Triple_Agent ago

President Trump is a false prophet. He has done wonders for US internationally, but has not kept domestic promises. There is no wall. Hillary is not in front of a jury. Podesta is still creeping around free. Swamp is overflowing.

Once Supreme Court is stacked, The People are doomed, starting with 1a and 2 a, according to History.

sguevar ago

Your use of the term false prophet already outs you as a liar.

Triple_Agent ago

Strike a nerve?

"But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping"

sguevar ago

Not at all I am aware of the word.

He is not a false prophet for he is not using God's word at convenience or perverting it.

The pope is a false prophet.

That is why using false prophet to describe him outs you as one in fact.

Triple_Agent ago

Are you certain?

President Donald Trump warns in a secretly-recorded closed-door meeting with evangelical leaders that there would be 'violence' if his party loses in the November elections.

Trump made the remarks in a closed meeting with religious leaders, whom he entertained for a White House dinner along with First Lady Melania Trump on Monday.

'You're one election away from losing everything that you've got,' Trump told them, according to excerpts obtained by NBC News.

Trump warned there were 'violent people' who would undue gains, which he listed during the meeting, 'violently.'

Trump originally warned Christian leaders there were 'violent people' who would undue gains if Republicans lose in November.

Trump originally warned Christian leaders there were 'violent people' who would undue gains if Republicans lose in November 'They will overturn everything that we've done and they'll do it quickly and violently, and violently. There's violence,' according to the excerpts the network obtained.

'When you look at Antifa and you look at some of these groups — these are violent people,' Trump said, pointing to violent protesters who have sought confrontations and engaged in vandalism to counter far-right groups.

Trump told more than 100 Christian leaders the election – where Democrats hold an edge in the generic ballot according to opinion polls – was a referendum 'on your religion.'

sguevar ago

Ok as promised:

What is a false prophet according to the Word of God? I take from the context you used the term on your accusation, you know not the real meaning.

A false prophet is a person that calls himself a teacher of the Word of God, one that says he speaks on behalf of God himself or other Gods (Deuteronomy 18:20). Someone in the church with high renown that says he honors God but do not (Mark 7:6) or that say they serve Jesus Christ but in fact are not, they serve themselves (Romans 16:18). False prophets come in sheep clothing but are ravening wolves (1 John 4:1).

And though there are many other verses that define the term, to sum it up a false prophet is a self-proclaimed leader of the church of Jesus Christ that perverts the Word of God and deceives God's people with falses doctrines and lies for his/her own gain.

When did Trump said during that meeting that he was speaking on behalf of God?

How is his claim that the vote in November "Is a referendum on your religion" a lie? In the past 8 years have the Democrats not do all they could to persecute and harass with the IRS institutions that were Christian in believe?

Has there not been any violence against Christian beliefs in the US in the past 8 years under Obama? Is there no violence whatsoever against Christian beliefs in the World right now? Don't the Democrats want to receive more "refugees" from the middle-east, increasing the risk of getting radical Islamist people on your country that could (and will is just a matter of time as we can appreciate in Europe) attack the Christian beliefs of the US? Hasn't Antifa attacked Christian-Patriot prayer rallies because they find Christian beliefs to be fascists?

All these questions I asked are rethorical for I know already the answers. And so do you. Your accusation is a false one. Some of those evangelical leaders could be false prophets. That possibility I do not deny, but to call Trump one as an absolute truth, as if you yourself were speaking on behalf of God's Word, outs you as a false prophet yourself.

Begone with your false doctrines you deceiving jew in the letter's stooge.

Triple_Agent ago

Thank you for the thoughtful response. There can be more than one. Time will tell all.

The term false prophet is sometimes applied outside religion, to describe promoters of scientific, medical, or political theories which the author of the phrase thinks are false.

Is the Swamp being drained? Is the Wall being built? Are Muslims being still sprinkled around the US like dormant seeds? Is Hillary being pilloried?

We will know after November.

sguevar ago

The term false prophet is sometimes applied outside religion, to describe promoters of scientific, medical, or political theories which the author of the phrase thinks are false.

Which they themselves are promoting false doctrines and denying God in many levels. But they promote another type of doctrine though it is not a religious one, it is an agnostic one. Also much of the scientific believes today have proven to be taken over by scientism, not scientific thinking.

But we will see in fact.

sguevar ago

Your answer requires some time but I will answer you, probably tomorrow.

