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sguevar ago

Like a coward, no pings, no proof of what you say.

Disappointing for I thought that you had logos on you but you are unable to see your flaws.

Such a prideful and resentful man. That got called out on this post showing how untrustworthy and slanderer you really are:

Enjoy your day slanderer :)

virge ago

You have no credibility. You can post stalk me all you'd like. I don't care about you or your lies.

The more time I make you waste trawling through my post history by not pinging you, the less damage you do to others. You're harmless to me, so keep doing exactly what I want you to do. I appreciate it.

sguevar ago

Several users beg to differ with you assessments including the categorization of "false positives".

The more time I make you waste trawling through my post history by not pinging you, the less damage you do to others

I found it on v/all so nice try XD

You're harmless to me, so keep doing exactly what I want you to do. I appreciate it.

Sure I am :)

virge ago

Several users beg to differ with you assessments including the categorization of "false positives".

Several users intended to be kept busy and/or provide evidence to support a thesis did exactly what they were expected to do. News at 11.

sguevar ago

This persona you use exists only to virtue signal.

I only have one account. I am not interested in using other accounts. I have asked you what type of evidence would suffice for you to see that I only have one account and that I am who I say I am. However you are unwilling to follow through.

You provide no proof of your accusations. You just throw what I can only assume are projections of your wrong doings.

It's transparent, mostly because you're not that intelligent and just have a slightly above average vocabulary. Paired with a semi autistic desire to write books about people, this means you are mostly harmless to anyone who just ignores you, really.

I speak 3 languages. My main language is Spanish, I also speak English and French and that might be the reason why my English vocabulary isn't as good as yours. So this proves nothing. My efforts on proving you arr untrustworthy and a slanderer come from the fact that you have thrown false accusations against me since the first interactions you and I had.

I don't give a shit what your audience thinks because if they believe you they're stupid anyway.

Well in that regard you simply show your inability to dialogue unless people agrees with you. You are incapable of holding a debate without trying to attack your detractors. But again whatever your convenience leads you to.

virge ago

My efforts on proving you arr untrustworthy and a slanderer come from the fact that you have thrown false accusations against me since the first interactions you and I had.

And the fact that I know you are a liar comes from the fact that you've lied since before you knew you were interacting with me. Your typing style 2 years ago was literally emoji's and LOL-isms and you expect me to believe you're the same person. That's hilarious.

Well in that regard you simply show your inability to dialogue unless people agrees with you.

Such an adorable virtue signal. It's all you do. Virtue signalling only works when someone doesn't point it out. You won't win with me using them. Good luck, though.

sguevar ago

And the fact that I know you are a liar comes from the fact that you've lied since before you knew you were interacting with me. Your typing style 2 years ago was literally emoji's and LOL-isms and you expect me to believe you're the same person. That's hilarious.

So anyone that uses LMAO and ROFL or XD are to you the same person?

Such an adorable virtue signal. It's all you do. Virtue signalling only works when someone doesn't point it out. You won't win with me using them. Good luck, though.

To be honest with you I am not even trying to win. You proved me right a long time ago. So at this point I am just sharing how deceptive you are.

virge ago

To be honest with you I am not even trying to win. You proved me right a long time ago. So at this point I am just sharing how deceptive you are.

I've highlighted the point that matters to a virtue signal turd like you. You so badly need to be "proven right" that you'll stalk me to get your dopamine. It's just a replacement to Facebook for you. It's also pathetic and embarrassing to watch.

You can claim whatever you want, you just need a concern troll target to virtue signal or your life has no meaning. I'm just your current target.

Jokes on you, because I'm the target of a dozen people just like you and you're one oft he most harmless of them.

sguevar ago

I've highlighted the point that matters to a virtue signal turd like you. You so badly need to be "proven right" that you'll stalk me to get your dopamine. It's just a replacement to Facebook for you. It's also pathetic and embarrassing to watch.

Well that hurt /s

You can claim whatever you want, you just need a concern troll target to virtue signal or your life has no meaning. I'm just your current target.

So you keep projecting...

Jokes on you, because I'm the target of a dozen people just like you and you're one oft he most harmless of them.

