antiliberalsociety ago

Except for the fact what he did was illegal even by gofundme's standards

Why are you defending someone who is literally NOTHING what he says he is? When the left comes to attack us (and they will) what do you think THEY will do with that? If we don't police ourselves it'll be much worse if they do it for us. He undermines everything we stand for.

Fuck off with your virtue signalling, this isn't reddit.

14566957? ago

I don't feel as if I'm virtue signaling but it's fine if that's what you think I'm doing. Just hate seeing infighting and would prefer if our energy was spent tearing down the left. I wasn't aware of the whole FBI thing and do acknowledge that that was seriously uncool.

antiliberalsociety ago

Sure, and it has nothing to do with the fact that he's your friend does it?

14579274? ago

Partially. But there have been quite a few times that I've tried to stop infighting here on Voat.

lucabrasi ago

I dont have a dog in this fight, but... You do realize in the work place people get fired, right? Usually it's for anything that can bring the company/team/cause down. Sometimes culling the bad seeds is necessary for the good of the team I think is the message here. Like when a teacher gets charged with a crime or has a big scandal in his/her personal life, they usually lose their jobs or get put on leave because simply being associated with that person hurts their image.

antiliberalsociety ago

That's actually a very good way of putting it.

keksupreme ago

thanks jew shill for the jew insight

Intrixina ago

Someone who willfully lies about how one is going to use funds they receive on a fundraising site is not "making a mistake". It is a CHOICE. He is not needy - he used funds allocated for groceries to buy ammo. It is the deception involved that a lot of people are pissed off at - not the fact that he asked for money. If he was upfront about things, people may have still donated, but at least he would have been honest.

If he owned his choices, was fully contrite and remorseful, and apologised for his actions, people would be sympathetic. Instead, he doubles down and lies. That is what I have an issue with.

I am always honest in my dealings with people and I expect the same from others towards me and to others. If you are a liar, you are deceptive, and you should fully expect people to not want anything to do with you as a result.

notmyselftoday ago

Anyone who calls the FBI on voat should get perma-banned on the spot.


IMO he's a bitch, I typically downvote him just because he acts like a clown. Apparently he actually cried to the FBI because he always finds people with opposing views, he never actually contributes anything beyond "Be Right, Use More Guns." Personally he should have the FBI called on himself if he's going to go that route, I feels harassed into causing violence because of his posts. See how that bitch shit goes? None of his posts are above niggerbrain level.

14558203? ago

Could you link me to the FBI threat? I've heard this ITT but haven't seen it.

14558380? ago

Oh. I didn't realize this.

I can understand contacting the FBI for a threat against family combined with a successful dox (I know someone this happened to), but not for harassment. I mean, haven't we all experienced that here to some extent? I'm gonna ask him about this.


Yea, I remember the post the day it happened, but laughed it off honestly because this is Voat. After that, all of his obviously-right posts I see now just seem like posturing to me, Voat bothers plenty of people and they just do the rational thing and do something else with their time if they feel offended or victimized.

antiliberalsociety ago

He's always calling on others to take action, never "look what I'm doing for the white race!"


That's just cringey.

Those guys down there implying Christians haven't killed innocent people and burned books just like communists...

antiliberalsociety ago

He who is without sin shall cast the first stone.

Of course they have, but the numbers are a bit slanted as to how many they've killed in the name of Christianity vs. communism, its more about why do we only hear about the 6 million jews instead of the 20 million Christians killed by Trotsky (Finklestein) in Russia.


Can we count the Africans who call themselves Christians today?

notmyselftoday ago

all of his obviously-right posts I see now just seem like posturing to me

Exactly this. Obvious shill behavior, or just weakass beta bullshit imho.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

What about him trying to bring the feds down on this site because someone was being mean? Im a big fan of not making an enemy where one doesn’t already exist, but I see that as anti voat.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Sounds like something a Jew shill would say.

Seriously though, you're right. One of the reasons the right, especially the far right, isn't infiltrated by actual intel agents as much as we think we are is because we are our own worst enemy. Almost every serious far right movement implodes before it really gets started, case and point: Matt Heinbach.

antiliberalsociety ago

Sounds like something a Jew shill would say.

