Tipman79 ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

Cum_control ago

Why you a shill for?

MadWorld ago

Sacrifice his body the the goats!

Tipman79 ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND MURDERED A GIRL IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND MURDERED A GIRL IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND MURDERED A GIRL IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

Apeabel ago

Hey fuckface, I've seen your 'x is a shill' posts and Voat users complaining about you a couple of times now.

How about you let everyone decide for themselves what story is real or fake and who is a shill or not.

That's how different opinions form and it's why there can be interesting discussions on Voat.

Now fuck off if you don't like it.

thetoucher ago

Fuck that nigger faggot

Tipman79 ago

I see what you did there...

Tipman79 ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND KILLED A GIRL IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND KILLED A GIRL IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND KILLED A GIRL IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

newoldwave ago

Don't drink Starbucks coffee, it gives you that liberalism mental disorder.

Tipman79 ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND KILLED A GIRL IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND KILLED A GIRL IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND KILLED A GIRL IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

Rotteuxx ago

Why do you keep projecting your professional title on others ?

Are your shill masters hiring and you're trying to recruit to destroy voat ? Voat knows better

@Sanegoatiswear, censoring yourself by deleting comments ?

Rotteuxx ago

Why do you keep projecting your professional title on others ?

Are your shill masters hiring and you're trying to recruit to destroy voat ?

@Sanegoatiswear, censoring yourself by deleting comments ?

Diamond_Deluge ago

call the kike a filthy nigger

Bfwilley ago

A pussy hat wearing limpcuck post indeed.

lokfort ago

And you're response is to make a post on voat in hopes that he reads it ... ooh the irony. JUST LIKE A REAL PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE PUSSY WOULD RESPOND.

p0ssum ago

SaneGoatISwear(AKA Amalek) confirmed to be completely bat shiat crazzzyy! Get yout tinfoil here!

whisky_cat ago

Could you provide more deets? Did you anonymously overhear that guys thoughts or were you wearing a Voat shirt or something? If you just overheard his thoughts in public... that's fucking huge. It means Voat has more attention than Myself would believe. It means Voat is winning.

Grifter42 ago

Kill them all and let god sort them out

Tipman79 ago

You must REALLY be bored today.... I"m just gonna go ahead and block you for now.

Have fun shnookums. I'll be back after supper.

Fagtardicus ago

a voat hoodie sure wouldve been handy.

or maybe a voat sticker to attach to his back with a sort of faux-friendly pat on the back gesture to surprise him and his faggot buddies later!

adfasdf ago

This asshole doesn't believe in freedom of speech either, unless it's his own speech.

Tipman79 ago

Hey Sane.

NoRagrets ago

confirmed anti-voat shill.

Citation needed.

ScottRockview ago

Libs are more pissed off about this election than any other because they cheated more than ever before and still lost.

Tipman79 ago

spamming nonsensical garbage personal attack, defamation

Capped archived and logged for criminal faggotry

Grifter42 ago

Kill him and eat his eyes/.

LlamaMan ago


dontforgetaboutevil ago

What a lying load of horseshit.

Ina_Pickle ago


Rotteuxx ago

Why do you keep projecting your professional title on others ?

Are your shill masters hiring and you're trying to recruit to destroy voat ?

Edit : @Sanegoatiswear, censoring yourself by deleting comments ?

Jsjynxst ago

You know they don't like voat cause of freedom of speech so fuck that faggot!!!

pissed ago

I'm surprised anyone in Tim Horton would know what voat is.

Firevine ago

Is Tim Horton's pozzed too?

Tipman79 ago

I mentioned elsewhere, it's right beside a large university campus. And the university is pretty hardcore SJW

Tipman79 ago

Spamming thread with falsehoods

Archived and logged for criminal faggotry

Ultra shill confirmed.

@nadrewood pinged for no apparent reason

Tipman79 ago

He was reading it off my phone screen over my shoulder.

PhilaFerret ago

Are you ok?

Tipman79 ago

Probably not, but that's an entirely different issue.

TAThatBoomerang ago

That's weak, log on to Stormfront right in front of his face and post mad kek memes.

TheTrigger ago

The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Hilarious_Exception ago

Your evidence?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

1.5 year low activity account

i have previously proven beyond a reasonable doubt that user is a shill.

please understand i'm one being. i don't have time in life to point out every shill all the time

even on a site as small as this.

if you are a real user

you will do your OWN research and come to your OWN conclusions.

Hilarious_Exception ago

You're the one making the claim. Prove the claim beyond reasonable doubt, then I'll present my own evidence.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you expect me to believe you're a legit user?


i laugh in your fake conversational faux face.

Ina_Pickle ago

lol Sane You're not always right, but I think you might be about this one.

Water_Thug ago

No one brigades you. You're just a faggot and pretty much everyone that reads the whiny bullshit you write downvoats it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed no activity long standing shill account

capping logging and archiving for continued shilling

Hilarious_Exception ago

confirmed hostile shill

capping logging archiving for continued hostile shill

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout notice the long standing nearly unused account alt of a shill being used to parrot me. this was attempted yesterday in chat as well. the shills are devolving to weaker tactics for the time being.

Hilarious_Exception ago

@puttitout notice the complete lack of self awareness being used to be a fucking retard. this was attempted yesterday in chat as well. the shills are devolving to weaker tactics for the time being.

