SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AskAnon submission.

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lord_nougat ago

Thanks, Putt!

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Just giving a TL;DR to your post.

kammmmak ago

Remove the jew you remove the problem.

lord_nougat ago

...unless you're removing him from the oven!

Jimbonez_Jonez ago


77377 ago

Putt is a tranny.

RoBatten ago

Thank you Putt !!! God Bless you and yours. We are the last bastion of truly free speech. I fucking love this place!

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Well, not a full minute... At least 15 seconds tho!

boekanier ago

Heil Putt!

fightknightHERO ago

Godbless Voat

JopharVorin ago

Or are we being studied by (((them)))?

MadWorld ago

He is another one of those (((freshmeat / sane))) accounts. You can find several sane accounts within this submission.


And nice try sane - Putt

[–] whysosensitive [S] -4 points (+0|-4) 1.6 hours ago (edited 1.5 hours ago)

If you are a man of principle and truly do believe in free speech, why don't you show the world who you are and stand behind those values?

[–] PuttItOut 4 points (+4|-0) 1.4 hours ago

Because a principle is greater than me. I am nothing compared to freedom.

And nice try sane.

wgtt911 ago

Putt is the best...

Bigdeal ago

This real is the front page of the internet.

whysosensitive ago

That's irrelevant.


Here here Putt is THE BEST

newfascist ago

@puttitout I like the site and I want to contrib to your pocket, not the site.

I've advocated over the years on multiple accounts that you deserve actual pay. unlike the jews on this site complaining constantly about the costs to run the site.

I have maintained that you deserve about $200k/year in your pocket above expenses, and I still do.

if you provide links to support voat and links to support you personally I can digg/upvote/upgoat both.

who has links for either purpose? I realize putt gets a million pings a day!

whysosensitive ago

What do you mean goalposts? He is right you retard.

whysosensitive ago

This site is changing slowly and people don't even realize it.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

You mean can we take a few moments to inflate your internet points?

Trousersnake1488 ago

i will think about putt tonight

junesunflower ago

Except there isnt free speech on here. It is just a big circle-jerk, and if yoiu aren't part of the circle jerk you don't get free speech.

bagano1 ago

If the users were banned for encouraging violence and harassment, I feel that is acceptable. I don't feel it's acceptable when sites tell you what you are allowed to say. I've never been a fan of the "nigger this, Kike that" shit, but if you want to say blacks are out of control or Jews are behind much of this nation's financial instability, that is a valid point. A liberal should be able to debate those points. If they cannot, they are a part of the problem, not the solution. And that's where we are at. So many people hate the SJW bullshit going on right now. Even many blacks despise it to a certain extent, surprisingly. They pretty much draw the line at the gay/transgender bullshit. That's where the Democrats lose them. They're also not fans of immigrants.

Runwithscissors ago

Member dumbass how he murdered people over an opinion.

Runwithscissors ago

And he’s murdered people for his opinion. Shut the fuck up faggot and stop sucking socialist dick.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Were behind you Putt

GhostSkin ago

Can i puttputt?

GhostSkin ago

I would suck his dick if he would let me.

truckboattruck ago

yes, thank you putt.

TrollingForBasss ago

Put is the greatest.

I made the mistake of criticizing Put on the past, and my posts were never taked down. I was never banned.

Put is the real deal.

whysosensitive ago

Who is he again?

TrollingForBasss ago

Putt (short for PuttIt Out) is the guy who runs Voat.

VandalayIndustries ago

Fuck ya bitch!

Putt is a stud.

lordvain2 ago

Mighty white of you Putt, and that's ok!

thebearfromstartrack ago

It is WAR.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

we love you puttputt

SparklingWiggle ago

Thank you, Putt, for letting me say nigger! And kike! And faggot! And holohoax! And a bunch of other things that I should be able to say wherever and whenever I want but can't.

SteaksUSA ago

Creating a policy where NSFW flairs are added to titles with 'nigger' or 'kike' in them is not standing up for free speech.

whysosensitive ago

My post had NSFW tag added to it for no reason.

SparklingWiggle ago

I disagree with you but there is a silver lining. Imagine checking out the site, creating a login, and then seeing 'All' and thinking all hell just broke loose. Niggers, kikes, and faggots all around.

glassuser ago

Werd. I disagree with a lot of stuff people say here, but I don't disagree with their right to say it.

