aussie_fuckin_legend ago

It's Miss!!!!!

Gumbatron ago

They just remain men with severe mental illness.

Walk1 ago

Indeed, and worse they start to think they are something they cannot be.

Blehblehbleh73 ago


VeryOffended ago

Valedictorian in my high school was Chinese and rejected from Johns Hopkins. Brazilian girl who was #42 got a full ride.

wgtt911 ago

Not the ones that shop at gamestop...

timsindie ago

wait till they ban him on twitter. that will teach him.

tokui ago

Their admissions are screwy also, just like the others. And they play virtue games like the Baltimore scholars program that only requires B avg grades to qualify.

tokui ago

After they installed "africana" studies dept, and with the dsaga and feminist garbage student clubs to cow the populace, and their Black Student & Faculty Association -but no White groups allowed- JHU is going downhill.

totes_magotes ago

Doesn't matter, got boobies!

Seriously though, I mean, if that's what you want, jesus, go have fun with that. Because, to be honest, I can't say that if I woke up with a pair of boobs one morning that I wouldn't play with them. Because I sure as fuck would.

But feminized men don't get to tell us that we have to treat them special or anything other than how we prefer to. And that usually happens to be like the moronic idiots that they are. I sure as fuck ain't gonna call one a woman with one and only one exception: They legit have dysphoria and have respectfully asked me to refer to them in that gender because we sure as fuck can't rewire a brain yet. The problem there is that real dysphoria is pretty fucking rare. Like "parts per million" rare. All the others are sick motherfuckers who want attention.

crazy_eyes ago

thats almost unbelievable in this day and age

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

'Feminized men' Eunuch men

Yuke ago

Judging by that manly tranny in that store video ("It's ma'am!") I'm not even sure we can add 'feminized'. They're just men. End of story.

feral-toes ago

It can be fun to read the GenderCritical subreddit. It is full of TERFs. Their big complaint is that men with gender dysphoria, who some call "trans women", behave like men. Watched as much as I could stand of the store video. TERFs are right on this one: trans women behave like men.

waaadiii ago

Now the world will go against him

recon_johnny ago

Like...who didn't know this?

HipsDontLie ago

Doctor with dumb bowtie is a masculinized woman. How convenient

LampshadeMaker ago

“Its treatment should not be directed at the body as with surgery and hormones any more than one treats obesity-fearing anorexic patients with liposuction,” he said.

Game, set, match.

Nords ago

Wasn't Johns Hopkins the place that pioneered transgender surgeries.... Then soon realized that surgeries did not fix the patient, and suicides were like 40%, so they stopped transitioning people? I think I recall this place going through that.... For most people it probably IS mental, and cutting off your genitals is not going to fix the problem....

HighEnergyLife ago

Yes, then they started doing the surgeries again because ((($$$)))

FirstLine ago

They waste time on gender switching. While we could be building a new race of futas.

Amphiprion ago

Well, hopefully he's already saved his retirement.

Pitchfork mob incoming.

thisdude234 ago

Actually they become suicidal based on the numbers.

wt1984yb ago

Pretty funny and sad that this isn’t obvious to everyone.

SkrutinizeYou ago

He looks like Dave Thomas fucked Col. Sanders.

Pointyball ago

And then they become a suicide statistic.

kammmmak ago

No kidding Sherlock

Pluviou5 ago

Feminized men, and mentally ill at that.

HipsDontLie ago

Its for rhe eunuchs who want to revert to factory settings

Gary1954 ago

More NWO created chaos. God created man and woman in the beginning of the world and I'm pretty sure He doesn't like us messing with His creation. So why does the MSM glorify and promote transsgenderism? The answer is to de-stabilize our Christian values, our family life and to divide us one from each other. They want to force us to "accept" this abhorrent, evil lifestyle as "normal". By dividing us and getting us to accept evilness as normal, they walk us down the road to one world government which they say will solve all of the world's problems. When they have total control of us, we won't have anything. We will be their slaves. The elites are not happy with 99% of the world's wealth. They want your 1% and they are coming to get it. Transgenderism is just another mile marker on the highway to hell. It is also part of their de-population strategy. When you see a man in the Miss Universe contest, men competing against women in sports and trannies yelling at store clerks cuz they called them "sir" you know that this has been a coordinated effort by the MSM to weaken our society. As if that is not bad enough, buckle up. Pedophilia is heading down the same track. The MSM Introduce it >> Promote/glorify it >> Gain acceptance of it >> Legalize it >> Proliferate it. So if you think it is just an individual's "orientation" - think again. The cabal is deliberately trying to weaken us to take advantage of us. WAKE UP.

