TrishaUK ago

Well I know nothing about this whole sordid conversation.....change of subject, I heard this slip up by Nancy Pelosi regarding Hurricane Katrina which was very interesting. Sometimes the truth slips out about their man made disasters! - **( ff 5:50 mins ) PELOSI IS PISSED! NEVER THOUGHT MSNBC WOULD ASK HER THIS QUESTION!** @srayzie @Oh_Well_ian @think- @Vindicator @Blacksmith21

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you so much for sharing this TrishaUK! I really like it. Can you believe it?

I love the departure from democratically towing the democratic party line.

It is sad the democrats have No message.

Democrats are for the people

Great job on “What does that mean?

For the people having

having lower health care costs,

Reducing the cost of prescription drugs

Democrats are for bigger paychecks? Wasn’t it Pelosi who compared what we all got back to Crumbs? Because with her millions what we make Is like crumbs to her?

By building infrastructure and Creating good paying jobs? Under her president who desperately tried to weaken the middles class. . .we had to create our own jobs.

For making governments work? Aren’t people like Pelosi always off on trips as people discuss her penchant for drinking even while on the plane?

By reducing the money of “big, dark politics?” She really is calling herself and deep state cronies out!

Impeeders are accusing the other side of blocking. . .Clean the Air? Should she be exposing their truth about the chemtrails?

Certainly did sound like more slips when she said to reduce the cost of prescription drugs for a second time after the freudian slip of clean the air!

They have unified because it came from the members? Are they reading the Q boards now about being unified and seeing a Patriotic concept they are going to try to attempt to assimilate?

Isn’t waiting until August to “road test” a little late?

It’s not that we don’t know what we stand.. .this was so unnatural the words just didn’t come out right. She needs to “Road Test” this some more.

Using the justification of How do we convey the message, but every day we have a fight?

She’s Just now realizing the Trump hate has limited mileage and people grow weary?

It is humorous they are figuring out their “dumbing down techniques” aren’t effective on enough people, so now they are taking a play from the common sense side!

Had to fight back some nasty stuff the Republicans had to meet the needs of the people?

Are you kidding me? Nasty stuff like Laws that protect We the People?

There she is. . .demonstrating once again she and her cohorts are all about others, even if they are Preying on others!

Well, she is Spot on about that. . .the differences between the Dems and Republicans certainly is Vast. Now in government. . .some of them are Just like ‘em in their corruption, but We the People Know Exactly What We Stand for and Who we Stand Against. .. their evil and They’re evil!

The budget? Who cripples and abuses that budget more. Can you believe she has the Nerve to talk about putting us in debt?

Typical Dam lies, deflect and trick others into doing their bidding!

I’ve heard people talk about medicaid and by what they say. ..they still pay a great deal to be covered.. . we don’t Need more of That!

The Bush thing is laughable when you understand how much of a sell out and the hands of the cabal they were a part of.

Oops with the man made Disaster as you pointed out TrishaUK! The corruption seemed hard to muddle through to when she's trying to spin her story!

Wasn't that useful how the "President's numbers went down. . .due to their Man Made Disaster?

Way to give away your play book Pelosi! Haarp to their rescue!

This was Very Good! The youtuber did great pointing out the Flint incident!

Collins. ..YIKES! Pelosi would know just a bit about Insider Trading!

I Do believe they're delusional, we All have to do Our part and get out there and Vote!

Thanks again for sharing this TrishaUK! Much appreciated!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

The most Glaring Evidence is Q spoke Directly about this GROUP!

Qanon August 19 drop Directly Related Here

Oh_Well_ian ago




ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Stop calling me Names!

Oh_Well_ian ago

Make another shitty video about how victimized you are for your research nobody gives a fuck about.

It's all over for you, you fake fuck.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you for your permission to tell others Truth, but really, it's not necessary.

You don't do yourself any favors using alliteration when cussing up a storm.

You need to calm down. Not good for the heart to get yourself so worked up.

GoodGodKirk ago

Maybe wake up and smell the shit that you’re shoveling?

Great attempt at a first post, but poor research provided. I implore you to do research on 8ch’s Q board to better understand what’s going on and get better at understanding the comms.