As I wish no ill to anyone I don't wish you ill either. I however call you out on your full of shit accusations and coward slanderer behavior. A part from that I have no issue with you at all. I have found some of the posts you have done interesting. But again, your false accusations and you asking for "transparency" when you are the least transparent of all is something that I have a big problem with.

Have a good one.

virge ago

But again, your false accusations and you asking for "transparency" when you are the least transparent of all is something that I have a big problem with.

Yes. This we can agree on. You're not smart enough to see it for what it really is. Virtue signal and concern trolling is the response of a weak mind. You have a weak mind, and it's made even more weak when you're desperately convinced about a conspiracy that doesn't exist because you're oblivious to the methods used.

I really don't get why you bother to keep having these conversations with me. They're just repeats every time. You never get it.

sguevar ago

You're not smart enough to see it for what it really is

If it had been pushed by someone that I trusted then I might of been more supportive of it. Might, because I would still see the potential danger of brigades targeting users. Since you seem to be fair researcher why did you avoid looking at this: ?

That user pushed for the same thing you did, however his approach was to find out who the (((jews))) on this site are to brigade them and persecute them. So anyone that disagreed with him and his post would be considered a (((jew))) to his eyes. Much like what you do with me stating that I am one of multiple alts that attack you.

I have no problem with transparency because I owe nothing to no one. So I fear nothing. I am as stated before, the only one here that doesn't fear being doxxed. Because I stand by my words all the way. You keep attacking my intelligence but you fail to see where I am coming from with my concerns.

You have a weak mind

We all have weaknesses but my mind isn't one of them. However I admit I have other flaws and those will be the Lord's job to judge. Not yours nor anyone that is why I don't care about your continual projections.

I really don't get why you bother to keep having these conversations with me. They're just repeats every time. You never get it.

Again, stop slandering me and I will leave you be. At this point that is my main goal. I don't care what you do with other users. I will however defend myself when I have to from false accusations such as the ones you throw.

virge ago

Again, stop slandering me and I will leave you be.

Oh please, that simply isn't true. Even if I don't mention you, you haven't stopped downvoting everything I say regardless of content and post stalking me for months, why would I expect you to grow up now?

Pure bullshit. You are a concern troll who virtue signals, as much as I'd love to respond to the rest of what you said I've done so repeatedly in the past and it's always been wasted energy so I'm not going to waste my time anymore.

sguevar ago

Oh please, that simply isn't true. Even if I don't mention you, you haven't stopped downvoting everything I say regardless of content and post stalking me for months, why would I expect you to grow up now?

All a man has is his word. I give you my word that I will leave you be if you stop slandering me. That is all you will get from me. You can put me to a test if you like.

Pure bullshit. You are a concern troll who virtue signals, as much as I'd love to respond to the rest of what you said I've done so repeatedly in the past and it's always been wasted energy so I'm not going to waste my time anymore.

I am done with you. I made the post after you continuously kept slandering me. You have in the past posted false accusations against me and without proof. Just your "false positives" and nothing more.

I have no further interest in engaging you outside of some of the posts that you have made against me that have nothing more than a nature to difame me. As stated I have seen interesting posts from you that I have restrain myself from even downvoting despite the fact that I don't trust you.

And yes I am clear with this: I don't trust you, I don't like you. Specially with the ways you conduct yourself and used to conduct yourself (content deletion). But as you were unable to stop the slandering you got what you deserved from my part: the truth of what you did in the past. Now you want this to stop, then you must stop also. It shouldn't be hard for you to do it. I am not even asking for an apology on your false accusations. I am asking you to stop with them.

Does that seems fair to you?

virge ago

I have no further interest in engaging you outside of some of the posts that you have made against me that have nothing more than a nature to difame me.


And yes I am clear with this: I don't trust you, I don't like you.

I don't give a shit about you or your opinion of me. You only post it to virtue signal to your make-believe audience.

But as you were unable to stop the slandering you got what you deserved from my part: the truth of what you did in the past.

If this is what you need to believe to finally stop harassing me, so be it, I don't care that you're oblivious to what really happened because you aren't someone I want on my side against who I'm fighting in the first place. You're not even good for hypothetical fodder.

Does that seems fair to you?

Literally Thank Jesus. Bye.

sguevar ago

So is this an agreement acknowledgement?

Will you stop slandering me further?