hangry ago

Go fuck yourself.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Cry more faggot

C_Corax ago

I really don't care about any of that shit, but as far as having run online communities Reddit is the absolute last thing I would mention out loud.

Hydrocephalus ago

Bullshit. I was able to use the internet in Iraq and Afghanistan and that was 10 years ago. You claim to be at a regular duty station (pcs orders) yet claim to not be able to access the internet? Voat is full of real veterans, you'd be better off making up some other shit like you were in jail, at least then your story would be consistent.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I was on a cutter dipshit. You had the luxury of being on land. Must have been nice to sip tea and fuck prostitutes all day. You land ladies have no idea how good you had it.

Hydrocephalus ago

You were at sea on a cutter for two years? More bullshit. If you're going to make up a story at least make it believable.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You're a got-damn fucking moron. I'm legit laughing out loud right now at all these keyboard worries who seriously think they know anything outside of what they had to do. Let me guess, you were a marine hahahahahahaa

Hydrocephalus ago

You're pretending that you were in the coast guard and couldn't get on the internet. Your story is transparent bullshit that no one believes.

lets_get_hyyerr ago


LOL okay, next one next one!

Hydrocephalus ago

It's funny because you're pretending to be in the coast guard yet at the same time claiming you were deployed for two whole years with only "navy" internet which means you are pretending to have been at sea the whole time, So what exactly did your pretend COAST guard cutter do for two whole years that you had to be out at sea?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Keep going. This is good. I brought over my buddy to read this too. More please

Hydrocephalus ago

You're pretending you couldn't use social media due to being overseas relying on "navy internet" however you are claiming to be in the coast guard which has a very limited overseas role. Mostly concerning port security. So you expect us to believe you weren't able to use voat for two years yet your story doesn't check out. You would be on a base, at most going out for short missions. And your claim that "navy internet" filters out social media is bullshit. In short, you made a bunch of stupid claims and no one believes you.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

LMAO holy shit this is great.


Get fucked loser 🤣🤣

Hydrocephalus ago

I see you deleted your post. Makes sense, once you realized how stupid your story was you had to back down and hide evidence. Fortjnately I can still access the post because I commented and you replyed so I'm going to screen shot this shit. Next time try to make up a more beleivable story, instead of pretending you were at sea for two years and unable to access regular internet while in the COAST guard.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Yea I deleted it but not because your crayon eating ass is here LOL why do you keep capitalizing coast? I'd love to know your reasoning.... this should be good

And you cant screenshot shit because theres nothing there you fucking moron hahahahahaha did you click the link I sent you? It's a surprise!

Hydrocephalus ago

Because you were in the COAST guard, which means you were in a coast guard station, which means overwhelmingly likely you were in america the whole time. Unless you count puerto rico as overseas, lol. You pretend you weren't able to access regular internet, that "navy internet" wouldn't let you have access to social media, which is false. But more to the point you were stationed at a BASE which means you had access to regular internet, even if you were in guam, the one coast guard base that could actually be considered overseas. Your story foesn't check out, that's why you deleted it, you know you're lying.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

This is fucking great hahahaha you're THE atypical internet user who thinks they know someone's life, of whomever they've never met lol God damn this is perfect and I love voat so I can keep egging on idiots like you to keep puking more idiotic nonsense.

More plz

Hydrocephalus ago

Your just retreating into snark because you know you've been found out. You have claimed that the reason you were off of voat for two years is because you couldn't access voat on the "navy internet" yet from the pcs orders you posted it is clear you are claiming to be in the coast guard. The coast guard, being the COAST guard, guards the coasts. Which means your missions are brief, and you spend a fair amount of time back at a base, where you would be able to access regular internet. You are a liar, and not even a good one.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Tbh I've stopped reading what you're even saying anymore. Your head is so far up your ass now that you just cant stop. Please keep going

Hydrocephalus ago

Coast guard has internet, you are a liar.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

That's what you've devolved all of this down to? God damn those crayons must be getting to you

Hydrocephalus ago

You're just sad no one is believing your lies.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Yup, he's got his tail between his legs at this point, @lets_get_hyyerr got caught BS'ing real vets

lets_get_hyyerr ago


Next time you are inJersey, let me know so I can beat your face in.

