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Disappointed ago

The_Penis_Wizard ago

Super obvious that something is up.

I've been gone a while, does voat still not ban people?

Disappointed ago

They ban spammers mostly now, it's been a while since they banned someone for something else. They've gone through and banned Amalek accounts twice for abusing loopholes in the code but not in the last year.

The_Penis_Wizard ago

Good to know. Nice that they still aren't banning real users, but seems like this guy would be considered spam.

Did Amalek ever leave? Or is he this SaneGoat guy?

Disappointed ago

I'm not sure who either of them are. Looks like they'll start throwing bans around for brigading soon though if they can work out who's doing it. Amalek made a post about getting heat from the law a few weeks back, haven't seen much else from him since then. Theres plenty of people pretending to be him though.