TalcumX ago

Oh, we'll fucking change that shit right now.



buh-bye chinese!

EDIT: Protip: copypaste the above chinese text into any chat where there are chinese mainlanders, and watch their internet connection disconnect immediately.

MadWorld ago

Member the time when Voat was so peaceful without downvoate shower on /v/all and most of us got along just fine?

Member the time when @kevdude made (((freshmeat / sane))) admit that he had sex with 13 yo?


[–] kevdude 1 points (+1|-0) 2 hours ago

BTW i love how you are a militant homosexual pedophile

This is why you have no credibility.

Yeah i fuck 19 year olds, come sue me nigger

You have stated that you wish you were younger so that you could legally fuck 13 year olds. And if you are in your late 20s and have to dip into the 19 year old pool it means you have no fucking game whatsoever.

[–] Texas_Stallion -1 points (+0|-1) 1.7 hours ago

Huh, I remember saying I had sex when i was 13 with people the same age, i dont remember saying i would fuck 13 year olds now. Got any proof?

Member the time when (((freshmeat / sane))) tried to recruit other goats to his discord vote-manipulating group?



[–] freshmeat -1 points (+4|-5) 9.2 hours ago

https://discord. gg/DDZSU39

Chat with all voaters, remove the space as the domain is still banned in preview.

[–] freshmeat 0 points (+1|-1) 7 hours ago

List those reasons.

Every IT guy in the discord thinks it's hilarious SRS is pushing the idea that discord is compromised.

Member the time when we experienced consistent vote manipulation from the (((rPV crew))) and we could only guess it was between 15 and 25? Well, he could not stop taking to himself about it.


[–] freshmeat 1 points (+3|-2) 1.2 days ago

https://discord. gg/DDZSU39

Discord chat with about 20-25 voaters in it also discussing contingency plans. We have people with hosting capabilities and front-end capabilities and working with go1dfish on a new site

[–] Amalek2pt0 [S] -1 points (+1|-2) 1.2 days ago (edited 1.2 days ago)

Great news. We need to make sure we don't spread ourselves out too thin though. I'm registering Voaters.co tonight and will be putting up a simple page that links to all of our little digital refugee camps.

XD Archive.fo members...

Crensch ago

So go1dfish actually is a faggot with his notabug.io?

MadWorld ago

Yeah. I don't think he cares about who he is working with, so long as it promotes his notabug.io. I have noticed that whenever Putt asked him about certain aspects of Voat, he would try to talk about his notabug and how to advance it.

Crensch ago

kammmmak ago

Shut up.

matthew-- ago

May not be banned, but it loads very slowly, at least in comparison to other forums like poal.

slevin_kelevra ago

fuck the chi-coms, they are the real enemy you sheep.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Many ways, but the most common is encrypted OTH with one-time keys.

Like I said in a different post, it's not foolproof but it's certainly far superior to today's traditional communications technologies.

Le_Squish ago

I was gonna post about this after breakfast but I see you lovelies found it.

Needs gas this one.

Rotteuxx ago

Didn't Atko or Putt mention that SGIS was a group ?

Now this common account is crying foul about the canary that the sgis common account shilled hard to have implemented, even if we all know it's useless.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

If you really object to many people using one account to promote privacy, that's entirely your perrogative - but if you took the time to review the post history and still came back and didn't think I stood for anything other than Freedom, I'd be happy to discuss why you feel that way.

The thoughts and ideas shared by this username are intended to promote the individual Freedom that also allows for individual responsibility. These things are sadly deteriorated in modern society. If you dislike those ideas, then I suppose we won't get along.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're the same group as SGIS ?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I don't know what SGIS is. Sorry. I'm not that vested in Voat.

Rotteuxx ago

Your account has been active for almost 2 years and you don't know what SGIS is ?


obvious_throwaway1 ago

Well, since it's true I guess that puts us at an impasse. I won't bother defending any further because I don't see the value if you aren't willing to believe me.

Rotteuxx ago

I don't see the value if you aren't willing to believe me

You expect me to believe a group who openly shares accounts ? Why should I ?

Le_Squish ago

He got caught now he gotta play dumb. I bet /u/butters4eva is one of theirs as well. Same writing style and constantly panders while never saying anything genuinely constructive.

MadWorld ago

In case you want to dig further: https://voat.co/v/CommentHistory/2866698

Le_Squish ago

Holy shit that is a lot of deletions.

Teach me this search-fu, senpai!

MadWorld ago

Holy shit that is a lot of deletions.