Hitler purged Nazi members in 1924 for burning down Jewish businesses because they undermined what they stood for.

facepaint ago

On this subject, I see a lot of hate & venom right leaning (or non-leftists) for not being pure enough. Ben Shapiro, Cernovich, Milo, Tommy Robinson. The list can go on and on. People looking for some sort of Jewish connection, or disliking them because they are Jewish, or gay. Accusing everyone and their mother of being "controlled opposition."

So what if someone doesn't spout your same ideas and agree with you identically and with equal fervor. Or some personal attribute is not a life path you would follow.

Personally, I am for the people who want free speech, which is dangerously being squelched by government in Europe, and corporations in the US. If we can't have the conversations and dialogue to sort through our ideas then all is lost for our society... and that leave emotional manipulation & violence which we see much on the leftist side.

I am not saying you should not disagree or criticize some of their ideas & positions that you may not like. But the outright character assassination is a bit too much.

Ideological purity is expressing itself as the death knell of the SJWS, feminists & Democrats. Learn from them. Don't follow in their foot steps and push everyone away.

Frankly this type of character assassination and othering would be a perfect tactic for political pressure groups like Blueshare, unless it was discovered and called out for what it is.

WilliamCutting ago

Ben Shapiro is a two faced lying kike who tells Americans that Diversity is our strength and a White ethnostate is evil, meanwhile a staunch modern orthodox jew and major supporter of Israel and the Likkud party. You know, the party that is fighting for an ethnically jewish only Isreal.

He is a liar here to gatekeep conservative goyim so they don't fight for their own interests.

facepaint ago

But some of his ideas and research is good on other subjects. And how often does he go on about diversity, white nationalists & Israel? Don't throw the jew out with the bath water.

antiliberalsociety ago

I don't give a good damn about the browning of America. Color doesn't matter, ideology does.

  • Ben Shapiro, the same guy against the browning of Israel

notmyselftoday ago

Shills hide in plain sight. They pretend to be on your side while they work against you.

WilliamCutting ago

He consistently attacks WN and the Alt right. He is a gatekeeper and his TOTALLY SICK DESTRUCTION OF AN SJW is not worth his subversive bullshit.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Can’t remember which episode it was. It’s the one where Murdoch goes on a quest, has a run in with a Crowder and they end up in a Bro fight.

holy shit I haven’t checked in a while, but I have some catching up to do!

DeadFox ago

No enemy to the right no friend to the left. If you punch right we all know what side you stand with.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

gasp Murdoch punched right!

DeadFox ago


draaaak ago

Constantly... ridicule of r/thedonald dorks comes to mind.

DeadFox ago

Lmao. Do you not know what punching right means? It means don't attack anyone to the right of you. Donaldcucks are to the left of us.

draaaak ago

Fair nuf. I misinterpreted it, largely I think due to OP's apparent misuse of the term.

notmyselftoday ago

@TexasVet is not the right of me either.



You're part of a hivemind? Have you seen the political leaning of ever person on Voat?

DeadFox ago

The us I refer to is National Socialists. Individualism is for faggots.


Can't really argue with that I guess.

Whentwurf ago

? thedonald is cucked by the israel lobby. criticizing them isn't punching right you zionist shill.

draaaak ago

Yes, yes they are... then I guess Murdoch doesn't punch right.. they punch "the right".

notmyselftoday ago

And calling me a zionist shill isn't also punching right? Hmmmm...

I know very well that thedonald is "cucked by the israel lobby", and cucked hard, but the users there think they are "the right", so mocking them would absolutely qualify as "punching right". At least as much as mocking/calling out Ben Shapiro, or any alleged righty would.

PuttItOut ago

I'm glad you made this post.

It's an important point you are making, and that is, in my opinion, that we have much bigger concerns as a community to devote so much time to seemingly petty bickering.

As I've said before, no one is innocent, and from what I know about this situation, both "sides" have increased the level of drama, right or wrong. I'd hope Voat becomes mature enough to know when the horse is dead and that further beating it is ultimately a waste of valuable resources such as time and energy.

