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Nosferatjew ago

Says the fag who regularly wipes his own embarassing comment history to hide his true nature and to remove those pesky downvoats that keep piling up.

virge ago

Says the fag who regularly wipes his own embarassing comment history to hide his true nature and to remove those pesky downvoats that keep piling up.

You're a subversive. We've already covered this.

  • Deleting posts with downvotes does not remove the downvotes. You know this, but you're a liar.

Keep rolling out your SBBH socks, JIDF motherfuckers. Don't send the B-team faggots, show me what you've got.

Nosferatjew ago

Deleting posts with downvotes does not remove the downvotes. You know this, but you're a liar.

Oh please, we both know that's not what you really think.

Proof that post was submitted by you :)

PS: it's spelled downvoats...

virge ago

Oh please, we both know that's not what you really think.

That was bait, just like this post was bait.

And like usual, you fall for it!

Nosferatjew ago

Oh right, that was "bait". Then why try to delete your connection to it? Hmm?? My thinks you're full of shit and just trying to hide your blunders.

virge ago

Oh right, that was "bait". Then why try to delete your connection to it? Hmm?? My thinks you're full of shit and just trying to hide your blunders.

You're entitled to your opinion, Shill for Israel.

I don't give a fuck about it. Bye.

Nosferatjew ago

I don't give a fuck about it.

Your rapid-fire responses to my comments lead me to believe otherwise.

Rotteuxx ago

Pull up @Virge's comments from that post with searchvoat, it wasn't bait by any means. He seriously thought he was doing something smart by deleting his history.

virge ago

Pull up @Virge's comments from that post with searchvoat, it wasn't bait by any means. He seriously thought he was doing something smart by deleting his history.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Playing stupid in the face of incomplete data is extremely effective. You do it all the time.

Rotteuxx ago

Playing stupid in the face of incomplete data is extremely effective.

It's not incomplete data when we can pull up all your deleted comments.

Fucking retard.

You do it all the time.

Baseless character attack, supply proof of what you accuse me of.

Fucking retard.

virge ago

It's not incomplete data when we can pull up all your deleted comments.

Proof? =D

Baseless character attack, supply proof of what you accuse me of.

Oh yes. Very sage. Very wise. Provide proof of something that by it's very nature cannot be proven. GENIUS!

SBBH trash are so predictable.

Rotteuxx ago

Proof? =D

Oh yes. Very sage. Very wise. Provide proof of something that by it's very nature cannot be proven. GENIUS!

If you claim I do something all the time, then you can easily supply evidence of what it is I do.

Fuck you're intellectually lazy.

virge ago

That's not what you said. You claimed to have my deleted messages. Any idiot can use SearchVoat.

If you claim I do something all the time, then you can easily supply evidence of what it is I do.

Of course I can, but we aren't finished dealing cards so I'm not paying my hand.

Fuck you're intellectually lazy.

Nah. I've just observed you long enough to know what pushes your buttons, so I'm enjoying myself. It's like fishing with dynamite.

Rotteuxx ago

So you admit to being a fallacious troll not worthy of being taken seriously & treated with respect.

virge ago

So you admit to being a fallacious troll not worthy of being taken seriously & treated with respect.


You're entitled to your opinion, but since you're probably paid to have it I know I can't sway it anyway.

Rotteuxx ago

That's intellectual laziness again.

Would a paid shill have supplied all the OC that I have over the years, 99% of which is made possible by my career as a welder & shop manager ? Also which consistently comes verifiably from the exact same work environment ?

Would a paid shill have made a voat merchandise proposal and verifiably sent samples to multiple users as gifts ?

Would a paid shill have verifiably sent money to a user when he and his wife were having hard times and needed all the help they could get to keep their heads above water ?

You see, retardedly calling me a paid shill is just about the stupidest strategy you could employ to attack my character. It does nothing but show others how delusionaly moronic your thought patterns are.

You've killed any credibility you've ever had on this platform already and just keep creating drama & harassing users.

