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ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Shareblue. . .Did a story on them once. Not a jew and don't understand why all of this!

Oh well Ian's Penchant for Name Calling Here

Likes this phrase for some reason

More names Here

Encourages me to commit suicide because he hates me so much for not agreeing with him nor obeying his commands Here

Here were his demands I did not submit to Here

Yet, he trolls and stalks me. Go see if I have Ever done anything to him or attacked him personally as he has me!

All I have done is stand up for myself, in the same manner all Patriots are attempting to do as we Trust the Plan and tell people the truth Q has pointed to.

For that. . .I receive this level of hatred.

I realize this is a free country, he is allowed to hate me just on the basis that I won't succumb to his bullying tactics, at the same time, this is not furthering Anyone's cause except him attempting to Get his Own way and giving in to his hatred towards those he can't push around!

I have however been told that I Am OVER the target!

Crensch ago

Your attacker is now front page news, too.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Interesting he does this, Harasses and attacks multiple times, unprovoked, then gets a group after people to also attack one person just based on the fact they don't agree or won't take down a post he wants taken down.

I would guess many give in to his bully tactics. His method fits the Antifa manual almost spot on.

He also gets them to vote down any new posts by whoever he attacks, then claims the one he is attacker is doing what he is doing when it's clear He is about collecting voats and genuine truth tellers could care a less about votes or populatirty.

This is Not a Game.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're over the toilet, you fat cunt, and it's been flushed...

LOL keep it up, you stupid bitch.