AlwaysInService ago

It seems like he was just talking with himself and was getting upvoated for it... He must have way too much time on hand

Tipman79 ago

You deserve way more upvoats for this...

The_Penis_Wizard ago

All at exactly 10 up.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Nope, the refined is bad,they use it for popcorn. The cold pressed virgin coconut oil is good, I eat a crap ton of it. Has other benefits of being a medium chain triglyceride that your brain uses for energy. Shown In Studies to improve memory and overall cognitive function, more so in older people. My memory at a tablespoon a day was noticeably improved after a couple months.

Here is a link from this morning I found.

Disappointed ago

I think you're right. The atko doxing was a test to see how far he could push it and the blatant numbering of that thread is just another test. What all these trolls have in common is they want account and posting restrictions removed. If that happens I think the SJW trolls will move in enmasse and try to shitpost voat to oblivion. Either that or the ad spammers will take over. Or both.

Disappointed ago

Some great examples in this thread but look at this: All of th e older comments have been upvoted to even ccp or more in the few hours before this thread was made. The newer ones have had 10-12 added on.

Marthvedderette ago

Yeah anytime this guy speaks on here, I always notice the same people giving a shit. He went through my history and didn't have shit to say after that. He's a spook.

individualin1984 ago

At this point it is quite clear he is an anti Voat operative. From where I cannot say. The timing of when his account was made suggests he is SRS, but he seems to have quite a bit of time and resources on his hands to keep the fire burning. He has definitely been effective and I would look close at what he has done as a prototype for future attacks if we ever deal with him.

JackNHoff ago

True story Bro. Sane was there and someone mentioned your thread. I came to see what the deal was. No deal here just some guy threatening to quit a website over imaginary points that don't really matter. I thought we came to this utopia for freedom. I see now some are here for other reasons.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

where were you when i was brigaded like 3000 downvoats bro? that's right, brigading me.

if i went down 3000, and have 20 pages of comments, you could drop 500 points of that 3000 point brigade, or 1/6th of the brigade, all by youself.

where's the outrage?

they're internet points

they don't fucking matter.

if @puttitout adds restrictions because of a vocal minority shilling for censorship, voat is dead.

you are

along with shills like thekobold, nadrewood

manufacturing consent

appeal to audience

shilling for censorship

Womb_Raider ago

Adds restrictions?! You are being ridiculous. He's making sure nobody is cheating the system. And many of us believe you are.

JackNHoff ago

Yea hate to burst your bubble but obvious lurker is obvious. The only reason I logged in tonight was to join voat chat. Which is what lead me to your thread to begin. Sorry detective this is not the alt your looking for.

TheKobold ago

yeah like bringing up pedophilia when it hat nothing to do with my comment? youre either a complete dumb ass or a troll. i think ill go with dumb ass

Trolling deserves trolling. So are you a hypocrite for calling out my ad hominem attacks and then pulling out your own ad hominem attacks?

firstly, no its not, and voat is fucking tiny and basically unknown.

~10,000th of 1 billion is hardly small.

you seriously think the government would waste time and money on a website so small?

It isn't small, Sure why not. They waste money all the time. Like buying $22k routers for 1000 rural schools and libraries that are capable of serving thousands of computers but only are used for dozens. ( ) source.

this place is half dead.

The numbers say otherwise.

the fact that you even think your comment deserves a response is hilarious to me.

I am not entitled, I do not expect anything from anyone. But the fact that you responded means it obviously did deserve a response, at least to you.

voat is small. nobody cares about voat.

The numbers say otherwise. You are litterally in a sub dedicated to people that care about voat.

are you dumb? you are so stupid.

Maybe, but you definitely are.

anyway im done wasting time talking to you. you are clearly mentally retarded and/or mentally ill, jesus christ. bye

You wasted your own time.

Redditsdead ago

I reply to Hecho the way I do because I don't believe he can push the agenda he does and then participate the same as everyone else. If we can't rat him out for the CP he most likely has and can't beat him within an inch of his life, we should make him into a pariah.

I really think I'm starting to bother him, especially since I don't engage.

TheKobold ago

Yea trolls deserve trolling. I am a pacifist myself, unless I am being attacked, but I will make a caveat about pedo's, they sicken me and only bring harm. An abused child can cause a chain reaction for generations. The only way to prevent it is to treat or murder the kiddie fuckers.