They’ll guide you to the right links and help you to understand differences between shills and concern trolls, helping you to be a better contributor.

OWI may be a little abrasive on his responses, but that’s cause of all the shills, doubters, and concern trolls posting lame responses. Believe it or not, they are attempting to help and guide you.

To put it into perspective, if you were going shopping and had to interact with a sales person; would you listen to the newbie sales guy, or the sales guy who has been there for years? Listen to the “sales guy” who’s been doing this for months and don’t really expect people to back a new guy with flaky posts.

Oh_Well_ian ago

get a gun... blow your fucking brains out, you filthy cunt.

kneo24 ago

Perhaps you should live by your own code. If you don't want others telling you what to do, maybe you shouldn't tell others what to do, you autistic, screeching, shill faggot.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Why the name calling?

Take a lesson. ..when you do that. . .all is lost!

You Just exposed yourself for Exactly Who You are and What You Are Here To do!

Are you going to tattle too as your cohort always does when he can't bully me or incite me to act in the same manner he does with name calling and abuse?

Waiting for the Tell! wrwy

btw. . .I LOVE all my autist friends, their input and their take. They don't just take Everyone's trendy words and post as truth. It Has to Hold up. . not by the cabal's standards, but by OUR standards!

kneo24 ago

In your effort to focus on the name calling, you keep missing the point.

It's also interesting that you more or less admit that your standards is literally fake news.

GoodGodKirk ago

This is voat, name calling is a badge of honor.

Oh_Well_ian ago


this story is FALSE and you should take it down

I hate to tell you, but this same exact story was dug up and reposted yesterday in v/news by KNOWN VOAT SHILLS.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I don't hate to tell you there is a chapter of Antifa that shows this is Correct!

It is glaringly Clear who the disinfo agents are and they are being watched!

Case Study: Beverly Hills Antifa Chapter

We know this because back in April a California faction of ANTIFA demanded that they be paid the money which they were promised.

On April 2, Beverley Hills Antifa tweeted: “Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist.”

It appears that Beverly Hills Antifa may have been paying protesters “$15/hour” which raises the question: How much was the faction promised by Soros? Just enough to cover payroll, or far more?

Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist

— Beverly Hills Antifa (@BevHillsAntifa) April 3, 2017

The question becomes. . .why are people defending this groups' behavior?

Oh_Well_ian ago

YEAH... you're 100% wrong and linking proven FAKE NEWS / didn't 'Beverly Hills' tip you off this was/is a spoof account?


The actual question becomes: Why are you doubling down on this crap and mudding up the sub?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Why are you sticking up for this group?

What are your motives?

Beverly Hills is filled with Globalist supporters.

Don't believe me. . .go check it out on your own two feet and with your eyes, not just taking preferred sources word for it.

Have you been there? Have you seen what goes on in the streets in person?

OAN is not corporate owned, they are independent. I'll take unbiased facts over msm preference any day!

People will and do believe what they want. . .but I will still stand up for truth in spite of the bullies and haters!

Just checked my freedom status. . .Nope! Still don't see an emperor's name telling me I can't believe something!

Nice try though. lol

Shizy ago

This is an obvious parody group. Their twitter is a huge slap on the face to leftists! Did you not notice their twitter profile lists them as being in Russia? It's a total joke, and it's pretty funny!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

With all due respect, it's Not about the Parody group as the haters were so hung up on, but rather the footage. No one has Yet, to prove it is fake footage. If done in jest, the Take Away of George Soros and his cronies funding chaos. . .whether in riots or right here on social media platforms is Still apt and evident.

All was laid out and explained in the original article on Steemit.
The treatment I received on here fits their manual almost to the letter.

If you are seeking places of position of power in the media Be sure to obfuscate and hide your true intentions on the various social media platforms. Use Social Media as a baton to slap down Anyone who holds fascists viewpoints. Call them racists homophobic, masogynistic. Create an echo chamber around you! The next step is to speak out against the livelihood of anyone who dares speak out against our agenda. The ultimate goal is a new world order and a new world government where hatred and bigotry no longer exist.
Read the full manual here Antifa Manual

I was mentioned in a comment where people were discussing just One of the attackers and I think you were pinged, so I won't give the rest of the info here.

