Mustard_Monkey ago

Obviously covering up the SSN and DoB the DD-214 you are discharged with comes home with you.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, I regret ever defending that dumb nigger.

projection ago

How DARE you step out of the kitchen? Now get back there and make a sandwich or something.

14629894? ago

Let's do, @Trigglypuff <3

aCuriousYahnz ago

Someone got the FBI involved for trolling on this site?

CRKT_M16Z ago

I saw an Air Force vet lose his shit at fucking IHOP because he wouldn't get a free meal on Veterans Day. The only thing that was free was some pancakes, which wasn't good enough for him. Fucking douchebag.

fun_crusher_XXL ago

Punching right

...I thought this would be a tutorial on proper punching form...jabs, hooks, etc.

I am dissapoint.

antiliberalsociety ago

I have to ask, do you see it as normal for a vet to brag himself up while soliciting for followers? I mean, I know a lot of vets, even the douche baggiest of them all I couldn't see stooping to such a level, aside from online pan handling. But perhaps I'm wrong, what say you?

Mustard_Monkey ago

No it's not normal. Seems a little I want to kiss your ass, give you a blow job, and please pay attention to me for a vet to do those things.

CRKT_M16Z ago

In my experience, yes, some vets will over-exaggerate their military experience to make themselves look better to those who don't know any better. It's fucking pathetic. Not everyone gets to be Sgt. Fucking York and there's nothing wrong with that. But I fucking hate it when vets try to act like they're more special for some shit they did that doesn't actually amount to much.

I also really fucking hate vets who act so fucking entitled like the world owes them everything just because they're veterans.

I enjoy telling stories about my military experiences. But they're usually funny stories and I'm not trying to garner any sort of adoration from them. I just want to make people smile or laugh.

Somecowsspeakhuman ago

Everything's bigger in Texas, including the amount of cunts. Also the size of the cunts...fucking fats.

wt1984yb ago

Inappropriate female empathy is one of the reasons we’re having such dumb fucking problems in the West today: like immigration (refugees). No self-respecting man gives two fucks about some brown shit stains in Africa of SA, but women, the dumb cunts they are, sacrifice the good of everyone in society for their feels.

sguevar ago

After he got outed for defrauding the gofundme account by @Crensch and @antiliberalsociety I didn't trust him one bit. But at least I somewhat respected his continuous postings for defending the US.

When I saw that he was calling the FBI, I lost the little respect I had for him. Not only because there wasn't any harassment at all. All claims were proven. Though many said he lied while saying he was a vet, he did provided proof that he is. Yet my main problem with him was the gofundme account and his constant victim card.

He got outed, he didn't like it, but was never able to proof the accusations were false apart from the not being a vet one. As far as him goes, I am not really interested in upvoting nor downvoting him. He is well known for all this mess that he did to himself.

carlip ago

Back to the kitchen woman

glassuser ago

Damn. I wanted to like him.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Shit happens.

Hear1 ago

One has to be careful about where one goes politically speaking, because it could lead to radicalism. Its best to know when to be a radical and when not to be and for the most part to keep one's radicalism well concealed. Its always about waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

antiliberalsociety ago

He is not a victim of anything other than the consequences of his own fraudulent actions. It is not harassment to call out said actions. He was worried more about his image than righting a wrong and I illustrated that along with others. He dug his own hole.

14623921? ago

Couldn't TexasVet have stopped the harassment by quitting voat?

14623790? ago

OMG @TexasVet is a gun carrying racist white supremacists. Use extreme caution everybody.

14623726? ago

Wholly shit! Bad @TexasVet Bad! I had respect for you

Mustard_Monkey ago

If you ever want to spot check for stolen valor a few things to consider. If they don't know the military discharge form name, If they claim they were Navy Seal, Special Forces, or Green Beret and you ask see their discharge paper. They will claim it's classified (it's not) the classified stuff will never be in said possesion. A single page listing medals, time in service, rank on discharge, and what you did cook/mechanic/medic whatever, how you were discharged honorable/general/dishonorable and medical. If they throw something like 11 Delta ask specifically what it means and they can't recall that is all of the Army MOS. All branches have corresponding job info. Military mixed rank of enlisted and officer insignia, medals, and decommissioned regiment or battalion that don't fit their age. Oh and if you feel they are Stolen Valor. The stolen valor act was passed back in 2005. Turn their asses in.

hungir_strike ago

It's always unfortunate to learn one of your friends is really an asshole. Not a fun part of life. Late to the party on this, but enjoy your newest. Happy for y'all.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

literally who are any of you people?

