Womb_Raider ago

Ah, shame it came to that. Sometimes his mind is in the right place. Other times he's... kind of on the Amalek side of life

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey asshole! you fat fuck! pissant little dicktator

how's modding your sub based on fee-fees going now that all of voat knows about it?

the truth will set us free bro.

mod your sub by the rules or change the rules there's reddit if you want to delete on fee fees and ban on fee fees.

or are you saying you're henrycorp level?

because i don't give a fuck what you post here - it's reddit trash because you're a reddit cancer mod.

do you deny these allegations?

show me i'm wrong. prove it.

i will retract my statements because they'd be false!

but you stay silent.

you're an sjw and we all know it bro.

your sjw buddies can't silence the truth

they can't kill the idea.

i am not a person. i am the embodiment of that idea.

the truth shall free us of the sjws.

we will not go softly into that dark nigger.

and more words because your fee fees are so fucking fragle you ban for 'em:

retarded nigger faggot shitheaded goatfucker! LOL JK you fuzzywords level bait shill

lockeproposal is mentally incapable of stopping fucking goats ! LOL JK SEE I WROTE JK IT"S JOKING NOT DEFAMATION AHAHA. whereas your sjw buddies actually committed defamation and defamation per se against me. or losing weight. AAHAHAHAHAH not a jk

Womb_Raider ago

Hey, thanks for the kind words. This guy seems to really dislike you... what's the big deal? You've always seemed sensible to me.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

So you agree that affirmative action was a good idea, but you think it has run its course?

See how that's a much more rational argument than - white people are discriminated against for 70 whole years! We're second class citizens by law!

Also, not all black people benefit from affirmative action. It's not as if any black person can get any job, and it's not like hiring quotas are that significant of a percentage of a total workforce. So, yes, it's entirely possible that certain blacks were unable to gain any benefit from affirmative action for three generations. And that's apparently their fault that they grew up in a small town.

Womb_Raider ago

they have attempted to censor at great cost.

Sane, you dumbass. They haven't tried to silence you at all, despite me wishing they would.

You just started a ranty fucking comment without even citing a single. fucking. example. Stop being an intellectually lazy infantile stain on this place.

You have evidence of laws being broken and the admins ignoring it? Go ahead and show us. But fuck off with this finger pointing and shouting. I'm tired of looking at it and I used to genuinely like you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


haen't tried to silence you at all

1,500 (1800 total now) downvoats in 24 hours. 30+ hours of over 40 posts and 600 comments ALL of which were part of an organized attempt to assassinated my character, destroy my reputation on voat with 100% fabricated lies with no evidence of any claims, in an obvious effort to halt any conversation on voat about @lockeproposal ACTUALLY doing reddity cancer shit in a private sub.


evidence was on the front page half of yesterday at one point hit top post for my page.

if you're incapable of finding it i'd be happy to link some of them to you.

you must not have been here yesterday the attack on me was kind of hard to miss.

look up delaware defamation laws

and get back to me.

until you know what's going on... well hey you're free to judge without knowing. sure. but you look like an idiot.

just super sayan bro.

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah... and what does this have to do with specifically the Admins? Nothing.

Your account doesn't fucking matter. Start a new one. I don't care about mine (though I admire the punny name). If this happened to me, I'd start anew and continue spreading my message.

All that matters is your message.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

assuming i have a message lol.

i admire my own username

have a nice voat! bye!

Womb_Raider ago

Doesn't have a message


Crying that his message is being silenced

Get the fuck out of here.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


shill detected. 5% shill. logged on chance of shill.

Womb_Raider ago

Go ahead and label me whatever you like. I've been here a long time and had a consistent perspective.

I don't come off as a lunatic. Do you have that going for you?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

goalposts lol

shilling (behaving in a consistent way using disinformation tactics and fallacies not ness. paid for nor organized)

is not


see that's what i'm talking about bro.

we've chatted before

i don't think you're a shill

but right now your comments are by definition


Womb_Raider ago

Whatever you say man. I'm just trying to get you to lend your argument more credibility for others to see. Have a good day.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


all my comments in this chain got insta -3.


stupid fuck

you have so little credibility left.

60% shilling for silence.

Womb_Raider ago

insta -3? Dude, this comment chain has been up for almost 2 hours. I checked it pretty frequently, and for a long time, you were -1.

