peteopo ago

We offer bulletproof USA passports + SSN + Drivers License and Birth Certificate and other papers making you an official citizen of the USA! It will even work if you are not in the USA yet

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How we do it? Trade secret! But we can assure you that you won#t have any problems with our papers. We are shipping documents from the USA, international shipping is no problem. You can use your own name or a new name! Information on how to send us required info (scanned signature, biometric picture etc) will be given after purchase.

hangry ago

Embrace the English comma or die.

Findingthecure ago

upvoat or die


Welcome, I like cake.

The cake is a lie.

retractableclaws ago

Check out /v/Lexophiles

MarcusA ago

What is the entomology for the word "slave"

etymologynerd ago

Comes from "slav"

MCVoat ago

fuck off back to reddit faggort

headfire ago

Welcome, etymologynerd!

IDintDoNuthin ago

What is the origin of "Faggot", faggot?

TheAmerican ago

Shit post

keksupreme ago

shut up reddit jew.

"i like etymology" i like pointless sophistical type argumentation because i am a filthy lying jew lawyer.

fuck off

etymologynerd ago

From Latin pubes, meaning "pubes"

allsprk ago

How do you find out what you are ranked on reddit ?

etymologynerd ago

Tallest_Skil ago

In other news, I love etymology, the study of word origins, and I run a website on it:

Surely you know of this, too.

If you have any questions about language to ask me

Scapegoat. Take a look at its origin.

kontiki ago

My autist brain interpreted this as entomology and I was trying to figure out how any of this connected to insects

etymologynerd ago

It's a common mistake :)

ErrantCognition ago

It's really not worth it unless you want to read jew hate on every single God damn post. Come back two years ago.

rguivkd444454 ago

Me too

bourbonexpert ago

No one cares, faggot.

Welcome to voat. You’re a nigger.

Cum_control ago

Welcome nigger faggot! You sound more like a liberal than a leftist buti digress. we could use some alternate points of views around here aslongbas you dont bring your censorship that shit needs to be kept out of here

GabeVitoro ago

Welcome to Voat! Do you know how fag (British cigarette) became a derogatory term for gays? Or how it became a term for cigarettes at all?

etymologynerd ago

It's unconnected, coming from MIddle English fagge, meaning "flap"

GabeVitoro ago

Very good. Thanks. What about the title Pope? Things having to do with Pope are papal. Why not popel? Anything interesting there?

Landrictree ago

I'm ranked in the top thousand on Reddit,

and I consider myself leftist,

Didn't see that coming...

Itsdone63 ago

No one said it so I will, what's the etymology of nigger

cavehobbit ago

As a former *eddit 1%er welcome. Same user name, not sure where my id ranks since it stopped accumulating karma a while back.

I am far from right wing, but I also abhor censorship and got tired of the crap the fascists at *eddit dish out to anyone who even questions any of the received wisdom of the DNC.

I do not post much here, but I lurk and read a lot.

malloryquinn ago

What a collosal faggot.

uab ago

Interesting to hear the comparison of the 'technical' side, since I am mostly interested in the 'politics', and came here to Voat via Gab, basically only knowing of Reddit as a name and logo. Anyway, about etymology, I wonder if you would agree that the word 'nation' can not be used, except in propaganda lies, to refer to that constituted legal person The State.

etymologynerd ago

nation has whatever meaning is generally accepted by the people

uab ago

Yes, to 'the people' it does. But the people do not know anything about semantics and etymology. To the people, The State does not exist, at all. They accept, then, that The State is 'simply all of us'. Which is a false notion. They also believe money and currency is stored in banks, and loaned out to them. Also a false belief. The people accept a lot of nonsense ideas.

My question is based on the interest in going beyond the ignorant and the foolish. In my view, etymology is about socially relevant historical knowledge, as opposed to a 'detached' hobby of 'nerds'. The majority is not always right, and one can sometimes tell them that they are all wrong, and be right in telling them that. What relevance does etymology have, in your opinion? I'd be interested in hearing more.

Nonotreally1 ago Then I can assume you have read this front to back? If you love etymology then this is your bible. I would love to find another person who understands this book. 1775 version of course. Not those (((“reprinted”))) copies

Dziewanna ago

Etymology is the key to understanding the world (it's Slavic languages for me). Nice page btw.

etymologynerd ago

No kidding, I'm fluent in Serbian! And thanks

Dziewanna ago

You mean Proto-Human XD

Btw., I got banned by lots of leftists when I pointed out that the word slave comes from Slavs - note how strong the preference for white slaves of Slavic origin must have been, to make the name of this ethnic group synonymic with an enslaved person by antonomasia.

etymologynerd ago

Your origin is correct indeed

middle_path ago

Welcome. I like etymology as well, but I bet you're better at it.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Welcome. I like it here over reddit because of the lack of censorship. I never actually used reddit more than a couple times hahaha. The lack of censorship does open a lot of unpopular oppinion doors so if you like to see why others believe different things it is the right place.