Voat is filled with highly passionate people, and I often contemplate how awesome it would be if this passion was applied towards "big picture" problems.

Reminds me of this quote:

Great people talk about ideas.

Average people talk about things.

Small people talk about other people.

albatrosv15 ago

I'd hope Voat becomes mature enough to know when the horse is dead and that further beating it is ultimately a waste of valuable resources such as time and energy.

@ Qlarps and @ trumptards.

redpilldessert ago

I often contemplate how awesome it would be if this passion was applied towards "big picture" problems.

Haha, I'd love to try and convince you of stuff to do with worldwide white decline, and IQ/DNA stuff, but tbh, I prefer at least the impression of the admin having a completely neutral stance, so I feel like debate is off the cards!

NotHereForPizza ago

TV is a dumb ass boomer that doxes self and insists there will be a civil war.

What you're seeing is the reverse hug box correcting TV's course. The community is in the process of humbling him and reshaping his tainted perspectives.

All of this meta complaining is low IQ.

Now, as for some REAL concern and news, what do you have to say about the recent issues with Microsoft threatening

And what's the chances something like that happens here? We're already getting media attention with the Q migration. The target on this site is bound to increase.

And then there's the recent Facebook purge, crazy Twitter censorship, and all of the bullshit happening with YouTube.

If you REALLY want to seem like you care about the site, the user base, or it's persistence, you'll address these questions instead of involving yourself in mediocre meta discussion about socializing members of the community who make a fool of themselves.

PuttItOut ago

You're not wrong but I can use Voat to have my say as well. I don't think one comment on the subject is indicative of neglect in other areas.

NotHereForPizza ago

Sure, but it makes it really easy to make such claims when you're given an opportunity to respond to such circumstances, but only ever accomplish defending yourself.

Here I thought things were looking up for you, Putt.

You not responding to those questions is pretty disappointing.

antiliberalsociety ago

So are you advocating we turn a blind eye to criminal behavior, dishonesty, and flat out lies and disinformation?

PuttItOut ago

No, not at all. In my opinion, that case has been laid out and I was simply suggesting further pursuit was no longer worth the energy.

antiliberalsociety ago

As long as there's followers that don't know his history, his history shall be known. People have a right to know and I fail to see how that's increasing the level of drama.

kneo24 ago

I think he's advocating for us to get along better, which is what he's always done.

antiliberalsociety ago

So in short, yes. Reminds me of "this is not who we are" while having refugees invading the quiet countryside.

kneo24 ago

Possibly. I just might be overly charitable in Putt's intentions here.

14554887? ago

Agree wholeheartedly, Putts. <3

kneo24 ago

It's a terrible quote to use to be honest. You're either using it incorrectly, or you're saying that the people in question predominantly discuss others. If it's the latter, I don't find that to be the case.

alalzia ago

I have seen your name around , no idea about that Texas guy .

If i understand that correctly you were heavily abused while receiving 0.4 downvotes per post and when most of your submissions are in two subs with a total of 2500 users . Also i suspect that after being here for three years you know how to use the block button . According to your post the Texas guy (for who i have nothing against) should not be criticized (although you call him a goat meaning that he knows VOAT culture) because he is a great patriot or something . I just saw one of his post claiming "online abuse" and "legal action" .....

Seriously VOAT is a free speech medium and everyone who has been here long enough has experienced what you describe as "harassment" . I am sure as an adult you understand what i am saying.

antiliberalsociety ago

Here's an idea about that Texas guy







aaaaaand 8

I could go on but you get the picture

alalzia ago

yeah, thanks

14554947? ago

Just an idea of what it was like...

alalzia ago

So you are called a trap in a medium when everyone is called a faggot every day and those calling you are SBBH users ... come on .

14555732? ago

Oh no no no...that's no big deal and normal internet faggotry that we all participate in.

No, what bothered me was that I had recruited several of my friends (including my sister in law) who are highly skilled in domestic arts and homeschooling to come and help with content. They were getting picked on by these creeps in the comment section and every single one of them left and couldn't understand why I'd stay in a place that didn't want me.

We also had a number of young women that were run off. That's what bothered me the most.

antiliberalsociety ago

You didn't warn them of what normies would consider a hostile environment? You didn't explain we have saboteurs trying to undermine us?