If they look there are several as the Orwellian one got his posse after me. This is also typical behavior. What I have Yet to figure out is Why he and other have such free reign and are able to harm the Cause while acting as if they are in charge of a sub where they consistently break the Rules. I know it's none of my business, but those Who are Watching find it rather curious.

Shizy ago

I didn't look on steemit so I don't know about the footage. I was just looking at the group itself which is a parody. It was nothing against you at all so I hope you didn't take it that way. Ian has been very rude to you and it has been noticed. Srayzie actually banned him from the sub yesterday for 24 hours because of the reasons you stated. Because of his continued bad behavior she has since banned him permanently.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah.. you're proving yourself to be complete FRAUD

I'm not sticking up for this group, you daft fake. I'm telling you that you are posting fake news

Please... stick to your long winded pedantic drivel and donation shilling and stop mucking up the sub with PROVEN FAKE NEWS.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Your link means NOTHING to those of us who understand the Globalist Agenda and what Antifa is all about!

Stick to your contrived misconceptions!

This is not just about some twitter fodder. . .The Big Picture!

Knock off your unproven accusations! YOU are who Q has been calling out!

You are purposely divisive and continue to target genuine truth tellers.

You call names, make False accusation, break the rules of "said sub," then tattle if someone stands up for themselves and become incensed when You don't Get Your Way!

You are Exactly what antifa and the Globalists Want!

Don't tell me what to do! Everyone here you attack knows you will continue to Do what you do for your ego!

Just because you think you OWN this sub. . .hmmmm

Oh_Well_ian ago


I knew it from the beginning.

@bopper @srayzie @Blacksmith21

GoodGodKirk ago

Not sure a shill, more of a concern troll it seems.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Stop calling me names Not in Any of Q's instructions!

Quite the opposite!

No matter how many lies you tell, how many names you call. . .You will not get the response you want from me!

If you were really about Truth, you would Stop attacking me.

Qanon already called this group out.

Now are you for Q or Against Q?

August 19 drop Here

Reread Carefully! And knock off the divisiveness!

GoodGodKirk ago

Dude, if you were on the same page about “truths”, you’d look at the links provided to you and may think differently about what you’re saying. Sometimes it’s healthy to get an alternative view on a subject.

At this point, I don’t think you’re a shill, but more of a hardheaded concern troll who thinks they have it all down, but may be missing key details or misunderstood an explanation. We’ve all done it, but some handle new information differently than others.

Stress is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere. Right now? You’re rocking on that porch instead of actually doing anything.

Oh_Well_ian ago



ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Did I miss something?

Is everyone here in an alternate reality of a Voat Cubby?

Hold on, I'll get my imaginary box and put my virtual momentos inside.

hmmm...well, no pertinent info regarding what Q has been trying to convey to put in the box, so here ya go. . . you can have your imaginary box back to enjoy in your virtual realm where you seem to feel you are the Overlord as you enjoy your own hacks not condoned by Q like disrupting the Cause, trampling all over the call of being United and instead being all about One's Self and his over inflated ego.

Sorry you're upset that I won't bow, heel or kneel. Genuine truth warriors don't conduct themselves in such a manner no matter how much hate and vitriol You throw out.

Not playing your game because. . .This IS NOT A GAME!

Not Happening Today. . . as I tell my kiddos when they don't get their way, just say Oh Well! And try to move on doing something productive rather than attempting to bring others down to a lower level. I'm good where I'm at! I am sorry for you that you are so unhappy that you need to attack others. I know I'm not the only one you attack on here!

Though truly sad to lose all the hate from the down votes. . .I think I'll manage if you indeed Are in Charge of this group.

I believe the tell will be where your tattles get you this time. wrwy and I don't have to be here to do so!

Though you wish me evil. ..good luck to you and may your situation/outlook improve!

Oh_Well_ian ago

fat fucking cow... I gave you 2 chances to take that shit down and you responded by calling me DISINFO...

you're done here, Bitch..

You now have ZERO CREDIBILITY and I will link THIS POST to every comment and submission you make.

cry some more... Autistic Jewery

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You need to Breath, Calm down and get a hold of your emotions!

Stop calling me names!

Oh_Well_ian ago


you fat bitch...

