hangnickers ago

Q also said Hillary would be in jail 2 years ago...hmmm

Oh_Well_ian ago


provide that proof or shut up, hmmmmmm

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey cunt... nothing in there, you lying piece of shit.

surely you don't mean the bogus post with the illegitimate trip code, do you?

fucking kike cunt

hangnickers ago

hahaha get mad bro, you personally posted this before. I've been watching your Jew ass for a while. You may fool dumb old boomers but not me Jew. I see right through your Jew tricks. Typical run around with no answer, ever. Fucking Jew. I will find you and burn you, already on the right path.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you've been hear for one day, you pile of shit..


hangnickers ago

So you think. Going just as planned my Jew.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Defend myself against what exactly?

The fact that you Insisted Here that I take down my post, then when I would not submit or heel to you, you continued to name call and harass?

Defend myself against the fact that you became More abusive because I dared to stand up for myself? I thought that was part of the Cause people who purport to defend Q in a group are fighting against (those trying to force us under their Will and Demands).

Your confusion is the fact that you are placing your hatred for a parody group quoted by some sources as if Beverly Hills Antifa is the Only account that had this video. That is Not true.

They were not the only posters of this video. What other sources say has Nothing to do with me. Everyone knows not all or every source gets everything perfect. Doesn't mean we throw Out what IS True!

It was Here among many other places. OAN did a segment on Soros funding of this group (Antifa, stop getting hung up on possible parody)! If you look up the rejialex twitter account. . .it's gone, suspended for Truth Telling. I will Always defend Truth whether someone Likes it or Not

Not One person has proven without a shadow of a doubt it is fake. Just pointing to this twitter account and Those You Decide to Hate isn't proof for me! None of your bullying antics will change that!

Whether voiced over or if a group went through all the effort to do a spoof (those were suggestions. . .theories no actual proof).. .the take away is Still the same! Soros Funds these Groups! Soros put ads in various places to pay for this hate group's riots and violence!

We're here to tell the truth, not to have Self Appointed Rulers like Orwell decide what freedoms we have or what sources we look at. That's what we are all fed up with! This was once a Free Country, well at least Had more freedom.

You Are Not the Final Decider of truth for me. I do not base my decisions on What You decide, but rather what I decide. I am Free!

It is not Orwellian's Call to Force me to Agree and succumb to his bullying tactics. Tired of him doing this, then accusing people falsely just so he can gain upvotes which I clearly don't care about. He then gets his posse to attack those he hates which appears to be an effort to boost his seemingly over inflated ego.

I wasn't aware this was a Dictatorship and Orwellian was Everyone's Overlord and Supreme Ruler. I am here to state, he is Not Over me!

I am Here to tell the truth. Genuine truth tellers are Never popular.

What I stated in my article concerning these groups has been proven over and over. Why anyone would defend this to the point of doing this is beyond Suspect and Is quite Orwellian making the name rather apt!

I should Not Have to keep defending My right to Free Speech to someone who keeps seeking attention from others as he continues to drum up votes by saying things like this. . .he is Not furthering any Good Cause. This behavior only serves his own selfish purposes and destroys the true cause of the Q movement.

Oh_Well's attack Here

Oh_Well's attempt to get backup from a group Here

Just watch, he will continue the abuse, he also tattles to mods if he doesn't get his way. He attacks, then gets crazy angry when the person he is attacking stands up for themselves.

He doesn't like people who won't just let him abuse them. Perhaps this is why he doesn't like Antifa being mocked or being exposed for who they really are. Very similar behavior except Orwell's is done behind a keyboard under an anonymous name which gives him a Great Deal of courage.

One uses masks, this guy. . .the protection of his anonymity.

What he is referring to is when he attacked me before Here

I don't take donations, no paypal link, None of my videos are monetized, I have been suspended by twitter, facebook and have 2 strikes. . .one from Adam Schiff and his posse and another from Youtube for exposing pedophiles. Twitter suspension still from calling out pedo accounts.

If he's talking about steemit, rarely make more than cents in steemit, which equates for an unpopular truth teller like me. . . not enough to purchase bag of groceries at aldi's. I support myself and don't hock what I do on my truth telling channel.

There are others in the truth telling community who do take donations and make some actual dollars on steemit. . .I don't have an issue with that at all, Orwell doesn't attack them, so not sure what the deal is. I think maybe he is the harasser I have heard about from others in the truth telling community. . .then again maybe I'm giving him too much credit for his antics.

And here we have his gun fantasy

FYI I do have one, my dad was a police chief and SWAT team for a lab where the atomic bomb was built and he trained us. I can assure ol' Orwell, I know the direction to point it and understand exactly What to stockpile for Protection!

Resorts to more Personal Attacks Here because he is not eliciting the same type of derogatory response from me. He clearly is used to people who name call back and go because he counts on them not taking the time to deal with his bullying tactics.

More down in the mud from OrwellHere

Now I'm not sure where Orwell was when Q dropped this it was August. BTW that video was talked about in sources that were just a little over a year old. Q has posted info over a year old, sometimes Many Year's old because It is about the Big Picture, and many people are not aware as No One sees All (not at once anyhow).

Q drop on Antifa Here

Orwell still working himself into a blather Here

I am not being fictitious about the amount of verbal abuse comments nor the fact that I was worried he would give himself a heart attack. . This level of anger and hatred will eat someone up!

Resorted to something about a toilet Here

I'm going to be hones, didn't get farther than toilet.

Clearly he didn't like it when I Dared to respond back.