Not much gets me pissed but anti military, soylent pansies like you who never served and pretend like they did do.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

So-called orders show stationed until 2020

Claims not to be in the military now

Uh-oh, say whaaaat? https://i.imgtc.com/00vlQqS.jpg

You're stretching now, poser fake military alt

Your ShareBlue supervisor's gonna be pissed you screwed up this alt so much, it's unrecoverable now

srayzie ago

Your ShareBlue supervisor's gonna be pissed you screwed up this alt so much, it's unrecoverable now


lets_get_hyyerr ago

you guys really are a bunch of autistic retards. How were you in the service but dont know 4 years of active and 4 years of obligation to be called up at anytime if need be?

You guys are trying so hard but you keep coming up with nothing. That's why this is all so entertaining for me. It's a bunch of monkeys trying to figure out a puzzle that doesnt exist

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Your PCS "orders" showed duty assignment ending in 2020. Ya kind of fucked up real bad there, sport.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

No, I actually didnt you dirty civilian. Contracts are 8 years. 4 active, 4 inactive. I'm in my 4 inactive years now

Once again, you guys come up with ZILCH on me because i already put it out there. Face it, you've got nothing on me because there is nothing on me and no one fucked up because there was nothing to fuck up. Your chasing ghosts now. Why are you wasting time. Seriously. 5 hours later and you guys have gone full circle on me.

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Hydrocephalus ago

If you are in your 4 inactive then why does your order say 2020, yet you claim you are just now getting out of a two year assignment where you couldn't access the internet? Doesn't add up, you're lying.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

You get a DD214 when you change from active to reserve status

The last guy who showed me a fake DD214, was physically removed from one of my rental units for bullshittery ("tenant application fraud")

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Tenant application fraud? Never heard of that. No, I have no dd214 as the 2020 contract is not up. We already talked about the 2020 part. For the 3rd time back to square 1.

I sustained vision loss due to the computer screens from my job but wasnt cut loose officially since that doesnt impact the majority of my old job. I'm obligated to go to 2020 incase they need me but i'm no longer in that profession. I've moved on

I have given you all the stuff I can while removing any and all sensitive info. Logically, which I assume you understand, I cant give you more

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

It's a California thing - you were in Petaluma, either for training or you lived here awhile, so you might have heard of such a thing if you were a renter. A rental agreement is a contract, and lying on it or the application that led to it, is considered contract fraud and therefore an invalidating breach. An eviction can be accelerated based on such a fraud.

I happened to give the guy a break of $200 per month on what was otherwise $800 per month for rent. He had an emotional support cat, and I happen to like cats - a lot. Guy was in his 40s, and knew enough about the Green Berets to answer a few basic questions intelligently. After a month, however, his stories went from a bit stretched to far out to no-fucking-way. So, I dug a bit. Enough to find out he'd changed his name, had commited fraud 2 years prior to tenancy, and received a Bad Conduct Discharge while stationed in Texas. The real Green Berets dudes, at the stolen valor site, keyed me in that one of his last whoppers was complete bullshit. He'd claimed to be stationed in a specific African nation at a specific time, and claimed to witness a chain of specific events. The real dudes told me a) no GB's were in that particular country in the stated year, b) the events the liar told about, didn't happen, and c) the GB he claimed was standing next to him & killed, did not in fact exist as a real person (nor was a fellow GB) -- so I showed up with an eviction letter drawn up by my attorney, and kicked the guy the fuck out.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Did you get your $200 back?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

No, I had to give him back his $600 deposit though

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Well that's just fucked. if I remember correctly, as shitty as a tenant may be, they usually have better protection then landlords

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Usually, unless they lied their way into the tenant contract -- or so my lawyer said

His letter worked well, so I trust him

He's pretty crazy - great lawyer, raised rich, now he's practically homeless. I shit you not, he wears a $2000 suit that's ratty. We haven't got along since I found out he watches gay anime porn, or whatever it's called. He did NOT like being made fun of. Anyway, he writes a great "get the hell out" eviction letter.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

gay anime porn

Tell him he needs to gas himself asap.

Also I didnt know a 2k suit could be ratty. Dude must have horrible taste

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Heh, we haven't spoken in about 3 years. I think he has good taste, his dad was filthy rich. But the apple fell far from the tree, moneywise, in fact rolled downhill into a compost pile. Literally, the suit looks like rats chewed on it in places.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Btw this is hydro right now. Pepe Silva from Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia


lets_get_hyyerr ago

He was getting BAH while in school? I thought everyone lived on base like every other military base. That dude sounds like a HORRIBLE renter. 800 a month for an apartment is very doable, especially if he was getting cali bah rates. My god

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

He had been out of the service for a number of years. He said he was an "IT Manager" for one of the local casinos. Turns out, he was a Windows Tech Support / Customer Service dude making $15/hr. Um, yeah.... supposedly a GB commo NCO, riiiiiggggghhhht -- those dudes make north of $80k/yr for the rest of their lives. I was a sucker for his initial pity story, that's what.

