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White_pride_cis ago

He used phonetics to spell allowed! I hate people that appropriate my language and use it improperly... like niggers and @VeryOffended

VeryOffended ago

Sorry fo the typo. Was drunk and now I'm drunk again. This was the biggest burn.

White_pride_cis ago

Mine was the biggest burn?

VeryOffended ago


White_pride_cis ago

You're actually kind of making me feel like a dick...

VeryOffended ago

Nah. Wrong place. I wouldn't have responded to you if I wanted to make you feel that way. At least you taught me a lesson. You reminded me to proofread and honestly taught me a lesson in the meantime. I won't lie, you corrected me and made me think about something other than my silly opinion. I said I'm drunk. I am. However, that was quite embarrassing for me as it wasn't a drunk mistake and one I'd most definitely make again bc I truly forgot the difference.

SearchVoatBot ago

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VeryOffended ago

What's wrong with anything I said and how is it inconsistent? Why did you link it? I said it. I stand by it. What's your point? I'm not a contributing factor to this community. U acknowledge that. I'd like to be. This is a considtent and tight knit community that hits home. I've lurked. I've continued to lurk. The mods make this place seem like a strange click of narcissists. I'll continue to lurk. Many will. You need lurkers. Lurkers see patterns. They won't feel encouraged to contribute. They'll eventually go away. No worries.

White_pride_cis ago

No worries mein Dude... even with 3 degrees my writing has drastically improved here.