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CatsControlTheEU ago

So do you want to discuss what's actually going on and explain your position to someone not involved?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

It's a long-ish story but i'll be happy to explain. Do you want the short version or long version. Both end up with these guys attacking me with gore and porn posts then bitching that i'm removing gore and porn spam

CatsControlTheEU ago

Whatever version you prefer to explain will be fine. I'll read either.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Not too long ago, @PuttItOut comments on what I think Voat can do to fix some of the issues it has, regarding the Mod/Janitor issue where some are inactive while others are killing the site. I offered my idea of having long time users of the website temporarily stand in place while Voat goes through a transition. The already great idea of having a removal system has already been talked about quite a bit and I wanted to bring a new idea up. Afterwards, I approached @kevdude offering my assistance in anyway I can. I like to research into shills, spam accounts, SCP/CCP farms et all on Voat. It helps pass the time when work is slow during the winter.

To give an example of my idea, I used myself because that was the best example I knew at the time. I mentioned I was a mod on reddit over 3 years ago for dankmemes, memes, pizzagate and uncensored news. A couple of the SBBH "mods" weren't happy with me having been on Reddit, even though it was a long time ago. So, they start to question me. They question why I wasnt active on Vote for a while and I tell them why (because I left for a job in the military) and even provide actual proof to back up this claim with pictures and dates to corroborate it. SBBH mods @TheBuddha and @argosciv were able to verify what I was saying. Although what I shared is real and they were able to corroborate it, there was still some doubt which I completely understand.

I dont remember how, but somehow /v/pizzagate came up and I additionally proved that I was invited to mod there as well and explained why I never went through with actually modding it. Anyway, a couple of the other SBBH mods didnt like the idea of anyone at all and decided to go full doxx mode on me. Berate me, attack me, downvote brigade me as well as post gore to my subs and then as I removed them, claim I went "full reddit mod" or what have you. They even went as far as to make up actual, CNN tier fake news about me and literally went full reddit bitch mode, trying to pass fake news as fact. That was pretty sad to see as these are the people who are supposedly trusted members of Voat.

Anyhow, they say the timeline of me leaving and coming back doesnt line up, when it does. The issue therein is the fact that I did not share this proof with all of them but only the ones who mattered. They are still attacking me almost 24 hours later after all of this happened. No new discoveries have been made about me because I already spilled it all, so they resorted to actual spam and gore. They really dont like me and they are trying very hard to bother me.

I deleted some of my miscellaneous, useless comments as they were being targeted for vote brigading, but left all of the important ones. I happily ask you to look through my comments to vet what I am saying and see for yourself. There's nothing to hide here

Hydrocephalus ago

You lied about being in the coast guard. You claim to not have a DD214 despite being in the inactive reserves, you claim your "contract" is up in 2020 and that you did 4 years of active service and are now in the inactive reserves, this would mean you left active service in 2016 and that you would have a DD214, which is awarded at the end of active, not inactive, service. Here is a link to my comment which has archived your comments as well as a link to the coast guard stating you receive a dd214 after active service, not inactive reserve time.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

You lied about being in the coast guard

Gas yourself ASAP faggot. Proof

You claim to not have a DD214 despite being in the inactive reserves, you claim your "contract" is up in 2020 and that you did 4 years of active service and are now in the inactive reserves, this would mean you left active service in 2016 and that you would have a DD214, which is awarded at the end of active, not inactive, service.

I do NOT have a dd214 as I am NOT separated until 2020 at which point I WILL receive one. That would NOT mean I left in 2016 because you can EXTEND a contract and change inactive to active. Something I absolutely, 100% am sure you know nothing about as you arent in the service or ever have been. A dd214 is awarded upon separation and seeing as I am NOT seperated, I do NOT have one yet.

You're a faggot. You all are for trying to post fake news.

Seriously, get fucked so hard with this bullshit hahahaha this is great. archive this comment so Voat will always remember this moment

Hydrocephalus ago

You said

Contracts are 8 years. 4 active, 4 inactive. I'm in my 4 inactive years now

If that was the case you would have a DD214

lets_get_hyyerr ago

you got got faggot.

kill yourself

Hydrocephalus ago

Here is my comment if you don't want to follow the link:

He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguably the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits. Link:

Please be aware that the DD-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty. It is not issued upon completion of a member's contractual reserve obligation. Only continuous active duty of 90 days or greater are authorized a DD-214.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

Edit: added archive link added coast guard link added text from link stating when someone gets a dd214

lets_get_hyyerr ago


Hydrocephalus ago

Laugh all you want, the proof is palin to see that you are lying

He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguably the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits. Link:

Please be aware that the DD-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty. It is not issued upon completion of a member's contractual reserve obligation. Only continuous active duty of 90 days or greater are authorized a DD-214.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

Edit: added archive link added coast guard link added text from link stating when someone gets a dd214

lets_get_hyyerr ago


this is amazing. you're officially the most pathetic one on voat to me now lol congrats

Hydrocephalus ago

I admire your dedication to your pretend persona, it doesn't change the fact that you are an obvious liar because you don't know how DD214s work

He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguably the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits. Link:

Please be aware that the DD-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty. It is not issued upon completion of a member's contractual reserve obligation. Only continuous active duty of 90 days or greater are authorized a DD-214.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

Edit: added archive link added coast guard link added text from link stating when someone gets a dd214

lets_get_hyyerr ago

you are officially a literal jew on voat for ignoring that you got totally invalidated lmfao my god you jews are fucking hilarious

Hydrocephalus ago

You claim to have left active duty, yet you claim to not have a DD214. This shows you are a fraud.

He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguably the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits. Link:

Please be aware that the DD-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty. It is not issued upon completion of a member's contractual reserve obligation. Only continuous active duty of 90 days or greater are authorized a DD-214.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

Edit: added archive link added coast guard link added text from link stating when someone gets a dd214

lets_get_hyyerr ago

aww, you're repeating yourself after you got shit on HAHAHAHAH oh man it gets better

Hydrocephalus ago

It hammers the message home, you've been outed as a fraud

He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguably the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits. Link:

Please be aware that the DD-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty. It is not issued upon completion of a member's contractual reserve obligation. Only continuous active duty of 90 days or greater are authorized a DD-214.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

Edit: added archive link added coast guard link added text from link stating when someone gets a dd214

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Keep repeating yourself. It only makes you look desperate. Plus i'm getting a real kick out of this having just shut you the fuck down real hard 🤣

Hydrocephalus ago

I love repeating it, because it is really an i arguable point that you A) claimed to be in the "inactive" portion of your contract and B) claim to not have a DD214. Together that makes you a liar, as even the coast guard has pointed out

He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguably the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits. Link:

Please be aware that the DD-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty. It is not issued upon completion of a member's contractual reserve obligation. Only continuous active duty of 90 days or greater are authorized a DD-214.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

Edit: added archive link added coast guard link added text from link stating when someone gets a dd214