whysosensitive ago

It is.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

There's a lot of difference between waifus and jungle negrettes.

fluhthreeex ago

See his most recent stickied announcement where he explains why he may have done this.

OP may have done this as a courtesy for those who browse Voat at work and don't want their co-workers to see links like this on their devices.

BollywoodUndead ago

What's wrong with asians?

vladtep ago

They're fine, as a separate, distinct race, living in their lands.

PewterKey ago

Liberals aren't even consistent on interracial relationships. They approve of a White woman and black guy, but White men and Asian women is not okay. It boils down to women wanting more options, but not more competition.

JopharVorin ago

One of the first questions I ask a new woman is if she ever dated a black man. If she says yes then her trashy ass gets told to fuck off

whysosensitive ago

You caught that too eh? I have no idea man. I didnt pick that.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Disgust sensitivity is highly correlated to conservative politics, so liberals aren't of a different opinion, they lack the taste buds.

obvious-throwaway- ago


For Kikes and Niggers. Whites should NEVER mix with lesser races. It's ALWAYS a downgrade.

vastrightwing ago

You can brown the white race. You can't whiten a brown one.

mrfetus ago

A nigger child in every kike womb.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

You can get Asian women that will fit into a traditional wife role nicely. You have to get them from their homeland though. Ones raised here are as burnt toast as the white coal burners we have already.

whysosensitive ago

You don't have any consideration for the offspring. Tell your half asian half white son that even asian women won't want him.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Yep. Most of these incels are Hāfus.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Average IQ of East Asians is 105.

East Asian women (from East Asia) generally hate niggers as much as the average goat.

Most white women in college turn into whores.

White male / Asian female is fine.

vladtep ago

You really think they tested every Chinese peasant and Mongolian idiot to come up with that average?

You can bet they got to all of ours.

KingOfTheCorpses ago

Agreed. It's often been a nigger/spic and a morbidly obese white woman. The age gap seems to be irrelevant in these pairings as I have seen women with grey hair dating niggers in their twenties. Tells a lot about worth of the relevant parties.

HulkInformation ago

Keep telling it like it is. I can't seem to hide the facial expressions I make when I see a normal looking white girl dating a black guy or arab. Just bothers the hell out of me. Didn't always react like that.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

LOL. What if I told you that colors are colors and that 'race' is another term for breed? What if you discovered that everybody was already mixed 'race'? What if this was all just a reflection of culture and personal preference? I think if you really thought about it, you would realize that the real problem is the bar you've set given the lack of preferrable traits you yourself have. Essentially, incel-mindsets are absolutely insufferable and should be pointed out for the hypocrisy they represent. You are feminism fuel. DISGUSTING!

Plant_Boy ago

No idea what half your comment is babbling about but if you want to go down breeds then in dog breeding people would breed Labrador's with poodles to make a mutt and call it labradoodle. They would genetically stunt dogs just to make a zany name. Those same people push for diversity quotas in people and push them whites to mate with blacks.

I'm not saying the odd mixed relationship is bad but pushing the agenda is.

whysosensitive ago

I'm not an incel kike.

bagano1 ago

This is the sort of shit I hate to read on voat. When it's to promote an agenda or virtue signal, it is annoying. When two people fall in love, what the fuck is it your business?

NastiN8 ago

Because they do destroy any future hopes of society functioning properly when they lower the average IQ to subhuman levels? get some sense, don’t be a cuck

bagano1 ago

Do you know many mixed race kids? Clearly, your IQ isn't that high if you haven't considered it can go the other way too(and it does).

Sure you don't have some nigger in you?

lexsird ago

Race traitor and gun grabber. You really are a disgusting whore here for abuse from your betters aren't you?

SacUp ago

Did y'all get beat up by black folks in HS or just raped in jail? One or the other KB commandos...

whysosensitive ago

go back to africa

SacUp ago

You're oldest ancewtor was a nigger from Africa. Guess you're coming with me.

SacUp ago

Yet the rest of the white people with just 23 chromosomes are busy fuckin' whomever they want.

If you were fucking anything w/o hooves or not demanding credit cards your opinion might be valid, but you couldn't even spellcheck the aforementioned word. so that option's out the window. Just like every other species, the strongest are made by cross- breeding. You cross-breed dogs, plants, everything and they get better. EXCEPT, your family tree...but I digress.

In summation, shut up ya stupid nigger. Pretty obvious here you're white but just a incel-autist nigger in your own right. If you had pussy since pussy had you, you wouldn't be worried about who's fuckin' whom.

The_Venerable ago

Ooga booga

whysosensitive ago


nrlftw ago

I’m 75/25 white/Latino. I used to be all about latinas and exotics. Now in my early 30’s I’m alllll about the white girls. Can’t see myself marrying anything but.

