HarveyHarveyJones ago

"If I cant use voat, no one can!"

-A very insane goat

Korean_Fan_Death ago

that actually what kevdude did.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Wait really? Story please?

Korean_Fan_Death ago

also note that OP is impersonating this users @sound_of_silence

just look at the profiles. These are the same shills who ruined chat in the first place and motivated us to start a discord.

uvulectomy ago

tl;dr - trademark infringement and defamation?

Korean_Fan_Death ago

negative. It's a chat for voaters. It's what we have in common.

prairie ago

What would they get that a normal chat wouldn't get, besides your IP address? Assume that any chat you visit can get all that (and more, like your browser, etc.).

Korean_Fan_Death ago

its a hyperbolic reaction from someone impersonating another user by slightly changing the letter i and L. he is part of the people who ruined the chat and Putt made bad changes to stop them from using their script injects.

Voat discord is totally legit and i recommend at least checkin it out here, i had to screenshot it because the admin just banned the domain from being linked, full on censorship. It's just an ordinary chatroom outside of the control of the people who ruined chat initially. Putt catered to them so a normal person moves on and continues free discussion

Rotteuxx ago

Hey buddy 'ol boy !

How's the work load at SaneGoat Inc lately ?

jsac ago


Trash_Panda ago

So you post a thread, get called out in the comments, then ignore him and continue spreading it around?

jsac ago

Member for: 4 days (joined on: 5/9/2017)

smell that fish goats?

auto_turret ago

Dude.. this whole thing, all day, has been rotten with fish.

Keep checking account ages when some extraordinary claims are being made.

In the meantime, some established folks are still saying no to Discord, let's roll with that until we can get this sorted out.

Korean_Fan_Death ago

CANCEL-CAT-FACTS is part of the discord. That a pretty major voater. It's no where near as bad as these shills posting this stuff for the last 24 hours are saying.

Banning discord's entire domain was a stupid move to on part of the admins.

auto_turret ago

Your comment has been disregarded. Thanks.

Korean_Fan_Death ago

oo sassy. ok, you sure you wont give it a shot? You dont game or nothin?

Trash_Panda ago

My old main account is /u/Proppa and then I created /u/Cunt_Mcgee and then I created this. You'll see that the last post of each account and the account creation of each account all coincide within days of eachother and the writing style is the same on all of them. Not everything is a conspiracy dude. Chill out.

jsac ago

i dont believe in coincidences... way to many days old accounts pushing this discord scam.

Trash_Panda ago

First accounts last post was two days before second account was created and then second accounts last post was the same day this account was created. They just represent points in my life and attitudes I used to have that I'm not proud of and wanted to put behind me. I used to be an arrogant condescending dick to pretty much everyone online and had a very angry/hostile way of talking to pretty much everyone and it was starting to effect my mood. That's it.

Discord is used all over the fucking place and nobody is making money off of it. I used to use it for gaming so I didn't even have to make a new account. Back in the day (and even today) it was really fucking difficult to find a decent platform where you and your buddies could just play video games and chill. Most of the people in Voat discord are gamers so it was just intuitive since we all already know what it is.


bigdirtymotherfucker ago

https://discord.gg/DDZSU39 Voat discord. its been fun so far

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

That is bullshit post with misinformation. There isn't any monetization involved with the voat discord. Even the shill mamwad pointed it out in your post, all chats do that. Voat literally does the same thing.

jsac ago

NEGATIVE. there are plenty of options that are safe and secure.
edit: and as a sidenote, for anyone on the fence, start noting all the 1 day old accounts showing up in the comments for all these discord threads pushing it and getting downvoted to hell. something fishy is happening here goats.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

i been here for longer than 8 months.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

If it's so insecure why are major companies like reddit using it? This option is just as secure as Voat. It's an ownership issue. Honestly i trust that large of a company over voats admins too after the shit they pull

jsac ago

hahaha, you sound like a fkn robot shillbag.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

You sound like a faggot SRS kike who made this post after you found out we made a decent discord.