Yeah, lot of comments deleted, not sure why. That account was added to the list because something was weird about the comment history.

Teach me this search-fu, senpai!

Not a senpai, just a usual goat here, but thanks for the kind word :-). I started archiving potential shills/jews and those that seem to hate Voat for no good reasons. The rPV crew was the first thing came to mind.

WhiteRonin ago

Am i on your list?

MadWorld ago

Yes sir!

WhiteRonin ago

Good to know!

Nothing like knowing the JIDF has me in their sights!

MadWorld ago

:-) Happy Thanksgiving!!

WhiteRonin ago

Thanks! You too!

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Panders while never saying anything genuinely constructive? Holy shit man, at least read my post history and be honest, this accusation is completely baseless.

Le_Squish ago

You feign intellectualism by being verbose. Common tactic and works really well on groups like Qtards and that is why NeonRevolt and other glow in the dark shitholes favor it. You make a lot of concernfag post and complaints but they all lack nuance, no frustration or angst suggesting you are consistently emotionally detached from what you are posting. You also don't pander to moderates. Your target group seems to be those on the edge of "radicalization".

I have a really good memory so I track you faggots over time and wait for you to fuck up and out yourselves as you did yesterday.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Sorry, but you clearly have me confused with the various other obvious throwaway accounts. You lost me when you claimed to have a good memory yet clearly haven't bothered to read my post history.

The very fact that you actually wrote "no frustration or angst" when literally half my posts bleed both either satirically or outright means you are simply lying. I don't really care what a liar thinks, so we're done here.

Le_Squish ago

You aren't genuine and it's more transparent than you think. Now the real question is who do you work for. You seem to lack charisma so much more likely to be Jewish sponsered.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'm very sad for your mental disorder. You won't be getting a rise out of me with this one, it's too cringe.

Since you aren't willing to read my post history and are instead acting as a provocateur, let me go browse yours and see what I see.

Le_Squish ago

You said you were done. So fuck off.

You also were supposed to have blocked me when I rustled your jimmies yesterday. Different account handler huh, rabbi?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You also were supposed to have blocked me when I rustled your jimmies yesterday.

You know how I can tell you're not very smart? This never happened, you have me confused for someone else. Prove it.

After reading your post history I've readily identified your mental disorder. Based on your post history, it seems that you are:

  1. Female.
  2. Live in Hawaii.
  3. Not white, but since Hawaii probably only a quarter nigger and the rest. I spent time in Fort Shafter, you're probably a Buddhahead.
  4. Are an absolute faggot who constantly uses BRAH.

1 explains your angst against me and probably your lies. Women dislike me because I constantly point out how most American women are mentally unstable, overly-medicated bipolar pieces of shit. You've expertly demonstrated you are exactly this. If Buddhahead is true you're also an Asian woman, which means you're literally at the bottom of the totem pole on so many levels it makes sense that you're such an angry piece of shit.

I found this conversation confusing before, now I just find it pathetic and funny because it's so obvious why you're angry. Menopause can't come sooner for useless pieces of mixed race trash.

Le_Squish ago

Who do you work for rabbi? You guys seem to have orders that when your tactics are revealed to attempt to defame the accuser as mentally ill or paranoid and you aren't allowed to disengage. Because of the time zone difference, I can play with you till your shift ends.

You mistakenly tried to surmise that my gender or race could be a point of weakness. Basically you are probing figuring out how to make me retreat. You are sticking to the bullet points very well so you have more training than the average rabbi.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'm trying to make you retreat? That's exactly the nonsense logic argument a stupid Asian cunt would use when she's caught mistaking someone for someone else.

Le_Squish ago

Moo more lolcow.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Epic levels of low energy. You can't even fuckin' meme!

The other throwaway account was probably right to engage you, you're such an easy target I can't stop laughing.

Le_Squish ago

How many hours left in your shift?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

How many hours left in yours?

Le_Squish ago

Be self employed. Work when I want.

Look, brah. It's obvious one account is primarily for posting submissions and the other for commenting.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Whatever you say, "Brah". You lost this one. Go pander your dumb female manipulative bullshit on a receptive audience, you won't be getting any further serious engagement from me and I'll keep one-liner responding until you get tired of it.

Le_Squish ago

Oh noes, rabbi just accused me of using feminine wiles on him. Didn't even post titties.

I'm really curious as to why you keep wanting this to be a gender issue? One would think you would invest more into trying to distance this account from the similarly named one. But that is not the case. Not my fault you guys chose a shitty scheme that was easily unmasked once you foolishly brought attention to it.