EarlPoncho ago

dont know how anyone tolerates nigger smell

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

I don't know how those enormous noses that niggers have that they can't smell themselves. Also what's with the nigger block car air freshener. For fucks sake. It stinks up the entire parking lot at a gas station.

tastywhitemeat ago

While I don't wholeheartedly support interracial relationships of white/Asian/Latino combinations, I don't have the same visceral reaction of disgust towards them compared to interracial couples where there is a nigger in the mix.

Pwning4Ever ago

Blasian is the word hands down. The kids have some pretty fucked up hair.

speedisavirus ago

Because it's like seeing a dog fuck a duck. They are different species

DishingShitLikeA ago


Charlez6 ago

The fuckup that is Doutzen Kroes is a fairly strong redpill. Imagine being one of the most beautiful women on Earth, yet producing those nauseating mixed mutts because she decided to shack up with a nigger to be all edgy and rebellious. No way her heart doesn't break every time she sees them.

Point out those children to any normies, and ask them if that's the best that supermodel Kroes can make, imagine how ugly the bastard interracial spawn of regular folk like us would be!

Goat-Master-5000 ago

I just googled Doutzen Kroes, because I didn't know who she was.

She is a very beautiful woman, and yet....she destroyed her own genetic line. Those poor kids will never have a true ethnic identity of their own. The privileges of extreme wealth and high social status might be able to insulate them from this for a while, but those poor little mixed breed mutt kids are lost.

I can't tell what race or ethnicity the father is. Is he black, Arab, mestizo Hispanic, or something else? Their children just look like some unidentifiable brown-skinned ethnic kids, and they look NOTHING like the mother.

KeepGoingRight ago

Interesting that all the genetic research companies are Jew owned.

There used to be people trying to answer proper questions about genetics, race and IQ. Looks like the truth doesn't fit their plan.

JopharVorin ago

Jews have to hide all of their genetic diseases

KeepGoingRight ago

That's a fascinating article that appears to line up with the pre-WW2 viewpoints using objective science before ideology took center stage.

  1. Races exist.

  2. Races are distinctly different in many ways.

  3. IQ has a very strong genetic component.

  4. The type of civilization built, if any, depends largely on the population's IQ.

Current "academics" have been using similar studies to falsely establish "Jewish Intellectual Supremacy" based on bad data and analysis (neglecting socioeconomic status, in-group preference, and other significant factors that would shape sample populations). The studies are almost always done by a Jewish "academic" and receive questionable peer reviews.

Davide Piffer is a 34 year-old Italian anthropologist with a Master’s degree from England’s prestigious Durham University. He has an IQ of over 132. Piffer is currently studying for his PhD at Israel’s Ben Gurion University.

The study appears sound at face value, but because of the researcher's link to Israel I would hesitate to accept it without much more scrutiny. Israel is a terror state that has always had an agenda at odds with scientific or civilization advancement.

Gopherurself ago


llliilliilll ago

It seems to me like a new way for white liberal women to virtue signal. It really shows how progressive they are s/. Little do they know and I realize I’m preaching to choir here how it looks to folks like us. They may as well be black after dating one. You’re not coming back and you look like a complete fool.

TauCeti ago

No surprise, given the social engineering campaign going on with advertising.

viperguy ago

Correct. Whites having a black kid is a guarantee of a poor and lonely life with no male, certainly never a white man with a job.

Science : Black Fathers worst on earth!

Astoundingly, nearly 92% of Black men eventually flee from biracial kids they themselves create!!! 92% Study from the CDC :


Countless Sociology papers provoked creation of a recent documentary by the Black community, that Black men flee their kids, even if THE MOTHER IS BLACK. 72% if black mother :

Refer to :


And 98% of mixed race kids get NO MONEY SUPPORT from black fathers EVER !:

ref "Table 6" of 2015 Science paper https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2625893

Except in EVERY television commercial, the worst fathers on earth are scientifically proven to be black as shown above.

A mixed race baby is never ever going to have a father and especially not a non-black father because no white man wants to be seen in public in a role that looks like he was "cuckolded" :


Women are delusional. A black thug spawn from Da'Trayvon knocks a white woman 7 full points out of 10 in dating value for long term commitment from a man with a job.

92% of Black men eventually flee from their own biracial kids

Though liberals hate science facts, Black fathers are no father at all.

Provably disgusting animals spreading their seed. Hundreds of years ago, few niglets would survive, but in white society we feed and raise and breed more of them!

Gopherurself ago

Should be written on every bathroom wall

Anoxim ago

Once you go black. We dont want you back.

Gopherurself ago


David_Duke_n_Friends ago

With their vomit inducing little Goblinas.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Oh, God. That poor kid.

jewd_law ago

Is that Anjew Anglin's baby pic?

Artofchoke ago

That poor little girl. Incredibly unfair.

Ocelot ago

Girl? That is a yellow goblin.

Gopherurself ago

Correct but its violence having mixed kids. They just wanna killthemselves anyway.

.. Cuasr the fuckin should.

croyt ago

half breed dregs

dawnbandit1 ago