I'm actually shocked you would self-immolate in such a weak and pathetic manner.

then again... your 90 minute narcissistic videos that turn Q drops into unwatchable nonsense indicate you have serious problems

kneo24 ago

@sryazie, I think OWI is making a good case for AutisticJewelry to get the faggotshill flair.

kneo24 ago

Holy shit, nigger, we agree on something for once! Hell must have frozen over!

Oh_Well_ian ago

I had to unblock you to read this comment, nigger.


kneo24 ago

Fake and gay.

From the top comment:

Someone corrected me on this earlier. Its a parody group. If you look up Beverly Hills Antifa you will see. Or you can believe it. Whatever you like.

Also, this is over a year old. It's not even recent news, so one has to wonder what you're trying to accomplish by spreading around outdated and false information.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

If You do your Own Research this is what Antifa Beverly Hills chapter shows;

Case Study: Beverly Hills Antifa Chapter

We know this because back in April a California faction of ANTIFA demanded that they be paid the money which they were promised.

On April 2, Beverley Hills Antifa tweeted: “Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist.”

It appears that Beverly Hills Antifa may have been paying protesters “$15/hour” which raises the question: How much was the faction promised by Soros? Just enough to cover payroll, or far more?

Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist

— Beverly Hills Antifa (@BevHillsAntifa) April 3, 2017

Shows the lack of research in certain "subs" to not understand this all is coming Back around to educate those who didn't know.

I've done my job today! Any truth I put out there gets Voted Down Right Away? At least these Soros paid resistance posers are still getting their paychecks right?

Glad to be of assistance!

This comment and the disinfo agents enjoying it due to their hate of me. . .shows Exactly what certain "subs" and their posse are All About!

Glaringly Clear!

Whoever corrected you is clearly not aware of the fact this was reported on OAN and due to people attempting to deflect and distract (as can be seen here) the truth was Removed from YT.

Not wise just to succumb to someone "Telling you it's untrue!" You have to Seek truth out Yourself!

Typical move just as the comment and haters who claim to be on the side of good, but Clearly Are Not!

I get it. . .it's clear what's going on here!

Do I understand Your Source is. . .someone called you out for Fake News?

Here's my tip, you can take it or leave it. . .don't crawl away so quick when someone tries to discount an issue.

Look it up, not just the first page of Google. ..go deeper. Maybe use a different search engine and do some reading other than on voat. Some on Voat are informed, but just as everywhere certain people are paid disinfo agents who spread propaganda, down vote truth and protect one another's fake accounts set up specifically for resistance.

Here's what Even your Chicago Tribune knows this is true!

kneo24 ago

Nice abortion of a comment there.

If You do your Own Research this is what Antifa Beverly Hills chapter shows;

Case Study: Beverly Hills Antifa Chapter

We know this because back in April a California faction of ANTIFA demanded that they be paid the money which they were promised.

On April 2, Beverley Hills Antifa tweeted: “Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist.”

It appears that Beverly Hills Antifa may have been paying protesters “$15/hour” which raises the question: How much was the faction promised by Soros? Just enough to cover payroll, or far more?

Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist

— Beverly Hills Antifa (@BevHillsAntifa) April 3, 2017

What we have here is an unsourced claim. It's up to you to source said claim properly and effectively. This topic was raised on Voat yesterday, and people in the comments rightly pointed out it was old, and thought it was a hoax. What you quoted doesn't make the video any more true.

Now, if you bothered to find their twitter account, you'll find this, which looks like satire or parody, making fun of Antifa. Here's one of their posts

Philly Antifa got their ass beat for trying to stop a #BlueLivesMatter march😂

Yeah, a real antifa group would post this, right?

Shows the lack of research in certain "subs" to not understand this all is coming Back around to educate those who didn't know.

Or perhaps the lack of research on your part, and an extreme willingness to believe narratives that align with your political beliefs, regardless if they're true or not.

I've done my job today! Any truth I put out there gets Voted Down Right Away?

What truth? This is some whiny shit right here.

At least these Soros paid resistance posers are still getting their paychecks right?

You haven't even shown that much, much less this year old parody video being actually real.

Glad to be of assistance!

This comment and the disinfo agents enjoying it due to their hate of me. . .shows Exactly what certain "subs" and their posse are All About!