14566981? ago

Of course I did! At that time TWs was receiving more forum sliding and spam bs than any other verse.

kneo24 ago

The problem with people like this faggot is that they have a platform for use. You see it as a connection of people, I see it as a means of control, one of which to spread their own message. I wouldn't mind it so much if he actually came across as a genuine person. Whether people like it or not, we need solid leaders to help keep us on track.

He's a person who constantly lashes out like a nigger and acts like a Jew. Given this, one can easily question the motives of a person trying to build up their name to form a following.

14553540? ago

I don't see him so much as trying to lead- I see him more as someone who wants to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

I didn't down vote you and I do value your opinion.

antiliberalsociety ago

Trying to lead means you're setting the example by actually getting out there and DOING shit. He only ever calls for others to take action. He sure didn't secure a future for HIS white children as he never had any, and only after I pointed out his hypocrisy did he make a post admitting it.

TeddyJackson ago

I see him more as someone who wants to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

He is a childless boomer. He didn't secure anything. That said he does get more than he deserves. But you also need to realize that hateful shills exist here. They can't be faggy/pussy shills like they are on reddit, so they are hateful shills instead.

Glory_Beckons ago

Say some guy drinks and drives, and injures someone in the process. Afterwards, he becomes an advocate against drinking and driving. Now he talks to anyone who will listen, warning of the dangers of drinking and driving.

Would you call him a hypocrite? Is he just a shill? Should we tell him to shut up, and not listen to him, and follow him around, jeering and ridiculing him, so nobody listens to him, because, after all, he drank and drove, so what does he know?

What a foolish mindset.

One doesn't have to be a saint to recognize and praise virtue.

The way you lot behave towards him is far more disgraceful than anything you've accused him of.

antiliberalsociety ago

Drunk driver admitted what he did was wrong. Spot the difference?

TeddyJackson ago

Are you actually that retarded? You seem like an NPC. Or a troll/shill. Because you seem to have read the first two sentences but not the last three.

Would you call him a hypocrite? Is he just a shill? Should we tell him to shut up, and not listen to him, and follow him around, jeering and ridiculing him, so nobody listens to him, because, after all, he drank and drove, so what does he know? What a foolish mindset.

What a strawman argument you got there. Learned from reddit or other liberals. Pretty easy to call something foolish when you make up.

The way you lot behave towards him is far more disgraceful than anything you've accused him of.

Lumping me in with 'them', after I said he gets more than he deserves.

After a quick look at your other comments, you seem genuinely stupid as fuck. Bordering on retardation. You seem too stupid to be a shill.

Glory_Beckons ago

That said he does get more than he deserves. But ...

I read what you said just fine. Perhaps you're not aware of what the word "but" does to whatever precedes it?

Lumping me in with 'them', after I said he gets more than he deserves.

Your comment, overall, very clearly leans heavily towards justifying their actions, as opposed to condemning them. So you are in fact "with them". At the very least in defending their actions here.

What a strawman argument you got there.

An allegory is not automatically a straw man, just because you don't like the point it makes.

DeadFox ago

You didn't answer the question at all you fucking faggot.

TeddyJackson ago

I don't have to you fucking retarded npc because they are made up strawman question you illiterate retard.

kneo24 ago

It's the faggot doing the downvote.

I just simply don't see him as someone who cares about white people. I've seen his actions. It's always, "let me say something agreeable to my target audience!" It's how people like him build up an audience in the first place. What is the purpose in building up an audience? To lead them.

This is the same guy who has admitted he was jobless for 5+ years, obviously likes social media, but refused to update his linkdin to better network during that jobless period. The same guy who still can't manage to shut down the gofund me to improve his image to his detractors, even lied about not being able to figure it out.

The same person who spent money frivolously when you know they probably have some debt after being jobless for so long. Even if I were to assume they never borrowed a cent from the bank, you can guarantee they borrowed from friends and family. The same friends who just happened to have random pictures of him after he lost everything he had in a house fire, so he could put together some collage of his years in the military. Paying them back is a way better use of the money then spending it on a rifle he didn't need.

cyclops1771 ago

And how does that affect YOU personally?

kneo24 ago

Your question is irrelevant.

cyclops1771 ago

Why is it irrelevant?

