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jsac ago


Trash_Panda ago

So you post a thread, get called out in the comments, then ignore him and continue spreading it around?

jsac ago

Member for: 4 days (joined on: 5/9/2017)

smell that fish goats?

Trash_Panda ago

My old main account is /u/Proppa and then I created /u/Cunt_Mcgee and then I created this. You'll see that the last post of each account and the account creation of each account all coincide within days of eachother and the writing style is the same on all of them. Not everything is a conspiracy dude. Chill out.

jsac ago

i dont believe in coincidences... way to many days old accounts pushing this discord scam.

Trash_Panda ago

First accounts last post was two days before second account was created and then second accounts last post was the same day this account was created. They just represent points in my life and attitudes I used to have that I'm not proud of and wanted to put behind me. I used to be an arrogant condescending dick to pretty much everyone online and had a very angry/hostile way of talking to pretty much everyone and it was starting to effect my mood. That's it.

Discord is used all over the fucking place and nobody is making money off of it. I used to use it for gaming so I didn't even have to make a new account. Back in the day (and even today) it was really fucking difficult to find a decent platform where you and your buddies could just play video games and chill. Most of the people in Voat discord are gamers so it was just intuitive since we all already know what it is.
