Tzitzimitl ago

what about code to verify the verifier?

that shit would be the first thing targeted by a fed attack

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

you actually got it backwards, SBBH took over voats on-site chat and impersonated lots of users, so we made a better chat. The lefties are the ones who posted this.

see for yourself https://

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

You honeydickin'?

Nana66 ago

I was banned from pizzagate for calling out the mods and telling other users about things like Puttitout is now (Ellen Pao) a HUGE Hilshill from Red dit and people noticing the difference since she bought it last summer....also voats disappearing after refreshing the page for certain users. I have the same thing on my account on Red dit.

jsac ago

Member for: 13 hours (joined on: 5/12/2017)

i almost spit coffee lmfao. they arent even trying atthis point.

Mr_Dusk ago

This isnt the real sound of silence. it only looks like it because the user used an uppercase 'I' instead of a lowercase 'l' "Il" see the difference in width and height?. Check the account age and what posts its made as well. there are only two and they're both the exact same. and in that whole month of time this account is only just now making two posts that are the exact same? Nice try Sane

kneo24 ago

OP, why the need to be deceptive with your username? Why the need to pretend you're another user? Why should I take you seriously after noticing that?

Tzitzimitl ago

so can any of you discordfags give me a single good reason why i should use your special needs irc clone?

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Yeah, it's a better version of voat chat where the impersonators cant ruin chat. a few voaters like to hang in chat because it's faster communication, recently voats on-site chat has been taken over by troll so we side-stepped the bullshit.

https:// it's actually pretty fun.

arnalek ago


arnalek ago

just a nigga who dont like censorship and downvoat brigades

arnalek ago

it was a joke during the time people were impersonating people on voat chat, just like OP is impersonating the real Sounds_of_Silence

arnalek ago

im @MightyYetGentle, this account will be brigaded so i just move along when necessary. Im honest though. feel free to lurk it bud, its nothing risky.

Tzitzimitl ago

anything you personally cannot verify is a fed honeypot. check it every day.

oiseaulibre ago

I haven't seen him in a while. He tags me in a lot of his gabs. He's been trolling the shit out of normies on there.

I'll pass the word to him. Thanks for the downvoat.

arnalek ago

no one is forcing you, if you didnt frequent voats on-site chat then u probably dont know whats going on. Basically assholes were able to take it over and Putt helped them, so we made a chat with no censorship

oiseaulibre ago

Voat is being controlled by a group of people though. I doubt they're from an alphabet agency. Although, an alphabet agency would be much worse.

Look at what's been happening. There has been a spammer in chat since at least January. He used to use the account totesmcgoats. Next he used the account SaneGoatsISwear (not SaneGoatiSwear). Each time a new restriction was added he was happy and would gloat to the users in chat. This last restriction was a CCP restriction. Low and behold one user (Michael_Obama) with only a couple hundred CCP gets brigaded to under 100 CCP, solely to kick him out of chat. This user under a different account had been a chat regular for months, longer than I've been a chat regular. Then Michael_Obama creates a discord chat room for voat so he can still talk to the chat regulars. It's weird to say it, but the chat regulars have become friends just because we talk to each other on a daily basis.

Now, the account that made this post is a phony account imitating that of a chat regular. Click the OP's name then click this: @sound_of_silence. The original has a "L" and the OP has an "i". Also, discord is now banned from voat?! This is odd because the link wasn't spammed and discord is a fairly popular chat site. If Putt is not in with whatever group is trying to control voat, then he at least seems to have been influenced by them.

If I had to guess who is behind this, I'd guess SBBH.

They've pull stunts on voat before and have convinced the user base to believe what they tell them.

Here's me calling one of them out: archive:

There's other groups that are similar to them. I'm not sure if they all work together, but it seems like it. It seems like SRS or an SRS-like group is trying to take over voat. Here is more info as this has been going on for awhile: archive: archive: archive:

Sorry for all the info and blocks of text, but based on your comment you seem like someone who might care about this.

arnalek ago

Lol you didnt even get the name of the chat you claim isnt secure the first time

why the campaign against a bunch of innocent users who want their own chat with no fake sane bullshit?


oiseaulibre ago

Ah I see, thanks.

