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Oh_Well_ian ago


look at this feckless fat bitch


srayzie ago

@oh_Well_ian and @Kneo24

Did you guys know that ArtistiqueJewelry is a good Christian lady? So faggot doesn’t even apply.

I go off on people just like you guys, but I don’t see how she deserved the treatment she got over this. @Oh_Well_ian, I’m told that you are a shill all the time and to do something about you. I stand up for you because I feel that we all have a right to our opinions, and that your heart is in the right place. Different opinions and occasional disinformation doesn’t always mean someone is a shill.

Ian, you said...

I hate to tell you, but this same exact story was dug up and reposted yesterday in v/politics and was literally destroyed and the OP was outed as a SHILL.

Says who Ian? Was there a judge present? Once again, it’s a matter of opinion. You use that word loosely.

Ian, you said...


You should be ashamed of yourself Ian. If you aren’t making a post here calling someone a shill, you do on another sub. I’ve been told that YOU WERE A SHILL more than anyone on this forum!

She usually has good content and barely makes a dime. I don’t know why you won’t lay off this lady. I know one thing, you need to chill out. She didn’t even act disrespectful to you. You’re being ridiculous.

fat fucking cow... I gave you 2 chances to take that shit down and you responded by calling me DISINFO...
you're done here, Bitch..
You now have ZERO CREDIBILITY and I will link THIS POST to every comment and submission you make.

Wow. What class. All she did was disagree. It’s not like she’s an asshole like the others. Well, it is free speech so you can do what you want. But, it’s reasons like this that so many people write me saying they don’t like you. You’re only ruining your own reputation.

kneo24, thank you for speaking calmly to me the other day about solution ideas.

@ArtistiqueJewelry, I found out that Voat has a site wide rule about this issue. For every 10 submissions, no more than 5, from various subverses, can be a link to a site you are associated with. I don’t see why you can’t post some as a comment tho. I think you usually do great work. I’m sorry that Ian feels the need to always attack you.


@Shizy We need to keep our eyes on this!

kneo24 ago

Did you guys know that ArtistiqueJewelry is a good Christian lady? So faggot doesn’t even apply.

Are you saying faggots can't be good Christians? All joking aside, "faggot" has a lot of colloquial usage to mean a bunch of different things. No need to be so literal here. Or maybe I deserve a whoosh here?

I go off on people just like you guys, but I don’t see how she deserved the treatment she got over this.

I can only speak for myself here. She went off the rails on me for questioning her motives initially, which set of some serious alarms. She might do good research other times, but here on the Beverly Hills Antifa issue, it was a big fucking flop on her end.

kneo24, thank you for speaking calmly to me the other day about solution ideas.

I've told you before, I might be an insufferable asshole, but I at least try to be reasonable.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Let me tell you something, srayzie.. ANYONE who calls me DISINFO is going to get blasted. Especially people posting DISINFORMATION. I don't 'always attack her'. That is a complete LIE. I have not even commented on a single post of hers in over 6 months.

It's pretty pathetic that you would label the BEVERLY HILLS ANTIFA LIMITED HANGOUT as a 'difference of opinion'. It not. It's obvious FAKE NEWS that is intended to set up the coming information from Q about Soros funding Antifa. But again, you're clueless.

You're a horrible mod and you've been exposed. Same shit from you for over a year now. As for who thinks who is a shill..

I think YOU are a shill and @shizy is one of your alts. I think you and @Crensch are in a campaign to attack the most prolific posters to this subverse.

I think you are Millennium Falcon level.


srayzie ago

I think I’ve had enough of your ass. I’ve put up with you because you have some sort of mental illness. Other people have told me they think the same. I’ve handled you with kid gloves. Not anymore. You think I’m a good mod when I’ve protected you but I’m a terrible mod if things don’t go your way.

I’ve been attacked for 3 weeks by my stalker and been accused by another of planting child porn on her phone AND threatening to kidnap her kid. I’ve never even met her. The accusations continued. So yeah, I was cursing. I had a damn good reason. There has been so much drama that I got behind on everything and have been trying to catch up. It’s really none of your business what I do in other subs.

ANYONE who calls me DISINFO is going to get blasted.

Well guess what boyfriend, anyone who accuses me of being some alt, is GOING TO GET BLASTED! Why in the world would I be my own mod when I need the help?

