BigDaddy69 ago


RodentLord ago

I was always on sane's side, even when I figured he was a shill or "tape over the keyholes on the door" crazy.

RodentLord ago

I'd say it's relatively common in public announcements to use "we" to refer to your organization, regardless of size. It might not make perfect grammatical sense, but it's common enough. I read that post as "we" referring to all of voat, not the admin team.

None of that says sane doesn't have admin, mind you, it just says that saying "we" makes sense for one person.

oiseaulibre ago


oiseaulibre ago

Thanks man, I'll try to keep it going well.

oiseaulibre ago

You don't want it?

oiseaulibre ago

Yeah, I've been trying to post a lot to smaller subs. I was posting a lot to your sub /v/altamv for a while. I was thinking about making bots for a few smaller subs kinda like the drudgebot. I think it may help the smaller communities grow. Like for example, a joerogan bot for the sub /v/joerogan. Recently, there's been a lot of drama, especially with chat that has been distracting me.

oiseaulibre ago

The only reason I think I'm more passionate about this situation compared to anything else is because I spend most of my voat time in chat. Things got a little heated today, lol.

oiseaulibre ago

I love the community here. That's why I complain. If something that I think is shitty is implemented I want the admins to know, because ultimately I would rather be here.

oiseaulibre ago

I know that. Voat is a private company. But if the users start hating the things that he does, we'll leave. It's good for the community to have open discussions and transparency about changes. At the end of the day it's all up to him, but that doesn't mean I can't or won't complain about something shitty that's implemented.

oiseaulibre ago

Well perhaps the needs of the many outweigh the need of the few?

The spammer will eventually get around these restrictions anyway. I think the block function would have been the best thing from the get-go.

Once the minority is oppressed free speech dies. Why not solve the issue without hurting average users? And why has @PuttItOut been silent this whole time? Changes get made and then the admins don't discuss it with the users. This situation likely could have been avoided with user input.

oiseaulibre ago

Michael_Obama contributions, he just has shitty opinions. Shitty opinions don't mean you should get kicked out of chat. You should get kicked out only if you're a spambot.

ExpertShitposter ago

Damn osi, you put a lot of effort into pretending not to be sane group, and that Michele is a genuine user. I'm gonna have to ban you for 12h.

oiseaulibre ago

I live for my SBBH bans.

oiseaulibre ago

Disagree with? No, but I can assure you that if I was to perceive them as a disruptor and not a contributor I would make sure that as many people that would listen I would inform them with examples.

I used to be in chat every goddamn day and I've been able to talk to you there like 3 times while myg(@Michael_Obama) is there almost every single time I've been there. I've had great conversations with him. He is not a disruptor, he has some opinions that I think are crazy, but the spammers are the disruptors. I've had many conversations with him and we've shared music, stories, conspiracies, whatever. Voat chat was awesome until the spammer came. Now the dude who spends more time than anyone having actual conversations in chat was downvoat specifically to keep him out of chat. Beatlejuice threatened to brigade him and then he was brigaded.

I am untouchable for reasons a subverter such as yourself that claims free speech is paramour would obviously never understand.

Fuck off dude. I'm not a subvertor. I have loved voat since the day I came here. This is an actual issue. Why wouldn't a block feature just work instead? Hell, Engel already made a script that can block users. Then the spammers can be blocked and we wouldn't have this issue. This seems like a way better solution, but every time I talk about I get downvoated.

Samsquamch ago

My comment(s)? It's not, or shouldn't be...Did you block me or something?

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes, its myg7 aka texan pride aka sanegoat.

oiseaulibre ago

Maybe not you specifically

^I said this. I'm not blaming you.

Beatle said it'd be a shame it Michael_Obama got brigaded...and then Michael_Obama got brigaded.

I noticed his point throughout the day myself. I only checked the Michael_Obama account initially to see if MYG had any accounts he could use in chat. I saw that he had 111 points initially. I didn't screenshot or archive his profile then, but now I wish I had because he got brigaded shortly after that.

oiseaulibre ago

You didn't answer this:

So, if someone disagrees with you, then you have the right to kick them out of chat?

oiseaulibre ago

These internet points mean absolutely nothing.

You are untouchable from being brigaded out of chat.

Users with a couple hundred CCP do not have this luxury.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

the only people paying attention to me is SBBH at this point, you kind of give yourself away. I barely even post.


Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

oh but now you cant downvoat brigade me because i deleted the comments so now its a problem? LOL! @PuttItOut

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

All i did was delete my comments so you cant downvoat them. Nice witchhunt @puttitout

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

All i did was delete comments so they cant brigade them. i didnt do anything fucky

oiseaulibre ago

You guys did downvoat brigade his Michael_Obama account.

Maybe not you specifically, but beatle defnitely wanted him out of chat.

oiseaulibre ago

That's a possibility. I looked at his two music posts and it isn't the type of music I've seen myg post, but it makes worlds more sense than Sane making a chat alt. Sane has over 1500 ccp. He has no use for a chat alt.

oiseaulibre ago

How could they? Michael Obama had over 100ccp not 18k like you. You're untouchable. He's not.

oiseaulibre ago

And there is the proof of you being part of the sanegoatiswear persona.