Redditsdead ago

Agree. Children can't protect themselves from pedo's so we have to proactively do it for them. If anyone hurt any of my niblings, God help them. The stuff in those torture porn movies like Saw and Hostel would look like My Little Pony. I'm 100% okay with being a sin eater.

Hechos sure to be deleted soon response -

TheKobold ago

Is there proof of governmental involvement occurring at Voat?

For Voat specifically? No but the proof for specifics is nigh impossible to obtain, but as a unified campaign across social media platforms? Sure. Check out some of these Snowden files.

Came from this article.

TheKobold ago

Classic tactic of distraction, instead of going for the core of the message you instead attack the messenger.

I gave you the answer you asked for. Either back up your own actions, those of deeming my ad hominem about you being a pedo as unacceptable, or be ignored as a hypocrite for pulling the same tactic.

wesofx ago

Instead of witch-hunting, we should implement a system to prevent him and others from exploiting whatever they are exploiting.

TheKobold ago

It is pretty blatant and obvious isn't it.

TheKobold ago

Why? Because this is one of the last bastions of free speech. Free speech which often goes against the narrative and questions authority. Governments have killed for less. Plus paying a dozen people to run dozens of accounts each on dozens of similar websites is pocket change. Especially considering the waste we see governments committing for the stupidest shit.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

They've wasted money on more useless projects "thinking people to death" (Project MKULTRA).

TheKobold ago

Because the words out of a sickos mouth shouldn't be listened to or trusted. You are just obviously trolling otherwise your comment would have more substance, would of been a question and you would of followed up with discourse but instead you just let out a blurb of stupidity.

TheKobold ago

Uh huh. Sure it isn't.

TheKobold ago

Are you retarded? Is your shift key broken? Or are you just to busy baiting to preteens.

TheKobold ago

Hi hecho.

Nice alt you have there.

lol. people thinking the government is wasting money hiring people like sanegoat to troll on the internet.

This is a question?

Nope it is a denial of fact. We have seen legitimate evidence of government control all over the internet, denying an obvious extension of that provides no substance.

TheKobold ago

You admit to being a pedo and then deny being a pedo in the next sentence. Sure.

TheKobold ago

I'll stop crying about it when kids stop crying about being fucked by sickos like you.

TheKobold ago

I don't run one. Those are some one elses. Or just people sick of your sickness.

TheKobold ago

Nice little downvoat bot army you have.

DecimateTheWeak ago

at the risk of sounding ignorant, whats the solution to this?

TheKobold ago

Say it then faggot.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Well, we all have our vices I guess, some may have an addiction to fighting with anonymous people on the internet and making it rain with showers of imaginary internet points, personally I like playing twister naked and rubbed in coconut oil with 2 members of the opposite sex, but hey, each to their own.

Tipman79 ago

Whoah! Aren't you edgy!

TheKobold ago

Says the idiot that can't punctuate or capitalize. Paranoia is a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system.

CRT, JIDF, Soros are real. Given that the NSA bullshit over the last few years. We KNOW most large governments spy on their population. These are not delusions. They are facts.

What is delusional, is thinking that pictures of underage girls in "sexy" clothes and poses is not lascivious exhibition as determined by the Dost Test.

In order to better determine whether a visual depiction of a minor constitutes a "lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area" under 18 U.S.C. ยง 2256(2)(A), the court developed six criteria. Not all of the criteria need to be met, nor are other criteria necessarily excluded in this test.[1][2]

Whether the focal point of the visual depiction is on the child's genitalia or pubic area.  
Whether the setting of the visual depiction is sexually suggestive, i.e., in a place or pose generally associated with sexual activity.  
Whether the child is depicted in an unnatural pose, or in inappropriate attire, considering the age of the child.  
Whether the child is fully or partially clothed, or nude.  
Whether the visual depiction suggests sexual coyness or a willingness to engage in sexual activity.  
Whether the visual depiction is intended or designed to elicit a sexual response in the viewer.

TheKobold ago

Yea run and hide @hecho Can't face people calling you out on your obvious pedophilia.

Crensch ago

... Says the adult posting teenage kids for his sexual gratification.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

I got a screen shot of him admitting he's a pedo it's actually out of this thread too.

Crensch ago

I like how I got 5 downvotes for calling him out on it.

TheKobold ago

At least his downvoat squad is small.

Crensch ago

True. Good to know people that do this are going to eat a shit sandwich soon.

