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lets_get_hyyerr ago

It takes a Psychiatrist to tell us something we've already been saying. Where's my PhD

cthulhu69 ago

Same place as your made up CG service

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Ahh, another one from the SBBH cabal throwing up the same garbage regardless of the fact that I already gave proof of my claims. Voat already hates you guys. No need to perpetuate their beliefs about you any further

Hydrocephalus ago

[–] Hydrocephalus 1 points (+2|-1) 4 days ago (edited 4 days ago) He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguably the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits. Link:

Please be aware that the DD-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty. It is not issued upon completion of a member's contractual reserve obligation. Only continuous active duty of 90 days or greater are authorized a DD-214.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

cthulhu69 ago

Was looking for that, couldn't find it, thanks!

insectacide ago

so the dude claims your an alt account. after about 10 seconds of looking at your comment strings and content of those comments, it's safe to say that they are probably right.

you're still both gigantic fags. no one cares about your stupid drama

Shizy ago

You've been here four days and you seem to know so much about voat and other users. Hmmmmm... Seems like YOU'RE the alt!