I read somewhere that you told Shizy that this wasn’t her sub. She IS my mod. I’ve already warned her about you. She doesn’t have to put up with your constant attacks either. She has the authority to ban your ass once and for all. Your attacks disrupt this sub. There are plenty of examples to show it too. Now you have to go after @Crensch too? You are such a pussy.

I’m going to think about it and talk to Shizy. I may just change my mind about giving you that extra chance. You aren’t worth it.

As far as the other accusation, I’ll let Crensch handle that one since you’re accusing him.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You're a fake and a power tripper. Or you're a comped mod. Nobody gives a fuck about your Twitter drama. You think others have not been gangstalked? But all you care about is yourself, you narcissist.

You ban me for my opinions and it will completely out you as a Millennium Level Comped Mod.

Just why did you jump back into a post in v/whatever and pretend it's somehow associated with your responsibilities as a mod in GA?

You fake.

srayzie ago

I was commenting on YOUR post and told you what a piece of shit you were for posting about it here

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah.. such a coincidence while I was outing Crensch for the fake fuck he is..

again... you're a hypocrite and a fake

srayzie ago


24 hour ban. A permanent ban is a possibility. I will be gathering your history of disruption, how you would continuously break submission rules, and the fact that are are always attacking other users.

Now you’re spreading false information about the mods. A couple of months ago, I said publicly that I would give you one last chance. I might be having a change of heart.

When you go make your submissions, after receiving this, and claim what a terrible mod I am, don’t forget to add that I’ve stood up for you and didn’t ban you numerous times when others said to it was unfair.

For your convenience, I’ve gathered other things you can share when you make your posts. There’s a link full of your latest comments, and I also added a previous fight when you attacked me...

This is from today.

This is from a couple of months ago.

@shizy @Vindicator @Think- @Crensch

I’ve had enough of this little mental case. Even if it’s only for 24 hours... that allows him to get his meds works out. During this time, I would like to talk to you guys privately and decide where to go from here. I know he’s caused a lot of trouble for pizzagate as well.

He is the type that will spread drama. I’ll take it. It’s better than the hell this one puts me thru. AT LEAST half of my problems are caused by him. Now he’s spreading lies about myself, Shizy, and Crensch.

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh… look at all your upvoats !! great job!

Oh_Well_ian ago

By the way, you fake... You didn't stand up for me, you set out a consistent stream of propaganda that showered your unwanted and disingenuous praise on me to the forum, to garner credibility as you consistently PM's me with your whining about my free speech rights on Voat, which you feel is your power trip as mod of this sub. Only to undermine me and choose sides when this sub was being spammed and shilled my OBVIOUS DISINFORMATION.

Either you have a immature and spiteful personality that bubbles over in the sub, or you have an agenda against specific users. No where on Voat is this type of browbeating, suppressing of free speech, and refereeing between other accounts by mods any sort of norm. Look, I get that you may not have the intellectual fortitude to handle this level of complexity and stress and maybe it's time to step down if you can't learn how to manage the sub by not micromanaging and choosing sides between specific accounts.

Oh_Well_ian ago

VOAT is run by comped fakes..

@Crensch @srayzie @Vindicator work in concert to eliminate and suppress free speech

Srayzie is out of line and is a not worthy of Mod in v/GreatAwakening

You better get it together before this place is turned into Reddit

Vindicator ago

VOAT is run by comped fakes..

Blah blah blah, Ian. Heard it 10,000 times. Anyone who has been around more than five minutes knows it's complete BS. These tantrums just make you look stupid and weak.

@Crensch @srayzie @Vindicator work in concert to eliminate and suppress free speech

Wait...I thought we were being accused of murder these days. We're back to mere speech suppression? Whew!!!

Srayzie is out of line and is a not worthy of Mod in v/GreatAwakening

@Srayzie isn't a mod, Ian. She's an owner. It's her sub. She did such a good job building it and pouring drinks, everyone showed up at the bar, including you. That kind of entrepreneurial spirit, Ian, is something whiny perpetual victims like you can't understand. Stop being an ingrate.

You better get it together before this place is turned into Reddit

What would you know about it, Ian? Reddit would ban your ass in two seconds. You've got a bad habit of shitting where you eat.

think- ago

Wait...I thought we were being accused of murder these days. We're back to mere speech suppression? Whew!!!

LOL - I guess he meant it as a compliment!! ;-)

MolochHunter ago

great support Vindie

classic slapdown

Oh_Well_ian ago



NotMossad ago

You think I can give people heart attacks with my mind waves?