The voat/voat repo is still over 4 months old and the PuttItOut/voat repo is over 7 months old. So, it's still not entirely up to date, but a lot closer to being the current code than what I originally thought. Thanks!

oiseaulibre ago

How do I see the new commits though?

If you go into the folders, the files are still time-stamped from over a year ago.

oiseaulibre ago

oiseaulibre ago

run by sanegoatiswear

(Citation needed)

I've been in the chat and he has yet to be there. MYG is there though.

Womb_Raider ago

Notice this is @sound_of_siience, not the real @sound_of_silence. Impersonator.

oiseaulibre ago

You got downvoated for making a factually correct observation. Classic voat, that shit happens to me all the time. It's almost like somebody on this site(SRS) wants to push a narrative and hide comments that call out their bullshit.

DependasaurusRex ago

You guys want some cookies?

Sorry, nothing to do with the topic st hand, but your name makes me think you may be a vet undercover for the mob working in the FBI.

Trash_Panda ago

So does that justify banning domains? Because the Voat Admin just banned the Discord domain over this silly witch hunt. Honestly I was just laughing about the whole fiasco up until now. The evidence presented in OP is a user submitted community suggestion with two votes that everyone hated. The discord team has already stated They won't monitize Discord which is supposedly what this whole fiasco is about. So...what gives? This would be like banning the Reddit domain because people on Voat are outraged about a particular subreddit. It's a concerning precedence to set. Hell this probably goes above and beyond any censorship Reddit has ever done considering they haven't even banned the Voat domain. This is a site-wide ban.

superesper ago

4 days old

253 CCP

All recent comments shilling Discord

CCP farming much?

Trash_Panda ago

I already explained this previously and yea I'm talking about it a lot today. This is a big fucking deal to me. The entire premise of this website is free speech and now they are arbitrarily site-wide banning benign domains because a couple users rabble rabbled until they got their way? That's kind of a big deal dude.

superesper ago

If Discord was an information source maybe. It's not. It's a chat platform that's being used as a vector to attack Voaters. Has nothing to do with the free flow of information. And you can still post about Discord here all day if you want, as you have been doing.

Trash_Panda ago

It's a chat platform that's being used as a vector to attack Voaters.

Where's the evidence for this? Don't you think that if you were doxxed just by joining a chat room that it wouldn't be one of the highest ranked services in the US?

superesper ago

Discord has been used several times to collect information on /pol/ users, this is the exact same tactic here. Tons of popular sites and services have horrible vulnerabilities and they get exploited all the time, hence the constant stories about "~X million passwords have been hacked today from...". Vulnerabilities don't prevent a site or service from being popular, and vulnerabilities don't mean that you get "doxxed just be joining".

Trash_Panda ago

Again, where's the evidence for this?

superesper ago

I like how you progressively retreat from more and more claims without ever acknowledging that you were wrong/being dishonest. LOL.

Trash_Panda ago

I asked for evidence and then you basically said "exploiters exploit things" so I asked for evidence again. And you still haven't provided it so, once again. Evidence?

superesper ago

I don't see how that's considered retreating.

You claimed that banning Discord links was a violation of Voat's free speech principles. Wrong. Discord is not an information source and you're free to post about it all day, as you've been doing. Retreated. You claimed that there's nothing fishy going on because Discord is a popular site and therefore must be secure. Wrong. Retreated. You conflated the existence of security vulnerabilities with every user of a site being doxed. Stupid. Retreated.

I don't have archives of the relevant /pol/ threads, but this did happen before. Believe me or don't.

Trash_Panda ago

You claimed that banning Discord links was a violation of Voat's free speech principles. Wrong. Discord is not an information source.

That's your opinion. I still stand by that. How is a social platform not an information source anyways? You may as well say Reddit is not an information source since Reddit itself contains no information but rather, the users who post within it. And there's plenty of things which are not explicitly informational sources that would still be questionable bans, like image hosting sites.

You conflated the existence of security vulnerabilities with every user of a site being doxed. Stupid.