I'm way up north in California, have a nice house & handful of acres along the coast. It's nice digs. I rent the mother-in-law unit, plus 3 other apartments.

It's rural, don't want a fraudster & liar around.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

HAHAHAHA Windows support tech! Lol they give those jobs to the towel heads in India! That's fucking great.

Northern cali. Please tell me you're in the legal marijuana business. Northern cali is all about that right? Last time i was there I passed through a town literally called "weed"

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Yeah, legit - actually one of our firms helps people get legit, licensed and so forth. Mainly we sell equipment.

I've been to Weed a few times, on the way to Mount Shasta. MS is great, only like 500 people and yet 12 hippie shops selling healing crystals. It's like, if an ancient civilization based on crystals really existed in the past, rubbing them all over your body without understanding the technology is a bit like someone not familiar with electricity rubbing a toaster on themselves hoping it cures the flu.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Lmao that's great. I did see a lot of hippies in the area. That being said, I'd rather have hippies over snooty LA dwellers anyday.

Also, i'll have to keep that in mind about your firm. A buddy of mine wants to get into the business out in cali. I may send him your way

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Aw, the market crashed here. Better to set up shop in one of the newly legalized states. Oklahoma or Michigan. A lot of Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendo farmers have pulled up stakes, sold or closed their farms, and heading out to the Midwest.

The green rush is heading East, not West. Unless your bud is vying for a distribution license or has some unique manufacturing angle - lots of money to be made in post-harvest.

Hydrocephalus ago

He said the guy had a bad conduct discharge, the military doesn't keep paying you after they've kicked you out.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

That makes sense. I'll cut ya some slack, either for telling the truth or for spinning all of this into some really top grade bullshit. Artistry should be rewarded, and if it's crap, damn kid that's some really good crap.

You definitely get a DD214 when you get out of active duty, all military branches. Whether it's with a good conduct discharge, or any other kind. SPN 270-something for disabilities, I believe.

Hydrocephalus ago

So now he is backing out of saying he is out of the military. It would be odd for someone to pretend to be in the coast guard but since some of his story is definitely bullshit it is hard to tell when the bullshit stops if it does at all.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Yeah, it's over the top for sure.

Well, it's also been entertaining. This young turk has been an active Redditor mod, making posts over there the whole time he claimed to be on some gov't locked down network for 2 years. I figure, he's fullashit but just go with it by now. If @gabara can pretend to be a 300 foot Japanese monster, well then, @lets_get_hyyerr can pretend to be a Coast Yard yeoman or whatever. Me, I pretend to be a caveman in a suit. Though I haven't worn a suit since taking a professional job in the legit cannabis industry, and shaved my beard off when I stopped being a college professor.

It's all for the lulz, Brother Hydro, all for the lulz

srayzie ago

Well that was fun lol. I say you won. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

gabara ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Fuck, I'm busted. I shall spank midgets beneath a shrine to @TheBuddha tonight as pennance. Or pennants. Or perhaps make pendants. Depends on which strain is in the cupboard.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, he won't even have his dd214 or anything yet. You serve for x-amount and your commitment is actually longer. Those fuckers could call me back for years. I'm so stupid, I did it twice. Mostly 'cause the GI Bill used to be kinda shitty.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

If you're active duty, then civvie or reserves or whatever, then active again... you'd wind up with two DD214's, but the old one would be superseded yeah?

TheBuddha ago

That's mostly correct. The first is still valid, but no longer really important because you've signed a new contract.

As I understand it.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

This article explains the process fully -> https://themilitarywallet.com/use-dd-form-256-obtain-dd-form-214/

I don't expect you'd read that, but I posted it in case anyone else following the conversation is curious

Basically, anyone who serves on Active Duty gets a DD214 if active for more than 90 days - whether they are regular military, Reserves, or National Guard. The DD214 comes at the end of their active duty status. They get a different form for their Reserve and Guard non-active time. Every time they get called back up for Active Duty, their DD214 will get updated to show the start/end dates of their Active Duty status. So, yeah the new one with additional dates takes the place of the old one.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I have two. But, I'm not actually an expert in military law. I was also two distinct contracts. I wasn't called back. I'm positive I have my original one somewhere. I keep stupid shit like that.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Me too - needed it for awesome GI Bill bennies, plus the VA loan. I used a VA Loan to buy a short sale house, which is a long and amazing tale that I won't waste your time or mine typing.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, they'd only cover four years of school. So, I couldn't pay to live during grad school. I went back for four more, thinking I'd save money. I did not.