I want to speak the manager.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

This is the manager, how can I assist you today?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

An account that is almost entirely typed out by one person sharing other peoples domain knowledge on particular subjects such as law, technology, and finance is not the same as a group who openly shares accounts, but it seems you have some agenda and will unlikely be accepting of anything that doesn't fit into your current accusation.

Why would I bother if you've already made up your mind? It'd be like me trying to convince a Trump hating Democrat that the Government is corrupt, their brain would shut off the moment I said the word Trump.

We've talked a lot over the years. My first account is older than yours, but I opted to abstain from it when the warrant canary died. If you are convinced I'm part of some group that I don't even know what the acronym stands for, then that's entirely your prerogative and you can follow me around for all I care because I suspect you'll grow tired of it after a while and (potentially) accept you were wrong.

Frankly, I've got nothing to prove to you, and no reason to really care if you think something about me that isn't true. I just ask you actually judge me based on the content of what I post, which you currently do not appear to be doing.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

lmao WOW.

0cra_tr0per ago

be reddit

politically correct site

blocked in a country with strict censorship


be voat

the polar opposite of reddit in terms of content and politically correct

not blocked in a country with strict censorship

I think it's safe to say that cucks and kikes and cuckikes are not allowed in China.

JonReeeeed ago

that's because china understands pro white talk. they know damn well how race interactions are supposed to go

licebmi3 ago

True. I think it's still under the radar. Over the last couple of weeks they've been blocking lots of sites, damn expo.

weredawg ago


Mr_Wolf ago

Can confirm it is.

Whats amusing is China and Hong Kong play America's funniest home videos re runs but everything is sub titled and voiced over as making north korea jokes and picking on kim.

Found it amusing but wish I knew more as to how that came to be.

bellsmith ago

Voat is not as globally known as reddit.

GasChamber ago

tienemen square

There, ftfy

licebmi3 ago

ahahaha, nah you'll do better insulting the current Emperor Xi *** ****

matthew-- ago

Winnie the **** bear?

Honestly though, it's pretty simple, just ignore it and it goes away. The moment you draw attention to it people find out and starting doing it because they know it pisses you off.

SparkS ago

thats probably cause they have no fucking clue wtf voat is...

YugeDick ago

We also don't spend enough time demonizing commies in general. Too focused on the jews in general. And we fail to connect the two often enough.

SparkS ago

ps: u can call china a communist country as i know... and tbh i dunno enough about it.. .but not russia... cause russia from this point of view is from a different movie...

SparkS ago

commies is a rly wrong word to express feelings/beliefs towards a rly low and nasty human trait... i always considered that 99% of all the mfs i saw they hate commies are brainwashed as fuck... but wtfever... im not in the mood for this... basicly commies democrats and wtfever are actually socialists... calling a whole country commies is rly rly stupid aand... if not hemotional... many from this category i callem hemotards... remember that the biggest and strongest communist country was russia... but that was only to keep sclaves under control.. a thing what under a form or another happens everyfuckignwhere.. in fact russia in its communist years was authoritarian as fuck... basicly the ru gov sistem was an authoritarian one... centralized and conservative as fuck... us gov instead was insanely socialist... overwhelmingly communist to say so... dont make anykind of illusions dog... ofc its a etymological matter why not a terminological one... but there are thigs what u either understand or not... acceptable to call a category of shitbags commies who rly believes and are in their core socialists... but its mor eeronated than not to callem socialists...

YugeDick ago

I think we're very close in perspective and understanding on this. But because of the garbled up nature of the terminology, which is by design, it's difficult to pin it all down with the right words. Funnily enough the same garbled up terminology tactic is used by both communism and jews.

You should read some of my other points on the two. People always downvoat me when I say "all commies are jews" but rarely want to debate me on it to figure out what I mean.

Ever heard the farm/farming analogy used in reference to communism? How about used in reference to jews/Judaism?

"Communism is the most efficient system of farming the production of men ever invented." -Some dood I can't remember

"Communism is a Jewish invention." -Some proud Jew

All over the Talmud it talks about how the goyim only live to be slaves or to serve the Jews.

Basically there's two kinds of people in communism, the farmer and the cattle. Sometimes non-Jews get to do some of the harvesting, especially when the Jew wants to hide his hand in it behind a figurehead, but that just makes them farmhands. The farmers are still Jews. Beyond this then sometimes non-jews actually become the farmers, but in essence they've become Jews as they adopt the Jewish ways, and methods as their own making slaves of the people. So here again, all commies are jews.

Because when I say "commies" I'm only ever referring to the farmers or their like minded supporters as the cattle are the victims.