TheKobold ago

Pedo's shouldn't be trusted. Plus you are denying the FACT that governments/elite infiltrate forums and disrupt the communities. We can see this by looking to CRT, JIDF, Soros... etc.

Redditsdead ago

Kill yourself you fucking pedophile.

TheKobold ago

From the mouth of a pedo.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

Yep looks like the known pedo is trieing to suppress you huh, I'll give you my upvote and say fuck @hecho

TheKobold ago

I wear downvoats from faggots like him as a badge of honor. But thank you nonetheless.

TheKobold ago

No idea why they seem to despise capital letters and mid-sentence punctuation, though...

I think it allows them to be used as a poster child for the "moronic right". It's pretty easy to discredit some one's ideals when they come in shit covered packages.

TheKobold ago

What is the weird reply that isn't visible under my post?

Tipman79 ago

And then, in a three hour period, he gains hundreds of upvoats. That seems organic to you?

Tipman79 ago

Again.. you care enough to comment....

Edit: And you deleted your comment which says to me you know you were in the wrong lol

Tipman79 ago

You care enough to comment.

Tipman79 ago

Yeah, he was at like 10K a couple of days ago, but virtually every comment/sub he makes gets downvoated. The real question is how does he still have any CCP at all? Look at his comment history. There isn't a positive one for like 6 pages.

Tipman79 ago

No.. I'm drunk so I'm having a hard time remembering who it was. Starts with an M.

Redditsdead ago


SeemsReasonable ago

It was MightyYetGentIe.

TheKobold ago

My encounter with him last night has me leaning towards government goon. He came into a small hours old post that never made it anywhere about government shill tactics and then proceeded to disrupt the single conversation by spamming and sperging out all over the place.

Government tactics 101. Distraction, misdirection, division. He seems to be here to cause chaos in the name of free speech, accuse every one and anyone of shilling, and then gathers a following of people that like his extreme version of free speech.

That or he really is an autistic fuckwit.

The post if any one is interested. With obvious upvote manipulation.

Seriously 10-12 people thought he added to the conversation? Either its bots or an upvoat brigade.

MCVoat ago

It's mental illness and loneliness really.

Molo66 ago

Seriously 10-12 people thought he added to the conversation? Either its bots or an upvoat brigade.

Yeah, that seems odd. But why would they do that on Voat? Is Voat popular enough now to where people are buying/selling accounts to spam shit to seem legitimate like they do on that other site? I'm leaning more towards autist that likes fake internet points.

Tipman79 ago

For all the racket made about SJWs wanting safe spaces, that's not it. They want all of their "opponents spaces" eliminated. They want to have the ONLY spaces.

That means getting people barred from Reddit, but not only that, following wherever they go next on some crusade to stomp out opposition. Just look up the @She debacle for an example.

Also, there's people out there who get no end of entertainment trolling people. Hell, just check out our very own SBBH,

TheKobold ago

How many other forums on the internet claim and also protect free speech? Free and open discourse of ideals is often suppressed openly and covertly. With 1 million unique visitors a month Voat is large enough to create a movement. A movement that is counter to the suppression of free speech all governments are guilty of.

Tipman79 ago

Only if you're a tranny!

DecimateTheWeak ago

quit? really? over internet points? not being a dick but that seems a bit.. uhh dramatic?

Tipman79 ago

It's not over "internet points" and if you can't see that you're an asshole.

DecimateTheWeak ago

guess im an asshole. id rather be an asshole vs someone with thin skin that lets someone across the map get to him.

Tipman79 ago

Oh boy, You sure told me!

DecimateTheWeak ago

wasent trying to tell you anything.

Tipman79 ago

Un huh,

DecimateTheWeak ago

jesus christ. im really glad i dont take this website as serious as some of you. internet drama is amusing but when you can actually feel the sensitiveness of someone through a screen, thats when you know they are sincerely too deep into a website. get a fucking life.

Tipman79 ago

Un huh.

DecimateTheWeak ago

for the record im not downvoating you.

Tipman79 ago

No worries, I'm not downvoating you either. Sanegoat probably found this with one of his alts.

DecimateTheWeak ago

i suppose i may be uninformed as to what all of this amounts to, so i am going to respectfully retract my initial comment of assuming this was over points. if someone would like to inform me how this plays a role in voat, id like to listen

Tipman79 ago

Well, I appreciate your open mindedness, but to be very honest, I'm WAY too drunk to explain it to you lol. TLDR Sanegoat has many alts which he uses to farm upvoats. If you look at his comment and sub history it's almost all downvoated yet somehow he's got 10K+ CCP.