Gamio ago

They don't even become that. They are neither men nor feminized men since they don't really get feminine traits, they are this pseudo non gendered being that might want to pretend its a woman but can never be either a man or a woman. To illustrate this point every male to "female" transexual can develop male pattern baldness and will need to shave just as often as they did before any transition.

Thats the reason a lot of them crack not long after surgery. They've hyped up this event as a kind of glorious be all end all solution to fix all of their problems, be they social or psychosomatic and in the end they have made a permanent and destructive body modification that probably didn't need to happen but because its so trendy they ignore everything negative and grossly exaggerate the positives. Give them an anti psychotic and their gender and body dismorphia issues along with most of their social problems will vanish with a near 100% success rate but its not fashionable to admit this.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Quite simply, they are abominations that should be exterminated. I'm tired of being nice and tolerant. If you're a disgusting freak, why shouldn't we kill you if the law didn't protect you? Besides the oppressive laws we have, would anyone really care if they killed a tranny? I mean what fucking God would make niggers, spics, etc. I think it's time that white people follow their own instincts and create their own morals. This whole idea that all people are special or children of God is insane and why Christianity fails. We need to have a religion specifically for whites and the first rule is that trannies get the flamethrower. If we feel bad, who cares. It's the right/white thing to do.

Gamio ago

History doesn't repeat but it sure as shit echos. Hitler didn't just seize complete power right out of the blue, he came to power at a time right as super cosmopolitan and progressive elites had taken taken the German culture and most of Europe towards what most lefties today would call a paradise, this was not long after a civil war against communists had been won but not won if that makes any sense. Transgenderism was accepted in trendy circles of weimar Germany, homosexuality, even bestiality, zoophillia and pedophilia were given a pass. I'm no historian or social scientist but it does sound a lot like whats going on today.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Yup, but this time, we need to be not as nice. Hitler was honestly too tolerant and too nice in reality. He was a wonderful person but he should of just genocided the jews like it's claimed he did. In reality, only 35,000 kikes died in the work camps from starvation towards the end of the war.

Hitler was better than Jesus, and he was actually real. The only unfortunate thing is that he didn't win and he wasn't as ruthless as imagined by the schizophrenic niggers, jews, and shitlibs pretend he was.

tastelessinvective ago

They don't even become that. They are neither men nor feminized men since they don't really get feminine traits, they are this pseudo non gendered being that might want to pretend its a woman but can never be either a man or a woman.

The word eunuch needs to make a comeback. I think "transwomen" are just eunuchs with fake imitation """vaginas""".

Hetmann ago

Exactly, voluntary eunuchs.

fritz_maurentod ago

a lot of them crack not long after surgery.

I think the dilation schedule is the main reason for the crack.

Gamio ago

Nah its more to do with surgery in general and the resulting constructed genitalia not being anything close to a natural genitalia. A lot of them operate under the mistaken belief that the end result is a passable knock off when it really isn't, its nothing more than a cavity into the pelvis or a fold of fat and skin hanging off the pubic bone. Theres a mental build up to it being the answer to all that ills them, "if I get this then its all fixed, it will all work out, I become a new person" and of course the reality is they end up as neither a man nor a woman just this other being that needs to do much more than have a surgeon permanently rearrange their genitalia to pass as the other gender.

L1ght3RUp ago

Someone's about to lose his job

Conspirologist ago

Next on CBS news: the water is wet. Do not fucking miss these amazing news. You need a Ph.D to know this.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

look at your account. it's such a blatant and obvious alt account you use. You have a couple posts from 24 hours ago, then 3 months ago and on. Somehow, you miraculously reactivate your account after 3 months of not posting, then 24 hours of not posting, then through an act of god, find this thread? You're an alt account. what a joke.

cthulhu69 ago

Liar is screeching now

insectacide ago

you two sound like bickering children. no one gives a fucking fuck about your baby drama. both of you are faggots

lets_get_hyyerr ago

It takes a Psychiatrist to tell us something we've already been saying. Where's my PhD

totes_magotes ago

Same place you left your military history, liar.

