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Michael_Obama ago

its good and the owner uses voat

oiseaulibre ago

I think the fact that you got 2 downvoats on here points to you being brigaded (or people downvoating you for who you are rather than your content). You say dumb shit that gets you downvoated all the time, but today I saw your CCP all over the place. I now wish I took archives. It's probably people trying to keep you out of chat.

First time I checked your CCP today it was at 111. The next time it was 82. The next time it was over 100 again. Right now it is 77. You only have 6 comments from today and they only have a couple of downvoats that wouldn't account for these shifts.

Also, 3 out of the 6 people in this thread are SBBH. Go figure.

Michael_Obama ago

goatsshadow ago

kool I'll go between this and kek.... it's a shame I really really like imgoat I know they're all similar but that seemed so appropriate and now I got to redo a bunch of posts or add a post link fml like i said have an uppy

heygeorge ago

Are they gone for good or just down for now?

goatsshadow ago

iunno I assume the worst in most scenarios... it's wise