To me, as a Stoic, is is the ONLY question to ask.

Does this affect me personally? No? Then it does not affect me, and I have nothing to say about it.

If Yes, then, what can I do about it? And then work to do that.

kneo24 ago

I see, so you have no concern for others if it doesn't affect you. Are you a nigger?

cyclops1771 ago

Ah, the putting of words into my mouth, and then arguing against this new fake point. And then name calling as you sneer at the idiocy of a person who would believe such a thought as the fake point. That is a classic Jewish tactic.

If I spent all my waking time worrying about what others did and didn't do, I would not be able to concentrate on the things I can affect. I hardly have time for that in and of itself. This type of argument has been used against Stoics for millennia. However, it is a false logic - Stoics are very conscientious in their own actions. For example, upholding the law and order of a society DOES affect a person. Chaos and unlawful behavior are bad for me personally, so I speak against it. Ugh, that sounded Ayn Randish. Fuck, I suck at explaining things. Maybe I should hire a Jew. You available?

kneo24 ago

I didn't put any words your mouth. You said this doesn't affect you personally, so who cares? It's a short sighted slight against those who care about the greater community. For all of your whinning about whose the jew, you sure did a fantastic job of speaking out both sides of your mouth. If you care about the community, you'd care about slimy people like Texasvet.

You can't have it both ways here.

cyclops1771 ago

You said this doesn't affect you personally, so who cares?

No, I really didn't.

I said that if it doesn't affect me personally, spending my time worrying about it is a waste of time - that I shouldn't talk about it. I didn't say "Who cares?"

It's a short sighted slight against those who care about the greater community.

If TexasVet makes an ass of himself, it doesn't affect the full community - it reflects on him. DO you think that his actions make YOU look bad? It doesn't. It makes HIM look bad. Your reaction to his actions makes YOU look bad, because for some reason, you want to spend all this time worrying about his actions.

I guess it is a "your actions speak for themselves" and going around making attacks on a person because of those same bad actions simply reflects on you, not him. That's all I'm trying to say on how I view it - sort of a "give them enough rope to hang themselves" rather than being the lyncher myself. Different philosophy on things, you and I.

But that is why I think the question was relevant. Would you care to answer that question, or shall we agree to disagree and each have a nice evening?

antiliberalsociety ago

If TexasVet makes an ass of himself, it doesn't affect the full community

Wrong. He claims to represent the "alt right" while spamming Voat, plebbit, twatter, kikebook for support. If he's a fraud he ought to be called out as such because when the left attacks they will always take the worst example to blow up in the media.

He gets enough support to appear to be some kind of leader, but he isn't. Everything he preaches his actions contradict as seen here

As far as your retarded drunk driver analogy, the drunk didn't lie about what he did was wrong, did he....

cyclops1771 ago

He claims to represent the "alt right" while spamming Voat, plebbit, twatter, kikebook for support.

Does he represent the alt-right? Does he represent you? Does him saying it make it true?
There is a person on here who tells the Q people he is their GodKingEmporer. Does that make him their GodKingEmporer, just because he says it?

If he's a fraud he ought to be called out as such because when the left attacks they will always take the worst example to blow up in the media.

If he's a fraud he ought to be called out as such because when the left attacks they will always take the worst example to blow up in the media.

If you take your self worth from what the media says... well, you're going to lose (((every.single.time.))) If you think the media is going to magically jump to your side if you attack a fraud person, you're also going to lose (((every.single.time)))

As far as your retarded drunk driver analogy, the drunk didn't lie about what he did was wrong, did he....

WTF are you talking about?

antiliberalsociety ago

He claims to and that's all our enemy needs to attack, his track record of being a fraud is so bad that those who upvote his posts and defend what they see as a "poor vet" are going to make it look like the right is criminal as it's obvious with posts such as these that "we" protect him.

Scratch that drunk driver comment, that was intended for someone else's comment.

cyclops1771 ago

That's where we differ, I think.