OK I can do that, you got me.

NotMossad ago

You think because I have Mossad in my name that means "poof" I have the cure for the genome specific bioweapons?

I'm afraid not. You think I have time to do that? You're crazy.

NotMossad ago

I'm glad you hold me in such high regard but at no point did I say I could cure a bioweapon designed for specific genomes.

Come on now Ian. Get your head out of the clouds.

At no point did I threaten to cure the humiliating and crushing defeat of Israel, did I say that, at any point?


NotMossad ago

Jews gonna Jew

and Satan gonna release bioweapons on Israel with no cure.

what do you want me to do about Ian? Please tell me. Invent a cure?

Did I say I was a chemist?


Shizy ago

Oohhh! Very well said vindicator! I love the bar analogy too!

srayzie ago

Thank you @Vindicator.

@Kevdude asked me to share some things. This is what happened today...

It started here...

Ian was AGGRESIVELY attacking @ArtistiqueJewelry. He was saying awful things to her. She’s not the crude type. She’s a good Christian lady who makes YouTube videos and steemit articles. Ian loses it over her. He’s attacked her before just as aggressively. She wrote me and thought about leaving. I asked her to participate here more if she was going to post her steemit articles. That way she establishes credibility. She has done that and she usually does good work and barely makes a dime. Her replies to him aren’t even vulgar. So why he gets so angry over this lady is beyond me.

Expand the tree...
Ian’s attacking her

I stood up for her and told him how I couldn’t believe how he was treating her. That he has been accused several times for shilling, etc...
Here is my comment.

Here she is standing up for herself...
Her comment

I log back on a little later and see that Ian had been attacking me, @Shizy, and @Crensch. Even accusing me and Shizy of being the SAME person...
Ian’s comments

This is Ian’s response. Follow this thread all the way down and you will see where I banned him. Expand tree...
Intense thread

Then he started sending me private messages... The screenshots don’t show the correct time. It’s always messed up for me...
Private messages

I’ve had it out with Ian before. We moved on and were good for months. I’ve always thought Ian had some sort of mental illness, so I took more from him than I normally would.
Here is that fight

@Shizy you’re welcome to say what he did to you.
@Think- @Crensch

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

To @Crensch @Think- @Shizy @Vindicator @Kevdude @Srayzie The best way for me to show you is a response I gave on the GA board on Reddit as the posse went over there and Attempted to pull this. Didn't work with those who have seen my work, but people who haven't watched my videos or verified my words and those new or still learning of course are going to question. This was my response for more info pertaining to what the haters were saying and their attacks.

If you are seeking places of position of power in the media Be sure to obfuscate and hide your true intentions on the various social media platforms. Use Social Media as a baton to slap down Anyone who holds fascists viewpoints. Call them racists homophobic, masogynistic. Create an echo chamber around you! The next step is to speak out against the livelihood of anyone who dares speak out against our agenda. The ultimate goal is a new world order and a new world government where hatred and bigotry no longer exist. Read the full manual here Antifa Manual It is a little over a year old. Was key as Soros and his orchestrated/paid groups have ramped up their attacks in more ways than one. I believe I gave a link in the article to the antifa manual. If you watch their attacks, Not just in public, but on social media platforms Brock has them following that thing almost to the letter.

BTW came up because Q recently did a drop Directly on Antifa! This was done for a reason.

I also happened to do an article on Shareblue a few months back. I may have shared it here and on Voat. My kind of truth is not popular though so generally doesn't get seen much. I was told that was how it would be. Anyone can look up Sharbelue and figure it out as people Should be doing this on their own. Responsibility for own info is key!

I received that style of attacks on Voat when I placed this on their GA board. The haters who have posed on the side of good (yet constantly attack with a hive mindset many others demonstrating it too, not all but some guy keno with numb) only focused on the fact that some sources were using the beverly hills antifa twitter as a reference. They Are indeed a parody account. They Were Not the only account to post it. Others posted this footage on Twitter (who are Not parody accounts) and some Lost their accounts on Twitter or were Suspended as I was and Still are not back unless we start a new account on Twitter. I pointed to all in the Steemit article. Which BTW, it takes far longer, but happy to share out my rough notes rather than steemit. Just a platform. People Do Not have to pay to see info and No One forced to use the voting system.

There is a Huge reason they don't want this info getting out whether done to mock or not. More Anitfa truth is spreading across Europe and other countries and they want it Stopped because they feel they can pull more people in prior to this pivotal election time coming our way!