DannyRand ago

Where is your DD214?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I served twelve years in the navy and received a DD214 after each enlistment. It contains sensitive and personal information that I wouldn't share with anyone, let alone a bunch of faggots on a message board.


meanwhile you are currently a gypseys-jew “jesus/christian” psyop liability victim... wisen ups babes...

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You had to follow my post history to here just to say something off topic and idiotic that has nothing to do with my actual comment? Good job, retard. And you do you keep calling me "babes"? Are you some kind of special faggot, or just the usual kind of cocksucker?


lol... says the misguided fool who believes in fake “gods”......


I'm a post doc on the inside but I was born in the body of a drop-out

insectacide ago

Just travel to Singapore and start practicing. That's what all the drop-out doctors here do in America anyway

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I'm guessing that's a place for rejected lady men too?

insectacide ago

their lady men can pull it off way better then any of the creatures we have here so id say ours are the rejects

lipids ago

Because soy is a staple crop in Asia.

cthulhu69 ago

Same place as your made up CG service

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Ahh, another one from the SBBH cabal throwing up the same garbage regardless of the fact that I already gave proof of my claims. Voat already hates you guys. No need to perpetuate their beliefs about you any further

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Hope you didn't show your DD214. I wouldn't, and especially not to any niggerfag on a message board.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I didn't show them, no. I did show them a certificate and some other papers to prove I was in, with all of the important info redacted of course. But enough to give proof that I was employed by the CG the time. A couple of the faggots still weren't happy and ignored the proof then continued to say I lied in different threads I was posting in, following me around like unhappy lap dogs. the only people who ignore facts are (((brainwashed liberal millennials))), so it's funny to see these people who supposedly work with voat to act like faggots. ironic to say the least.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Well, Semper Gumby, friend, and keep doing what you do. It's strange that for a free speech board, there's an awful lot speech patrol by self-appointed guardians who call everyone they disagree with either a shill, boomer, or a bot. I myself have been tagged as a bot, unsurprisingly by an actual bot. Well, the way I see it, the more you upset the right people, the closer you are to saying the truth that people need to hear.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Thanks brotha, and it is strange. These people are supposedly the "trusted" ones have given me and many other goats no reason to trust them at all. Their antics of vote brigades, vote manipulation and alt accounts to attack people is extremely indicative of speech patrol and light censorship. I'm no fan of someone on Voat who uses brigades to silence (censor) others who they don't like.

They are definitely upset. Upset enough that I awoke some of their sleeper accounts which targeted the threads I was in. Some hadn't posted in months, only to ''''miraculously'''' awaken and find the thread I was in and downvote me. There's a reason I don't trust them anymore. They completely ruined it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Hydrocephalus ago

[–] Hydrocephalus 1 points (+2|-1) 4 days ago (edited 4 days ago) He also claims to have served 4 years in the coast guard, and is in his 4 years of inactive reserves, yet doesn't have a dd214 which you get after your active service time is up, and is arguably the most important document you get from the military as it allows you to apply for benefits. Link:

Please be aware that the DD-214 is a certificate of release or discharge from active duty. It is not issued upon completion of a member's contractual reserve obligation. Only continuous active duty of 90 days or greater are authorized a DD-214.

In the comment after he claims that his "contract" (where he says a "contract is 4 years active 4 years inactive reserves) is up in 2020 if that were true he would have had to separate in 2016.

cthulhu69 ago

Was looking for that, couldn't find it, thanks!

insectacide ago

so the dude claims your an alt account. after about 10 seconds of looking at your comment strings and content of those comments, it's safe to say that they are probably right.

you're still both gigantic fags. no one cares about your stupid drama

Shizy ago

You've been here four days and you seem to know so much about voat and other users. Hmmmmm... Seems like YOU'RE the alt!