The "makes it look like" is a false model, imho. The media is going to do whatever it wants. They did it to the militias after McVeigh, they did it to the landowners after Bundy. You aren't going to win that war.

Posts such as these - now we are getting into chicken v egg territory. Without the attacks, there is no defense needed. His actions speak for themselves, either way. A bad person can be good at times, and a good person can be bad at times. For example, I agree with Trump on a lot of things, but his support of Israel sickens me.

TexasVet was nice to Empress once, that does NOT negate his failures and fraud. But it does show that one action does not beget an entire person. Lack of remorse shows a character flaw of severe selfishness, and I would not trust that person at all, but it does not mean all actions are bad. Suspect, yes. Necessarily bad, no.

kneo24 ago

No, I really didn't.

I said that if it doesn't affect me personally, spending my time worrying about it is a waste of time - that I shouldn't talk about it. I didn't say "Who cares?"

The implication is there by posing such a leading question. Whether or not you directly state it doesn't matter at that point.

If TexasVet makes an ass of himself, it doesn't affect the full community - it reflects on him. DO you think that his actions make YOU look bad? It doesn't. It makes HIM look bad. Your reaction to his actions makes YOU look bad, because for some reason, you want to spend all this time worrying about his actions.

It's not about him making an ass out of himself. I've already stated what it was about. I find his actions to have ulterior motives, especially given that he is trying to gain a following while he seemingly lies about his hardships and how he handles things. It's suspect. People like this have a good chance to harm the greater community if they gain a foothold.

Ultimately, this is why your question becomes irrelevant. Even if it doesn't directly affect me, it indirectly does.

cyclops1771 ago

The implication is there by posing such a leading question.

That's not how this works, sir. Either I said it, or I didn't. Any implication is YOUR interpretation, not my meaning. I have repeated a number of times now what my meaning was. You are just refusing to accept it.

this is why your question becomes irrelevant. Even if it doesn't directly affect me, it indirectly does.

See, that's the thing, if it weren't for the people attacking him, I'd have no idea who he was. It's almost as if these attacks are his alts, attempting to create a "victimhood" status of him. That's the implication, therefore it is 100% true, and everything else is irrelevant. (See, it doesn't exactly follow, does it?)

kneo24 ago

That's not how this works, sir. Either I said it, or I didn't. Any implication is YOUR interpretation, not my meaning. I have repeated a number of times now what my meaning was. You are just refusing to accept it.

You've been entirely unclear what your position is. You're circling around it vaguely. While you're asking me why I care, you haven't mentioned whether you care or not. So while you sit there lambasting me for interpreting what you really mean, you're not giving anyone a whole lot to understand your position on this in regards to your stoicism and the "only question that matters". The fault is entirely on you at this point.

See, that's the thing, if it weren't for the people attacking him, I'd have no idea who he was. It's almost as if these attacks are his alts, attempting to create a "victimhood" status of him. That's the implication, therefore it is 100% true, and everything else is irrelevant. (See, it doesn't exactly follow, does it?)

No, what you're doing is jumping to baseless accusations (to prove your point) on a situation you've admitted you have no idea what is going on in it. This is much different than trying to have a conversation with someone and trying to understand their position.

cyclops1771 ago

You've been entirely unclear what your position is. You're circling around it vaguely.

Well then that is a failure on my part to being clear - when describinga complex idea into simple terms, you generally lose some of the context, and then being asked "What about..." and then given radically different situations, I tried to address those SPECIFIC situations, and no the general, simpler version.

What exactly would you like to know? Direct, simple questions, rather than the snarky (I think deliberate) misinterpretation and restating - very Daily SHow-ish, to be honest. Sort of in the "Trump cures cancer" and the headline, "Trump does not cure AIDS" and the Daily SHow types would lambaste Trump for "hating gays!" I prefer not going down that kind of route, so please, if yoiu really care, ask the direct question.

This is much different than trying to have a conversation with someone and trying to understand their position.

I don't see it that way. You stated I said something I didn't. I declared I did not say that, you stated , Well, you implied it, therefore you really did say it. You took the end result, and made that the implication, which means I actually said it. That has nothing to do with trying to understand a position, in my mind, at least. I could be wrong. It happened once before.