I am sure you get the common sentiments around here, the relevant etymology approached without censorship could be facinating.

alietlgr ago

me too

Kleemin ago

So as an introduction can you give us the etymology of the word faggot? I have heard so many different stories.

etymologynerd ago

same root as the word "fascist".

NumbDigger ago

Remember to take your red pills!

13602742? ago

Heres an archive to deny this bitch clicks

sguevar ago

Since you like etymology: homophobia doesn't exist. Homo doesn't mean homosexual it means similar. Phobia doesn't mean hate, it means irrational fear. There is no irrational fear towards people that are similar to other people.

  • Sodomites are an abomination.
  • Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.
  • Socialism leads to communism.
  • There is only one God, Jehova and his son is Jesus Christ.
  • The holocaust was a hoax created by the jews.
  • The jews are the ones destroying society.

Enjoy your stay.

KingChem ago

welcome to voat you dirty niggerfaggotkikeroach I think you'll find we do well with the word things here.

GazeboCathedral ago


smokratez ago

Do you know how Trotsky subverted the word racism?

kammmmak ago

Voat. THE Front Page of the Internet.

rEdit. The front page of their internet.

TheAntiZealot ago

Goddammit, another niggerfaggot kike.

Go back to Reddit!

Welcome to voat. I also love etymology. I'll definitely check out your website. Thanks for the link!

Now, fuck off!


Are you into biblical words & translations, too?

God bless!

boekanier ago

A leftist on shouldn't become too crazy here.

13601533? ago

You'd like the History of English podcast. Voat doesn't need another prescriptivist so if you are one please fuck off back to Reddit

etymologynerd ago

nope, I'm quite the pragmatist

markrod420 ago

wew. ur gonna have a tough ride on voat. personally i welcome you regardless of your views, provided you can handle the entrance test... nigger faggot.

voltronsdicks ago

Have you ever thought about fucking your own asshole? On a side note, You sound like a 1950s milkman. This isn't reddit. You can stop acting like you haven't given spez a handjob on a hayride to a cat AMA.

approach ago

sup, i also like etymology. aside, it is nice to see a leftist looking for information - but i think if you keep that up long enough you wont remain a leftist ;]

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Give us an etymology lesson on the origins of the word "NIGGERFAGGOT".

VetGoat84 ago

Welcome nigger. I appreciate lefty views when it comes to the military industrial complex and the necessity to counter war mongers like McCain. That being said, have you looked in to the USS Liberty and the USS Forestal incident, you Zionist commie Jew bot Faggot?

chryseos-geckota ago

Can I have word origins for 200 alex

Pulverizor ago

This compound word stems from the slang of both negroid and homosexual.

obsessedcrf ago

Willkommen zu Voat! From another "dual citizen". I've replied to you on both websites a couple of times. You pretty much just have to ignore the people who scream "go back to Reddit" here because when it all comes down to it, without new users, the website dies.

I'm kind of a language enthusiast myself. I'm actually in college studying Computer Science but linguistics has become a bit of a hobby after I started learning German

fluhthreeex ago

Computer Science, Linguistics, and Math will do you well in the long-term.

obsessedcrf ago

Thanks :)

kalgon ago

Oh, so you like etymology...


The earliest recorded uses of the word were in 1900[1] and 1904.[2][3]

The source of the term is uncertain, but the Encyclopedia of Swearing stated the most reasonable and most likely origin of the term is the one proposed by Leo Rosten,[4] according to whom:

The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (/ˈkaɪkəl/ KY-kəl), and for "little circle", kikeleh (/ˈkaɪkələ/ KY-kə-lə). Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an "O" in place of an "X" a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.[5]

Now I get that you aren't really into politics over the intarwebs, but that's ok, you'll be a nazi too, just like the rest of us

Vic_V ago

Hi! Where does Cannibal come from

Vic_V ago

but where did the spanish get it from?

etymologynerd ago

The Carib people's self-appellation

Vic_V ago

but its 2000 years older than the carib people. if its spanish it had to be latin in origin?

SamMaxton ago

The Greek word is Ἀνθρωποφάγος (man-eater), Latin was anthropophagos, and until 1493 was used in English as anthropophagi (-ite, -ism). Petrus' 15116 account quickly popularized the term cannibal across europe where it rapidly superceded anthropophagi. Old English used selfæta.

What precolumbian european sources are you aware of for the term cannibal?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

consider myself leftist

I'll be sorry to see you go.

etymologynerd ago

lol, I'll hang on as long as I can

DeliciousOnions ago

Hello and welcome! You'll notice the community feels a bit corrosive at first, but don't let that turn you off. It's just a way of preventing snowflakeism from carrying over in new arrivals. Self-defense for the community culture and all that.