Fortunately, I was able to get a stipend from DEC and the scholarship was still offered. So, I finished my commitment and went to grad school.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You guys just wont accept the truth lol or facts with verifiable evidence for that matter, but I think you get the gist.

Hope you like seeing my username on voat cause we be best friends now

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I take the position that we are all assholes, myself included. Try not to take anyone too seriously, and enjoy making fun of people who do - I think that's the main point of SBBH, actually.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Well after this indoctronation period is over, I'd love to be apart of SBBH with you guys. Unfortunately I got banned today -_-

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

That's part of the indoctrination

Hydrocephalus ago

We'd be able to accept the facts, if you kept them consistent. Did you finish a four year obligation like you said earlier, or did you do two years then get put on some sort of never before seen medical reserves where you still have two years left but aren't being med boarded?

Hydrocephalus ago

He seems ok, I've been reading through his comments. Your right, if he's saying weird stuff but otherwise harmless what's the harm?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Right on, bruddah

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Are you not reading what's being said between @Caveman_in_a_suit and I? Literally no one is backing out of anything. I'm not sure you're comprehending what's be said or following it. It must be that you aren't following it so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt here since this is very easy to follow

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

shoosh, you

just roll with it

you'll ruin the fun

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Fine 😶

Hydrocephalus ago

It looks like you've been lying about being out of the military, now you claim to be in, pending disability discharge. I still don't believe the bullshit about not being able to use voat for two years because of "navy internet".

lets_get_hyyerr ago

That's not even what's happening. At all, in the slightest in any way shape or form. I genuinely think you're confused. You mention the navy which gives it all away that you are confused

Either way, as I told others; get used to me because i'm not leaving voat and you certainly arent going to bother me lol

Hydrocephalus ago

You said specifically in an earlier post that the reason you were off voat for two years was the "navy internet" had firewalls which blocked voat, as well as facebook instagram, etc... You've been fending off so many people calling you on your bullshit you've forgotten what I was calling you out on to begin with.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Literally never said navy internet. Please find me the comment. If I did, I will concede that I did but it sounds like you're making up shit now to fit your narrative like a liberal would

I havent been fending off people. I've been entertaining myself with the typical goat which is rightfully skeptic. Once again your back to stage 0

Hydrocephalus ago

Here you are saying government internet

when you're underway on a cutter, once again, you're using government internet. on government computers, you cannot access "dirty" websites such as facebook, Instagram, twitter and other websites which are blocked by a firewall.

Here you are saying you "got out" which you are now saying is not true.

I was never kicked out. never said I was or mentioned it. I did my time state side, left, then came back and got out

So you did say "government" not navy, but you did also say you were out, even though your orders don't match that, and now you are saying you are still in but disabled so you don't have your DD214 yet.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Okay so you're wrong when you said I "precisely" said "navy internet". Got it. I dont expect you to say you're wrong, so I will. I knew you were confused.

And yes, as I've already squared away, i'm out, working another job full time and not active anymore but my contract requires me to be "ready recallable" at any moments notice.

Once again, you are wrong and you're so wrong you're arguing semantics now. I dont get a dd214 until 2020 which was already squared away too. I'm not active anymore and no longer actively participate at all with my old job but need to be able to be called up for a war or whatever.

Once again you're back to square 1 and made no progress at all with this. Everyone else has already figured out theres no bamboozeling here nor is there any false info. You're the only one continuing this and not going anywhere. I'm down to keep this up with you though if it makes you feel like you got somewhere

Maybe you're so astonished that someone actually proved something they said.

