Discord Chat is not Official. It is a honeypot for doxxing run by sanegoatiswear and mightyyetgentle. They are trying to put the Voat brand on it to discredit Voat. Don't fall for it. (whatever)
submitted 7.7 years ago by sound_of_siIence
This is what they are up to: https://feedback.discordapp.com/forums/326712-discord-dream-land/suggestions/18774661-monetize-discord-servers
they are promoting this using many user accounts... they are making many threads.... they are conducting harassment and defamation campaigns against users who publicly question them... and they are posting the link to their chat in Voat's own chat at regular intervals... this is a marketing campaign and most of us see it
The official Voat chat is https://voat.co/chat
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Womb_Raider 7.7 years ago
Notice this is @sound_of_siience, not the real @sound_of_silence. Impersonator.
oiseaulibre 7.7 years ago
You got downvoated for making a factually correct observation. Classic voat, that shit happens to me all the time. It's almost like somebody on this site(SRS) wants to push a narrative and hide comments that call out their bullshit.
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Womb_Raider ago
Notice this is @sound_of_siience, not the real @sound_of_silence. Impersonator.
oiseaulibre ago
You got downvoated for making a factually correct observation. Classic voat, that shit happens to me all the time. It's almost like somebody on this site(SRS) wants to push a narrative and hide comments that call out their bullshit.