oiseaulibre ago

Yeah, I haven't started following the SRS stuff until recently. There's a few suspicious subs and users on voat who I think are a part of something like SRS. They blend in with real users though. The subs that they mod may have some unsuspecting real users also as mods, to throw people off.

I really hope an organization like this doesn't have a strong foothold on voat, but any time I talk about this stuff I mysteriously get a boatload of downvoats.

klobos ago

I don't have time to read all that. What are you bitching and moaning about?

oiseaulibre ago

Voat is being manipulated a most of the site fell for it yesterday.

klobos ago

Welcome to the internet. Everything is being manipulated and pushed or pulled in one direction or another. An open forum like this, however ideal, allows for this possibility. We just have to hope that eventually we will win out in the end.

Remember this phrase and remember it well. "And then I remembered, I don't give a fuck." It's the internet, its current form will die before you do, focus on life.

oiseaulibre ago

Yeah, I know. I wanted to publicly let Putt know what is going on. He has either been tricked by these people or is in on it. I hope he eventually responds. I know he is busy IRL and has a full time job besides dealing with voat.

oiseaulibre ago

That's what I think it is. Many have speculated that it is SRS behind this. SRS tries to control every forum on the internet. They work their way into moderation circles. However, no one mods voat chat, so it's gone uncensored for a while. They're getting Putt to censor it for them.

oiseaulibre ago

I think a block feature would be the easiest solution. If a user doesn't want to see the spam they can block that user. Otherwise, if you make changes that hurt the users then the spammer wins.

Your terror analogy is perfect. Look at airport security now. The terrorists won.

A user has already made a chat block-user script: https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/1787195

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Cra. Zy.

oiseaulibre ago

Voat drama is always crazy.

Cuckbot ago

Arent you the guy who spammed v/all/ new site for weeks with shitty youtube links because of some girl drama with v/cheers? Yea youre a victim, play it up lol.

Fambida ago

a complaint, they link your steam etc, yes they do, its a gaming platform(this can be easily disabled even before you enter). And through discovery its much more than gaming.

That's a big complaint though. It can lead to people getting doxxed, and we all know users of this site get targeted for such.

oiseaulibre ago

I agree this is a concern, I joined it yesterday because I trusted the users. The CCP restrictions, the posts yesterday by the fake SoS, and the banning of the domain so quickly are also concerns. But, I agree people should not rush to the chat.

I didn't even know that it could lead to doxxing before I saw the post yesterday. I never had a discord account before this and I made an account with a throwaway email before the dox post anyways.

The biggest concern I have is that it does seem like someone is manipulating voat. Look at what's happening...

  • the spammer

  • the brigading of people to kick them out of chat

  • the fake account that gets two front page posts

  • those two posts are the accounts only posts

  • the banning of the domain (likely caused by the posts made by the fake SoS)

Fambida ago

I didn't even know that it could lead to doxxing before I saw the post yesterday. I never had a discord account before this and I made an account with a throwaway email before the dox post anyways.

That's another concern. A lot of folks will already have non-throwaway accounts with discord that they already use for gaming, and afaik from using it myself, you can't have multiple accounts logged into different servers.

I really love Discord for gaming, but it's not good for uses where you need privacy consciousness.

Have y'all looked into anything other chat options?

oiseaulibre ago

I know of a few other one's if I can convince people to switch again. But, I'd mainly like to move back to voat chat. A possible solution to the voat chat spammer would be a block feature. If a user doesn't want to see the spammer then they can just block the spammer and they won't see the spam messages anymore.

A user has even already created a script to do this: https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/1787195

o_V_o ago

This site is fucking done for.. the people here now are goddamn idiots. I hate reddit, but I fucking despise what this place has become.

oiseaulibre ago

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that post yesterday. I have a very good idea of the users behind this. Every time I mention them I get downvoated to oblivion. I hope this post gets visibility; although, all I really want is Putt to see it and hopefully reply.

Putt is a dude with a full time job and a life outside of voat. He can't dedicate all his time shifting through tons of voat drama. As a result, this may make him easier to manipulate. I think this is what's being done.

GlamourSpork ago

Thank you for explaining this clearly.

As one of the regular chatters who has made friends in chat, it's been hard to explain exactly what happened. I didn't want to lose contact with my friends. The Discord server is just a good way to keep in touch when we get brigaded out of chat (or harassed out of chat by fake accounts, as one of my friends was).

Hey_Sunshine ago

There's something fucky afoot. I wish I had the time/energy to investigate more but alas I am also a lazy procrastinator, sorry :(

oiseaulibre ago

I think voat got punk'd yesterday. It's very possible that the person behind the spammer account is also behind the fake Sound_of_Silence account. I've seen the fake SoS account in chat a few times. It seems that some person or group is trying to trick the user base. Look at how much @Womb_Raider got downvoated for stating a truthful statement: https://voat.co/v/whatever/1856839/9092482#9092482

Something is happening and I think the users and admins are falling for it.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Yeah 10 downvoats for shedding light on an issue? that there is one very dedicated individual or a group of like minded ones