Glaringly Clear!

Perhaps you could properly source your statements instead of crying about being "silenced" for spreading false narratives.

Do I understand Your Source is. . .someone called you out for Fake News?

This doesn't make any sense. How autistic are you?

Here's my tip, you can take it or leave it. . .don't crawl away so quick when someone tries to discount an issue.

Are you having a back and forth conversation in your mind and writing it out for us all to see?

Look it up, not just the first page of Google. ..go deeper. Maybe use a different search engine and do some reading other than on voat. Some on Voat are informed, but just as everywhere certain people are paid disinfo agents who spread propaganda, down vote truth and protect one another's fake accounts set up specifically for resistance.

I did dig deeper than the first page of "google". It's an unsubstantiated claim. Where are the drummers in the video, for example? How about the signs of them demanding money?

Here's what Even your Chicago Tribune knows this is true!

It's not my chicagotribune. It's also clearly an Internet only alt-media site, just like the other two links.

There's nothing sourcing their claims, much less anything to prove accuracy of the video. The source of this video seems to be Beverly Hills Antifa, who run an Antifa parody account. Just because you want the parody to be true doesn't make it so.

If you're going to bother to respond, do so less autistically.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Typical disinfo agent tactics! Nice following of their manual though along with Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals!

YOU haven't provided Even one source. MSM and naysayers of truth including your paid narrative push don't hold water!

Where is Your genuine source?

I provided many. Just you feeling You are Everyone's authority doesn't Vet your assumptions at all.

Guess what? That is what Qanon this group "claiming to be about" has tried to show people! You and others believing doubters of a Globalist Agenda, and not seeing sites (not just on the internet) but physical places and reading other information not just found on a 666 platform. . .(you liking this autistic response yet?)

Q has tried to show people to Seek their own info. Don't take paid trolls word for it! That's what got us into this mess in the First place!

Nice job on the autistic name calling! That's in the Antifa manual. Crying to all of us that it doesn't exist. . .doesn't make it so!

Supposed to use name calling as a means to create a culture of tolerance. I see what you did there!

Soros will be proud! Then again, you haven't convinced me nor the genuine truth community that Antifa deserves our sympathy.

Great way to distract from you providing genuine info by accusing me of What You are Doing!

That is in your Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Whatever you are doing. . .accuse the other side!

Somebody's been doing their homework and deserves a bonus from CF and Georgy!

Do Not tell me what to do, what to say or how to Say it! No matter what your reading material and script delegates.

Maybe it would be helpful to you if you were More autistic in your response so that you are attending to genuine details rather than canned tactics and responses.

Those don't work on autists! Catch a clue!

kneo24 ago

You easily discredit yourself here. Not once did you actually address anything I wrote beyond, "waaaah how dare you!" type of comments. I actually gave sources for Antifa Beverly Hills being a parody twitter account, which is where the video originates from. You ignored it.

It's also easy to see you're here to shill for yourself, so naturally you're going to fight hard for that $1.17 you've "earned" so far.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

That is not a source! See Qanon drop August 19.

Read carefully, then give me your same spiel!

I don't trade crypto. Easily traced. Most people on steemit make hundreds. That few cents doesn't buy anything.

If you had a steemit you would know that the people making money don't report truth.

I noticed anyone who can't get a passcode on steemit attacks truth tellers.

Do you work for 1.17? You have already tried to belittle me, so you probably think I would actually waste my time working for that.

I am teacher. . .I don't deal in block chain or the currency that will become the beast system.

Just a platform, but I can see whose posse you belong to, as he attacked me just because I have a steemit to place everything on one platform.

You discredit yourself by resorting to attacks and name calling. Those who are not genuine truth tellers. . .always expose their True intentions and character!

You and your superior's attacks, name calling and false accusations Won't Stop me! You're not doing your job very well today!

kneo24 ago

That is not a source!

So you contradict yourself? You posted information earlier as if Beverly Hills Antifa was a real group, agreeing that's where the video came from. Now posting links to their twitter account, detailing how they're a parody group, makes you call it "not a source" because it destroys your narrative.

I don't trade crypto. Easily traced. Most people on steemit make hundreds. That few cents doesn't buy anything.