Doesn't make the info less relevant. Then they tried to say this was done as a spoof, but there was not one source they could give on the Footage. ..not talking about the account that shared said video footage, but rather the actual video.

My point was, even if someone took the time to do this footage in jest, the take away is Still the Same. Soros Does indeed pay people for antifa riots And for Social Media trolling and shilling. I also gave other proof in article. Who do you think is Soros' father. . .I mean his real father?

Now if you look at this, it is Exactly what these people try to do. Orwell then sent a posse after me to do just as he is doing. They also accused me of taking money, when I don't have links for patreon, paypal or any sort of money collection. Steemit is in crypto and I don't have a crypto account, this is verifiable and have you seen the mere pennies. Would Anyone trying to make money accept this tiny amount of steemit pittance for hours of labor months on end? Now, they would say yes, as they called me every name in the book and claim I am stupid. You and I know I'm not stupid, I am threat to their Evil! Plus I don't make what people like SGT, HB and others do (and that's fine for them) . they make dollars, mine are lucky to break 1.00 not even a genuine dollar, (If I wanted bucks. . .I know what to sell and it wouldn't Truth which people Hate) some sort of crypto that would cost to trade.

If you'll notice that is the battle cry and key for these paid people. What They are Doing (trying to get upvotes, clearly they get far more than me for their wickedness and likely paid) they accuse Genuine Truth Tellers of Doing. We're talking pennies of satan's crypto that I don't deal in. It's blockchain. . .AI I know where it goes and I'm not part of the Collective and won't be taking the binary code to access their beast funds!

Steemit is a platform to put everything in one place easily for someone like me to share out to multiple social media platforms. What people don't understand is steemit is not censored, at least Not yet.

Steemit is a platform that is Not Censored where people like me can organize and share out simply in Many places. Time saver. The idea is to inform and educate and It Is Working. I am happy to stop using it here and carrying over my rough notes, because it's Not about the platform, it's about the Truth! All those other people's cash and currency is becoming Worthless anyhow, that's what They don't understand. Paid trolls, con't care what the End Game is. They are part of the deception, they are being used then assimilated. They don't understand they are disposable to their superiors. In this, I have sympathy for them.

These haters and paid Shareblue, Media Matters, put whatever Action name you want. . .are trying to defame truth tellers and silence us because they don't have any ammo against us. We simply report truth with No Angle. If they cast doubt, they feel we are far less effective. Their ultimate goal is to neutralize us, and as you see in their manual, what Orwell and his posse did well, looks like it works, they did after all get a pay off and not just monetary, but Only on certain platforms.

The Truth will always Stand Above poor character and lies. Here is part of the drama if you need verification. Original Post Here where this latest set of attacks occurred, not the first by any means

Where the Attacker wanted me to defend myself Here I did even though I didn't owe an explanation I wanted the others to see what he had done because he does this all the time to others and is given free reign. Reminds me of how we were told people would become more and more unstable and demonic in their words and actions. Voat attacks with only Some of the haters they are all over

The deal is. ..he's not the only one. Enigmatic_C and the other Kenowith# guy I mentioned have also called names and made false accusations on No basis whatsoever other than the fact they have pure hatred and I don't cave. They get more vulgar and hateful when they don't get me do function down in the mud as they do.

They are attempting to get me to behave and function as they do, so others won't listen. The other part of their plan is. . .just what's happening right here.

If they get people like me focused on their hateful attacks and drama. ..that is less time I am spending on giving out the Much Needed Truth. . .they Know Exactly what is coming down the pike and will continue their Distraction and Hate. We ain't seen nothin' yet!

They are well aware of the Next level of Truth about to come out. . .mid to late Sept. things will Never the the Same again. . .so this is just Part of their last hoorah!

They figure most people aren't detail oriented or don't want to take the time to defend against their onslaught of attacks. They and Kenowithanumber called me autistic. Well, Thank you Very much! I Love details. More people wouldn't be perishing if they paid more Attention to details!

Haters are to be Expected and they will keep throwing their weight around. Why do you suppose they have so much Free Reign? Do you find that Odd?

BTW if you're wondering why I'm willing to use a platform that is part of the beast system. . .we all do it Every day. No matter what device what SS you go to. . . we can engage for good or bad. That binary code and mark though. . .that is where if one participates, his/her soul will be lost. It will infect the human genome to the point that it is altered as in the day of the ancients. No one gets to switch back to the other side if they make that choice which will be made to look so very attractive with super powers and all sorts of enticements offered. Sept. Last Normal Month.