And now, in response to this, even though I have not downvoated you (and I'm willing to prove it if you ask me to), you're calling me a stupid fuck.

I've been trying to be supportive this entire time. Yes, I'm being critical of you, but because I want you to be better. Instead, it seems you're bent on being small minded.

I'm not a shill, but if you want to believe me to be one, go ahead. There's no 'science' to your approach though. Good day.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yes, i'vebeen constantly monitoring all threads. this comment chain with you went from 0 to -3 within a minute.

i don't give a fuck about votes.

i don't vote on voat anymore. not for months.

i understand your intent. you've repeated it. i gotcha. and i'm responding as i know how, intending to respond meaningfully.

you are not saying things and backing them up

that's not critical, it's shilling.

people can shill. it's just a set of behaviors like using disinformation tactics and fallacies consistently.

anyone can shill.

there's no "science" to your approach though

example of you making claims about me as facts without any proof to back it up.


Womb_Raider ago

You're lying. You were at -1 for at least half an hour. I considered upvoating you to counter it. Don't exaggerate or people will pay less attention.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

if that's the case then it went down 2 in that short period.

my sincerest apologies


unless you have an archive you can't prove your statement either so

you're lying

how can i trust you?

Womb_Raider ago

I can prove that my account has you at 0 voats, no upvoats or downvoats. Do you want that proof?

Anyway, you did indeed have just -1 for a significant amount of time. To state that you were "insta -3" is inaccurate, and honestly think about it... even if it were accurate, just 3 downvoats isn't much of a targeted brigade.

Wouldn't you think they would work harder to silence you?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

because i know you on voat from long time, i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt but comments like this


c'mon. "crying" line i mean come on bro.

i am notifying users of changes to voat that have been SPECIFICALLY CENSORED ON VOAT.

which in and of itself is also a notification that there is overt allowed censorship on voat (evidence that yes, voat is compromised at the top.)

i don't give a shit about voats or any reputation i never had. lol.

i stand for the truth.

and am being censored on voat by the sjw cabal.

you intially claimed https://voat.co/v/whatever/1533494/7468579 this doesn't have anything to do with the admins and that i should start a new account? and then admired yourself for a great pun name...

i mean seriously bro

go read what disinformation tactics are and go learn all the fallacies.

then come back and "lend me some credibility" when i don't need any.

the facts stand for themselves

the front page posts of defamation per se at me, and elsewhere not to me: threats calls to violence.. evidence that law breaking content is not deleted on voat anymore. it used to be before the admins vanished the same time.

Womb_Raider ago

For the record, the downvoats you're getting aren't from me.

And yes, this feels like crying. You're not citing examples and you're shouting, you're throwing CAPS all over the place. You're spazzing out.

You're being censored by the SJW horde? OK. Why do you then say the Admins are at fault for this egregious crime? They're obviously not. You're misplacing blame and yes, it sounds like crying to me.

The facts stand for themselves

Okay, so you say, but if you don't present the fucking facts how do we even believe you? Not every Voat user is following the history of your individual account, dude. You spend more time here than many. Keep that in mind.

If you want people to listen, you need to learn how to speak to them in a way they'll be receptive to. This isn't it. And honestly, your presentation is probably winning you most of your downvoats.

I'm not trying to tear you apart here. Just proof-read your shit and don't make claims without some meager form of citation.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

if you're meaning that, then thank you for taking the time to have a conversation.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

examples are easily accessable on v/historyanecdotes in the mod logs, compare the sub rules, and the remaining comments (or if locke's now deleted them, note the timeframe in the mo logs)

posts defaming me were on the front page yesterday you can easily see them unless the ops have deleted. fuzzy oeethegreat dougal_mchaggis laurentio the pyro rotteauxx (sp?x3) all ops whom you can check their post histories and see the posts.

are you asking for me to make a nice little compendium for you?

go ahead and ask

if you want people to listen

my intent is to inform. i could give a fuck what people do with the info.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm just telling you this, ignore it if you like:

my intent is to inform.

If you intent is to inform (even though you claim you have no message), then why are you so against citation? You literally typed out all those usernames, but you could have very easily made them clickable links.

You're going about this in such a backwards way.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the 1000 comments i'm attempting to respond to.

compendiums of all this shit are forthcoming.

reason for your stated assesement as "backwards" because of the insanely massive attempt to silence simple conversation about locke's sjw deletions and bans. not his rules. that he's censoring users outside the rules on fee fees. the last thing i do when silenced is be silent.

so when someone censors you, womb, you shut up like a good little bitch?

you're a voater, i would expect better from a real goat.