It's irrelevant, as in another comment on here you claimed you weren't making money. Well it seems you're making some money, even if it is a pittance.

Do you work for 1.17?

No, but you do. I even posted a picture that proves it.

You have already tried to belittle me, so you probably think I would actually waste my time working for that.

No, I think you're trying to increase the amount of money you get by fighting so hard for your name. You seem to believe that your attempts at shilling aren't obvious here.

I am teacher. . .I don't deal in block chain or the currency that will become the beast system.

You being a teacher is irrelevant to whether or not you use crypto. The two statements don't parse. If what you say is true, that you're a teacher, I feel really bad for your students. Not a single one has any hope of learning anything from you.

Just a platform, but I can see whose posse you belong to, as he attacked me just because I have a steemit to place everything on one platform.

This is more delusional ranting from your disjointed autistic mind.

You discredit yourself by resorting to attacks and name calling. Those who are not genuine truth tellers. . .always expose their True intentions and character!

I would discredit myself by never addressing your arguments, which I do. Calling you names is just added fun and further exposes who you are. If you can't handle mean words, autistic shill, you should get off the Internet.

You and your superior's attacks, name calling and false accusations Won't Stop me!

I am my own superior. Calling you names is fun. You haven't shown my accusations are false. I have zero intention of stopping you, just further exposing you.

You're not doing your job very well today!

Are you projecting now? Is this you have another internal monologue with yourself and writing it down for the world to see?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You're working in circles rather than looking at the Big Picture!

What is the take away?

Evidence abounds Soros pays this group whether you believe this footage is genuine or set up to parody.

It is Not a laughing matter that Soros and other people running under the name of "philanthropists," have used this same plan over and over to overturn economies and governments.

All intentional. I have my reasons to believe it is real. You have your reasons to believe the opposite.

Stop getting hung up on a disagreement!

Does Soros fund this group or Not?

Was his funding cut off by an EO or not?

Is this group part of a globalist agenda or Not?

Q believes so, no matter what other people want to argue over in order to gain upvotes, doesn't matter in the scheme of The Plan!

Antifa has attempted to garner sympathy from certain factions. . .the rest of us Know and Understand the truth!

You're So Busy trying to clutch what you perceive is Your precious Point. . .that you're missing the Entire Agenda!

Why are you trying to suppress Free Speech on a board called the Great Awakening. . .a proven Q coined phrase?

Define 'Fascism'. Forcible suppression of opposition? Define 'Censorship'. The institution, system, or practice of censoring? Define 'Narrative'. A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values? Define 'Projection'. The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety? The forming of a plan : scheming? Define 'Psychological Projection'. A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others? Define 'Narcissist'. A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror? Define 'Dogma'. A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds? Define 'Aggression'. Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests? Define 'Suppression'. The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication? [Bonus Round] 'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong. ——————————– Define 'Realism'. The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life? [Realism] Actions of [ANTIFA]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) Actions of [FAKE NEWS]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) SHEEP NO MORE. The More You Know….

kneo24 ago

You can't claim to be talking about the big picture and then post parodies as your source of said big picture existing. It makes you intellectually dishonest and drives people away. This is the "big picture" that you're missing here. You have yet to post anything factual, all the while claiming to have done so.

Oh_Well_ian ago


This is the same bitch that cried you a river about how mean I was too her for calling out her DONATION SHILLING and linking her crappy blog to the subverse.

now.. she is shitting up the Great Awakening with FAKE NEWS that has been DESTROYED as a LIMITED HANGOUT on Antifa.

srayzie ago

Ian, just because someone has a different opinion doesn’t make them a shill. Do you know how many times I’ve had people accuse you of being a shill for having a different opinion? Do you remember what free speech means?

Many people have YouTube and patron accounts. Steemit is no different. @ArtistiqueJewelry is a regular here and does good work.

@Shizy @kneo24

kneo24 ago

I would say that anyone posting false information to their Steemit so they can get outrage clicks, is shilling hard for themselves. It's not the typical type of deep state shill, it's just the autistic spaz lord type of shill.

srayzie ago

False information or her opinion?