jsac ago

nope, im an educated internet old head that doesnt exist to subvert a good thing by shilling for a living ;)

By uploading, distributing, transmitting or otherwise using Your Data with the Services, you grant to us a nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use Your Data, subject to the Company’s Privacy Policy. https://discordapp.com/terms

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

this is the situations you are coming in to

There is nothing good about Voat except the admins havent screwed us over with info leaks yet.

jsac ago

then go back to reddit shill. doors that way --->

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

thats where i came from, and since voat utilizes censorship on people who arent spamming, we moved to discord. depending on how this one guys ill look into more acceptable chat services. I'm not knowledgeable on that stuff. The point is people going to discord from voat is not a dangerous action

jsac ago

buh bye shill.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

take it easy shill

jsac ago

Submission Contribution Points: 74 Comment Contribution Points: -16


bigdirtymotherfucker ago

once people find out im MYG they brigade me. Im kinda used to it. Voat is made by shills for shills, and they kicked it up to overdrive after they lost the election

ILoveJews ago

i dont want to miss any of the good goats who fake sane scared away from chat. What is wrong with users wanting to get together in a chat that has you so worked up? If you werent a shill you would realize lots of people use discords.

Why are you so adamant on keeping people from having an actual free chatroom?

sound_of_siIence ago

How many accounts are you going to spam this thread with? "Fake Sane". Good plan you have. Make chat unusable then promote your own. That is why you are so pissed about the ccp restrictions.

ILoveJews ago


ILoveJews ago

remember, voat censors. thats why we made the discord dum dum

sound_of_siIence ago

^^^Follow this link to get them paid $$$$ for your click^^^

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

typical jew, always thinking about shekels. There is no one paying me to open a public chatroom. If you werent spreading disinformation to keep people from communicating you could make your own room and see if money magically appears. Spoiler alert: it doesnt.

sound_of_siIence ago

"typical jew, always thinking about shekels."

I saw in a discussion where you are allies with the mod of v/orthodoxjudaism so stop deflecting you fucking kike

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

lol nice edit. See you know more about discord than I do.

I havent defamed anyone either, you are literally engaging in what you are accusing others of right now.

sound_of_siIence ago

"See you know more about discord than I do."

Google works you know

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

im slowly figuring it out and have help but i havent googled anything yet. Because i just want a chatroom thats free. nothing more.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

so... now im making money for discord? i dont know how discord works but its great and im not making a penny from having a room for voaters to talk freely without restrictions and fake sanegoats.

It's directed around voat, obviously we will be using voat still. This is a fix to a problem a lot of casual voaters were dealing with.

sound_of_siIence ago

discord is paying you money for traffic to their site - don't pretend it doesn't work that way

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

you are too fucking stupid to even know what you are fear-mongering about. I aint getting paid to have a fuckin chatroom. You are retarded

sound_of_siIence ago


You are getting paid and you are trying to make it big enough to sell ad revenue too

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

There will be no advertising in Voat discord. Ever. Nor will i motivate myself to find out how to make pennies off some shit that im going to pay for soon

sound_of_siIence ago

I don't believe you... and we are all not going to take your word for it... you are promoting this using many user accounts... you are making many threads.... you are conducting harassment and defamation campaigns against users who doubt you... and you are posting the link in Voat's own chat at regular intervals... this is a marketing campaign and most of us see it

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

I don't believe you... and we are all not going to take your word for it..

That's ok, I can assure you shekels is not on the menu for the reason that chat exists and you know that. And who is "we"?

. you are promoting this using many user accounts...

I am indeed, to people who have had enough of your SBBH impersonating antics.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

the superior voat chat with actual people and not people impersonating Sane can be found here.

https://discord.gg/DDZSU39 (no microphone necessary, we use text chat)

No restrictions and you can post lots of stuff using the features.

sound_of_siIence ago

and you get their personal info while getting paid for referrals.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

25 millions users are on discord. I just opened a public chatroom. The only people that can find your information is them, and even reddit has an official discord so it must be trusted