Hydrocephalus ago

You don't get a DD214 at the end of your 8 years, you get it when you are separated. You said you finished your four years and are in a four year inactive status. At that point you would get a DD214, and at the end of the four years inactive you would get the honorable discharge certificate. Your story keeps changing, and it doesn't add up. But @Caveman_in_a_suit made a good point to me, what does it matter if you're making shit up? You were off voat for two years because whatever reason you really had and maybe you're embarrassed so you pretend it was because you couldn't do it because you were in the coast guard, which is weird but whatever. There is no progress to be made, your info is false for the simple reason your dates don't add up, 2020 is two years away, either you just got out of a 4 year obligation and have 4 years of IRR in which case youd be out in 2022, or you are still in but getting medically discharged because you suffered vision loss due to staring at a screen all day (in which case why are you on voat right now if screens hurt your eyes?) The most reasonable answer is none of the above and you don't want to tell the truth because of whatever reasons you have, but that's on you.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

You don't get a DD214 at the end of your 8 years, you get it when you are separated. You said you finished your four years and are in a four year inactive status. At that point you would get a DD214, and at the end of the four years inactive you would get the honorable discharge certificate.

That about sums it up - though someone still gets a DD214 even with less than an honorable discharge. Some discharges have a special code, medical discharges I think are the 270-series.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You don't get a DD214 at the end of your 8 years, you get it when you are separated

You couldn't be farther from the truth. Wow lol once again, you re wrong and clearly do not know what you're talking about, but i'll keep entertaining you.

You get a dd214 when you separate yes, but not until your contract is fulfilled which mine is fulfilled in 2020. I live a totally separate, different life now from what I did before career wise, but I'm still contractually obligated for another year.

You keep trying to stay afloat but you keep sinking lol give it a rest now. You literally will not get anywhere.

Hydrocephalus ago

So what you are saying is you did not finish your four year obligation like you said, but that you are still under your contract, which expires in 2020. So unless you signed a six year contract you only did two years and are now hanging out on medical disability pending discharge. I'm skeptical of that to say the least, that the military would not just put you on light duty somewhere for the rest of your contract, or just medically discharge you. Your story does not seem at all truthful and it keeps changing.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Bro, honestly, at this point you seriously have zero idea what you're saying anymore. This last comment made even less sense then the one before it and had more skewed interpretations of something that is so straight forward even a monkey can understand it.

This is 100% you right now

Time to move on. I'm moving on. Get used to me on voat. Bye

Hydrocephalus ago

You said

Contracts are 8 years. 4 active, 4 inactive. I'm in my 4 inactive years now

But now you are saying you don't have a DD214 which you would have got if you were in your four years of IRR because

You get a dd214 when you separate yes, but not until your contract is fulfilled which mine is fulfilled in 2020

Unless you are trying to say you think you don't get your DD214 until your IRR term is up which is totally wrong, and if you are saying 2020 is the year your IRR is up you'd have separated in 2016, not 2018.

Your timeline just doesn't add up.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Okay Pepe Silva.

Hydrocephalus ago

I look forward to seeing you around voat, you are certainly crazy and have something you are hiding to make up this whole fake coast guard thing. Keep it crazy!

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

PCS - permanent change of station

Supposed orders to be at a new duty station until 2020

Now saying you didn't end your full assigned tour - and somehow ETS'd from active duty to reserve status, in the middle of a duty assignment? I ain't buying that bag of crackers. PCS orders don't come unless you have adequate time remaining in service.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

sigh here we are back to stage 0 again. 6 hours later now and still nothing

TheBuddha ago

@caveman_in_a_suit, he is correct. That's how it works. I'd have to dig really deep, but I still have my same paperwork.

And, at you, thanks for the lift.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Can someone please unban be from SBBH now lol

TheBuddha ago



Nobody wants to be unbanned from SBBH.

NOW there's something fishy!

LOL I'll get you squared away momentarily.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Thank you Haha

Hydrocephalus ago

You keep using that lie of the 8 year service obligation explaining your date, when you are in your orders show the time you are sent to leave based on you end of active service or eas, not your 8 year date.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I no longer care to extrapolate any further because now you're all just legit batshit insane, running around in circles saying the same thing. Still nothing from anyone because there is nothing

Hydrocephalus ago

You mean you have got caught in too many lies and now you're giving up.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Well, I figure the bullshit runneth low - but curiosity has me wondering when you're gonna run completely dry

The last time I had this much fun running a troll out of Voaterville, it took a week to clear away the leftover tar and feathers

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Still got nothing I see. Back to square 1 with ya!

Hydrocephalus ago

The puzzle doesn't exist because you made it up. It is painfully obvious you are lying.

Mumbleberry ago

Anybody puts 6 links to eddit in a post can go jump in a lake. In winter.