ChosenUndead ago

What a fucking disgrace to veterans. @texasvet should just kill himself.

ChosenUndead ago

@rexasvet is a faggot. Die @texasvet

biaxident ago

I get that this guy is a huge vagina and I’ve read up on what @antiliberalsociety has had to say on the guy and I fully agree with him but holy fuck why have you led the crusade on this dude I get that he is scum but holy shit don’t you niggers have anything better to do than to indulge in this reddit-tier cringy e-feud?

antiliberalsociety ago

JIDF Tactic: Agree, but disagree.

While you're right, you're very wrong

fuckingmockies ago


I have never met someone from Texas that I've liked. And "Vet"? Please. If you're not a combat veteran then just call yourself prior service.

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

Only thing that comes from Texas is steers and queers, and I don't see no horns on that boy.

notmyselftoday ago

Good on ya @Empress. Respect restored :)

midnightblue1335 ago

Contacting the authorities over something internet-related is only appropriate under very rare circumstances: doxxing, particularly.

I haven't seen Voat beef lead to that, not once. I may be a bit of a newfag but I lurked long enough that it seems that behavior is generally frowned upon by goats. You can say all the vicious shit you want about a person, but when a user escalates things from "talking shit on the internet" to "revealing personal details in the hopes that someone will do something to you or your family", FUCK YOU. That's probably the only time contacting authorities is redeemable.

Anonymous death threats shouldn't count for shit here, either. For example: I don't know OP @Empress, she doesn't know me- if she and I got into an argument and she said "I'd like to gas you", that is NOT an appropriate reason to call the fucking FBI.

Does this make sense?

antiliberalsociety ago

In this case, he doxed himself I suspect to gain followers on his YouTube channel, since he uses his real name there & was calling for us to organize a militia and go to the border. It had an adverse effect.

14623870? ago

I'd add pedo shit to your list

cyclops1771 ago

I disagree.

Stand and fight for what you believe in. If a friend messes up, you stay their friend, and you help them. You speak for them, withe them, and to them.

You tell Sean where he did good, and where he did bad. No person is a god given perfection machine.

I carry sham for my evil/bad/unthinking actions from 30 years ago. It does not define me, it is something that I did or said that I am not proud of - I am not a pre-programmed robot, I have made mistakes.

I have friends who do bad things, and have embarrassed me, but I do not disown them. i simply do not excuse them, and encouraging them to make amends. If they do not, then I abandon them.

14623833? ago

Hey brother, you have a story. Please share it

14622626? ago

Did you read the part where he contacted the FBI on a fellow goat? He also failed to disclose this little piece of information when I'd asked him about what was going on here. When I found out about it and asked him why imo he behaved dishonorably, he played the victim and didn't apologize for misleading me. That's not how a friend behaves.

kneo24 ago

He also failed to disclose this little piece of information when I'd asked him about what was going on here. When I found out about it and asked him why imo he behaved dishonorably, he played the victim and didn't apologize for misleading me.

That's standard operating procedure for him. He has done that to everyone who has questioned his motives, which has lead a lot of us to dig deeper, to only encounter that even more. Everything he says is suspect.

cyclops1771 ago

Oh, I didn't mean to offend, miss.

I was happy and OK with you defending your friend/supporter.

I was defiant in saying that you only know what you know in that thread, and that one's personal experience trumps that of rumor.

You started that thread, miss, so you can read what I wrote re: @texVet 's (I hate to say 'defense', because I was not on his side to begin with, but more of 'support to say it'?) comments and posts and actions since then.

What I am trying to say is, @TexasVet stuck up for you in your time of need, @texasvet did bad things to betray that trust, and you held your ground to at least give benefit of doubt to a person who has been good to you in the past, and that is COMMENDABLE.

Just because a call for a lack of haste in judgement this time was not justified; does not mean that the lack of haste is always the correct answer.

14622895? ago

Aww, thank you. Sorry, I misunderstood you. I'm so tired this week. <3

Scandinavian ago

Self-absorbed drama much? This post reads like it's written by a 14 year old girl. And it uses the same terminology as insane lefties use. When people write clearly deluded PMs to you, the right thing is to do the following things:


14623895? ago

I was about to give texasvet money for is groceries but now thanks to empress I know he's full of shit

Artofchoke ago

Oh goodness. Totally not your fault. hugs

14623877? ago

Hey if you're handing out hugs can I have one too? I'm 1/32 Indian that makes me a victim

Artofchoke ago

I'd give you one hug for every drop of prairie nigger in you, if not for that HORRIFIC BUTT PLUG.

