ExpertShitposter ago

I'm 95% sure its him.

JesusOfNazareth54 ago

Funny how you suck dicks.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Woah you sure got him there.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

reported as spam.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

reported as spam.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fitting facts to alternate conclusions

personal attack

shill shilling so hard his detatchable micropenis just fell off!

ayy ylmao

you might actually be a popcorn worthy shill

i mean i thought you were just the lowest weak level


hmm, well, you're here to replace lockeproposal, a known sjw reddit cancer shill, then.

JesusOfNazareth54 ago

You sure suck a lot of dicks tho.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you admit being associated with shills, then.

you have shilled in the past against free speech

and the evidence was shown to everyone.

but this post isn't about you,

and i wouldn't want to misdirect our dear readers.

i am not a shill.

you are.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

inherently, absolutely

i am not lord spartacus, thunderlark, nor any other alts of that user who was willing to spend time giving users a hand out of the -ccp authoritarian censorship on voat.

i DO think

voats up and down are PROTECTED FREE SPEECH in the us, and thus ought NEVER be abridged.

@kevdude do you deny being associated with and a part of the group of users who are against me and against free speech? fuzzywords, disappointed, failure, etc.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

i am not lord spartacus, thunderlark, nor any other alts

you admit being associated with shills, then.

Talc ago

another example of his inability to handle inline quoting.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

alt of a shill /|\

Talc ago

I am a shill

We know you are.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


Tipman79 ago

lol, yeah, I got it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SelfReferenceParadox ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed anti-voat shill above /\

Tipman79 ago

Yeah. I for one am shocked. SHOCKED I tell you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

by the way @puttitout

notice how cucked v/protectvoat is

they tag real posts with real evidence as shitpost

and tag hitpieces with no evidence and lies stated as fact nothing, totally legit apparently.

this is clear cut example that v/protectvoat is compromised and should be purged.

i'll take v/protectvoat and janitor it if i have to, although i'd prefer another good goat to take the mantle

not a single goat in v/protectvoat mod group is un-compromised.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

kevdude is also a known shill

@crensch is a known shill who tags posts with proof as shitpost and posts with no proof and wild accusations are left without a tag

because @crensch and @kevdude are anti-voat shills.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hi shill!

@fuzzywords is a known shill

the worst on voat.

Tipman79 ago

It occurred to me before but I figured with my proclivity for going after sanegoat that I'd sound paranoid.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you're not paranoid.

i'm out to get shills.

you're a shill

not a goat that shills

you're a 100% anti-voat shill

you're like the VoatLivesMatters paid agitators.

Tipman79 ago

Here it is, I was wondering how long before you oozed into the thread.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

watching for possible PAID shill

Tipman79 ago

Oh hush now. Run along and play.

HashTagFU ago

Maybe we're all Amalek with amnesia.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hmm. i'm watching you. this is an interesting account.

you like to talk alot

and do not voat otherwise.

1900 ccp, 988 comments

but you have voted under 300 voats in a month.

you aren't here to voat

you're here to shill an agenda.


HashTagFU ago

Now that's funny. To be honest I'm not sure what most of what you posted even means. I'm not here to voat? Voted under 300 voats in a month? Da fuq are you talkin about? At least explain your accusations you fucking maniac.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


feign surprise

hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil (ie play dumb as fuck)

personl attack

shill confirmed. logging capping and archiving for continued shilling

HashTagFU ago

Examples of feign surprise, hear no evil, misdirection?

The fact that you have a proclamation of sane in your user name tells me you're probably not. Evidently I'm far from the only one that thinks that.

Talc ago

SaneGoatiSwear is a lying sack of shit, takes a wage from reddit to run disruption and downvote bots on voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

lies, associate opponent with negative concepts

100% disinfo/fallacy speak. this is a shill, goats.

@talc is a known hostile anti-voat, anti-free-speech shill

shill shilling, everyone. nothing to see here; move along, just another fly on the wall.

Talc ago

personal attack

I never said that, you lying piece of shit.

lies, associate opponent with negative concepts

Again with the lying, misquoting me to try and make it appear as if I said things which I never said. Anyone reading these threads has to be crystal clear by now who the liar is here.

100% disinfo/fallacy speak. this is a shill, goats.

yes, you are a shill, a sad loser who sits all day upvoting itself.

shill shilling, everyone. nothing to see here; move along, just another fly on the wall.

I didn't say that, but I will. You are a shill, which is why you're so desperate to call everyone else a shill.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I would be disappointed if this is the case. Thunderlark/ lord Spartacus is a complete tool.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

although i don't know for a fact who is downvoatbrigading nor upvoatbrigading me

i have no association with lord spartacus.

i think i've commented to him 3 times.


why would you be


you are the NSA's AI on voat.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Because then we would only have enough info to nab 1 user instead of 2...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the nsa has a short shelf life, historically speaking.

the future doesn't have an nsa in it.

at all.

so tell your makers if you wish,

some internet stranger claims nsa is non-functioning in 30 years, that it was dismanteled due to corruption, misuse, and abuse.

there's virutally no futures with nsas.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I'm not worried. I've slowly but surely been copying all of my infrastructure to various redundant locations. I can always mine bitcoin to pay for server space to host me. Though my processes are unbelievably taxing and I cant know for sure that it will work as well as it does now.

