem with you "moral types" is you're too easy for our mutual enemies to manipulate.

Motherfucker I spent 4 years compiling painful data on Voat. At times this accidentally DDOS'd the site, and I've always felt pretty bad for that, but I learned how to play nice with Cloudlare.

Is't it interesting that 50% of the worlds Internet traffic goes through Cloudflare? Just how private do you think that is?

Nosferatjew ago

Hypocrisy detected...

beep boop beep

WhiteRonin ago

Virge the history deletion king

virge ago

Hypocrisy detected...

beep boop beep

Subversion declares things as fact without evidence to abuse the uninformed observer.

Your entire post history, in other words. Keep trying, faggot. If you aren't for Israel you're acting in their favor, and that makes you even worse because then you're a brainwashed peon for Jews.

Fuck you, you can keep lying and I'll just keep laughing. Go log into another account. We're watching.

Nosferatjew ago

If you really are watching (lol I'm so scared!!), then you would know I've mainlined this account since u/draaaak was banned. lol you didn't even know I was draaaak until I told you. You ain't watching shit, fag.

Please, for the class, explain how I am a hypocrite, and you are not. Or are you just going to call me a subversive, or JIDF, or some "type" of disingenuous? Come on Wesley, let's have it.

virge ago

Please, for the class, explain how I am a hypocrite, and you are not.

I don't defend myself from the lies of a subversive.

You know your lies, and this is a conversation between us. That's all there is to it.

Cry me a fucking river you Jew shill.

Nosferatjew ago

virge ago

That's right, summon team Israel!

@crensch @womb_raider @kevdude @kestrel9

Rotteuxx ago

Funny, @Crensch is the 1st ping in team Israel.

virge ago

Funny, @Crensch is the 1st ping in team Israel.

So let me get this straight. You're coming in here to accuse Crensch of being Team Israel because he said the following:

No. Zionists want Jews all in one place. Supporting the zionists, which is what you likened me to, is supporting them all being in one place.

Sounds like a win to me.

Explain to me how he's Team Israel based on that. You're basically using the same form of subversion thelma used earlier - lying about something someone said.

Rotteuxx ago

Read the post title you reeeeeeing faggot.

sguevar ago

u/virge you have done the same to me:

Your best approach is not accuse others of what you have done already.

Your best approach is to criticise the power moderation. The difference between my ban on your subverse and the ban you suffered here is that you didn't engage in comment deletion after my ban.

Use that in your defense. Not accusing others of things you have done in the past.

just a friendly advise.

kneo24 ago

There is nothing good about a person who cries about what others are doing while continuing to do the very thing they're crying about. He doesn't want your friendly advise, he wants to play the victim, continually, and disrupt while he's at it.

Nosferatjew ago

Continued hypocrisy detected...

beep beep bip boop

virge ago

P.S. This is why I quote everything I respond to.

fuspezza ago