You're a shit disturber, one who does it with loads of motivation just like a real shill would.

@ar47 @heygeorge @nadeshda @digitalentity1497 @puttitout

virge ago

So cute, you're willing to stop acting like a fucking toddler long enough to be serious.

Welcome to the club, I hope you stay longer.

Rotteuxx ago

Welcome to the club

Bwahahahahaha !

Your post history contradicts your self righteous delusion. Fuck you're pathetic !

virge ago

Your post history contradicts your self righteous delusion. Fuck you're pathetic !

So what's your issue with Putt?

Rotteuxx ago

Totally irrelevant to the subject at hand and an extremely shitty attempt at redirecting the conversation.

virge ago

Totally irrelevant to the subject at hand and an extremely shitty attempt at redirecting the conversation.

Oh. I see. You think you have some kind of control. How adorable. I guess if you're afraid of the question, otherwise why not include it?

Lets start from ground zero. Restate your current issue on whatever your problem is.

Rotteuxx ago

You're attempting to control the conversation and I ain't letting you, big difference and more projection on your part.

Why do you want to switch the subject to @puttitout ?

Answer that and I'll acknowledge your inquiry.

virge ago

You're attempting to control the conversation and I ain't letting you, big difference and more projection on your part.

Quite the opposite, and it's disingenuous for you to pretend otherwise. We're both smarter than that, so you can stop the stupid act.

I've been mostly disinterested and attempting to disengage, and you've been trying to control the conversation. It just ruffled your poor lil' jimmies when I pointed it out, so you're now weaving a counter-narrative. It's all so boring and such a waste of your intelligence. Why bother?

Why do you want to switch the subject to @puttitout ?

Answer that and I'll acknowledge your inquiry.

That's not a very strong negotiation. See the subtext there? Of course you do, so feel free to choke on it.

I was skipping ahead 20 steps in this particular Chess game. Your normal script is like watching bad reruns so I'm not giving this a lot of energy. Answering the question on Putt in public would guide the rest of what you've been jumping up and down like a figurative jack russel fuckin' terrier trying to get my attention for this entire time.

Your turn, since you still want to play this match one piece at a time like a goddamn sadist.

Rotteuxx ago

I've been mostly disinterested and attempting to disengage

It's called letting go and not replying.

That's not a very strong negotiation. See the subtext there? Of course you do, so feel free to choke on it.

Ramble on

I was skipping ahead 20 steps in this particular Chess game.

You overestimate yourself.

Answering the question on Putt in public would guide the rest of what you've been jumping up and down like a figurative jack russel fuckin' terrier trying to get my attention for this entire time.

That's a non-answer, more of a tantrum really.

Your turn, since you still want to play this match one piece at a time like a goddamn sadist.

I have my answer ready to be copy pasted but since you chose to answer like an emotional child you'll have to do better to get it.

Answer with maturity, in the spirit of having an honest conversation. Yes I'm moving the goal post but the subtext makes it obvious why, you can't give a straight answer.

virge ago

Motherfucker you know damn well the boundaries I've set and why I can't give you the straight answer you'd prefer.

I don't need your copy paste job if it comes with strings. If you didn't need me you wouldn't even be here.

Rotteuxx ago

See, you're not willing to have an honest conversation.

The only "string" is showing you're willing to converse with maturity and honesty.

I don't need you for fuck all, stop inflating your ego.

virge ago

See, you're not willing to have an honest conversation.

Demonstrably untrue, you've just got a power complex and I know it bothers you to be left unsatisfied.

The only "string" is showing you're willing to converse with maturity and honesty.

All you have to do is ask. It's always been that simple.

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck you're funny.

Seriously, you make me laugh. The amount of ironic projection & outright delusional replies you offer are a great source of entertainment for me.

I was raised by a psychologist in case you never came across me saying it before.

Think about that next time before you try and play pop-psych games with me.

virge ago

In my observation, the biggest difference between us is our methodology for OpSec.