XSS1337 ago

Down voat barryo . He is farming .

Adrint ago

They're mocking the notion that Soros backs their organizations, you retards. It's like when we ask lefties if Putin hid their car keys again. The difference is Soros is actually funding them indirectly. They are just dismissing it.

1Iron_Curtain ago

Don't worry the Muslim Brotherhood and Black Live Matters will bail them out.

A_M_Swallow ago

Even if the DoJ wants to avoid political charges there is always incitement to riot.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


mleczko ago

Remain vigilant, for shapeshifters are amongst us.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

OP has 22 ccp

reposts meme story from years ago as if it was real news

OP is a shill farming up SCP. why the fuck are you idiot boomers upvoating him?

sguevar ago

OLD news and the OP is a Farmer you guys.

He is posting things that will automatically give him upvoats because he is close to 0.

Wow some voaters are blind (u.u)

the_magic_man ago

It was posted to see how many retards would actually upvote it and think it was real. 110 retards already

sguevar ago

Good thing Voat has an immunity system: those of us that don't fall for your shilly nature and degenerate agenda. Go back to your ferry tale sodomite.

1ArmedTRex ago

Bot on bot luv man. It is the wave of the future.

NiklausTheNaked ago

Voat is supposed to be the place to go to get real news. Why are there so many idiots here believing this bullshit?

Hand_of_Node ago

Trolling of the last redditard wave was lax. Now they're among us.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Spread this far and wide. Antifa confirmed Soros puppets.

KikesDidTheTitanic ago

lol, that kike didn't pay up? What a shocker.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

A money-hoarding Jew?

I don't believe it.

goatsandbros ago

Wasn't this a joke... from like 2 years ago?

the_magic_man ago

Yeah, but most people on voat are too retarded to notice

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

you faggot... you probably posted this shit through one of your 50 ALTS


edistojim ago

Liberals with their hands stuck out. What a surprise.

Oh_Well_ian ago


Shareblue Shill with suspect account posts easily refutable false story from over a year ago, then brigades the thread to make Voat look like a bunch of dipshits.

Ain't that right @the_magic_man ? << faggot

Hand_of_Node ago

OPs account does look suspicious, and there's a definite odor coming from the slant of the stories it posts.

XSS1337 ago

.... you look like an alt there my man ....

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm definitely 'alt', but probably not in the way you're thinking. Check the links in my last couple comments for some interesting reading. Ah, the last one isn't showing up yet. Will reproduce below. Also, you replied to the same guy while I had the page open...


Good question. Here's a guy I just ran across that may be of interest to you. Kai Murros

“Make it absolutely clear that there are no laws, no agreements, no treaties … that you would not break in order to secure the future of the English people,” Murros told his audience.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago


Liberals are degenerates, Socialists are moocher. These are not mutually exclusive.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I am surprised they actually admitted it

DirectPressure ago

Is this legit? I hope it is.

Hand_of_Node ago

It was posted to see how many retards would actually upvote it and think it was real. 110 retards already

From OPs the_magic_man account.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Probably a fake.

HarryVonZell ago


fellowkikepeople ago

lol. These guys are so fucking retarded.

Catchy, inspiring chants though...

the_magic_man ago

They're obviously joking.

smokratez ago

I never thought I would see you admitting antifa is a joke. Nice bro.

edistojim ago

The only thing about them that is obvious is their stupidity. Liberal fucktards with their hands out always eat their own.

the_magic_man ago

They're literally taking the piss out of retards like you

edistojim ago

And you'd vote for Hillary again and again and again. Who's the retard ?

the_magic_man ago

I never voted for Hillary, but you think this post is real. So you're definitely the retard

edistojim ago

Let me guess again………….bernie.

fellowkikepeople ago


derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/jamierodr10/status/1035686624389210112 :

JamieR {⭐️} Army Girl on Twitter: "When you think you heard it all, Antifa is now protesting Soros for Non Payment! Huge gathering of Antifa screaming “Where’s are money, No more Protest, No more resistance! When is the @TheJusticeDept going to lock him up? /K0aA1Z5aHJ"

This has been an automated message.