WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Why the down votes?

kneo24 ago

Their last two submissions (both of those are two different links) were them shilling for themselves by using their Steemit link as the source of whatever they posted. This user is here to promote themselves. If you're still doubtful, look at their bio for their profile. It links to their Jewtube page.

It also doesn't help that they believe literally fake news, and when presented with evidence of the news being fake, parody, they ignore it. They're also now playing the victim as if there's some grand attack on them when they brought this upon themselves.

brandon816 ago

Fyi, this is one of those spambots: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2656108

Not even a shill. Just a script.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


ArtistiqueJewelry ago

There's the Orwellian posse after me. He got angry because I wouldn't take a post down concerning Antifa and George Soros being their funder.

Didn't matter to me if the group dressed up and did it as a parody or not (there is No Definitive proof it is parody). If it is. . .same take away. .. Soros funds Antifa proven over and over and reported on One America News network.

He's been harassing with verbal attacks, name calling and abuse. He gets his group to defend his vile behavior while they all down vote and send hate.

He has attacked me before so I am used to this.

Thanks for asking. He gets hung up on the wrong thing and tries to force and bully others into his belief system or else.

After he did the attacks, he called me to defend myself. I know I didn't need to, nor do I have to engage, but did defend myself because he does this very thing to others and it is very harmful to The Plan and those who try to collaborate and share out Truth to wake others up.

If you need to see verification. . .here is where I was called out to Defend myself for not bowing to Oh's Will.

Completely understand if you don't want to see any of the drama.
Orwell's call for me to defend myself Here

auralsects ago

Shut the fuck up ya whiny bitch.

The Plan is for you to make a hot dinner and keep quiet.

"Soros funds antifa" what a terrific novel insight.

I'd expect nothing less on a conspiracy discussion board entirely based on BLINDLY TRUSTING THE HEAD OF GOVT.

LMAO. So utterly predictable from women. Jesus Christ.

Shizy ago

You're such a worthless dickbag!

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


Here's your star

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Trump at Indiana Rally

**Trump just called them out again in a rally in Evansville, IN Trump threatens DOJ, FBI to 'start doing their job' or he'll 'get involved' during Indiana rally


He calls a Spade a Spade!

Here is part of what President Trump states,

Today's Democrat Party, is held hostage by left wing haters, angry mobs, Deep State Radicals, Establishment Cronies and their Fake News Allies!"

Always love His Direct Finger Pointing!

He continues. . .

Our Greatest Obstacle, and their Greatest Ally actually Is. . .the media, you can believe it!

We've got stories so big and the media doesn't even pick 'em up!

We've got stories that if it was about a conservative or a Republican. . .it would be front page News!

We have 'em and they just don't want to write 'em. It's a dishonest group of people, I will tell You that!

I so loved when he called out Hillary and what she gets away with!

He gave FBI and justice dept. props for those who are good, but then states,

Our * justice dept*. and our FBI have to start Doing their JOB...and doing it Right and Doing it NOW!

Because People Are Angry!

What's happening is a disgrace!

But at some point, I wanted to stay out, but at some point. . .if it doesn't straighten out, I want them to do it properly, I want them to do their Job!

I'll get in there if I Have to! Disgraceful!

The whole world is watching, and the whole world gets it. ..and the whole world Understands Exactly what's going on!

Today's Democrat party is held hostage by left wing haters, angry mobs, Deep State Radicals,

It was a Great show! I Love how he calls out Haters, Disrupters and those attempting to destroy our country and freedom!

God made us Free. . .they don't have the right to take it away from them! It is up to us to Stop it!

Here is the source and see a clip of his speech here! Thanking God Every Day for our Loyal, Patriotic President!


May God continue to bless Him, watch over Him and keep him in the wings of His safety!

What are your thoughts about this speech? Are you glad he called out the haters and destroyers for what they are?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Trying to gather more points by putting this in the comments rather than in the body of the thread where it fucking belongs? No Steemit thread link, so you can collect more duckets?

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Damage control.. simply confirming what we knew all along. So many indicators of shill behavior. Let's not explain it where they can here it. I enjoy seeing just how blatantly stupid they are. Priest must have told them to shill for penance lol.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

LOL! True that.