I too have plenty of interest in etymology and words, I like Tolkien's linguistic approach to creative processes and having a strong command of Greek and Latin always helps figure out what hell things are. Nice website, by the way.

Voat works a lot like you'll expect, and there's always plenty of interest in expanding to more subjects - as much as they hammer on politics here, everyone knows that we can't survive on single subjects alone.

Also: shut the fuck up niggerbucket, go chug a bag of diseased cocks and die. Cheers!

etymologynerd ago

Thanks! I too love conlanging, like the Tolkein stuff. I highly recommend the book The Art of Language Invention** by David Peterson, the guy who created Dothraki. Great book.

I'd also like to say that I pride myself in being one of the non-snowflakey liberals

bb22 ago

Hey. You may remember me. I'm the faggot who literally just responded to another one of your posts about how etymology plays into chronological revisionism. Well guess what. You may have heard that Tolkien supposedly was given access to certain library collections that are normally off-limits to the public, which recorded an alternate version of European history which inspired the LOTR trilogy.

I don't know all that much about Tolkien, so I don't know if that story is true or not, but I did read LOTR and there are a lot of really fucking interesting parallels between that and the chronology that various revisionists are piecing back together, like the Turks (Khazars) of southwestern Europe (compare to southwestern Middle Earth) being general fucknozzles and becoming famous as the modern Khazarian "Jews" who were never ethnically Jewish to begin with, and practice Babylonian Talmudic magic and all that bullshit. All-seeing eye? Mordor? Orc army invading Middle Earth? (Turkish/Mongolian invasions.)

TurdLord5000 ago

I'm pretty far left also, but you are on Voat now. You are now a kikeniggerfaggot. Pleased to meet you, I love etymology also but don't have the time or inclination to study it in depth. I look forward to your gems of wisdom. Please loosen up, you seem like you stepped out of an episode of the Brady Bunch.

voltronsdicks ago

Please loosen up, you seem like you stepped out of an episode of the Brady Bunch.


etymologynerd ago

Cool! Nice to meet you

GabeVitoro ago

Sure Jan. :-P

ARsandOutdoors ago

Welcome to Voat. I too enjoy etymology. It wasn’t till a couple years ago that I met a physics professor that got me into looking up the foundations and formations of our modern language. Anyways, you should watch this >( and read these >( Most of the YT links on the second one are likely down, but the JQ question is something that needs to be discussed openly. Good luck, and welcome to Voat. I look forward to your future posts. By the way, we weed out the weak minded by calling new folk a niggerfaggot. Niggerfaggot. That is all.

etymologynerd ago


mattsixteen24 ago

"Hi, I just came to promote my website on voat. I'm a leftist so that will get a lot of attention here" derrrrp.

etymologynerd ago


I guess that's the general consensus

worthlesshope ago

there is a user ranking on reddit? also all word origins in all languages or only ones with the latin base?

etymologynerd ago

Zombie is a cool origin! I deal with all etymology, but encounter European ones much more frequently, obviously

NeoGoat ago

Can you name a commonly used in English, Aramaic word?

etymologynerd ago

"Apron" and "camel" come to mind

NeoGoat ago

I didn't know those were Aramaic. It makes me wonder what "camel" is in Arabic, Persian (Is Persian a language, or is it called something else?) & Hebrew.

I heard "abracadabra" is Aramaic, from a 1990s NPR interview with the author of "Men in Black Dresses", a book about monastics of various religions in the Middle East. It's original meaning was what a true magician (not an illusionist) would say at the end of a spell, the translation being "So be it." Thus, it is arguable the meaning itself is unchanged, merely re-contextualized.

the_sharpest_knife ago

Welcome. Hope you can make it through the initiation. I find etymology extremely interesting as well.

etymologynerd ago

Glad to meet a kindred spirit!

ParachuteAcuteAngel ago

I don't trust you.

SegFault ago

If you have any questions about language to ask me, go ahead and shoot.

Welcome to voat. Have you ever considered shooting yourself?

etymologynerd ago

Thanks and no

TheAmerican ago

Go home nigger. I mean wait, you're ranked in the top thousand on reddit. Im super impressed, please stay.

Der_Untergang ago

You reek of reddit, leftist filth.

Ina_Pickle ago

Welcome. You will fit right in with me and the two other goats obsessed with etymology. Good luck with the rest of these niggerfaggots.

etymologynerd ago

Thanks! Glad there are more of us

BearDolphin1488 ago

Have a great day!

What a faggot.

voltronsdicks ago



I liked you better when I thought your headline meant entomology, but then I read your post and realized I was wrong.