I could scamper away. I've been encouraged to do so. Trying to help humanity when most Don't want help is not a pleasant feat. I would guess all the good guys understand this perfectly and know Exactly Who and What keeps me coming back when I am mainly attacked, not on reddit so much, but the posers on Voat. Once again, not my call where the posers go. If they think I am about to Back Down. . .

Vindicator ago

Well, if Artistique is a Christian lady and Ian is spewing over-the-top unwarranted vitriol at her because of it, that's's a classic sign of demonic oppression, unfortunately.

srayzie ago

I know! He acted like he was filled with rage!

Shizy ago

Anyone who has been here more than 20 minutes knows that Ian regularly flies off the handle and becomes aggressive and hostile when someone disagrees with him. He can NOT handle any perceived criticism and over reacts instantly! Today he started going off on some poster who seemed to be reasonable and was expressing his disagreement with Ian. Ian of course begins his usual freak out and starts callling the poster a shill. I make a simple comment that maybe the poster just legitimately disagrees, and Ian instantly gets hostile that I would dare insert myself into his little freak out session.

To make a long, Ian-ish dramatic story short, the chimp out continues and Ian completely loses it! He accuses me of being srayzie, insulting me, calling me a shill etc. All because I dared to state that someone disagreeing with him doesn't automatically make them a shill 😲

srayzie ago

What’s funny is that me and you have been friends since before Q! I guess I just enjoyed talking to myself and having no real help. Lol. Oh and he’s trolling your comments in pizzagate?

Shizy ago

He's either really nutty, or he's just a manipulator who throws out those stupid claims to deflect off of himself! Yeah he's trolling me because he's a butthurt little bitch!

Shizy ago

Well Ian already got uppity with me today when I tried to point out that he doesn't need to go from zero to full on asshole just because people don't agree with him!

Oh_Well_ian ago

LOL you fakes

this isn't your SUB, did you realize that ??

GTFO with this bullshit.... this is because I exposed CRENSCH, ISN'T IT?

Remember.. I think your full of shit now... srayzie has one set of rule for srayzie and another set of rules for everybody else..


Geee.. what the fuck ever happened to IGNORING THE SHILLS ?

please... post more of your foul mouth crap, you fucking hypocrite.

Shizy ago

Show me where I have ever even hinted that this is my sub, or that any sub is mine! You can't because you're a liar and making a fool out of yourself. You're so over emotional it clouds your ability to be rational and logical! You haven't "exposed" anything! You state your delusions as facts without any proof or documentation to back it up.

And "foul mouth crap" coming from YOU is fucking hysterical!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Oh_Well_ian ago

You think you fakes can gang up and undermine my credibility ? lol

Look at the board. Look at the content. You fakes hate the truth.

You're EXACTLY like MF and Crensch

Shizy ago

No, you undermine your credibility all on your own with your incessant bad behavior. It's sad really because like I said before you do good work, but your "issues" whatever they may be get in the way! Your constant lashing out only serves to turn people away from sticking around and benefiting from your work. Do you not see this? How the hell can you justify how you act? It's very bizarre, but go ahead and scream shill and flake (that one is totally lame by the way) if it makes you feel better.

Oh_Well_ian ago

My submissions speak for themselves and dominate this subverse with the most views, comments and upvoats. You fakes should let me worry about my 'credibility' and mind your own damn business.

You contribute nothing but lame emojis. srayzie… I mean shizy…

Consistently, the only time I hear from you fakes is when you are sticking up for shills that I attack. Why is that? Why no comments on my submissions or comments? Why is that? Why did my labeling of ObviousThrowaway ( SHILL ) as Crensch trigger you two to jump into v/whatever on a week old post? Why is that? Why do you write exactly like srayzie? Why is that?

Shizy ago

There's no reasoning with you.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I hate shills... you're a fraud.

what is clouding your ability to even contribute a single relevant comment or submission to this post ?

you're a fake and lightweight

Shizy ago

You're too over emotional to see that I have just effortlessly proven what EVERYONE has said about you! As soon as someone disagrees with you and calls you out, you scream SHILL at them 😂. You're so predictable.

Oh_Well_ian ago

nahhh.. I'm right over the target, you flake.

Shizy ago

What target 😂?