14632269? ago

That butt plug just wants to hug you from the inside

Artofchoke ago

AKJSfjashdfSDvsvdnv vcxbv b nbm,m,,

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Your morals are in the right place @Empress - you did the right thing, for the right reason, just for the wrong person is all, and that could happen to anybody. Wasn't your fault. That's how I see it.

wt1984yb ago

Stop coddling the fucking woman. She’s an idiot.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

She's my friend, you can fuck yourself.

wt1984yb ago


ARsandOutdoors ago

Damn, I didn't know he was scamming people, or had asked for money. (big red flag) I stood up for him once. What a fag

CRKT_M16Z ago

I still appreciate what you bring to Voat, @Empress

Fetalpig ago

He called the FBI,because his mother was out of town,to do his bidding? Have I got that right?

Joe_McCarthy ago

I took up for the guy once myself. Not so much because of the man himself but because rude threads calling people out publicly with personal attacks should be discouraged. I don't regret having done so. And if people think he stole money or whatever they should maybe look into suing him. Starting an e-fight on Voat won't get them their money back.

Crensch ago

Nobody cares about your opinion, Jew.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You cared enough to post to me. Or were butthurt enough.

14623909? ago

This is true, @Crensch is a negger. Better call the FBI

Crensch ago

I didn't care about your opinion. I cared enough about Voat to inform you that nobody cares about your opinion.

Joe_McCarthy ago

You mostly just called me a Jew. Typical dumbfuckery that discredits to anyone I care about around here anyway.

Crensch ago

Because you act like a Jew, and you "defend" Jews by making claims about them and never supporting your position.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I know I've told you at least once I'm not Jewish. So what does that say about you that you call me a Jew?

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the persons of sound mind and character deigning to cast aspersions at this Sean fellow.

Crensch ago

I know I've told you at least once I'm not Jewish. So what does that say about you that you call me a Jew?

Does anyone think Jews don't lie?

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the persons of sound mind and character deigning to cast aspersions at this Sean fellow.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a more scathing indictment of Sean Sweat than all the evidence of wrongdoing I've accrued on him; the support of a Jew.

Podd ago

If Joe was smart he'd start talking about how wonderful and sound of mind you are Crensch. Then you'd have the support of a jew.

For shame.

Crensch ago

If Joe was smart he'd start talking about how wonderful and sound of mind you are Crensch. Then you'd have the support of a jew.



Pick one.

uvulectomy ago

You two jews get a room and kvetch it out already. =P

Crensch ago

You mean like this?

antiliberalsociety ago

Impressive post!

475677 ago

Jesus what a faggot. I straight up told him that the true measure of free speech is how much we can be cunts to one another and not merely being able to say niggerfaggot so if he is a true believer in free speech he just has to accept/ignore the bullshit and move on with his life. He said duly noted and then went crying to daddy government about his hurt fee fees all the same.

I've honestly got more respect for the average hood nigger that sorts shit out himself.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Wasn't TexasVet the guy who used his alleged veteran status to solicit donations and then blew all the money on buying a shitload of guns?

antiliberalsociety ago


Donky_punch ago

Yes, that's when i realized he is a piece of shit. What a complete asshole

freedumbz ago

I doubt the FBI is going to give a shit. They are probably too busy planning the next Waco.

antiliberalsociety ago

Don't worry, they're corrupt

He let it slip that they blew him off since his life wasn't threatened.

notmyselftoday ago

Fukin lulz

srgmpdns ago

Hard to take seriously since Twitter HQ has been at Market & 10th for about 6 years...

freedumbz ago

Lmao what a little bitch.


I was actually wondering how you were processing this.

Sharkballs ago

Can't you block a user here? I've never tried it but I imagine this kind of bullshit is exactly what its for.

notmyselftoday ago

Yeah, but it just makes it so you can't see their posts and comments. They on the other hand can still see all you stuff, and up/downvoat it all they want.

elitch2 ago

Fucking boomers.