Hey word nigger what's the origin of "bug"?

etymologynerd ago

surprisingly, it has an unknown origin!


You should make an entomology sister site where you talking about the origin of bug names. Just as useful as the origins of words, but with an added veneer of intellectual scientude that self-important jackasses love. Your reddit faggot cashcows would be all over that shit.

ParachuteAcuteAngel ago


It means big man. Like me.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

I consider myself leftist, but I always appreciate hearing what the other side has to say and I try to keep an open mind.

Folk like you say this kind of shit, but I don't really think it's how it works. Right-wing ideology - and I mean the real right, not what is usually considered that in polite American political discourse - isn't a pleasant thing. Hard truths, rusty misshapen things long since buried, and bitter pills abound.

I once rallied against the political positions I now hold. The me from last decade would be abhorred by the me of the present, and I will admit that even now, I have my moments of doubt. It is much easier to hold safe beliefs, beliefs reinforced by the world around us, the history books and documentaries.

What I'm getting at here is that to get from where you are, to where I am? Having "an open mind" isn't enough. Many of us started down this road of our own volition: something didn't sit quite right, something tickled us in the back of our mind, making us ponder. Not just a pretense of listening to every position, but an honest willingness to have our minds changed.

Many of us here, many of those who hold beliefs that you call "right-wing," were most likely much like yourself, once. We all had our moment, that epiphany that made us realize the pieces of the puzzle we were being shown didn't quite fit.

It seems to me you haven't had your moment, yet. And until then, I'm not sure you're ready to actually listen.

ARsandOutdoors ago

That was well wrote. Being “redpilled” hasn’t necessarily made my life any easier. At times I wish I could be just like the other indoctrinated bluepilled normies that I interact with on a daily basis; they seem so happy and excited for the next superhero movie to come out, or the next hit song to hit the airwaves. But being redpilled has allowed me to see through the bullshit and the facade of “Everything’s OK!” And see the real, dirty truth of the social engineering and conditioning of the masses, and just what kind of disgusting people run our little worlds. The degeneracy that is pushed upon us is so blatant, that no matter what angle you approach, you come to the conclusion that it is completely intentional. I’m sick of it


words are magic they are spells. get it... hhaha spells a word. really. words have so much power. I enjoy the old words. but more than words I like symbols. also, jews really are the problem...

WordsAreMagic ago

WordsAreMagic ago

Yeah I get it.

Do you?


are you an alt?

FireSauce ago

Ranked in what on reddit? Is it like a user rank? Like chinas citizen credit score?

Also how long have you been lurking?

I mostly stay off politics on the Internet, anyway.

I have a feeling you wont stick around


bb22 ago

No wonder Japan isn't making babies anymore. Whoever came up with that choreography is a faggot.

GoBackToReddit ago

Mandatory gif

...that was the best click I have made in months... I'm ded.

etymologynerd ago

I'm a very high-karma user, but, as previously noted, I don't care that all that doesn't matter here- I like the site for what it is. I was lurking for about a month before my first submissions. Will probably stick to the apolitical subverses.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Do you mind me asking how u found this site?

etymologynerd ago

through reddit

PuritySpiral ago

I'm a very high-karma user, but, as previously noted, I don't care that all that doesn't matter her

Then why did you mention having high reddit karma in your introduction post?

etymologynerd ago

For context, so people could understand me better

thantik ago

Do yourself a favor and block the anon subs too. Yeah, that's fucking right -- WE HAVE SUBVERSE BLOCKING!

clockwise ago

Cool hobby and welcome.

etymologynerd ago

Thank you!

coopzy ago

You'll probably fit in well if you like gassing bugs. People here like to gas kikes.

Don't censor anyone or ask that they get censored.

I like etymology too and have a small collection of local bugs that I pinned over the summer.


etymologynerd ago

ick entomology

coopzy ago

shut up bitch

Le_Squish ago

Fucking new niggerfaggots. Didn't even have sense enough to leave Reddit because all the mod abuse, admin abuse, censorship, botting and astroturfing. Immediately shills his shitty blog.

Bold move, new fag. We'll see if you end up in the oven in the end. There are no mods to protect your feelings here. You have been warned.

MyDrunkAccount ago

Whatcha gon do, faggots gon fag. He's from the "*spreads asshole* I'm feeling a little self conscious today guise..." degeneration, little bitch is probably starting to lose his popularity at reddit because those soyboys hate having him point out just how much of the only language they can speak is rooted in so many various white cultures; so, now he's coming here to spread his asshole to us. But it's really no biggie, the little front hole won't last long here.

Le_Squish ago

Many Reddit mods will ban him when they discover he is posting on voat.