Joe10jo ago

Can’t thank you enough Putt!

super_jackoff_style ago

Voat lives on. Day after day. It keeps rolling. Goddamn it, I love the shit out of it. I check in and drink coffee and read before work. Then I might stealth hit it around lunch time. Then several times at night, maybe a comment a month or two apart to stay somewhat active, but really I have fuck all to say anyway,. You say exactly what I wanted to say 1.2 hours before I see it. But voat keeps on ticking. Never ending content and even in some strange ass subs. The last two influxes kind of changed the face of voat. It’s the same just with different people, or old fags with different alts.

Pass the bottle nigger! I feel all nostalgic!!!

SparklingWiggle ago

37 minutes in my case.

zbou ago

Putt 4 Prez

I_Always_Lie ago

Here here. Putt is the man. A beacon of light on a turbulent and dark shoreline.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Putt is doing a fine job, a fine job. I've been here for some time now, and things run pretty smoothly for the most part, a sure sign of capable administration - the trains run on time.

Good Job Putt.

obsecro-morietur ago

Predict something else and I’ll consider it

toobaditworks ago

I predict he doesn't get a loyal following. Now do I get a loyal following?

blackzetsu ago

Followed. @toobaditworks

toobaditworks ago

Now let's rule the world. You ready?

obsecro-morietur ago


Justwhiteofcenter ago

On default subs at work? I'm totally ok with that.

He won't delete your comments.

He won't edit them like /u/spez

Armpit_and_Ass ago

He won't edit them

Oh, I don't know. See here.

newfascist ago

i went and looked.

sounds like a browser issue.

prove your link wrong.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean the post where you realized it was Ublock doing it ?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

what is time
which direction does it flow

Hindsight is 20/20, asshole. It sure looked fishy before I knew what the deal was.

Rotteuxx ago

You still left the post unedited for 2 hours after realizing the mistake. We all know most won't dig in threads and you were basically accusing Putt of editing comments.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

everyone is just like me and sits there hitting refresh refresh refresh to wait for replies

Get a grip, you flaming queer. Jesus Christ.

Rotteuxx ago

You know you can look what time a post was edited and compare that with comment age.

Fucking idiot

Armpit_and_Ass ago

i am very smart
i spend 24 hours a day on voat

Congratulations, homo. If you'd have given me a heads up, I'd have baked you a cake.

Rotteuxx ago


Womb_Raider ago

It should be opt out

newfascist ago


make an account

set your subvoats


Womb_Raider ago

As far as I'm aware it affects /v/all by default.

newfascist ago

yeah, not your frontpage, which is the point of what I posted.

Womb_Raider ago

/v/all master race

Voopin__Voopin ago


For all 19 pages.

brandon816 ago

Putt did say he was looking into a way to distinguish between different kinds of NSFW / opt-out ( at least 2: sexual content and "other" ). That would make it easier for people to choose what they want to see.

odinist ago

Yup, fucking this exactly.

There's a difference between shielding the unwashed's eyes from our (generally awesome) vitriol, and outright censoring shit.

LostandFound ago

Heil Putt!

Wahwahweewah ago

We can say it: fuck Gab. Decievers.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You may be a piece of shit, but you managed to post this before I did. Bravo.

Putt censored Voat, probably with the intention of absorbing risk from leaving the words visible on the main page. Just like gun control, it's inevitable that once the you begin to capitulate in any way it's downhill from there.. just a matter of time.

obsecro-morietur ago

I couldn’t agree more. I wonder how long we’ve got.

redpilldessert ago

Gonna throw this out there. It may be crap, but just in case. If you take a look at the Voat "Banned users" page, a long-time user called fuckreddit22 was banned for doxxing. Looking through his comments, he appeared to link a user with the same username on Reddit.

Was that his doxxing 'crime'? Merely linking an anon account on Voat to an anon account on Reddit? If so, then I am a little concerned. Maybe u/PuttItOut can clarify and put my mind at rest.

MadWorld ago

He posted a facebook account of another Voat user! That @fuckreddit22 was merely a temp account; someone else here was attempting to dox old goats! That should ring a red bell of those shills who show such intense hatred toward Voat or SBBH users.

Hope that helps.

redpilldessert ago

Didn't see any Facebook link in his comments.... how do you know?