I didn't. Your comprehension is a little bit off.

You claimed that there's nothing fishy going on because Discord is a popular site and therefore must be secure. Wrong.

I asked for evidence that it's not secure. Which you still haven't provided. Which I searched for and couldn't locate. The purpose of this is because it begs the question "what is the site-wide ban based off of?". Someone saying it's not secure while simultaneously providing zero evidence. So, one more time. Evidence?

No evidence, no ban. It's as simple as that. L

superesper ago

Again, I know this happened before even though I don't have links. Whether you believe this or not is your choice and I don't care at all.

Trash_Panda ago

If you don't see why using anecdotal evidence to arbitrarily justify sweeping site wide bans is unreasonable then you have concluded my point. GOOD DAY SIR. Peace love and prosperity to you and yours ✌️

superesper ago

You should probably go back to reddit with that attitude. I'm telling you why I believe what I believe, and it's perfectly reasonable. I'm not trying to present you with a proof that will satisfy your hemorrhoids.

Mr_Dusk ago

@superesper stop flaming this account you're just giving sane exactly what he wants.

Grifter42 ago

Voat chat ain't doxxing anyone, faggot.

9092850? ago

PSA: Grifter42 is an old alt-account of sanegoatiswear, that he uses to make it look like he has support.

Grifter42 ago

Keep pushing your lies, and faggot narrative, you fucking mental midget.

Strikes me that you're an upvoat farmer. Probably part of SRS, or SBBH.

9092891? ago

Don't be so mad, mad SpamGoat. I just wanted to inform people who didn't know you have made hundreds of alt accounts and a got history of deceit, as they watch you defend yourself in the third person. No reason to get so riled up over that.

Grifter42 ago

Sane is an incoherent lunatic who has been made the judas goat that people like you use to lead the other goats to downvote brigade on account of your bullshit, Beatle/fake sane.

9092952? ago

I been seeing through your shit since you abused the strikeout bug. Thats a long time ago, back when there was doubt whether you are a saboteur. Time flies, eh?

Grifter42 ago

I don'r know what the strike out bug is, you fucking faggot.

Smear me all you like, but that doesn't make me Sane.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Discord Chat is not Official. It is a honeypot for doxxing run by sanegoatiswear and mightyyetgentle.

Please point out where the phrase "Voat Chat" exists in this excerpt. I'm pretty sure the only chat mentioned is "Discord Chat." Unless you can point out where I'm wrong, chill your autism. You're normally a cool guy, Grifter, but this is a clear case of sperging out, and it does not befit you.

Grifter42 ago

I been on voat discord for a bit, and it's just a normal chat. The whole doxxing thing isn't happening.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

A fair argument, and one I'm not even going to attempt to rebutt. But, Discord Chat is a different chat than Voat Chat.

Trash_Panda ago

So? Ban any chat outside of Voat chat? Is that how this works? The Admins just banned the Discord domain site-wide.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Ban any chat outside of Voat chat?

I don't recall making that argument.

The Admins just banned the Discord domain site-wide.

You mean like the many other domains that got spammed all over the site by obvious and dedicated spammers, like MH101 and Google Docs?

Trash_Panda ago

MH101 is a troll website. Discord is a widely used chat service ranked 111 in the US on Alexa. Comparing the two is just silly.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Comparing the two is just silly.

Except where a valid comparison exists to be made...such as the fact that both were spammed across the site, and both were banned after spamming campaigns involving those domains.

Trash_Panda ago

So if someone spams a Reddit subverse, ban Reddit? Very interesting logic.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I didn't say I agreed with it, but it's not like it's not common practice around Voat, already. I didn't see your name raising cain when Google Docs or MH101 were banned...

Of course, since you're hiding behind an obvious alt made to protect your main account from all the downvoats you're garnering for this faggotry, that makes sense.

Trash_Panda ago

I already addressed this twice now. Opening a google doc link allows the creator to obtain your google identity. Joining a chat room poses a security risk because....?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Because it provides a link between Discord and Voat? It stands to reason that Usernames on Discord may be used elsewhere on the internet (It's stupid, and goes against InfoSec 101, but hey, "password" is still one of the most commonly-used passwords, too), provide a definitive link to somebody that browses Voat, and provides one more data point to those that would love to unmask us.