MyDrunkAccount ago

Lol, whaaat? Holy shit, I'm both surprised, and yet also not, at that. But seriously, don't tell anyone that I'm actually the ceo of reddit.

tastelessinvective ago

don't tell anyone that I'm actually the ceo of reddit

Does that tennis playing creature bang you in the ass?

MyDrunkAccount ago

I make him smack BOFFA DEEZ NUTS with his racket too nigga.

TreborPJ ago

:( I thought you said entymology

obvious-throwaway- ago

I'm ranked in the top thousand on Eddit

Why would you think that would impress anybody here? There are probably only about a thousand actual people on Eddit, the rest are all probably forced to contribute as part of their jobs at Advance Publications.

I mostly stay off politics on the Internet

I also suppose you don't yet own a gun and will be completely fucked in the coming wars.

If you have any questions about language to ask me

What's the origin of the word Holodomor

Anyway, welcome to Voat Nigger Faggot!

etymologynerd ago

I didn't think anyone would care but I wanted to provide context. "Holodomor" means "death by hunger" in Ukranian. I don't own a gun

obvious-throwaway- ago

Odd, I thought the Holodomor was when Jewish Communist Bolsheviks murdered the royal Russian family and then starved tens of millions of white christian farmers off their own food producing farms after disarming them and removing their only form of defense. I thought this was the catalyst that Adolf Hitler wrote about in his book, My Struggle, where he wants to stop the same thing from happening to his own people. He then puts up the greatest effort in modern history of someone standing up against the vile filthy beasts known as the Jews. The last guy to stand against them was Jesus the Jew, and we all know what happened to him. Either way, I learned something new today, thanks!

barraccuda ago

You are a faggot and a nigger. Welcome to voat, remember to go to your settings and turn on night mode.

mattsixteen24 ago


Nadeshda ago

Welcome, Etymology is a fascinating subject. Will check out the site.

etymologynerd ago

Thank you! Glad you're interested in it :)

BeefBourgignon ago

I run a website on it:

Oh dear, barely one post in and he's already shilling.

Seventh_Jim ago

Welcome to the site, niggerfaggot! Hopefully you get through the hazing and rough language. It's a bit of a defense mechanism to maintain a certain standard of people; only speech that offends needs freedom to say. Having a passion and putting it out into the world suggests you'll fit in here a lot more than some goats might think, and etymology is cool shit. Gives access to underlying nuances in the language and enables a precision of thought that is missing without.


etymologynerd ago

Hey I'm all for free speech. Glad you like etymology

Infinomnian_Messiah ago

Welcome, thanks for stopping by. The niche subverses are tight and quiet and theres a good user base keeping an eye out for shills and bots

piratse ago

No one cares about your shit site ranking among retards and advertisers. Welcome.

etymologynerd ago

Yeah, I figured, but that's why I came to Voat for a bit of a change anyway

hels ago

As you've read everyone has a voice here. It's great.

Dunno why no one has asked yet but what's your favorite word?

etymologynerd ago

"Sophomore"! It's Greek for "wise fool"!

cantaloupe6 ago

I've enjoyed cwtch as of late. As in hide it in your cwtch. Almost looks impolite.

idk ago

I like apron or ampersand!

etymologynerd ago


shitpostfacto1 ago

Whoa! I never knew that, but how appropriate. Welcome!

MrPim ago

This HAS to be fake. This hits All the Reddit faggit boxes. And there's no way anyone looked at Voat for a few weeks and is this jeewillikersguys. There's no fucking way this is real.

Silencio ago

Almost fooled me until he pitched his own website. Anyone with a clue about voat wouldnt shill their own website in their intro.

Itsdone63 ago

jeewillikersguys. That perfectly encapsulates the feel of this guy. Wouldn't be surprised if in a week or two we catch wind of "I survived being on VOAT AMA!" on reddit.

voltronsdicks ago

lol i think u read my mind!

obsessedcrf ago

Believe it or not, there are a few of us that use both websites. I'm pretty centerist polticially and like to see both side of the spectrum so I can make informed decisions. I don't like political circlejerks much so I find myself disagreeing with the left and right in various issues.

I think the Voat website is a lot better than the Reddit site. New reddit sucks ass and I am sure it is a matter of time before it becomes mandatory. Besides, it is really great to see actual vote counts

keksupreme ago

"i'm pretty centrist" i'm a faggot jew clintonite/bush shill.

i'm fucking gay for israel because i'm a huge faggot too

obsessedcrf ago

I'm not pro Israel. But whatever. I don't post to any website for validation

keksupreme ago

nah you are a ziojew scumbag.

we can all tell from the scummy perspective of your shitty posts

MrPim ago

Using Reddit or not really wasn't my point.