I know, don't feed the trolls and I take responsibility for engaging when I could block. People should see how this Orwell consistently harasses people he decides to hate or those who won't allow him to force them under his Will.

He continues to break the rules of no name calling. I've already heard people say that is some badge of honor on here, but I will tell you. . the group Q actually leaves links too. . .the genuine good people, Do Not resort to this behavior nor do they pat themselves on the back for belittling others.

Q said something recently about these types of narcissists if I remember correctly! He has definitely said. . .Stay United and Orwell attacks consistently, people who refuse to succumb under his will.

I have a right to my opinion and free speech just as others do.

I have Never attacked Orwell or others. He and some of his posse are Always the Attackers who get Furious when I won't kneel.

I'm Still Standing and will continue to stand even Without Orwell's permission.

Didn't owe him an explanation. I am who I say I am. . .and Orwell. . . not sure what's up there but the character traits are evidenced in the attacks!

I am biggly on Justice though!

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're not 'people'


Now the whole sub knows.

Post some more Beverly Hills Antifa LARP, you stupid bitch.

badgoysbadgoys ago

Let's be clear, OP is a faggot forum slider.

Oh_Well_ian ago

cunt has ALTS ^^

badgoysbadgoys ago

first thing a real cunt does when they're losing; cry "cheater!"

"I can't be wrong here"

"Real people can't possibly be against MY OPINION"

"I'm an important avatar on a website"


Do you piss like a puppy when the door bell rings?

1Iron_Curtain ago

They must be cover for the child pedophilia cult in ANTIFA(all those Mexican children trafficked up into California).

Blacksmith21 ago

TBH - I think the OP just wasn't thought out. I went to the BHA7 T site and it took me a minute to realize everything there was satire against ANTIFA.

Beverly Hills ANTIFA. Kinda like jumbo shrimp.

Oh_Well_ian ago

more like:

Pizzagate = ' Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring out of a basement of a DC pizza joint that has no basement '

Blacksmith21 ago

Haha - Except during tomato canning season, in which case they DO have a basement.

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's actually Buck's Fishing and Camping ( but I'm sure you know that )

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't read the original source that way: https://www.metroweekly.com/2015/04/from-scratch-james-alefantis/

"ALEFANTIS: It’s so crazy. We had been open a few years by then. It took forever for Comet to be figured out. People were like, “You’re just a beer bar.” They didn’t appreciate what we were doing with the food right away. And I was honestly a little bit nervous. Because I had Buck’s, which had gotten good reviews. And I was young, and nervous to put myself out there. At Comet I was the chef, and I was thinking, “What if people don’t like my pizza?” So I didn’t really do anything, I didn’t really tell anyone.

Then the Food Network called, and I thought, “Oh, this will be cool, we’ll do it.” I didn’t really know the show even. His producers said, “You need to close for a day. These are all the requirements.” We filmed all day for two days. And as we’re cooking, they’re like, “You make this?” I said, “Yeah, what do you mean?” And they say, “You know, this is the best restaurant we’ve ever done.” James Alefantis - Photo by Todd Franson

James Alefantis at Comet Ping Pong – Photography by Todd Franson

MW: What was it they couldn’t believe you had made?

ALEFANTIS: Well, we make everything from scratch. Other restaurants, even good restaurants, will, like, not roast their own peppers. You can just buy the roasted peppers in a can. Or you can buy garlic oil. Some products you can get, and they’re consistent and they’re easy. But I didn’t even know that existed actually until they said that. I was like, “What do you mean? There’s another way? You can just buy these things?” Because a lot of restaurants will open a can and put it on. Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in.

Guy was very enthusiastic. We had a really great long segment, and it aired, and we had a viewing party. The next day I’m exhausted, I come late, and there’s literally a line from the front of the restaurant, down and around the corner.

MW: That had not happened before?

ALEFANTIS: I mean, sometimes we’d have a few people waiting. We open at 5. By 6, we may have a wait. This was 200 people standing in line. And it was like that for a week and a half. And they’re all ordering the same things, exactly what was on TV. And people drove in from Ohio, New Jersey, Florida. “We saw you on TV yesterday. We got in our car and drove overnight to come have your pizza.” But it also introduced us to a lot of Washington people. And now Comet is consistently busy with tons of the same people.

And also the Food Network just came back, a month ago. It was a one-day shoot for their favorite places from all the shows. Like five- or six-minute segments. So it’s like a full Comet segment with me cooking that’s going to air all over the place next month."

To me, JA is talking about CPP, not Bucks.

goatsandbros ago

limited hangout spoof

No brah, it's a straight up joke.

NotHereForPizza ago

Guys, reposting old content isn't a big deal.

Right, @Crensch?

Oh_Well_ian ago

is that /s ?

Because Soros IS FUNDING ANTIFA and this shit is a LIMITED HANGOUT to cover up that FACT.

It is quite a big deal, unless you're a stupid fuck who can't see it for what it is....

NotHereForPizza ago

@Crensch likes to report old content so people like him.

It gets him more points and if you have more points people like you more.

Durm ago

No shit. Welcome to the real world...

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, you cunt.

You shills sure like the circle jerk, don't you?

Durm ago

Your mom is the center of the circle jerk. Everyone is your enemy. All around you look... There is one now. Prepare to defend you honor.

Durm ago

Haha the pussy deleted the perfectly wonderful thread that followed.

Oh_Well_ian ago


Care to defend your spamming of FAKE NEWS and SHILLING ?