SparkS ago

cause under communism u couldnt do the commerce as we know it today

SparkS ago

"Communism is the most efficient system of farming the production of men ever invented." this is exactly what i tht about when i said u cant call a whole country commies cause ppl fucking hated as fuck colectivization... basicly its ill take ur land but dont worry.. u still can work it for me... well.. i gotta tell u something about the jews and commies and wtfever... u and many mfs are right... its not nothing that jews were indesirable in many countries.. but they also got lost into the environments they were... cause the germanic intelectualism was very strong around 1850 and many things started from there... as about talmud... i dont see these mfs having so much success in the past.. ofc they were merchants and wtfever... rly low and shity merchants as i heard... comparable with that peice of shit with his table and a pot on the corner of the street selling u a expirated hotdog just not to lose $$$(in the country im in now ppl who drank alcohol in mid 60 and not only had a word when soemoen called others for a drink... they said to the one who was about to buy the drinks... yo.. remmeber what the jew told his son... the wine is made from grapes also not only water... insinuating to buy something good :)))... cause basicly post ww2 they made a lot of commerce between countries under communism and not only... anyway from all the infos i have their fearful egoism fucked them up almost all over the places...

blackzetsu ago


freedumbz ago

How's China? If I dig a hole deep enough will I be able to find you on the other end?

Pulverizor ago

Only if he digs up.

lanre ago

I was also able to use voat on airplane wifi without paying btw. Was weird.

moviefreak ago

They don't like faggots either.

JopharVorin ago

You honestly think that many of the chinese politicians aren't half breed jews? China was infiltrated long ago

moviefreak ago

Happened through the Jesuits, glad you are awake!

One-Way_Bus ago

Voat isn't big enough to get blocked in China yet. Once it reaches critical mass it will be blocked.

Also, people hate chinks here, but that's not enough for China to go ban Voat there either. I mean millions of chinks hate millions of chinks. Go figure.

seattlethrowaway ago

just start talking about things that their great internet wall filters, like the T-square incident. we'll get banned soon enough

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Everyone hates them

One-Way_Bus ago

Your mom hates you too. What's your point?

MrPim ago

Yeah, but that's personal

Intrixina ago

Hahaha holy fuck my sides, this conversation chain is fucking gold between you two guys.

DopamineDumpster ago

If they join the revolution... We do the driving!

Der_Untergang ago


Chimaira92 ago

China has their own brand of Judaism.

fightknightHERO ago

isn't China fully Communist?

DopamineDumpster ago

I think they're Fascist now, Xi said 'socialist with Chinese characteristics' - (National Socialist) or Nazi characteristics.

boekanier ago

No. One ruling party (that's convenient for such a populated country). But every Chinese can become a capitalist if he's smart enough.

cameronbabiak ago

Capitalism is live and well, where I live in China.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Pr00f that Putt is a chink shill.

Native ago

Ni hao a boot in u asshore

Chempergrill ago

Reddit has the gay disease. Voat does not.

This makes sense.

ratsmack ago

Voat in stealth mode, flying under the radar.

Schreiber ago

Not surprising. Reddit is pushing for libtardation bullshit.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


Pwning4Ever ago

I'll pay you $20 to wave the Imperial Jap flag in a samurai costume in nanking.

phoenix883 ago

A "Free Tibet" shirt in any mall of a city bigger than a million.

Pwning4Ever ago

In Japan, those Korean students would've been told to fuck off. Only here in the west do we give in to weeklings.

One-Way_Bus ago

Dude wouldn't even last 60 seconds before his ass it beaten to death.

jollux ago


DopamineDumpster ago

'Yeah what the chink said'

boekanier ago

Right! (?)

jollux ago


The_Venerable ago


jollux ago


Chempergrill ago

Pring prang prong to you, too!

Adminstrater ago

How many of the sites linked to from Voat are censored?

Can you view most of what is posted?

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Yes, but I use VPN. Youtube and facebook are blocked. Truly it is a socialist paradise.

Splooge ago

Say hi to Naomi Wu!

u_r_wat_u_eat ago


phoenix883 ago

Niiiihaoo laoowei

One-Way_Bus ago

Don't care if people are racists. They just need to get their stereotypes right though. If you can't that right, your nothing but an ignorant niggerfaggot. Be an intelligent niggerfaggot.

Yanx ago

still buying into the narrative of (((racism)))


matthew-- ago

I'm in China and I can tell you now that most stereotypes hold true:

The can't drive for shit

Everything stinks (except strangely, for the women who lack any scent whatsoever)

And if you eat at a chinese restaurant 5 times you'll get sick at least once

One-Way_Bus ago

Would the word bigot suffice?