ThoseFeels ago

Centrism is gay

BordelonLoop ago

more like bisexual. or pansexual.

obsessedcrf ago

I'm sick of the pendulum oscillating back and forth between two unsustainable political ideologies

voltronsdicks ago

he misspelled ineffective hippie

ThoseFeels ago

My little brother gets rustled/annoyed when I have any strong opinions. I still haven't figured out if he approves or disapproves of Trump.

Ineffective hippy too scared to take a stand on any issue.

voltronsdicks ago

Ask your little brother if he prefers a kick to the nuts or French kissing Amy Schumer's front hole. His answer will let you know whether he needs to be deported or not.

MAGA or bust.

ThoseFeels ago

Nah I've calmed down on politics. It's all a Jew shadow show. Trump may not work for Jews, but he survives because they allow him to carve his path, because they profit from both swings of the pendulum. I cast my vote and poke around on voat, and that's it, tired of talking about trump the politician.

voltronsdicks ago

If he took all the Jew money and put it towards ending censorship by building a conservative social network, I would forgive him for being a fucking idiot.

ThoseFeels ago

I recently read he was bailed out financially by the Rothschilds, and pretty much since then I'm refusing to go any deeper into the rabbit hole, I'm just gunna cast my vote, have white kids, and be cognoscenti of those certainties coming down the pipe, despite who is in office

BearDolphin1488 ago

There's no fucking way this is real.

There's no fucking way this is real

Tears no faggit, racist isreal

heygeorge ago

Welcome! I like it here, too. For varied reasons, many people will frequently tell you to leave. You’ll get used to it if you stick around. Please don’t spam your shit too much, check out the Voat FAQ for info on that.

etymologynerd ago

Thanks, good to know!

TheTrigger ago

What's the etymology of the word, "cunt"? Just curious, wondering if you know.

etymologynerd ago

Oh, that's actually really cool! It comes from a Proto-Indo-European word for "hollow place"

MinorLeakage ago

I also love etymology. Prepare for the incoming free speech barrage. Everyone likes to prove that we can in fact say anything.

I hope you stay around. Most people I talk to around here are pretty reasonable.

etymologynerd ago

Glad there are so many word nerds on this site!

ShineShooter ago

Ahem, Grammar Nazi is the proper term.

gazillions ago

I despise word nerds. They should be flayed and put in a closet. Even more hateful than word nerds are the foolish ones that tell everyone that their view of life is limited to the arrangement of letters.

Imadeaccount ago

I arrange flowers AND do you feel about me?

14000_rpm_once ago

Defenestration could expand your view on life.

gazillions ago

Yeah,defenestration has been used to death. We all know it means thrown out of a window. Say "thrown out a window" and you won't look like a pretentious ninny

zyklon_b ago




McFucklet ago

I see the GNAA's legacy lives on

zyklon_b ago


IsaacGoldstein ago

Oy vey ZB, Next you are going blame them for Fukushima.

zyklon_b ago

they did fukushima

IsaacGoldstein ago

Yo vey! No! Those were just cameras, really big cameras. Try our security solutions. They are a blast. They will leave you with a warm glow, that will last and last and last.....

edgelord666 ago

Fucking zyklon_kike over here

So here's the scoop: niggers on here can't handle how edgy I am so they downvote me. Not to brag but I'm widely acknowledged as the edgiest user on this site. If you want a taste check out my comment section, it speaks for itself. They don't call me "edgelord666" for nothing. This site has recently been taken over by niggers and kikes. Whenever I point this out people say "you're being too edgy I'm downvoting you".

zyklon_b ago

I alwayd upvote when i see for edginess

voltronsdicks ago

I'm downvoting you for not being edgy enough

edgelord666 ago

another "I'm with Her" fag who can't handle how edgy I am smh

Hillary lost. Get over it.

voltronsdicks ago

I've been over it since the start of the election, Huma. but that's what happens when you pussyhat Frontholes finally learn to spell MAGA.

btw, how's your jew husband doing?

edgelord666 ago

HOLY SHIT HOW DID U KNOW HE'S JEWISH???? @PuttItOut this guy's doxxing me!!!

voltronsdicks ago

There's a million huma's with Jewish husbands. stop being paranoid or i'm emailing Cankles to get her started on your suicide letter.

Doglegwarrior ago

I cant remember if i like you or not zyklon G... but i like your bold introduction to that niggerfaggot kike... good work take my up voat.

zyklon_b ago

Thanks and i like u

voltronsdicks ago

I'm not upvoating you for agreement. I'm upvoating you for keeping it real as a rusty carnival ferris wheel full of tetanus and regret.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago


bb22 ago

In all likelihood there probably really is a general historical cover-up surrounding that period of time, which is why the "great vowel shift" appears so disjointed compared to what came before and after it. There are lots of issues with conventional chronology, which was mostly established by Jesuits in the 1500's while the printing press was still in its infancy.

