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Rotteuxx ago

Didn't Atko or Putt mention that SGIS was a group ?

Now this common account is crying foul about the canary that the sgis common account shilled hard to have implemented, even if we all know it's useless.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

If you really object to many people using one account to promote privacy, that's entirely your perrogative - but if you took the time to review the post history and still came back and didn't think I stood for anything other than Freedom, I'd be happy to discuss why you feel that way.

The thoughts and ideas shared by this username are intended to promote the individual Freedom that also allows for individual responsibility. These things are sadly deteriorated in modern society. If you dislike those ideas, then I suppose we won't get along.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're the same group as SGIS ?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I don't know what SGIS is. Sorry. I'm not that vested in Voat.

Rotteuxx ago

Your account has been active for almost 2 years and you don't know what SGIS is ?


obvious_throwaway1 ago

Well, since it's true I guess that puts us at an impasse. I won't bother defending any further because I don't see the value if you aren't willing to believe me.

Rotteuxx ago

I don't see the value if you aren't willing to believe me

You expect me to believe a group who openly shares accounts ? Why should I ?

Le_Squish ago

He got caught now he gotta play dumb. I bet /u/butters4eva is one of theirs as well. Same writing style and constantly panders while never saying anything genuinely constructive.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Panders while never saying anything genuinely constructive? Holy shit man, at least read my post history and be honest, this accusation is completely baseless.

Le_Squish ago

You feign intellectualism by being verbose. Common tactic and works really well on groups like Qtards and that is why NeonRevolt and other glow in the dark shitholes favor it. You make a lot of concernfag post and complaints but they all lack nuance, no frustration or angst suggesting you are consistently emotionally detached from what you are posting. You also don't pander to moderates. Your target group seems to be those on the edge of "radicalization".

I have a really good memory so I track you faggots over time and wait for you to fuck up and out yourselves as you did yesterday.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Sorry, but you clearly have me confused with the various other obvious throwaway accounts. You lost me when you claimed to have a good memory yet clearly haven't bothered to read my post history.

The very fact that you actually wrote "no frustration or angst" when literally half my posts bleed both either satirically or outright means you are simply lying. I don't really care what a liar thinks, so we're done here.

Le_Squish ago

You aren't genuine and it's more transparent than you think. Now the real question is who do you work for. You seem to lack charisma so much more likely to be Jewish sponsered.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'm very sad for your mental disorder. You won't be getting a rise out of me with this one, it's too cringe.

Since you aren't willing to read my post history and are instead acting as a provocateur, let me go browse yours and see what I see.

Le_Squish ago

You said you were done. So fuck off.

You also were supposed to have blocked me when I rustled your jimmies yesterday. Different account handler huh, rabbi?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You also were supposed to have blocked me when I rustled your jimmies yesterday.

You know how I can tell you're not very smart? This never happened, you have me confused for someone else. Prove it.

After reading your post history I've readily identified your mental disorder. Based on your post history, it seems that you are:

  1. Female.
  2. Live in Hawaii.
  3. Not white, but since Hawaii probably only a quarter nigger and the rest. I spent time in Fort Shafter, you're probably a Buddhahead.
  4. Are an absolute faggot who constantly uses BRAH.

1 explains your angst against me and probably your lies. Women dislike me because I constantly point out how most American women are mentally unstable, overly-medicated bipolar pieces of shit. You've expertly demonstrated you are exactly this. If Buddhahead is true you're also an Asian woman, which means you're literally at the bottom of the totem pole on so many levels it makes sense that you're such an angry piece of shit.

I found this conversation confusing before, now I just find it pathetic and funny because it's so obvious why you're angry. Menopause can't come sooner for useless pieces of mixed race trash.

Le_Squish ago

Who do you work for rabbi? You guys seem to have orders that when your tactics are revealed to attempt to defame the accuser as mentally ill or paranoid and you aren't allowed to disengage. Because of the time zone difference, I can play with you till your shift ends.

You mistakenly tried to surmise that my gender or race could be a point of weakness. Basically you are probing figuring out how to make me retreat. You are sticking to the bullet points very well so you have more training than the average rabbi.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'm trying to make you retreat? That's exactly the nonsense logic argument a stupid Asian cunt would use when she's caught mistaking someone for someone else.

Le_Squish ago

Moo more lolcow.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Epic levels of low energy. You can't even fuckin' meme!

The other throwaway account was probably right to engage you, you're such an easy target I can't stop laughing.

Le_Squish ago

How many hours left in your shift?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

How many hours left in yours?

Le_Squish ago

Be self employed. Work when I want.

Look, brah. It's obvious one account is primarily for posting submissions and the other for commenting.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Whatever you say, "Brah". You lost this one. Go pander your dumb female manipulative bullshit on a receptive audience, you won't be getting any further serious engagement from me and I'll keep one-liner responding until you get tired of it.

Le_Squish ago

Oh noes, rabbi just accused me of using feminine wiles on him. Didn't even post titties.

I'm really curious as to why you keep wanting this to be a gender issue? One would think you would invest more into trying to distance this account from the similarly named one. But that is not the case. Not my fault you guys chose a shitty scheme that was easily unmasked once you foolishly brought attention to it.

I want to speak the manager.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

This is the manager, how can I assist you today?