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MadWorld ago

Member the time when Voat was so peaceful without downvoate shower on /v/all and most of us got along just fine?

Member the time when @kevdude made (((freshmeat / sane))) admit that he had sex with 13 yo?

[–] kevdude 1 points (+1|-0) 2 hours ago

BTW i love how you are a militant homosexual pedophile

This is why you have no credibility.

Yeah i fuck 19 year olds, come sue me nigger

You have stated that you wish you were younger so that you could legally fuck 13 year olds. And if you are in your late 20s and have to dip into the 19 year old pool it means you have no fucking game whatsoever.

[–] Texas_Stallion -1 points (+0|-1) 1.7 hours ago

Huh, I remember saying I had sex when i was 13 with people the same age, i dont remember saying i would fuck 13 year olds now. Got any proof?

Member the time when (((freshmeat / sane))) tried to recruit other goats to his discord vote-manipulating group?

[–] freshmeat -1 points (+4|-5) 9.2 hours ago

https://discord. gg/DDZSU39

Chat with all voaters, remove the space as the domain is still banned in preview.

[–] freshmeat 0 points (+1|-1) 7 hours ago

List those reasons.

Every IT guy in the discord thinks it's hilarious SRS is pushing the idea that discord is compromised.

Member the time when we experienced consistent vote manipulation from the (((rPV crew))) and we could only guess it was between 15 and 25? Well, he could not stop taking to himself about it.

[–] freshmeat 1 points (+3|-2) 1.2 days ago

https://discord. gg/DDZSU39

Discord chat with about 20-25 voaters in it also discussing contingency plans. We have people with hosting capabilities and front-end capabilities and working with go1dfish on a new site

[–] Amalek2pt0 [S] -1 points (+1|-2) 1.2 days ago (edited 1.2 days ago)

Great news. We need to make sure we don't spread ourselves out too thin though. I'm registering tonight and will be putting up a simple page that links to all of our little digital refugee camps.

XD members...

Crensch ago

So go1dfish actually is a faggot with his

MadWorld ago

Yeah. I don't think he cares about who he is working with, so long as it promotes his I have noticed that whenever Putt asked him about certain aspects of Voat, he would try to talk about his notabug and how to advance it.

Crensch ago