scabs_galore ago

They hate you because you're dangerous

RiversOfStars ago


Zednix ago

I bet part of it is there are a lot of people who come here to read and lurk, so they don't comment. Leaving the asshole comments to show up more easily.

RickC-137 ago

Love this subverse, and all you lovely ladies raising the next generation.

10134059? ago

Thank so much for the sweet post. We do get a lot of shills but the community down votes them into oblivion. <3 <3 <3

10133582? ago

We love you, too. You're our original troll and one of the few good ones. <3

10133512? ago

We've got the B-Team shift workers. :(

Firevine ago

They enable each other. It's a beta male fat feminist democrat jew circle jerk

SexMachine ago

No, the Jews enable all those groups.

Trust me, I'm a Jewologist.

Damnpasswords ago

You are the one thing they've been trying to destroy for generations. The fact that any western women still exist that aren't feminists bewilders them.

RiversOfStars ago

We are all taught we should be feminists when we are girls but there is a choice to be made, do you spend that 60 hours a week doing work for someone else or for your own family?

You_are_a_bitch ago

I'm not interested in whatever the voices in your head are whispering to you

You_are_a_bitch ago

you sound like a yuuge faggot

You_are_a_bitch ago

you should try this tactic on 4chan, or is that where u got these pics

You_are_a_bitch ago

pig posting, i like it

You_are_a_bitch ago

nah i didnt watch it. Nor am i reeing. Keep white knighting for trannies you SJW kike

RiversOfStars ago

Ooga booga caveman daze?

Firevine ago

Works for the Sentinelese I guess.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

FPH? Pigs? what the fuck does that have to do with anything

MightyYetGentle1488 ago


MightyYetGentle1488 ago

It seems like a (((group))) aka /v/SoapBoxBanHammer is trying to start a flame war on this site between subs.

But i will say this, this sub (TraditionalWives)is fantastic in it's objective but it was literally created and is operated by a transgender. Make of it what you will

RiversOfStars ago

Oh Myg comeon zher's heart's in the right place, its just that you are obsessed with trannies. You never know she might be a gorgeous trap.

Those devilish SBBHers, always chasing trouble.

You_are_a_bitch ago

whose alt are you? So you guys are expecting more waves to come here and you are preparing fresh accounts? Who is SRS reddit admins banning next on that site?

you guys are on so many sleeper accounts like chetmanley and shroomcloud

RiversOfStars ago

I don't understand what you are talking about.

You_are_a_bitch ago

doubtful, ill archive this just in case.

0fsgivin ago

No it isn't. Generally I get what you ladies are going for. But no...The internet words being used are not "criminal attacks"

It's fucking voat. Toughen up buttercups or GTFO.

RiversOfStars ago

You've never been around genuine ladies before have you?

0fsgivin ago

Yes I have...I understand the "tender sensibilities and the sense of outrage so easily achieved." And normally I'll let it slide.

But this post on this forum...You really don't see how that's not going to get push back?

And I could have been far more diplomatic about it. But I deliberately chose not to.

RiversOfStars ago

Its inflammatory to be publicly supportive of a good effort now? Well so be it.

0fsgivin ago

No...Nothing wrong with appreciating not insane stay at home moms and the vital importance they have in society.

Getting butt hurt over a few douchebags on the internet posting things you don't like where you can read them. And adding in "It's criminal!" yah, id say that's inflammatory. But hey if ya were intentionally being hyperbolic just to be funny whatever more power to ya.

Also, if ya really wanna stick it to em. Ignore em. To be honest attention PARTICULARLY female attention of ANY KIND is what they are after.

10133576? ago


Hey_Sunshine ago

They're like sharks, if they smell a single drop of menstrual blood they'll enter a frenzy like state fueled by angst and pent up manlet aggression

0fsgivin ago

Yah exactly. Best thing to do for trolls is ignore them. Especially most likely male trolls trolling a majority womans sub.

Trolls are like strippers. The thing they hate the most is being ignored.

RiversOfStars ago

I feel sorry for the women who have been lead to an unfulfilled life by the false promises of feminism. I'm happy I chose a different path.

Le_Squish ago

I always lol when I get those tranny messages.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

im archiving this little chain lmao. Yeah, you are fuckin trannies, i find it hilariously amusing that butthole_empress shows up in this thread too. You trannies stick together

RiversOfStars ago

much like yourself really.

Le_Squish ago

What are you talking about?

There no women here...only trannies.

AnmanIndustries ago


RiversOfStars ago

Our ovens get used for bread in this subverse, just sayin'

AnmanIndustries ago

The germans fought for the very thing that is fought for in this sub. The jews were twisting their traditional values via the banks, their media and their version of holly wood. They pushed for feminism too.

RiversOfStars ago

ok so that's weird.

AnmanIndustries ago

Is it..... IS IT?

RiversOfStars ago

yes :)

RiversOfStars ago

lol the position of the chin is somehow hilarious to me.

AnmanIndustries ago

Oh, so you can accept that, but you can't HAIL HITLER...

RiversOfStars ago

s/A/E? :)

AnmanIndustries ago

I dont understand. Is this some sort of new age ASL? I remember those. Let me try.

Sex: Male. Age: 30-39. Extraterritorialities: Not yet, but I hope to give one to myself eventually.