Suffice it to say that if the Jesuits weren't totally corrupt, they weren't fucking geniuses either.

urx ago

New Chronology - Fomenko?

bb22 ago

Him and a lot of other chronological revisionists -- Illig, Gyula, Gunnarson, etc.

I don't think any of them have all the answers, but they definitely have enough evidence to show that history is thoroughly fucked in some very big ways.

WhiteRonin ago

Heads up nigger Fagget! We don’t give much shitz about politiks. Well, fuck dat hag Hillary - don’t support the burn much besides that he got ripped off. Okay? See!

But you gotta learn the nomenclature here. Period. Full stop.

Ain’t no controversy unless you make it such!

See we got a hazing period. You have rough skin. We stop calling you a nigger fagget joo!

Seriously, we do haze and we don’t like reddit power mods trying to make the place reddit 2.0. Of you can make it past the initiation we will accept you. Hell we have our favorite colored people and gays. Even got psychopath Christians. Like I said, if you can make past initiation week, we would enjoy having you here.

Note: points are imaginary bull shit. Just toss that concept out real quick.

So enjoy your cocktail fagget!

etymologynerd ago

Well, thanks for the heads up. I'm not here for the points- that's why I use reddit, lol

WhiteRonin ago

Good! Stick it out and take the nigger fagget joo routine in stride.

You didn’t get the challenge / joke ;-)

Etymology: cocktail - freaky Brits!

etymologynerd ago

"cocktail" actually comes from a French portmanteau meaning "egg-cup"!

WhiteRonin ago

Dig deeper! Or maybe you just chose the one not really related to drinking.

Not sure yet.

Split hairs and the wisdom will shine!

VIP740 ago

Etymology rocks.

etymologynerd ago

I love etymonline! I use it several times a day for sure

bb22 ago

I use etymology as a historiographical tool for trying to better establish chronology. I don't know if you're into conspiracy theories but chronological revisionism seems to hit all the bases, and yet not that many people seem to be into it, probably because it's too dense and arcane of a subject to begin with.

If it sounds interesting at all to you though, I started a subvoat a while back that I haven't added much to lately:

i_scream_trucks ago

uhoh. competition.

etymologynerd ago

nah, just your average internet schmuck :)

i_scream_trucks ago

oh we call them 'niggerfaggots' around here.

Diggernicks ago

Get back to reddit newfag nigger.

etymologynerd ago

Well, we've all got to start sometime, right? I don't want any controversy, I'm just here to have a good time like everyone else.

keksupreme ago

fuck off you faggot centrist jew shill. "i like etymology"

yeah you would you filthy lying jew lawyer

ThoseFeels ago

I don't speak for voat but I want you to know that this community will make sure you address the JQ if you plan to be relevant/popular on this forum.

It's the only place seemingly in all of the civilized world where you can name the Jew so you're going to look like the odd man amongst the garrison if you try to dodge act above Voat's most central pillar of interest.

tastelessinvective ago

This thread has me dying of laughter. Welcome aboard newfriend.

Malayar ago

Don't worry they say that to everyone. Pretty standard.. Er.. Welcome.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Ever hear of a man named Adolf Hitler? Sure, thousands of Jewllywood movies and TV feature him as a monster, but I wonder who he really was... I know, let's have a look at a few passages from his book he wrote while in prison after returning from the trenches of WW1 to find 10 of the 12 newspapers in his country controlled by the Jews, as well the monetary system, as well as the depravity and sickness that had spread through the people of his country. Some men/women actually thought they were of the opposite sex simply because they felt like they were. Let's begin,

"Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood."

Weird, America was once an amazing place and now, as it's being forced to mix with million of beaners and every advertisement you will see by every Jew owned corporation will feature a nigger with a white woman. Don't believe me, have a look for yourself,

Notice anything strange? Now, more Hitler,

"The reason why the Jew decides suddenly to become a 'German ' 'white' is obvious. He feels that the power of the princes is slowly tottering and therefore tries at an early time to get a platform beneath his feet. Furthermore, his financial domination of the whole economy has advanced so far that without possession of all 'civil' rights he can no longer support the gigantic edifice, or at any rate, no further increase of his influence is possible. And he desires both of these; for the higher he climbs, the more alluring his old goal that was once promised him rises from the veil of the past, and with feverish avidity his keenest minds see the dream of world domination tangibly approaching. And so his sole effort is directed toward obtaining full possession of civil rights."

Do a search for "fellow white man" and reread the above. Then do a little research into our banking system and see which ethnicity sits at the top of every major bank. Maybe next, check recent news and see how many rights, such as freedom of speech are being stripped away, right before our eyes. A man was arrested when a nigger attacked his wife. He called the attacking nigger a nigger and he might have to prison while the nigger walks away with no charges.