14621051? ago

Yes, you can but it doesn't stop someone else's freedom of speech. So the blocked person can still comment, you just won't be notified.

bushka ago

You don't have to go back to recipes and cleaning tips, but you do have to take into account all the information before supporting someone. Had you watched the video everything was based on this wouldn't have happened.

shrink ago

Is that guy mentally ill? I can spot dishonesty from a mile away, but I didn't get that impression from Vet. He seemed like a loon who genuinely believed his own lies and tale spinning.

bushka ago

I agree with your theory of mental illness. That's the first thing I thought. Better not to engage with him.

14621038? ago

Fair point.

14623815? ago

But also don't stop with the recipes and cleaning tips please

voatusernamevoat ago

How did he call the FBI on a voat user, by handle or did that person divulge personal info?

Fetalpig ago

FBI...Hello,I want to report a bully in a chat room.....Uh huh....It was aweful,my my feelings were hurt....Is this a joke?....No, I'm close to getting an AARP card,but my mom is away and I'm scared.....Are you on meds?...No,I was on Voat.....Hold on Voat you say?

14623854? ago

Oh god damn I don't have 15 minutes for his whining

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Ahahahahaha! What a twat! Gibs me money for FOOOOOD. BULLSHIT! Prove it! Provide DD214 @TexasVet or you're a fraud! That or show us a picture of your belly.

elitch2 ago

What personal info? That's just retarded.

voatusernamevoat ago

Either there's nothing to go on but a voat handle or the person revealed personal info about themselves. Not a retarded question because there are people retarded enough to divulge personal info for retarded people that will report someone to the fbi for getting their fefees hurt.

freedumbz ago

By going here:

Or here:

Yes, I hot-linked to the feds. Not that it matters since Micro$oft pretty much gave them everything anyways.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thank you for seeing the truth. After being denied the reddit style ban, he actually did contact the FBI over butthurt feefees. He's undoubtedly on a new alt after this.


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Rotteuxx.

Posted automatically (#5335) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

midnightblue1335 ago


sbt2160p ago


lissencarak ago

welp can't beat that rhetoric

Fagtardicus ago

white text is right

antiliberalsociety ago

White is the majority, let's keep it that way

Fagtardicus ago

not on an obscure french baguette weavers forum

freedumbz ago

I normally don't care for goats internal drama but holy shit. If @TexasVet is really calling the fucking feds on people, or even pretending to then this is a level of faggotry that surpasses anything I've seen on this site. Do you have anything to say on this you attention whoring faggot? @TexasVet

toobaditworks ago

I have reported you to the BIF. If you don't continue to not stop continuing to stop non stop commenting about this then maybe I will have to continue to stop commenting myself and turn myself in.

freedumbz ago

Bitch I'll call the GNAA on your ass.

idk ago

Oh yeah, well I'll call the JIDF!

Drain0 ago

I'm calling the LGBTQ!

idk ago

Don't you dare! I'll cal the NAACP!

Drain0 ago

If you do I'll call MSNBC!

idk ago

You dirty dog! I'm dialing the number for JDL right now!

mispelledsomething ago

Uh. I ordered a BLT.

Neinlife ago

And then they all went MIA

toobaditworks ago

How did you know GNAA was on my ass?

freedumbz ago

GNAA is in everyones ass

toobaditworks ago


14620876? ago

Sorry it took me awhile to acknowledge it.

Hand_of_Node ago

Reply with a good recipe and I'll forgive you. (I will anyway)

xenoPsychologist ago

the image looks more like what a leftist would say than someone on the right. women and directions, eh? ¯_(⌐■‿‿■)_/¯

antiliberalsociety ago

Well his Facebook is riddled with Muslims, blacks, and Mexicans... so who knows

xenoPsychologist ago

the world may never understand his true motives.

elitch2 ago

Damn. Is that a woman admitting that she was wrong?

Crensch ago

@Empress has admitted she was wrong before. Extreme respect for both previous times and this time.

elitch2 ago

Sir Crensch.

14620811? ago

LOL. To be fair, I was glaringly and blatantly wrong so it made it easier.

HST ago

In my experience this is just as shocking.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

It's OK to be wrong. But we're gonna harass you about it.

14622516? ago

That's fair and I promise not to report you to the FBI.

SIayfire122 ago

Or the CIA?

14622903? ago


MyDrunkAccount ago

We're going to harass you, but deep down we're still going to respect your feminine nature. One side balances the other and that's the way it's supposed to be.

Atomized_Individual ago

Fucked up, if true