Funkypurplekitty ago

Thanks :) Just downvoting them and posting on.

RiversOfStars ago

So I see. Keep that positive vibe flowing.

Stinkieroldgoat ago

They're hitting v/linux too. I think it's just a concerted effort to shit all over all the popular subs, since trying to inject their agenda isn't working

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Who are they and what's the agenda?

Stinkieroldgoat ago

It looks like they're from v/shitposterstavern and agenda is PROBABLY just lulz, but its hard to tell, anymore

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

It's premeditated. They have been doing this since the first exodus but they have stepped it up lately. They do get lulz but that isn't why they are doing it. They are trying to split up the users. Voat is fun but it's a containment site created with reddit $$$ and its to try and split up the new conservative movement hitting canada and USA

RiversOfStars ago

Hey Stinky

Stinkieroldgoat ago


10129909? ago

Any examples? All I ever see are the popular posts

RiversOfStars ago

Just look in new at posts like this and this

Funkypurplekitty ago

If you look under new and scroll down you should see, not hard to spot.

Slayfire122 ago

Scroll down and look at the ones with negative points.

They usually come in waves. You'll never see them on any front page because they're downvoted into oblivion.

10130257? ago

Ah yes. I guess some people just enjoy being pests

bikergang_accountant ago

Looks like SBBH. They've been attacking /v/linux. I worry about the consequences of what our reaction might be. It may be best to bear it. They are trolls. They feed off of reaction. Let's make their lives as boring and meaningless as possible.

hyldaco ago

Agreed. I'm not 100% traditional, but I still find a lot of the posts here relevant and helpful, and am thusly appreciative. Plus, it's nice to see a subverse with such a positive, uplifting focus thriving on Voat, and even providing a glimmer of hope that future generations won't be completely brainwashed by the regressive left.

Thank you ladies, and keep it up!

GutterTrash ago

I find it interesting that this sub brings up the age old conflict between the dried up career-centered feminist cat lady versus the fulfilled domestic housewife who cares for her family.

One key difference now is that these feminists are finally being challenged.

TVRemote5 ago

I see that you're new to this pony ride.

In the 80's and the 90's feminists were being challenged. The owner of The Backlash (first MRA site on the internet and still alive now) repeatedly engaged feminists in the public arena. Radio shows, TV shows, public debates : He engaged them head on and made them look like idiots again and again. Do you know what they did? They stopped inviting MRAs onto the talk shows, they were no longer welcome on TV and public debates were right out.

Feminists have never not been challenged. They have been challenged and soundly defeated by reason, logic and evidence. None of it mattered, people responded emotionally and the fact that feminists were wrong did nothing to change the direction things went. As you can see in your own ignorance, you claim feminists have not been challenged because feminists wrote history to act as if they had not been challenged by anything actually challenging. They simply claim that old sexists were just pushed aside by stronk womyn, when the truth is those women got pushed around by MRAs until they hid away.

I'm not saying I support MRAs or what they stand for, but your history is incredibly lacking on this topic. You're fighting something that has evolved many times to combat what you are. The block bots, the censorship and the public harassment we see today is actually quite timid compared to the past. Anti-abortion activist women used to suffer home invasions and be raped so they were pregnant and had to have a rapist's baby or break their ideals. This is the type of people you're dealing with, this is the lengths they will go to if they actually are challenged. LARP all you want now but you haven't woke the beast yet, it's only snoring.

RiversOfStars ago

Challenged as it should be. I remember having a friend who was embarrassed that all she wanted was to be a stayhome Mom and she felt like she had to make excuses and justify herself all the time. Its a natural valid life for all women.

SexMachine ago

I'm a dude, and I was an infantryman. I've had sex with quite a few housewives.

The problem with those women was that they are bombarded with all this bullshit about being independent women, and they think that they can be housewife.

I was just a scoundrel, if it wasn't me they were fucking, it was someone else.

Le_Squish ago

Thanks, for the love.

Beta males, fat feminist, democrats and their Jew enablers hate us.

I'm just carrying on the hopes of the women that came before me.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Your message is great but considering you are trans you are just another smaller version of Milo.

Being okay with trannies subverting trad wive movement should raise some red flags but you guys are constantly virtue signaling each other and circlejerking.

The good part is lurkers and average users wont even notice nor care. But let's see how this sub look in 2 months. I guarantee you will be pushing degenerate things like you already have. Empress said the key to a good marriage is to suck your husbands dick every day. That is like cosmopolitan level logic. Trying to explain that oral sex isn't even remotely what marriage is about just resulted in Empress sperging out like the tranny he is.

I am interested to see how many people you can fool.

smokratez ago

Empress exposed himself when he attacked the dude who ran the hollywood is all trannies sub. Why would someone interested in traditional values have a problem with exposing trannies? Didn't know they were a tranny themselves. Makes sense.

SexMachine ago


smokratez ago

His posting history. Unless he deleted it.

SexMachine ago

Link to it, negro, I'm drunk.

Broc_Lia ago

Smokratez admitted to kidnapping the linburgh baby and being one of the legionaries who crucified jesus christ. Don't believe me, just check through his entire posting history, it's in there somewhere :p

smokratez ago

I didn't save it. If you want it, you will have to work for it.