DecimateTheWeak ago

not a problem, i can admit when im wrong. by farming upvoats this affects the content we see no?

Tipman79 ago

Jesus.. I don't want to spend my time doing this... YES, by farming upvoats, his shit gets put in place more than others. The entire point of Voat is that the community should decide what gets to the top of the front page etc.... Sanegoat skips that process by farming upvoats. He artificially inflates his own CCP so that we can't voat him away like would naturally happen.

Also, sorry if I sound pissy. Again, I'm drunk lol.

DecimateTheWeak ago

You type well for a drunk person.

Tipman79 ago


DecimateTheWeak ago

Not my style. I admitted I was wrong and I was trying to get educated by asking questions. Im trying to defuse the tension man.

Tipman79 ago

Yeah, I got that.. I was joking :)

DecimateTheWeak ago

hahaha good man im glad we were able to get back to civility and get back to a casual conversation. Cheers mate. Thanks for the info i really appreciate it.

Tipman79 ago

Fist bump

DecimateTheWeak ago

Fist bump

Tipman79 ago

Sure, but you're a fag who likes taking it up the bum from trannies, so who cares what you say?

Tipman79 ago

He makes a submission somewhere out of the way, like /v/nobodycares . Then he replies to it a few dozen times. Then he upvoats all of his replies with alts and then, deletes all of the comments so nobody can downvoat them or even see what he did.

Tancred ago

Then he upvoats all of his replies with alts and then, deletes all of the comments so nobody can downvoat them or even see what he did.

CCP from deleted comments should be lost @PuttItOut

JackNHoff ago

If it is possible who is to say it is not allowed?

Tipman79 ago

Really? STFU.

JackNHoff ago

So you posted a discussion yet refuse to discuss the topic?

Tipman79 ago

Sure, I'll bite. You think it's acceptable to farm upvoats and artificially inflate your upvoat ranikings?

JackNHoff ago

I think in the grand scheme of things it's merely a drop of sweat on your brow.

JackNHoff ago

You can ponder why or how it got there. You can become furious with it's presence there. But in the end you wipe it away and move on with your life. Don't let it be more trouble than it's worth. Feeding the troll is still feeding the troll comrade.

Tipman79 ago

So you called me out for not discussing what I brought up, but you refuse to discuss it yourself? Good job, good job.

JackNHoff ago

Yes. If people feel the need to inflate imaginary points let them.

JackNHoff ago

Sane has a reputation that goes far and wide with or without the points. Do the points mean what he says is ( or is not ) true? Do you think people believe what he has to say because he has ( or does not have) a bunch of made up points?

Tipman79 ago

Do you think people believe what he has to say because he has ( or does not have) a bunch of made up points?

I'm sorry, have you heard of Reddit? The manipulation of "made up internet points" is the beginning of censorship, or, at the very least, molding the conversation to the narrative you want. But you know that, and you understand that.

Tipman79 ago

Yeah, he replied to me and said it would be handled. I'll lay off for a bit assuming that he has something planned.

leaffur ago

This is interesting. I'm interested to see what Putt will do. Deleting @SaneGoatiSwear isn't enough. Maybe something more... creative.

Disappointed ago

The_Penis_Wizard ago

Super obvious that something is up.

I've been gone a while, does voat still not ban people?

Disappointed ago

They ban spammers mostly now, it's been a while since they banned someone for something else. They've gone through and banned Amalek accounts twice for abusing loopholes in the code but not in the last year.

The_Penis_Wizard ago

Good to know. Nice that they still aren't banning real users, but seems like this guy would be considered spam.

Did Amalek ever leave? Or is he this SaneGoat guy?

Disappointed ago

I'm not sure who either of them are. Looks like they'll start throwing bans around for brigading soon though if they can work out who's doing it. Amalek made a post about getting heat from the law a few weeks back, haven't seen much else from him since then. Theres plenty of people pretending to be him though.

SeemsReasonable ago

Wasn't it down to 7800 something? I noticed serious fuckery on his votes long ago and tonight is just another repeat of whats been happening for a while, also why he gets downvoted aside from his comments being stupid as fuck. People see him gaining these votes unfairly and say no fuck that shit. Glad more of voat is starting to wake up to this troll.