Many posts you see are based on opinion. Even YouTube videos shared. I’m not banning someone for having a different opinion. Ian is accused of the same thing all the time.

kneo24 ago

They're spreading their "opinion" as if the information is factual. I have repeatedly explained to them how the information isn't factual and they continue to double down on it.

As far as the banning goes, I can only speak for myself. I don't think you should ban them, just give them the faggotshill flair.

srayzie ago

I would have to give a faggot shill flair to at least half the people here if I started fact checking everything. That’s what comments are for. You can challenge it all you want. But i don’t know what Ian expected me to do about it when he pinged me.

kneo24 ago

Look at this way. The person in question is literally shilling. They aren't trolling, they aren't being subversive persay, they are literally shilling and trying to earn money from this audience. The "faggot" part becomes more apt since they double down on a false narrative and lies about making money from posting their Steemit links.

srayzie ago

Prove it to me and I’ll put a flair on it.

kneo24 ago

Easy. Looking at their profile, and using steemit only links, I've found:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Link 6

In the past 15 days, 6 of their 9 submissions here having their steemit link embeded in the write up. The seventh and eighth submissions goes to their Jewtube page. The ninth submission, their most recent as I'm writing this, is a Fox News article. If I expand it to 20 days, 11 of 13 submissions here are shilling submissions (my apologies for not linking them, but I believe you get the point).

That's a lot of self promotion. 8 out of 9 submissions are self promotion links. I don't know how effective it is, but it is self promotion none the less.

If you look through their submissions, in the past month it's mostly here and their sub where they post the same material, and the vast majority of it is self promotion. That easily covers the shilling part.

The faggot part (besides the excessive self promotion) is this entire thread. Beverly Hills Antifa is literally a parody group that exists on Twitter. The video this submission is about is a video Beverly Hills Antifa made.

srayzie ago

Have you seen how much work she puts into each post and how little she makes? Here are the 6 links you gave me...

I post tweets and videos all the time of things I feel will be useful here. A lot of these people have patron accounts and stuff. If she does all that work for money, she sure isn’t making much. One was like 13 days ago and she made zero.

Since it is free speech, what I can do is flair posts. That way people are aware that it’s possible disinfo.

Ian has been accused of shilling more than anyone on this sub. But I see it as his opinion. It’s tough.

kneo24 ago

Have you seen how much work she puts into each post and how little she makes? Here are the 6 links you gave me...

I have. I never claimed her autistic ramblings was going to earn her any money, but the fact she keeps pushing her content is pure shilling.

I post tweets and videos all the time of things I feel will be useful here.

I went through your submission history and in the most recent 15 days for any sub you posted to, not a single one of your posts was you submitting content for self advertisement. You either posted links elsewhere, Q News, or some shit post tier stuff that was your OC. That's quite different.

Since it is free speech, what I can do is flair posts. That way people are aware that it’s possible disinfo.

You can do more than flair posts, but I want to be clear here, I'm not requesting that you ban that person. In any case, the "faggot shill" flair isn't quite apt for this occasion, it was just the closest thing I could think of for the moment. To their credit, in their autistic ramblings they are hitting bigger picture stuff, but it's often backed up with poor assertions or sources.

While this isn't a common practice on Voat, other communities, for example, might have a 5 to 1 rule, or a 10 to 1 rule. For everyone 1 submission you make advertising yourself, you need to make x amount that aren't advertising yourself. Just some food for thought.

Another thing to keep in mind, if Q really is the real deal, they could be making millions from the information they have, but instead choose to release it to the public for the greater good, while other people are trying to gain audiences and earn money from the information Q is presenting, which leads to division and false narratives. You've already seen it. The motives aren't pure.

srayzie ago

I’m also a pizzagate mod. I’ve been under attack for the last couple of weeks like never before. I haven’t even been able to focus. I’ve shit posted. I’ve needed an escape from all this shit. Usually I list a lot more am more present. I say all that because I haven’t been active enough here in the last couple of weeks. I’m hoping that drama is calming down.

Q IS the real deal.

