sguevar ago

UPDATE: he just created another post for the same reasons:

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

This is why this Jew bitch is mad. Ever since then my CCP is going down rapidly. Almost like desperate Kikes got triggered or something

sguevar ago

You realize that on your post that you give as proof you are also encouraging vote manipulation: and I quote "Fuck SCP/CCP. If needed, i'll make 10 acounts trying to get this suggestion on top of the frontpage. I'll get it done."

Once again, try harder shill:

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

When dealing with Kikes, everything is allowed. I'll break law if it means i get to kill a kike too.

My hatred towards kikes is bigger than "rules"

sguevar ago

Oh and here is the proof of you willing to brigade and vote manipulate to achieve yoru goals as well:

sguevar ago

You are a shill, probably paid for to try to spread the false narratives that the ones like me that out the (((jews in the letter))) will break the law to achieve our goal.

I have given more than enough proof for your shill nature. Try harder at least. Make it fun, because this just is too boring.

sguevar ago

He just now deleted the submission not before he did reply this to me:

What this shill doesn't realize is that I am more than red pilled and that I will always fight back the kikes, that I commonly name as (((jews in the letter))) and the synagogue of satan.

Try harder son.

Mumbleberry ago

Just outed it's self as an alt of the "everybody is a tranny/flat erf" tard. The only ones to ever try to use another users up/down vote ratio. The caps on the first letter of each word in the username is another sign.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Funny how both of you get an upvote after a minute you just commented.

You kikes sure arent that clever

sguevar ago

Maybe because we are both logged in, I am currently on a VPN but if I was really guilty of vote manipulation or farming my account would have been flagged and probably banned.

Weird that the only ones that tend to accuse me of such things are the ones projecting their own flaws isn't?

begone shill. Love from Costa Rica faggot, though my VPN will show right now I am in SF, CA because I am at work.

@PutItOut can confirm that.

There is a saying here in Costa Rica that says: El que nada debe, nada teme that means The one that doesn't owe nothing, fears nothing. Try harder shill.

sguevar ago

Thanks for this ;)

Mumbleberry ago

No problem!

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Loooool. Crazy Kike is talking to itself, and instantly upvoting itself.