RemoteViewer1 ago

Barry O is a pedo ,. married to a dude with tits

Doglegwarrior ago

What the fuck does getting up voats even do for you on voat? I have no clue if i have good or bad ccp or what the fuck ever is going on.. i do hate shills though so i will help in stopling them if i can.

the_magic_man ago

Originally ccp limit was supposed to combat spam. Atko wanted to change it a year ago because it was against freedom of speech because any new poster who wasn't alt right would be downvoted and restricted to post. But atko fucked off and left PuttItOut in control. He wants to keep everyone happy, so freedom of speech for all is not going to happen.

Now, anyone with a difference of opinion will be brigaded and downvoted so their ccp will be too low to post. That's why you see very few alternative viewpoints on voat. Users on the left, centre or even just criticism of anything far right have to be careful. This thread is an attempt at brigading a user to limit his posts. But his comments are archived so they can't do shit. If he commented now he'd be downvoted and not allowed post. Calling any users with alternate opinions from alt right "shills" another way of ignoring alternative opinion.

sguevar ago

The little defect on your logic is that many lefties are here and also post and comment their views.

The difference between those lefties and the shills that get outed is that they build a logical argument. Things that are in fact respected by many in the community. Any of their views that are not shared but respected don't get downvoated by the reasonable people here who are in fact the majority.

We simply downvoat the nonsensical propaganda that we are already tired of seeing in the mainstream media.

Spreading propaganda is not expressing a point of view. Is. Spreading a disease.

Begone you sodomite.

the_magic_man ago

@sguevar you still haven't posted any left voaters who post their views. You said there's many.

sguevar ago

I did, you just didn't liked the example. That is on you.

the_magic_man ago

You said their views are respected. Poster specific says he won't do that.

sguevar ago

If you want me to go through all the comments I have read for any leftwing liberal that has come here, I won't.

I gave you enough proof of one that didn't got downvoated to oblivion and stated that he was one.

That is enough. Iff you don't like it, that is your problem, not mine. Enjoy being a shill.

the_magic_man ago

You don't need to go through all the leftwing comments you saw. Just post 1 from a left wing user that you insisted there's plenty of and you insisted are treated with respect.

sguevar ago

Not going to son. I have already provided you with proof. If you don't like it that is your problem. I have no duty to proof you anything, though I provided you with one.

the_magic_man ago

Do you have a link to any of these peoples comments or accounts? I'd be interested to see

sguevar ago

Here is one that comes right into my mind:

the_magic_man ago

So left point of view is fine as long as you don't post about it? You said there's plenty posting their views. You haven't provided 1 yet

sguevar ago

Well personally I don't care about getting upvoats or anything like that, that is why in the whole time that I have been here I have not gotten that many. I just don't make that many posts. Just when I feel I have something to say.

For the shills the upvoats mean they can brigade people down that do not share the leftwing, jewish and globalist agenda. So they can gain control and visibility. Just like a virus. It also means they can post things that seem to be proper of this forum (really extremist things or illegal things like @Aged with his CP) to diminish the credibility of this forum and then have it shutdown.

That is why I denounced him. I am tired of seeing his trend and tired of seeing him playing with voat's community.

RealQAnon ago






Oh_Well_ian ago

Just another of the many @the_magic_man ALTS

sguevar ago


kneo24 ago

Any time I see an old piece of news being posted, it gets an immediate downvoat from me. It's just SCP and CCP farming at that point. If you want to farm upvoats, post something relevant and truthful, not something to get us outraged and can't be sourced for accuracy.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Good catch. He's deleting all his shit. I wonder how much the jews are paying him

larryhuston ago

Seems to enjoy deleting his comments to avoid loosing posting ability too.

the_magic_man ago

Freedom of speech! As long as it's what we want to hear

fluhthreeex ago

Not when you're paid by the Government to shill. No speech for you. Just death.

Tallest_Skil ago


Nah. Reported.

CrimsonFuckr ago

countdown to comment deletion @the_magic_man?

StanTheTRex ago

But all of your downvotes are totally justified and righteous, right?

the_magic_man ago

Negative ccp can do something like 1 downvote a day. Is downvoting peoples comments so people can't post ok by you?

StanTheTRex ago

We both downvote things, so we both must be alright with it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Banning all of your accounts permanently and doxxing you to go to your house and kill you for committing treason is okay by us.