More you say?

"...the same happened in the case of the gigantic Bolshevik revolution which recently took place in Russia. It was not due to the writers on Lenin's side but to the oratorical activities of those who preached the doctrine of hatred and that of the innumerable small and great orators who took part in the agitation. The masses of illiterate Russians Americans were not fired to Communist revolutionary enthusiasm by reading the theories of Karl Marx but by the promises of paradise made to the people by thousands of agitators in the service of an idea."

How about free healthcare, free food, free housing, free everything! Just voat for Jews and everything will be free and the only reason everything isn't already free is because of the evil white male. We must hate the evil white male. Any of this sinking in yet. Maybe do yourself a favor and learn more about what you have been taught to hate.

Doglegwarrior ago

That was a really good introduction to our newbie, nice work. I read mein kampf along time ago i should probably reread it.. im currently reading fords book.. the international jew.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Got any links to audio versions? I'm on the road a lot and get really bored.

Doglegwarrior ago

Good question.. i didnt see one, but i got the kindle version for free..

voltronsdicks ago

lol :]

approach ago

hitler was a socialist. talk about universal healthcare, welfare programs and corrupt banks. pft it was all socialist vs commie, not much different if you ask me. identity politics always come with these

obvious-throwaway- ago

That's the trick and you know it my rabbi friend. Socialism in and of itself is merely the concept that all countrymen work towards a greater good for their fellow countrymen. Socialism on a global scale would be an absolute disaster, which is exactly what your lizard kind wants. Global socialism would make whites slaves to the masses of overproducing mud people.

The exact model we have now makes whites borderline slaves. Millions of illiterate negroes live in ghettos and don't work, yet they have money for shoes, clothes, housing, food, cell phones, drugs and alcohol. They can afford to have as many children as they like without ever paying child support or hospital bills. They don't even have to pay to raise the children, the state (taxes from productive whites) pays for it and everything else. We work and struggle to have even a few children, while buck negros can lay seed anywhere they please as often as they please with zero repercussions. This is why socialism will always fail, and fail tremendously in race mixed societies. Again, you already knew all this, your kind literally wrote a doctrine on it.

National Socialist absolutely does work, in a solely white country. There is no greater proof anywhere than the rise of Germany before WW2. A defeated and broke nation became one of the most powerful nations on the planet in a matter of years. Watch an old movie from the 1950's. What do you see? You see that America was a nation of white people. We launched people into space. This is the true secret. It's not about the "ism" it's about the raw power and ability of whites to overcome and dominate in every scenario... except where we allow the Jew to snake itself in.

So there we have it, two forms of government, capitalism and national socialism that have proven track records of being very successful, but ONLY if the entire population is white and without Jews.

Now let's look at the other side of the coin, this faggot commie socialist shit that the Jews are currently pushing on America. Race mixing, faggots, and all the cuckoldry. Let's look to countries where race mixing has been done and how those countries resulted, regardless of form of government. Mexicans raced mixed with the Spanish, how did that turn out? Brazil has more niggers in America and half breeds are abundant. I wonder how that countries doing. How's race mixing going for Europe right now?

Their we have it, actual, real world results that no one can argue with, yet somehow the Jew think that people will never wake up to the reality that they see with their own eyes. I'm pretty sure entman isn't going to run out tonight and buy a Nazi flag, but if he happens to read any of this, it's guaranteed that a seed will be planted in his mind. After a few weeks of having his eyes open, he'll be back on Voat wanting to learn a little more about what's actually happening in the world and maybe he'll bring some friends.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Pardon me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Adolf Hitler?

obvious-throwaway- ago

He's one of my favorite authors! Would you like to know more?

"The opinion that the stupid international attitude of the masses is sufficient proof of the unsoundness of the masses' sentiments can be thoroughly confuted by the simple reminder that pacifist democracy is no less insane, and that its exponents originate almost exclusively in the bourgeois (middle class) camp. As long as millions of the bourgeoisie still piously worship their Jewish democratic press every morning, it very ill becomes these gentlemen to make jokes about the stupidity of the 'comrade' who, in the last analysis, only swallows down the same garbage, though in a different form. In both cases the manufacturer is one and the same Jew."

Atticus_Lowry ago

You're new and unexpected. I don't like new or unexpected.

etymologynerd ago

lol I've been on this site longer than you though

Ina_Pickle ago

Atticus has been around awhile Some people sure are more paranoid than others and burn their accounts periodically.

etymologynerd ago

ohhh good to know

zyklon_b ago

stick around and you be ok.

feel free to shitpost in my sub /v/soapboxbanhammer

etymologynerd ago

what in heck

Malayar ago

Definitely don't do that.

Atticus_Lowry ago