Unreasonable ago

Fucking leftists got me fired yesterday.

Fat fucking whalebeast with half black and half white hair, torn denim jacket, women power fist, and of course a fucking safety pin. Complains to my GM that I'm not "easy to approach" (practicing buddhist here, possibly the easiest to approach person ever) and that I "ask to leave work early sometimes", even though fat fuck breaks down in tears every other week and leaves early because she "just can't handle it today."

Fuck my whole fucking city is fucking infested with them. They are ruining the work environment, ruining good businesses and ruining the basic politeness of society so they can live in their fucked up delusion.

I'm so fucking pissed I want to start a campaign to at least get this one fat fuck fired.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you have been notified of major changes to voat.

move along.

Diamond_Deluge ago

What the fuck is this shit that you keep spaming?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

a simple PSA to you. can you read?

admins don't do anything about law / user agreement breaches.

admins no longer do anything about reddit cancer on voat.

as cancer is free and protected and law can freely be broken, the user agreement is null and void

all bets are off

winter is coming to voat

you have been notified. move along.

Diamond_Deluge ago

tell me what you're talking about though

SaneGoatiSwear ago

see my comment history for any 1 of a dozen different ways i've described it.

8_billion_eaters ago

There is such a thing as self control. It's kind of what...liberty ...and freedom ...is all about.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

he's apparently free to delete non rule breaking comments on his fee-fees.

they're apparently allowe to break delaware law to defame me.

others i've seen make calls to violence and still others threaten others.

user agreement is null and void

so freedom it is! but not to comment more than once ever 15 seconds no no!

or voat too much

or post too much to one sub


fucking hell voat is 100% compromised cucked censored, infiltrated infested and cancered out.

as i've said.

winter is coming.

i have so much popcorn.

8_billion_eaters ago

I respect the rules of VOAT as laid down by Atko and Puttitout years ago. Come hell or high water, I will abide by those original terms. They made VOAT great. .....don't try to fuck it up.

Atko...Puttitout..... Happy New Year my brothers. Happy 2017!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

don't try to fuck it up

fuck you i would never.

NeverSober ago

This is what happens when you let the Jews run your economy and banks, run your business and media-entertainment, buy your government, and control your educational institutions. They destroy everything so they can rebuild it under their control and for their benefit.

8_billion_eaters ago

stop bitchin' about that, hecho. ...it's...demeaning. ...you know, ...........beneath you.

8_billion_eaters ago

In the immortal words of space marine Vasquez... "LET'S ROCK!!"

8_billion_eaters ago

There used to be an old TV show called, "Have gun. Will travel."

I'm pretty sure THAT WAS BEFORE your time.

It WAS a show about .. (justice) .. in the old west.

JUSTICE is obviously a CONCEPT that (negroes) NIGGERS people like you don't UNDERSTAND.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am 645 years old and live in antarctica. but no. i didn't see. fuck cbs.

lol niggers understanding justice. that's a funny one!

oh wait

personal attack

shilling/trolling detected. capped and archived and filed in case shill confirmed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


why are you shilling for lies?

makes statement without any evidence

Womb_Raider ago

makes statement without any evidence

Really, Sane? Really.

p0ssumsAlt ago

You convinced me, with evidence like this, how can people deny it?!?

p0ssumsAlt ago

@lockeproposal bans and deletes comments FOR HIS FEEFEES being hurt. this is cancer.

It's his sub, he has that right. He posted the rules, he follows them, this just sounds like much more of your little butthurt parade. Perhaps a bit of music would help people notice your sad little life?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

listen you silly nigger

if you're going to quote me


fucking piece of shit nigger.

and i fight for you to speak freely.



you are speaking out your ass or knowingly fallaciously.

his sub he can make the rule. but making the rule to cover simply deleting based on fee fees is bullshit. he ain't enforcing that rule evenly.

that's the point.



p0ssumsAlt ago

LOL, let that butthurt flow through you. Use it as your catalyst through life!

I quoted you exactly, I literally cut and pasted it. Butthurt.