MadWorld ago

The user that @fuckreddit22 was doxxing informed Putt, so the comment was removed. I think the dox attempt was from one of those rPV crew members.

redpilldessert ago

Thanks and good to know.

Had very little doubt, but always good to be reassured.

MadWorld ago

Just in case you did not know about what the rPV group does on Voat: This shill/jew group has a very long history of disrupting Voat with vote manipulation and controlled narratives.

redpilldessert ago

Surprised to see mud slung at go1dfish in that thread. He's one of the good guys - promoting and pushing free speech not just on Voat, but Reddit and he even own Ceddit. Notabug is cool since it's decentralized and thus much more impervious to censorship in many ways.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

There are far bigger transparency issues, such as using the term "we" in recent updates when explaining over-arching decisions, and the fact that the warrant canary has been dead for almost 2 years now.

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

Not to mention the fact he's completely aware about the antics of sbbh, and does nothing about it.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I won't presume he does nothing about it, but I'd like to see some transparency if there is action.

fuckmyreddit ago

Putt, you da man.

whitedogofpyr ago

I don't take it for granted. Thank you, putt.

jnola2 ago

I appreciate Voat and Putt more than I frequently say, because I don't want to look like a faggot.

newfascist ago

i have a hard time with voat because i don't hate fat people, niggers, nor am I a racist.

but I love voat for free speech,

there is no platform available otherwise.

which is why I hope voat remains in obscurity.

albatrosv15 ago

Start reading (every one of them)

You will thank me later.

Conway ago

He must have seen what the estimated value of is and got reddititus. We all knew it wouldn't last forever.

bernitdown ago

I don’t see a problem with it. There’s way too much Jew nigger bullshit on voat. It was better in 2015-6 when it was just Reddit without rules. Then it started collected Reddit rejects and alt right idiots and racists.

I’m not going to deny Average IQs or a high percentage of Jewish people in positions of power, but neither are absolutes and you should give people the benefit of the doubt before you pigeon hole then into a stereotype.

Conway ago

It's not about "pigeon hole them into a stereotype". The issue is most platforms if you say, "hey why are their so many jews in media". You will get banned. If you try to have a conversation about why jews were kicked out of so many countries in the last 2000 years, you get banned. Simply asking why we perform jewish circumcision rituals on newborns is grounds for being banned.

Simply seeking knowledge is now a thought crime in many places. If you don't see that's wrong, then there's no helping you.

bernitdown ago

Those are all legit tho.

But the crazies that have over taken vote and just blame the Jews for everything? It’s insanity. Taxes are high, blame the Jews! Corrupt government; Jews! It just never stops and it’s super fucking tiring.

Conway ago

I'm not that far gone, yet. I seriously have to question how often coincidences happen tho.

Oh look a group preaching child transexuality, I'll just look and see who could possibly run such an organization, and it's a stien or a berg. More often than not.

Then you get stuff like this Took a whole week to start subverting their host nation...

obsecro-morietur ago

If it stays about NSWF that’s not an issue

Conway ago

Until what's NSFW changes. When the goalposts start moving to fit the agenda then it's over.

Fetalpig ago

Thank you for your tolerance.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Strangest fucking site on so many vectors but at least the speak seems quite free-flowing compared to the vast amount of interweb cloisters brimming with choke-hold censors screaming rabid hellacious bullshit at anything that even blinks out of sync. So, sure, Putt appears pat and svelte from what I can determine based on decades of internet dabbles.

15145715? ago

Not for Protestants.

obsecro-morietur ago

Bad boy

15145694? ago

If you hate this site so much you are free to leave.

Heujdjdjdiufjen ago

Sad your parents house will go

15149100? ago

Bring it. :)

Heujdjdjdiufjen ago

You are safe from feelings Kathleen

15150118? ago

We all are safe from other's feelings - feelings can't hurt another only ourselves.

Heujdjdjdiufjen ago you if you lost the weight and weren't high every day

15150148? ago

I thought I was a redhead!??

Heujdjdjdiufjen ago

I'm nowhere near there retard.

15150215? ago

Praise CHRIST on a stick, Jew.