That being said, MH101 was not a security risk, and yet their domain was site-banned for being spammed all over the site. The action being penalized is clearly the spamming, not necessarily the security risk...though that was also the case with Google Docs.

Grifter42 ago

There's one admin, and it's Putt.

Trash_Panda ago

Thanks for the clarification

Grifter42 ago

Everything in this thread is getting downvoated.

Probably Fake Sane, aka beatle.

oiseaulibre ago

Sane's not even in the chat, lol.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Not what I'm arguing. 1) Grifter said Voat Chat wasn't doxxing anybody. 2) I rebutted that the phrase "Voat Chat" does not appear anywhere in the quoted excerpt (And the concept itself only appears in the text of the post itself once, as a reference to where the Discord chat was being linked).

Do you have a quote from the above post that says where Voat Chat, specifically, is doxxing people? If so, I'd love to see it. If not, then we have no quarrel.

oiseaulibre ago

What are you going on about?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I just told you. If you don't understand it, then specify what part you're having trouble understanding, and I'll elaborate. Or read it again, either one works for me.

oiseaulibre ago

I'm wasn't talking about voat chat or doxxing in my comment. So, why are you bringing that up to me?

I was addressing what you quoted. It is factually incorrect on multiple counts. 1) It is not a honeypot and 2) Sane has nothing to do with it.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I'm wasn't talking about voat chat or doxxing in my comment. So, why are you bringing that up to me?

Because the guy I first responded to, did, and that was the entire point of my argument. I could care less whether or not our resident Lead-Paint-Muncher is in the chat or not, because it has absolutely bubkes to do with my argument, namely that Voat Chat was never accused by the OP of doxxing anyone, contrary to what Grifter seems to imply.

Now riddle me this...why are those red herrings you mentioned (Honeypot, Sane) even relevant to my argument?

oiseaulibre ago

They're not relevant to your argument. But anyone reading Grifter's comment could tell he was talking about the discord chat. That is the topic of the thread, no?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Also, FWIW, the downvoats are not coming from me.

oiseaulibre ago

It's good, SBBH has been downvoating me for days, lol.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I saw two specific concepts of chat in the OP, the Discord Chat (which was accused of being a honeypot/doxxing) and the Voat Chat (Where the links to the discord chat have been dropped). Grifter specifically referred to "Voat Chat". If he is willing to say that he was referring to the Discord Chat, I will happily stand corrected, and withdraw any objections to his statement. If not, I am forced to interpret his words by what he actually said, not by some creative reinterpretation of such.

Kal ago

I'm fairly certain voat isn't even official at this point.

jsac ago


DiscontentedMajority ago

Why? I did not see anything there that changed my opinion of them. Their EULA is honestly one of the shortest, clearest, and consumer friendly ones I've ever looked at.

Trash_Panda ago


arnalek ago

copy pasting from here shill? Discord is totally safe, probably safer than voat in the business sense. That is bullshit post with misinformation. There isn't any monetization involved with the voat discord. Even the shill mamwad pointed it out in your post, all chats do that. Voat literally does the same thing.

https:// - better version of voaters chat

Trash_Panda ago

A community suggestion with two votes that everyone hated is your evidence?

Aswimmingday ago

The way discord logs its IPs, allows for an easy way for the users to be doxxed. Beware when asked by randoms to join a server.

arnalek ago

literally every website does this

WhiteRonin ago

Voat logs your IPs.

Have you seen the code from both discord and voat?

I'm not promoting discord but logging IPs is pretty common.

oiseaulibre ago

Voat has been closed source for over a year. This can be a giant honeypot for all we know.

WhiteRonin ago

It's been that long? Hmmmm

It could be a giant honey pot! Lol, I'm tagged as a shit lord, anti-undocumented and against mass "refugees", for the most part do not believe the official count for the Holocaust, Trump supporter and will call out retards.

Phew! That should make their record collecting easier then :-D