Can we take a minute to appreciate Putt for standing up for free speech? (whatever)
submitted 6.2 years ago by iownyou
Can you believe this fucking bullshit with these other "free speech" platforms?
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MadWorld 6.2 years ago
He is another one of those (((freshmeat / sane))) accounts. You can find several sane accounts within this submission.
And nice try sane - Putt
[–] whysosensitive [S] -4 points (+0|-4) 1.6 hours ago (edited 1.5 hours ago) If you are a man of principle and truly do believe in free speech, why don't you show the world who you are and stand behind those values? [–] PuttItOut 4 points (+4|-0) 1.4 hours ago Because a principle is greater than me. I am nothing compared to freedom. And nice try sane.
[–] whysosensitive [S] -4 points (+0|-4) 1.6 hours ago (edited 1.5 hours ago)
If you are a man of principle and truly do believe in free speech, why don't you show the world who you are and stand behind those values?
[–] PuttItOut 4 points (+4|-0) 1.4 hours ago Because a principle is greater than me. I am nothing compared to freedom. And nice try sane.
[–] PuttItOut 4 points (+4|-0) 1.4 hours ago
Because a principle is greater than me. I am nothing compared to freedom.
And nice try sane.
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MadWorld ago
He is another one of those (((freshmeat / sane))) accounts. You can find several sane accounts within this submission.
And nice try sane - Putt