No it is not. Everyone on this site witch hunts...are you SANE? No, then are you Sane?

I just actually care about free speech.

It comes with consequence. Act like a shit head get treated as such.

So, if someone disagrees with you, then you have the right to kick them out of chat? Michael Obama has some retarded opinions, but that doesn't give anyone the right to through him out of chat.

I know you niggers don't get it as is apparent in today's society.

Fuck off dude. I'm as pale as a sheet of paper.

oiseaulibre ago

What this have to do with people brigading normal users out of chat?

They won't stop until Voat is gone or they control it.

Like SBBH brigading users out of chat?

NiklausTheNaked ago

His response was that people help out from time to time. It's in the same thread.

oiseaulibre ago

The people I see being pushed out of chat offered nothing to the discussion other than subversion and troll tactics.

You heard it here first folks! @adhdferret believes users should not have freedom of speech!

They acted stupid and got what was coming to them.

Beatle said he was going to brigade him, then he was brigaded. The fact that users can gang up on one to push him out of chat, when he is not a spammer, is fucked up.

You sound quite a bit like sanegoatiswear here in the defence of these accounts.

No, I sound like a person who sees shit being manipulate and sees users being fucked over. If anyone besides spammers gets kicked out of /v/whatever chat, then voat is no longer a free speech platform.

ShittyAdvice ago

Anonymous comments still get points, right?

ExpertShitposter ago

Dont know.

MrPim ago

The comment gets a point but your acct does not.

oiseaulibre ago

I don't think they do.

oiseaulibre ago

I am one of the oldest accounts on this mother fucker and also the most vocal. 99% of my posts get huge views and very little upvotes.

You're saying it's hard to get ccp? Three good comments in fph can get you well above that.

Bullshit actual users.

The Michael_Obama account was over 100CCP and was brigaded after these rules to specifically keep him out of chat. Beatlejuice even admitted that they did it.

Explain to me why when the alteration with points happened I barely noticed it?

Because you have thousands of ccp where users who dont comment as much only have a couple hundred.

Sanegoatiswear knew the exact amount he lost as did many other alts of his. No here is the thing you act like a troll you will be treated as a troll.

What does sane have to do with any of this? @SaneGoatsIswear is the spammer. And the real sane hasn't been in chat in a long as time, even so the real Sane has 1500 ccp. I don't understand what sane has to do with this.

oiseaulibre ago

Because up until recently, since I've been busy, I would use chat every single day and Michael_Obama (originally mightyyetgentle until he nuked the account) has been a regular in chat for months. Now, he can't use chat because SBBH brigaded him to under 100 CCP AFTER THESE RULES WERE IMPLEMENTED. They did it specifically to keep him out of chat.

The question is, why don't you give a damn?

Regular users are being pushed out of chat because of dumb rules and a group that likes to fuck with people.

RodentLord ago

Beatlejuice and his clique got bullied in high school so they're recreating it on voat to be the popular kids. I'm sure that in reddit's prehistory before those accounts with 10 alts each "moderating" 300 subs, there were some figures like them running around.

Samsquamch ago

Can't you delete comments but retain the ccp?

oiseaulibre ago

It's not hard to circumvent. Create a new account. Post a few comments to get you up to 100ccp. Post these in an upvoat farm like SDBH, SBBH, and /v/cheers or in a circlejerk like /v/FatPeopleHate and you will get the CCP really quickly. Then if you wait a week before you spam people will no longer be able to downvoat your comments and as long as you don't make new comments you will be at 100+ CCP forever. Then, you'll be able to spam chat as much as you want.

The downside to these CCP restrictions is that people will downvoat brigade actual users, like @Michael_Obama, so that they cannot use chat.

oiseaulibre ago

It's not sane. Look at @SaneGoatiSwear's CCP. He has never used an alt in chat and dosn't need to with the new restrictions.

@SaneGoatsIswear is the spammer.

ExpertShitposter ago

And before that it was the original sane so its all the same.

oiseaulibre ago

It's not the same. This spammer uses bots and spams huge text and he's been doing it for months. The real Sane has gone nuts in chat, but only a handful of times.

I told Putt the day this happened that the spammers can easily get around this, and that the CCP restrictions will only harm real users like @Michael_Obama. Go figure, that's what seems to be happening.

ExpertShitposter ago

Both of users are guilty of extreme chat spam. I didnt notice fake sane in chat after CCP restrictions.

oiseaulibre ago

Both of users are guilty of extreme chat spam.

Fake sane is the only major spammer and the only one to use bots and several accounts to do so.

Real sane has gone nuts in chat a few times and so has myg, but they never did anything close to what fake sane has done.

I didnt notice fake sane in chat after CCP restrictions.

He'll be back. He needs to farm some accounts, then he'll be back. This First_Time_Voater in your post is likely him. There's no reason that it would be real sane. Real sane has over 1500 ccp still.

ThatsSoJewish ago

Plot twist: @PuttItOut is SaneGoat

revofire ago

He has a lot of time on his hands.

NeedleStack ago

Or Atko. :-o