So what, it's great to have him back. And honestly, deleting your comments is unlikely to hurt the sub much. Butthurt.

his sub he can make the rule. but making the rule to cover simply deleting based on fee fees is bullshit. he ain't enforcing that rule evenly.

Doesn't matter, it's his sub. Don't like it, make your own. Butthurt.


Haven't seen it, can't really comment. Butthurt.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

p0ssum the guy who the voat community downvoated into -ccp restrictions that i want lifted so possum can speak freely..

hi buddy!

you little nigger faggot!

assuming butthurt

what a strange and insane assumption so oft made.


Haen't seen it, can't really comment.

you know delaware defamation law?

see all the posts by oeethagreat dogule_mchaggis (sp?) fuzzywords and others rotteauxx (sp?) flaming someting pyro (sp?) don't care to even look fuck them. all confirmed shills.

dozens of defamatory and even a few clear cut defamation per se posts.

unless they deleted 'em all they're up posted and free for anyone to see. one was front page half the day yesterday and hit top slot for me anyway lol sjw upvoat brigade

p0ssumsAlt ago

Ok butthurt, we're talking defamation .... LOL, that's what you're so worked up about, butthurt. Perhaps you missed a dose of meds? This is voat son, put your big boy britches on if you want to play in the woods, butthurt.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Niggers are obsolete farm equipment. They were brought here for no other reason than to provide labor to fuel a first wave economy. Once they were no longer useful for that task they should have been decommissioned. When that didn't occur it was at least understood this was a white man's country and they had to deal with that. Even so they weren't even treated very badly.

So not only should we reject reverse discrimination we should reject equality under the law. How we go about dealing with the nigger is another matter. I'd hope their birthrate collapses. Waiting for some big economic collapse so middle aged fat guys can shoot niggers like The Turner Diaries is not a particularly attractive or even likely scenario. More like a death wish.

8_billion_eaters ago

Hoping for a scenario like The Turner Diaries is a pipe dream. It's far more likely you'll see "The Confessions of Nat Turner" played out in our lifetimes. That's why I say........Have Rope, Will Travel.

Fuck niggers. Be ready to kill the one that lives next door.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Mein Cracker!!!

Dat's wut's up......

Norm85 ago

Just feed them cake. It's a slow death, but in the meantime they are biased in your favour.

Gorillion ago

Like the story Harrison Bergeron. The more awesome you are the more handicapping devices they clamp on you.

Gorillion ago

Sneak up to their door and relabel it "Secretarial Pool".

edistojim ago

Evil racist? Don't mind if I do. Besides, the fucked up left will self destruct eventually, all we have to do is wait. Look around, they are so stupid they've thrown down on the likes of Hildebeast and Bernie, its the best they have and that ain't much. Its bound to get worse.

8_billion_eaters ago

yeah....yeah...but once you see them going down...it feels good, man ...to kick them in the nuts.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

I don't disregard European slavery (I assume you're referring to Arab enslavement of Eastern Europeans, or are you referring to something else). There is a difference between something that happened 600 years in the past, and something that happened to people who are alive now (there are people alive who lived under segregation as children). Affirmative action should not be around forever, perhaps we ought to look at phasing it out soon or now. But whining about black people getting a tiny advantage in some hiring and schooling after enduring a much longer period of horrific oppression is just bizarre.

piratse ago

It all goes back to money. Why let immigrants in? Cheap labor. Why have affirmative action? Cheap labor (basically telling the minority they are lucky to have the job over a white person). Why send jobs to poor contrite? Cheap labor. Why do H1 visas? Yup, cheap labor. Literally all of it is about cheap labor. 99%of politicians have A LOT of money in or coming from many businesses. Period. It's always and forever about that money.

8_billion_eaters ago

pirates......have you ever worked with niggers? ...there's cheap labor....then there's professional labors (black and white) that take pride in their work. They cost more.

I've worked with both and the truth is that the professional laborers that took pride in their work were White. 95% of the fucking Professional Work Force were Negros. 95% of the Union Professional Labor force were Black. ................but the real professional laborers......the ones that were proud to be UNION LABORERS were ....white. The few white boys that were union laborers were proud of their job. They worked their jobs with enthusiasm and were thankful to be paid $25 per hour. There were a few niggers that realized they were making good money, but they always resented being told what to do.

Slave mentality.

Fuck you, massa...I ain't no slave anymore. 95% of the laborers hired into the Laborer Union were negroes. They were promoted. They took a sick kind of pleasure out of ordering the White laborers to do the next job.