It's all a matter of controlling the controllable, starting with yourself and your actions. Only you are responsible for your actions. Your actions 100% represent you. What others say about you, if they be true, reflect those actions, and you deserve their words. If they be false, then it does not reflect upon you, it reflects on THEM for spreading lies.

Take the "Serenity Prayer" -

accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."

This is kind of what I am talking about - you can't control what others do. You can only control yourself. If other actions do not affect you, they have no meaning to you, they simply are their actions. Shrug it off. So the person is a liar. They tell lies about you. If not true, then this does not do you harm, it does the liar harm. If someone approaches you and asks you about the lie, it matters not, you did not do or say what they claimed. Let history judge, spend your time bettering yourself, rather than wasting time attacking the liar.

kneo24 ago

I'm not interested in knowing what you actually think at this point. I found your original question leading and it had some presumptuousness to it. The fact that you still don't get any of it only further shows you're here to talk in circles.

cyclops1771 ago

OK. Tat's fair. But I will leave you with this - any "presumptuousness" in the question was created in YOUR mind, not mine.

Tone is in the ear of the reader, not the mouth of the writer. Unless they are REALLY REALLY good, which I clearly am not.

Have a nice day!

14553063? ago

@TexasVet Empress has convinced me to stop bullying you. Sorry for the trouble.

ThoseFeels ago

he's an asset in my little opinion, but that calling the FBI thing is really difficult to ignore.

14555836? ago

I don't know anything about that. Curious to the reason. I do know of an old goat (who shall remain nameless bc he's got enough going on in his life right now & I don't want to add to the drama) that contacted the FBI over another goat. This is well known in some circles and nobody batted a eye- granted, it was over a dox and a threat.

notmyselftoday ago

The fact that you made this post without knowing about @TexasVet calling the FBI on voat is a bit of an issue... how can anyone support/defend a goat who attempts to sick the FBI on voat, or even just on specific users, who, in fact, have clear evidence of his fraud, included a video in which he unwittingly admits to the exact illegal activities he is being accused of?

Additionally, calling the FBI due to being doxxed and threatened is very different than doing so because a few dudes online wont stop bothering you about having committed actual fraud. Apples and oranges.

This is not about "punching right", this is about protecting voat. It sounds like you don't have the full story.

14558566? ago

I was not aware of the FBI thing- @DANKGHIDORAH just linked me. That being said, it didn't seem to bother Putt and I still think there are bigger fish to fry.

notmyselftoday ago

Those bigger fish are being fried on voat's front burners. Meanwhile, the smaller fish also need to be fried, which is what the side and back burners are for. All the fish are being fried.

kneo24 ago

I'm going to pretend you just made a metaphor (out of a metaphor) for jews being tossed into the oven, regardless if that was your intent or not.

notmyselftoday ago

I won't lie, it crossed my mind when I wrote that, but it wasn't the entirety of my intent.

Fry the Fish!

ThoseFeels ago

Why were you harassing him so much though?

He shouldn't have called the FBI, that's ridiculous, but it seems pretty clear that you were going far and beyond to bully the guy. That meme you made was fucking bullshit and it's only effect was a purity spiral.

antiliberalsociety ago

He denies misappropriation of donations is wrong and according to gofundme it's fraudulent. Have you even seen my posts? Or are you cognitive dissonancing around the negs because he's a vet?

notmyselftoday ago

Or are you cognitive dissonancing around the negs because he's a vet?

1000% this.

notmyselftoday ago

Because he keeps claiming that I/we are wrong, that we are "slandering" him, and that he has "debunked" all of the claims made against him. He is a liar. And so long as he continues to lie, I will continue to call him out for being a liar, and legally speaking, a fraud.

The meme I made was 100% accurate. Everything about the post I was mocking, from the picture, on multiple levels, to the title, qualified as attention-whoring, virtue signaling faggotry. How can you not see this? I don't care what side of the aisle someone is on, if they act like a faggot, you better believe I'm going to treat them like a faggot. You even called him out for "zenith level faggorty" after he reported voat to the FBI (excellent wordsmithing btw). So don't act like my meme wasn't spot fucking on.