Tipman79 ago

confirmed spammer and faggit

capping logging and archiving for continued faggotry

Derp derp!

Water_Thug ago

You fucking retard.

Hilarious_Exception ago

i've engaged with you more honestly IN THE LAST 5 MINUTES MORE THAN YOU EVER HAVE ON VOAT IN 1.3 YEARS

you expect me to believe you're a legit user?


i laugh in your fake conversational faux face.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed hostile shill

capping logging archiving for continued hostile shill

Hilarious_Exception ago

confirmed hostile shill

capping logging archiving for continued hostile shill

Tipman79 ago


Eastupward ago

...someone in the general populace knew of Voat? This has yet to happen for me.

Tipman79 ago

To be fair, I live in a university city and the Tims I was at was pretty close to the main campus.

SaltyMango ago

confirmed Canadian

Hilarious_Exception ago

You should have posted this in v/FatPeopleHate.

varialus ago

Not saying it didn't happen, but you sound paranoid, lol! But regardless, way to have fun with it, or something.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

It does sound off but I have totally had something similar happen before. There are some nosy cunts out there man.

Tipman79 ago

I know what you mean. It sounds off, but it was pretty clear. Guess you had to be there.

Tipman79 ago

That's cute. You're stalking me again. Bored this afternoon are we?

Mr_Wolf ago

Deleted comments cannot be voted

nice that you can delete comments and they stay visible, you know who I'm talking about. gotta manage that ccp

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill fitting facts to alternate conclusions

Tipman79 ago

nonsensical quotes and false statements

Archived and logged for criminal faggotry

Ultra shill confirmed.

Edit: @Puttitout pinged for no apparent reason

Hey_Sunshine ago

Why does this post have 8 upvoats? Who gives a fuck and why bother pinging putt? Christ you faggots act like children.

Hey putt block these fucks. Hell block us all, cos this shit is drama

Tipman79 ago

You want to hug it out?

Hey_Sunshine ago


Tipman79 ago

Well that was unexpected.

mudcatca ago

Dude... you totally missed a chance to read through nothing but Amalek and sanegoat headlines exclusively. Twisting his already biased views even further.

Tipman79 ago

Man, I wanted to embarass him, not scare him to death.

betadynamique ago


Firevine ago


oedipusaurus_rex ago


whatisbestinlife ago


ForgotMyName ago


Plant_Boy ago


Spaceballs-1 ago

Better than "He will cum inside us".

Tipman79 ago

You just had to go and make it weird...

Tipman79 ago

I openly laughed very loudly at this. Well done.

ScreaminMime ago

...he will not divide us, he will not divide us, he will not divide us...

Firevine ago

Fuck him and his faggot manlet opinion.

eagleshigh ago

Did he look at your phone?

ginx2666 ago

in line for coffee

At which place? Because if it's starcucks, it's expected to find faggot clientèle.

Tipman79 ago

Starbucks? Fuck no. I hated that place before the refugee thing. It was Tim Hortons.

ginx2666 ago


Tipman79 ago

? Is that a derogatory term for Canadians? I've never heard it before.

ginx2666 ago

It's a meme. Post on /pol/ as Canadian, and see for yourself.

Tipman79 ago

Ah, that's why I missed it. I don't believe I have the stomach for /pol/

Ina_Pickle ago

There are Tim Hortons all over Michigan.

Anoxim ago

You poor soul. Try Country Style. Tummies is burnt and watery.

MinorLeakage ago

Country Style's have all disappeared out of the cities. They always had better coffee, better breakfast sandwiches, etc. Not really sure how/why Tim's won that war so easily.

Anoxim ago

Probably had something to do with the whole Burger King & Tim Hortons issue. I know one thing for sure, they cut swiss cheese off the menu. I have to get a Ham and Cheddar sandwich now. So I usually avoid the place like the plague.

MinorLeakage ago

I stopped going anywhere near Tim's when they switched to their "central bakery", a fancy term for horrific factory-made shit that never goes stale because it's only marginally food.

It's literally a bakery that doesn't bake anything. And people love it. I don't understand people at all.

Tipman79 ago

I don't think we have any of those around here. It doesn't matter anyhow, I'm addicted to Timmies.

Anoxim ago

I could send you some. I cant garuntee it will be hot when it gets to you though.

Tipman79 ago

I appreciate the though, but it's Roll up the Rim season. The last thing I need is MORE coffee.

Anoxim ago

Oh man youre right! It is RUR season! Good luck!

Tipman79 ago

I've already won like 7 "Please Play Again".

Anoxim ago

Still better than the netbook I got in 08. Came loaded with a modified windows ME that only allowed me to access internet explorer.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Passively aggressively tell him your dick is at least 2 inches longer than his.

BigSmeez ago

How was the douche letting you know?

ilovepussy ago

Show him this:


Tipman79 ago

PSA. The account @SaneGoatiSwear has been compromised. The new owner has advocated for something called an "illegal idea". Obviously the account has been taken over by some nefarious organization or persons.

Galvanized_Dreamer ago

Son, if this matters so much to you, go make your own thread. Or better yet, go make your own subverse.

Tipman79 ago

He has/does. But pretty much everyone ignores him, so he has to do this where it's harder for people to ignore him and he can "get his message out".