Heujdjdjdiufjen ago

Srs is losing the stranglehold

Conway ago

He did what now?

notfreespeech1 ago

No. Voat is not free speech and admins are pushing censorship under your nose. If you don't believe it try for yourself to submit something that is pro-left, pro-diversity, anti-fascist or whatever people here always complain about. In a free speech platform you would actually see both stuff you agree on and stuff you don't like. with its decentralized peers is a much freer platform.

armday2day ago

It doesnt get upvoted to the frint oage, but it isnt censored, at least not in system subs.

obviously non-system subs have their own rules

go1dfish ago

I think this user is talking about the approach to ccp requirements reinforcing an echo chamber.

It’s a hard problem without an easy solution though.

Le_Squish ago

Yes, making sure NSFW is implemented consistently is heinous censorship.

Gozer_the_Gozerian ago

Find others like you in real life, while you still can. (((They))) may hit Voat at any time

zbou ago

I'm pretty sure this is a honey pot

newfascist ago

it is,

take advantage while its up.

Gozer_the_Gozerian ago

Yum, honey

jewd_law ago

So true. And don't forget to download videos off of jewtube that are likely to get shoahe'd. RIP Johnny Gat's channel. you can find him at - I highly recommend goys check him out.

fluhthreeex ago

holy fuck i have so many channels i'm subb'd to i didn't realize he was gone. did i miss the post where it was announced?

newfascist ago

im surprised he got taken out in some ways. he always fought right and left equally, so I thought it wouldnt happen.

jewd_law ago

I agree. But the thing is he was accomplishing what the jews are REALLY scared of - he was reaching EVERYBODY. I'll PM you a channel to go check out that's amazing. I don't wanna post it out here cause there's JIDF shills that love to shoah channels mentioned on this forum.

newfascist ago

not sure i'm into more jews in my life mr law.

jewd_law ago

I PMed you the link. Do what you'd like with it, but I think he's more hardcore than JGs channel.

newfascist ago

not by a long shot.

too bad i didnt archive gat earlier

it's ok, usually some asshat posts all the vids from a guy like that and I get them

hooray for multiple platforms.

kenlane ago

Bunch of fucking Kikes and faggots trying to control other peoples thoughts

auggs ago

That’s basically everything with centralized power. Power users exist on every site and attempt to control/influence information based on certain agendas etc.

cantaloupe6 ago

Free speech, great code, and a wonderful night mode.

yewotm8 ago

This is a reddit-tier thread.

zbou ago

Still a lot of talk about the jews tho

whysosensitive ago

For now.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/realProtectVoat submission by @9-11.

Posted automatically (#10723) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

XSS1337 ago


con77 ago

You have to admire him. Im sure the global satanic conspiracy are attacking him in more ways than here.

ChiComs ago

You mean "nigger" and "kike" in news articles banned on the default real voat last month I assume, and ongoing.

Yeah... that actually happened. Slippery slope time. Now words are banned in news article posts. The real reason is to MINIMIZE these two things from happening in the future to smear voat :

but it is indeed a joke this month, now that voat started for the first time to censor the default voat. Even posts with the word "jew" were seemingly FORCE MARKED NSFW by someone this week.

whysosensitive ago

I've caught this too. People around here are losing their ability to think clearly.

Sharkballs ago

Dude's a giant niggerfaggot tho.

MetalAegis ago


Trish_Pantscotti ago


My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

“Sexy girlfriend!”

middle_path ago


KublaiKhan ago

Deus Voat!

anoncastillo ago

Selectio Voat! (for the atheists)

bb22 ago

No, the atheists just get crusaded.

anoncastillo ago

Cultural appropriation? Latin was developed by pagans bro.

bb22 ago

Pagans weren’t atheists either.

anoncastillo ago

They weren't Christians either so shove your deus vult up your ass. And 90% of your Christian bible is Jewish so better get rid of that before you get gassed.

bb22 ago

Christianity saw its heyday in Latin. "I'm first" hardly matters when your pagans were wallowing in pig shit, huh?

The Jews actually parasited onto the Bible and don't even really use the first five books anymore, but you're a simpleton so I'll save it.

anoncastillo ago

Latin saw its heyday under pagans who built Rome into one of the most impressive empires in history, which Christianity collapsed, and Europe didn't recover until the reformation broke up the church's power. Which is what Christianity was supposed to do - just like communism, Christianity was some bullshit the Jews made up about giving free shit to the poor and rich people being immoral to get the working classes to rise up against people the Jews felt oppressed by. It was all a bunch of bullshit spread by the Jews to destabilize Rome so they would no longer be ruled.

bb22 ago

Everything from Jesus' name to the crown of the thorns to the 12 apostles comes from the same pre-Christian pantheon as Greek, Roman, and Gaulish mythology. You focus so much on Jews that you miss the fact that Christianity actually is nothing like Judaism at all, neither in practice nor in theology. Catholicism was taken over by Jews, but the overall religion is thoroughly European.

shmuklidooha ago

Ooga booga Voat! (for the niggers)

lord_nougat ago


137 ago

Putt is a tranny (save the children here). Im using an alt because I already commented 10 times in the past 24 with my main account that is over 1.5 years old. Free speech my ass. @puttitout is ftm tranny freemartin.

whysosensitive ago

Provide proof.

