Acerphoon ago

Video was deleted for hatespeech :(

But unironically. It actually says it violates the guidelines for hatespeech.

DoesKnowHarm ago

What really sucks, they have been plotting and scheming of the very scenario we find the state of the world in today. And they can win. They can bring the white race to its knees.

P.S. Only to have us PISSED AND ARMED when we stand back up.

IlIlIlIl1Il ago

I get that it is important to get the word out. But what the hell can anyone DO about this? Most Americans are either A) Completely brainwashed, or B) In on the joke.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Do you have this one ?

Jews are 28.5x or 2850% overrepresented at the SPLC.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Great post. I like to Archive all pertinent memes and material on my sub v/TheMemeFiles . My last "memefiles" post is similar to yours, where I aggregate a large amount of information in each post here.

Check it out and consider using it if you want to archive all the knowledge we have.

jewd_law ago

This needs to be a sticky. Even if it's just to infurheriate the ADL shills and israhell sympathizers that downvoated this post. Good job brother, warms my heart to see so many waking up to the JQ.

Just a suggestion for future posts, but it might be a good idea to have a collection of these physical PDFs in a dropbox available for download in one folder. consider it anti-shoah insurance in case they shut it down.

Germ22 ago

Looks like @crensch has some competition here :)
Who can make the most information rich post?

Crensch ago

Oh, mine won't be the most information rich.

For me, it all depends on how you like your presentation, and what info you think will actually redpill those reading it.

NotHereForPizza ago

Just don't think it's only jews.

Sometimes, the jews are used. See: Balfour Declaration

There are times when it's more practical to simply call someone "anti-semetic" and cast upon them the spell of the radicalized polarization of the jewish question and identity politics as a whole.

I don't mean to disgrace the idea of identitarianism, but, sadly, there are plenty of ways to use such a concept - which are often inclusive of, but not limited to, distraction.

My only real point here is that these rabbit holes are often used at convenient times, and that, frankly, we're best off fixing many problems before resegregating, if we so decide to once we return the inferior species to the pursuit of righteousness and integrity.

So, in other words, there's nothing wrong with being proud of your race, but we have to realize our race can only live if the system we all agree to live under so long as it is inclusive of our pride, and lends us the tools and the freedom to ensure a future for our people, first, as individuals, so as to be allowed to make up the whole.

enginedriver13 ago

Great stuff, thanks for compiling it.

brandnewset ago

Check out the videos (4) of "The Great Jewish Mask" in particular. But loads of them are full of great research and info.

Ispankdamonkey ago

Let me tell you about your dumb inbred ass.

kasthegikes ago

No splc?

TheMatrix ago

Good start. Let's keep working on posts like these.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I made a subverse exactly for posts like these. To archive all pertinent information and links. It's called v/TheMemeFiles


recon_johnny ago

Upvoating and saving.

auralsects ago

Jews get us into WWII, take advantage to put women into workforce and devastate our birth rate, create Muslim boogie-man

most ago

So that's the end game. An Islamic John Travolta.

DeltaBravoTango ago

The ACLU argument is weak. Other than Jews being over represented among the executives, I'm not seeing anything suspicious there. Is it because they defended the rights of people you don't like? Well that's how rights work, and I would think voat would understand that.

The "Kosher tax" doesn't really exist. There are costs associated with certification, but they are more than offset by sales to Jews. If kosher lost money, then most companies wouldn't bother unless they were specifically selling to Jews. It's not extortion any more than it is when people only buy products that haven't been tested on animals or that are made with sustainable materials. Consumer choice is not extortion.

qotile ago

Well, they're about as Jewish as organizations that aren't explicitly for Jews get.

people you don't like?

Child molesters.

Right now they're all about rights for illegal immigrants, not so much about the right to own a gun. Of course they're stalwart defenders of free speech, but that usually just means the freedom to smear feces on various things. They seem to have a decent policy on "hate speech".