I don’t know how long you’ve been coming to this sub, but I have people complain if I do something to enforce rules and say I’m a controlling bitch. If i don’t enough, then I’m lazy. Something that several mods taught me as I learned, is that free speech here is number 1. I don’t know what it is you’re ecpecting from me if flaring isn’t enough. She’s not breaking Voat rules by posting her Steemit links. If it’s good then I don’t see a problem with it. If something is false I can flair it.

kneo24 ago

I think flairs are fine. I was just giving you some food for thought, things to ponder. Sometimes it's okay to break tradition and do things a little differently (again this isn't a call to ban people). It's clear you have three other rules besides the site wide ones, and no one seems to find them to be bad, at least publicly. This isn't a system sub, this is your space, so you get to decide what rules are necessary and how to enforce them.

And always be aware of people looking to earn money through movements like this.

srayzie ago

I would like to know your idea. I talk to mods that have been around a long time. But ideas don’t hurt. So if you don’t mean banning, what would you suggest? It’s not easy to make everyone happy. People seem to get pissed at almost everything. I don’t want to be strict since everyone has their own opinions. But if there isn’t evidence to support something, or it turns out to be disinfo, I could flair it.

I’m new to all this too. I’m learning as I go. Being strict causes all kinds of drama. People go make posts in other subs complaining. Then a bunch of assholes come. People will say I’m a control freak. That I’m power hungry. I was called a Jewess for like 2 months lol.

kneo24 ago

Personally I think there should be some rule against excessive self promotion. Just because one autistic person is really bad at it, doesn't mean someone else couldn't do it better than they're doing. Anyway, I still think using flairs is a fine solution if that's as far as you're willing to go.

You can't sweat the name calling and the harassment if you wish to remain sane. There's some faggot who has been following me around for over two months now because I called them out on their bullshit in their first response to me. It doesn't upset me, it makes me laugh.

Being strict creates conformity in regards to following the rules. Too strict and you drive people away. Not strict enough causes chaos and is disruptive.

People will always complain. People will always be assholes. People will call you names, perhaps deservedly so, perhaps not. People always claim those in power are control freaks or power hungry. And on Voat, everyone gets called a Jew at least once.

The above won't ever change. You won't ever be able to change it. Worry about what's best for the communities you're leading because that stuff you can change.

srayzie ago

I’ve talked to a couple of mods that have been around for a lot longer than I have a run subs. I can flair stuff. Other than that, you guys are welcome to downvote. She’s not spamming the sub. She actually does good work most of the time.

kneo24 ago

I’ve talked to a couple of mods that have been around for a lot longer than I have a run subs. I can flair stuff.

You keep reverting back to that line. You can do more than flair stuff. Adding flairs isn't the only thing you can do.

She actually does good work most of the time.

I don't think there's anything good about disjointed, autistic, ramblings, but each to their own. Her work doesn't appear to be original, but just rehashing what others have already stated much better.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Stick to your guns and I'll stick to mine.....

srayzie ago

Oh wow. Lol

srayzie ago

Ok I can flair one post at a time. How do you know Beverly Hills Antifa is a parody group?

kneo24 ago

Here's their twitter.

kneo24 ago

As Shizy pointed out, those sources aren't good sources.

Shizy ago

The conservative post article cites the Beverly Hills Antifa group as its source. The other two links are both opinion pieces and could be questionable.

srayzie ago

Ok so I’ll flair it. Thank you Shizy. I’ll show you how in DM

srayzie ago

I didn’t go to bed until 6. I’m just waking up. I’ll read thru this and so ai can get an understanding about what’s going on.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I have't made a dime! Just because you are paid, does Not mean others are!

Why are you calling me names? That is a direct Antifa tactic!

Your actions, behavior and belittling due to Patriots Right to free speech is Exactly what Genuine Patriots are fighting and standing up against!

Isn't that listed as one of the rules?

Do not attack others and NO Name Calling?

It is those who try to bully, don't get their way that resort to name calling!

YOU are the Attacker. I have Every Right to Defend myself!

I haven't called you One Name! Only called out what you are doing. . .you are using Globalist tacitcs and have tattled to mods in the past if you can't bully people or you do not illicit the response you are hoping for.

You need to stop harassing people!

Oh_Well_ian ago


Go fuck yourself, bitch.

kneo24 ago

That faggot claims to not have any money coming to them. I guess that $1.17 is a figment of the computer screens imagination?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

No one has to try and wonder what and who You are All about!