137 ago

Putt is ftm right @puttitout ? She has never denied it.

Workman ago

Hi, sanegoat.

137 ago

Dumb tranny read my comment im /u/savethechildren

Sanegoat is before my time, ya tard. Ask anyone.

ChiComs ago

That's a denial sanegoat would type in nov 2018 using his new alt name.

Conway ago

Can we have a moment of silence for all the places free speech should be allowed but is not.

kevinstonge ago

are you trying to silence us forever?

anoncastillo ago

Damn dude, mad but true. Needed to be said.


Sure, but I don't want to compliment him doing shit that nobody be doing in the first place. Censorship is not the default status for western democracies.

auggs ago

Yea thats pretty chill. Im always skeptical of intent of this website but, hey, ive been free to talk about it for a couple years now. So I respect him in that regard.

undertheshills ago

This place is a fly trap. They just dont want us venting IRL so they let us circle jerk here.

newfascist ago

i vent in irl all the time and find like minded people every day.

anoncastillo ago

Some online corroboration is useful. But the censorship closing in is definitely pushing me to talk more about it irl and network with rwds types. Meet your local proud boys and nazis.

newfascist ago


meet your local people with a lot to lose.

they are way better allies because there is so much at stake.

useful idiots are useful idiots.

those that will stay the course are all around you if you look.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

But we redpill several thousand people visiting here a month. It's not a good strategy on the government's part.

fluhthreeex ago

stopping the pilling will never work. as parent said: word of mouth is effective as well. slowing the tide of the pilling is the best one can hope to accomplish.

eh, are you sure about these thousands? where can i access the sites analytics dashboard? how do you know these accounts aren't simply new troll alts?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Way that I figure thousands:

How many "I used to be liberal/not care but now 1488" posts do you see a month? Conservatively, around 10. General rule of internet forums is 90% lurk 9% comment 1% comment and post. So for every 1 person brave enough to make a post there's 99 nodding their heads in the background. So if we see 10 posts about being redpilled, it's actually 1000 people.

It's hard to get site statistics, but is roughly as popular as 8chan according to Alexa. Which is like 30k-ish unique visitors a month

anoncastillo ago

And find good content to share in the right facebook groups, and learn new arguments to use in real life discussions. This site had taught me a fair amount about race.

zbou ago

Ayy lmao

ChiComs ago

Intent or Implementation?

Intent is unknowable but is assumed to be bastion of pure free speech, until proven otherwise.

Real free speech. The only type of speech in the USA.

IMPLEMENTATION ? ... now thats a murky provably dark looking can of worms indeed :

auggs ago

Who cares if its honeypot if you’re not ubermensch racist yada yada. Owner/Admins tries getting people to delete their accounts en mass earlier this year so who knows what they are after besides our data.

newfascist ago

your attention and behavior.

if you haven't figured it out by now thats what is worth more than oil and coffee

but only in an economy driven by authoritarianism.

we will know when we have left that economy when the price of attention and behavior drops.

attention being the prime importance.

thelma ago

There he, hard at work, during his "banning users time". A better admin than I am a mechanic (although I did find one of my tires).

hangry ago

Putt will be remembered in the history books.

whysosensitive ago

We don't even know who Putt is.

toobaditworks ago

He's a friend of the one true king Atif Colo AKA Atko.

whysosensitive ago

So we don't know? That's what I thought.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Which will probably be written by Jews, so keep your fingers crossed it turns out for the best.

LA6661 ago

((They)) can rewrite all they want. The internet is forever.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

I sure hope the internet is forever.

newfascist ago

you assume the jews survive a global awakening

thats a BIG IF

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

They’ve lasted this long. Cockroaches are difficult to get rid of.

toobaditworks ago