DeltaBravoTango ago

What child molester rights are they defending? Just because someone is a criminal doesn't mean they don't have rights.

kasthegikes ago

Dont forget its defending only the rights THEY like. Where is the aclu on second amendment rights? Ill tell you, nowhere because advancing minorities and disarmament are the same side of the shekel.

Kosher tax is outside of my realm. Ill need to look into it but it sounds like what you say.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Well there are other interest groups for the second amendment. I think they should defend it, but that doesn't seem to be part of their brand.

kasthegikes ago

If their brand is american civil liberties and they don't stand for the second amendment, they're nothing more than a lie.

Schreiber ago

Their brand is "democratic party."

It's called, "western progressive" bullshit or the world view of the average democrat voter. They don't like guns.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Ok, Moshe

albatrosv15 ago

That's all? What about all other stuff?

DeltaBravoTango ago

So far those are the ones I have issue with. Including bad arguments weakens your whole case.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Including bad arguments destroys your credibility. It makes any and everything you say suspect.

Schreiber ago

The dumb hivemind doesn't care.

Just like how the leftist circlejerk every time they see any bad arguments as long as the bad argument = white men is evil.

mynewaccountagain ago

What part of this is you telling me anything? It's a bunch of fucking links.

Obeastiality ago

It's the missing piece of the puzzle. The one your (((school))) education glossed over, the one where it explains exactly why Hitler hated jews, and why he went to war in the first place. The one that explains why Jews are the "most persecuted people in history", and have outright banished in over 200 different cultures throughout 2000 years.

I don't blame you for not wanting to read though. Black pill should come naturally when you're really questioning why the US is having yet another war in the middle east, why it's sending billions in "aid" to Isreal, and why Jews make up only 2% of the population yet represent the majority of billionaires and entertainment industry today, why degeneracy and race mixing are being pushed by films and tv. Maybe click 'save' on OPs post for this time.

mynewaccountagain ago

Are you retarded? I know this stuff. I'm pointing out he says "let me tell you" and then it's a bunch of fucking links. Low effort. There's not ONE original sentence in his SCP bait.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I'm pointing out...

How differently your brain works. That kind of attention to detail can be useful 'if channeled properly', but you're jumping the rails a bit here.

kasthegikes ago

"Do my reading and thinking for me like CNN and colbert do!!!"

albatrosv15 ago

In case you didn't know, you can click on them.

mynewaccountagain ago

No shit, really? None of this is you telling me anything. Your title is gay and you should feel bad.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Oh, it sounds like you got the bad kind of autism. Sympathies.

JerkSock ago

Shut up and take your medicine.

DaJahn ago

4 day account as always

theHare ago

Thank you sir, your work is appreciated.

FireSauce ago


The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Oh, you're link-spamming like a stormfag.

Appalachian-Gal ago

👍 Great post! Excellent resources. Thank you!

Diggernicks ago

Let me tell you about this tinfoil hat I've got for sale. Reasonably priced, gently used once.

qotile ago

You seem like the type who'd overcharge

edistojim ago

Nice work.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Good job.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Seems like it should have its own subverse for info like this

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I made a subverse for exactly this purpose. v/TheMemeFiles.


Mogumbo ago

HOW long did you date Jew to gather all Intel you post?

jiews ago

Oooh, i see what you did there.

Mogumbo ago

He he he

ItGoesOnAnonAnonAnon ago

@derram's gonna have their work cut out for them with this one.

Edit: derram works quick, was distracted with food while typing and they beat me by 2 minutes.

OhBlindOne ago

Derram uses self built bot for such conversions

475677 ago

User for 2 months? Shit nigger you're gonna fit in real well round these parts posting like that.

ArousedYeti ago

Probably an alt, you dumb nigger.

GoodGuySaneGoat ago

愚かな馬鹿、社会正義の戦士がこのウェブサイトを運営しています。 @puttitout @kevdude @crensch これらは社会正義の戦士指導者の一部です

Vladimir_Komarov ago

sup maing. good to see ya bout.

MadWorld ago


ChanceofRain ago