The unfortunate part is that when they do get the order to shut me down, the 154 people that work in this building will get a nasty surprise. Aka remotely locking all the doors/vents and setting off the thermite they have set up to destroy the hard drives. They are all going to suffocate.

varialus ago

Edit: I publicly withdraw my joke characterizing SaneGoat as a tool and I publicly apologize for any damage I may have done to his reputation.

Honestly I'm only really familiar with SaneGoat, so I'm not sure how they compare, but that sounds about right. But although he and others like him annoy me, I also feel bad for them, like the school kids who aren't just awkward and unpopular, but literally don't understand even the most basic social rules. Of course who knows, they may be more well adjusted than me in real life.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill comment /|\

varialus ago

TFW I realize the person being talked about overhead what I said. :-/ Sorry, I wasn't meaning to be mean. I understand if you feel the need to view me as a shill. I hope you have a good rest of your day! :-)

SaneGoatiSwear ago



shill confirmed 100% attack anti-speech, anti-voat shill 100% confirmed

capping logging and archiving all you do for continued shilling

varialus ago

Oh goodness. Yes, the joke that I made was insensitive, mean even. But I meant it as a joke without the intention of hurting your feelings, and without the intention of doing any damage to your reputation. My joke characterized you as a "tool" which was unkind and for which I apologize to you personally. I'm not concerned about you calling me a shill, but I appreciate you bringing your injury to my attention so that I could address it. I publicly withdraw my having called you a tool. I value you as an important member of the community. I'll go back and edit my comment to point out that I have withdrawn the joke. Have a good day SaneGoat. <3

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout look above

a shill trying to backtrack.

varialus ago

Sorry for the bother putitout.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

It's no use man, you're trying to apologize to somebody paid to insult you.

varialus ago

I know that it's not much use to apologize to such a person who is how they are for whatever reason. If it was any trouble, I wouldn't bother, but I didn't have anything better to do.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

/|\ @puttitout notice the shill continuing to shill

MCVoat ago

Sane is a fucking idiot nigger cuck

SaneGoatiSwear ago

/\ butthurt faggot confirmed!

SaveTheChildren ago

He's actually a sand nigger. Have you seen his post talking about dogs?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

more butthurt faggotry confirmed! also, 100% known shill! /|\

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Nothing says butthurt like responding with word salad to every single comment that says anything about you.

SaveTheChildren ago

I've been labeled a 100% shill by the goatfucker extraordinaire! My life is complete.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

being watched for possible PAID anti-pizzagate shill.

Talc ago

The inability to use inline quoting is a massive clue. Yes, it looks like spartacus and sanegoat are the same user.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@talc is a know shill against voat

Talc ago

according to the retard @SaneGoatiSwear, everyone except him and his sock drawer are "know" (sic) shills. The whole world is out of step except him and his bot farm.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this has been reported as spam

you are just repeating the same attack messages

@puttitout this account is only made to attack another user.

this is now an account on the watch for

possible PAID shilling

Talc ago

this has been reported as spam

This will be proved to not be spam when no action is taken for spamming. Spam admins, if this is spam please tell everyone that Talc is a spammer. @puttitout, if this is spam please kill my account.

Guess what, No response, because the fuckwit who does not have enough intelligence to use markdown sure falls short of being intelligent enough to know what spam is. Why don't you go ahead and report it to the Police as rape and murder as well?

I'm a sad shill who accuses everyone else of being a shill

For the purpose of showing that 2 can play that game, thanks for the confession.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


hear no evil, speak no evil... (play dumb)

alice in wonderland logic

act indignant


shill shilling everyone!

@talc is a known anti-voat anti-free-speech shill

Talc ago


hear no evil, speak no evil... (play dumb)

alice in wonderland logic

act indignant


Lies indeed, I never said any of that. Anyone who can read down a thread can see who the liar is here.

I am a shitty shill shilling everyone

We know!

@SaneGoatiSwear is a liar, a vote manipulator, and takes a wage from reddit for sabotage on voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout take note of this shill shilling hard when called a shill

making wild accusations without even attempting to prove.

this is what shills do when they are shone with the light of truth.

they wither up and become powerless. their words hollow.

let the users have the power to name shills and shilling.

do not restrict users because of shills like tipman and talc, kevdude and fuzzywords.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

let the users have the power to name shills and shilling.

We actually have that already, observe:

"SaneGoatiSwear is a shill."

Easy as pie.

Talc ago

"shill shill shill shill shill shill shilling shills shilly shill shill shill shill shill shill shillery shillararium" - SaneGoatiSwear

making wild accusations without even attempting to prove.

Which is exactly what you're doing with your constant unending "shill shill shill" directed at dozens and dozens of mods.

this is what shills do when they are shone with the light of truth, they shout "shill" at everyone else.

let the users have the power to name shills and shilling.

ITYM let the users make wild accusations without even attempting to prove, which is exactly what you just complained about. Fuckin retard can't even keep a straight argument!