Rotteuxx ago

How about natural ingroup preferences ?

One-Way_Bus ago

Whatever works.

ChiComs ago

An oversight , mainly because Cloudflare is an opaque entity while using it via https and China would have to block thousands of https connections that use the free version of Cloudflare.

Why does voat still use free version of clouflare instead of real https to its own boxes using in house anti-DDOS ?

Why indeed. :

your canary nowadays , post the long downtime event :



PapShamir ago

I'm guessing money. You should ask @putt

obvious_throwaway1 ago

The Voat administration is not very transparent. Asking this question is a waste of time if history is any indication of how previous questions of this nature are answered.

Hint: The answer is almost always silence.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I reply directly to Putt on his announcement threads.

PapShamir ago

Where did you ask? Nothing from you in /v/voatdev

1gloomy ago


obvious_throwaway1 ago

Have an upvoat to counter the faggot who downvoated you, since the Voat warrant canary died almost 2 years ago.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean the useless warrant canary updated with every announcement that you guys shilled to have so you could then attack it ?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I personally never asked for it, but once it was there I saw the problems with it outright as being transparency based.

My entire beef with Voat's administration is transparency based.

PapShamir ago


Last edit time: 30 days ago on 10/22/2018 5:35:44 PM

What the fuck are you on about? Please take care to not be sensationalist about this. It's easy to verify.

MadWorld ago

That is how shills operate! Blend in and make "sensationalist" comments while remain hidden.

PapShamir ago

Also immature attention whores, or people too cocksure of themselves to doubt the first thing which pops into their brain.

Not sure here, but this is a pretty bizarre lie but a possible tl;dr. Still telling in that case how much hamstering they did to substantiate their intuition rather than ask questions or reread the canary. meh

phoenix883 ago

Stupid MFs who abuse free speech everywhere to post CP and terrorism shit to get the site banned, censorship established or the authorities involved.

Nobody is that stupid to post it in public forums, so I bet it's the shills to pull down free speech forums.

memememema ago

Thats a crazy conspiracy theory now take your SSRI's and 7 other pills and go watch some cnn goy.

phoenix883 ago

Story time: Took SSRI before, many years ago. Brought me out of depression, did not make me suicidal nor homicidal. Did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Moved out of the relationship and, more by accident, made me have no TV for the first time in my life. It was the SOs and stayed there, and I did not have enough cash to buy a good one and didn't want to buy a crappy old one.

After a few weeks, it started to look foolish to spend a grand on a box that did little my PC couldn't do (watching movies) and after three months, I never noticed the TV was missing. After six months, the depression was gone.

Have had no TV since then, a decade ago. Very few depressive thoughts ever again, not even in darker times.

So it may have been the SSRIs or the coming clean off the TV, maybe both. And after one year without the TV, my political opinion changed 188 degrees.

memememema ago

Correct context and reality, upgoat for you.

Chimaira92 ago

Which is why people left and made alternatives like Poal.co, notabug.io and I forget the other ones.

Voat isn't the only place for "free speech" and theres growing alternatives out there. In saying that I spend most of my time here, because it's familiar.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I aggregate many sources, a few of them specifically for opposition research like GLP's Tavistock honeypot.

In addition, this account is mostly keyed by one person to maintain a consistent writing style, but the thoughts, ideas, opinions, experiences, and knowledge shared come from a collective of individuals using obfuscation techniques to mask their identities. Offline methods of communication taken from the best the USMIL INTEL one-way encrypted methodologies are not impossible to corroborate, but the effort involved would be ridiculous and likely not worth the budget requirements.



antiliberalsociety ago

Go to 57:42 George Lincoln Rockwell explains exactly that

TeddyJackson ago

They are commies so probably quite a bit.

edgelord666 ago

it's because Voat is unimportant and no one gives a shit about you neckbeards. Ever heard of "controlled opposition"? lol dat u nigga

Trousersnake1488 ago


DopamineDumpster ago

The chinks are buying up as much influence as they possibly can, and pushing the Jews out of the propaganda market. So they fucking love Jew bashing right now. Just so they can do their own piss poor propaganda gods routine. All financed by Jewish debt. I hope they pull it off enough to really fuck over the Jews. They're pulling off some top down Jew fucking in my estimation.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

I am not a Chink. Fuck you. I know everything i need to know about the jews from David Irving.


Horry shit dis one dum gweilo