Anti-Stupid ago

If you follow his rabbit hole, all the "evidence" is people merely disagreeing with him or questioning him in anyway. He doesn't have any real evidence, except for maybe the cygnus user army shit. (@cygnus_tswbq @cygnus_tcmru @cygnus_qeife @cygnus_zjqvs @cygnus_bxtse ect.) I believe that the only reason he includes the cygnus is an attempt to make it look like he has some credibility. Likely created those himself and might be the source of his voat manipulation. However, that last part is just me speculating.

Womb_Raider ago

@SaneGoatiSwear you had better not be doing this. I tolerate a lot of your shit, but brigading people isn't cool. I don't bridage you.

If you downvoat someone, it had better be based on the merits of their individual posts. Not just because you dislike them. The same should go for users downvoating you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

  1. i don't voat on voat anymore, in protest of -ccp limits (among other censorship tools employed on voat)

  2. i spent a FUCKTON of time on voat curating v/all/new of non content and comments as well, i don't voat on fee fees.

goatku is upvoat brigading me, surely. no one else on this site gives that much of a fuck,

although a few users have been claiming to be upvoating me, that doesn't correlate with the data

Womb_Raider ago

I'm asking about this downvoat brigade. I know you have some system to manipulate your CCP higher, I honestly don't care about that very much. I think something's being done about it.

I do care if you're brigading people with downvoats though.

kikekek ago

@failure time for honesty

AmaleksHairyAss ago

You may call me boss. I'm not, but you can call me that.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


BlackManOnVoat ago

Pretty obvious he buys upvoats or has his own bot or both. Figured this out LONG time ago.

PuttItOut ago

We will make this right and it will be a beautiful spectacle to behold.

The_Penis_Wizard ago

Looks like I picked a good time to get back into voat. I love drama.

PuttItOut ago

Been a while buddy

The_Penis_Wizard ago

Yep, work kept me busy. I'll have a little more time for voat now though.

I like the changes. You guys did a good job.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what do you think of all of this??

first selection of recent evidential comments MEGA

second selection of recent evidential comments MEGA2

third selection of recent evidential comments MEGA3

selection of recent evidential POSTS

calling out all the shills, re: all this evidence

or the multi 2000+ downvoat brigades against me. one the last few days, one a few weeks ago? that were coupled with above massive disinfo and character assassination campaign against me.

what about that, huh?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

did i do something wrong?

i come back to voat today and i'm down thousands of points

and now i'm up thousands of points

what the fuck does this even mean?

Womb_Raider ago

We know what you're doing, Sane.

Mr_Wolf ago

dont make me hold my breath

Tipman79 ago

I'm waiting. Not long, but I'm waiting.