Lord spartacus = sanegoat? (ProtectVoat)
submitted 8 years ago by ExpertShitposter
I never thought about that but take a look at the writhing style with all caps and especially the way he quotes other users:
Obviously this isn't "proof" but something to consider, since I've never seen that writing style used by anyone other than sane goat, and it seems only lord spartacus would have enough alts/bots to upvote sane at the rate of 1000 upvotes per day that he is getting.
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Tipman79 8 years ago
It occurred to me before but I figured with my proclivity for going after sanegoat that I'd sound paranoid.
SaneGoatiSwear 8 years ago
you're not paranoid.
i'm out to get shills.
you're a shill
not a goat that shills
you're a 100% anti-voat shill
you're like the VoatLivesMatters paid agitators.
Here it is, I was wondering how long before you oozed into the thread.
watching for possible PAID shill
Oh hush now. Run along and play.
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Tipman79 ago
It occurred to me before but I figured with my proclivity for going after sanegoat that I'd sound paranoid.
SaneGoatiSwear ago
you're not paranoid.
i'm out to get shills.
you're a shill
not a goat that shills
you're a 100% anti-voat shill
you're like the VoatLivesMatters paid agitators.
Tipman79 ago
Here it is, I was wondering how long before you oozed into the thread.
SaneGoatiSwear ago
Tipman79 ago
Oh hush now. Run along and play.