This shit is still going on today..

You want to know why I'm a racist?

.....................................because niggers............who are inferior to White men...................have been placed .. LEGALLY!!!!

.....................above White men.


8_billion_eaters ago

Those HR women.... you have to distract them.... Make sure there are no cameras or cellphones recording... Then punch them in the jaw with one mighty blow.

They collapse like a house of cards.

Never doubt your power.

SithEmpire ago

Through power, victory.

8_billion_eaters ago

Has Rope, Will Travel.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

PSA to ALL USERS: the admins do nothing when law is broken on voat. the admins do nothing when the user agreement is broken on voat. the admins do nothing when reddit cancer is on voat (anymore). The user agreement is null and void. all bets are off. WINTER IS COMING. take the information as you will. you have been notified of information they have attempted to censor at great cost.

note: downvoating these Publice aService Announcements does not work. https://voat.co/v/whatever/1534074 https://voat.co/v/Parenting/1533925/7466568

dontforgetaboutevil ago


My first ancestor in this land came here from Wales before there even was a United States. His son that I am descended from was also born here in this land before there was a United States. When this nation revolted they fought the english. (well they were welsh what else were they gonna do)

So yeah I don't like you much 8bill but today I agree with you.

8_billion_eaters ago

My line is from County Cork. My people fought against (and with) you bastards. You Welsh are some tough tommys.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

What happened in 1947 that caused white men to be discriminated against by law?

You do realize blacks were enslaved for more than one hundred years, and were actual second class citizens by law for another one hundred, right? How is giving blacks affirmative action not fair to make up for those hundreds of years of oppression? You're bitching about 70 years of extremely mild oppression? Imagine hundreds of years of more direct oppression. I don't think anyone besides blacks should get affirmative action, though, and they should only get it because of their unique history in our country.

Also, quit acting like a victim, you faggot. You don't beat victim culture by becoming a victim.

Tzitzimitl ago

no, not even the first generation of free blacks deserved affirmative action. the fact that they were grudgingly treated as equals is all the reparations they are entitled to

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

grudgingly treated as equals

But they weren't even grudgingly treated as equals, they were grudgingly allowed legal equality, though that came mostly in name only. To act as if the populace changed their minds along with the civil rights act is not correct.

Remember when white populations were trying to prevent blacks from going to school with them? These were not violent, unruly blacks, these were little black girls who just wanted an education, and rocks were thrown at them. Some state governments ended public schooling just to not have to help blacks.

I disagree with you. Blacks deserved more reparations than barely getting equality under the law.

Tzitzimitl ago

that resistance to equal rights is because whites even then knew that blacks are stupid animals. they knew that allowing black boys to be around their daughters was asking for trouble. they knew that blacks would lower the quality of their children's education because blacks are not there to learn, and are physically unable to learn.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

  • Equality under the law.
  • Special treatment under the law, according to your race (i.e. "Affirmative Action" AKA Positive Discrimination).

Pick one. You don't get to say it's unfair when a system acts weightedly in the benefit of a racial class (Whites), then turn around and demand the system act weightedly in the benefit of a racial class (Blacks).

Ya' damn hypocrite...

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

It's unfair in the literal sense of the word in both cases. But I would think a rational person could see how rather minute affirmative action is more than fair to make up for massive discrimination in hiring and schooling that blacks experienced for hundreds of years.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Yeah, no. The only thing you're concerned about is giving one specific class of people special treatment under the law, and dressing it up in the language of "social justice" and "public assistance" to make it more palatable. That's not equality of opportunity; hell, it doesn't even ensure equality of outcome, judging by the results of the past 40+ years of your Affirmative Action experiment, and it doesn't even begin to approach what any rational person would consider to be "fair".

What you're suggesting is Nepotism, plain and simple. Polish a turd, and it's still a turd.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Well, no it's not nepotism. And I'm not putting in the language of social justice. I'm saying, why not give these specific people a little extra advantage in hiring and schooling for some period of time to help them out from hundreds of years of oppression?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I'm saying, why not give these specific people a little extra advantage in hiring and schooling for some period of time to help them out from hundreds of years of oppression?

We've been doing so for more than half a century (JFK was the first person to use the term "Affirmative Action", and LBJ was the first President to implement it into policy). And yet the rate at which they have improved their own lot has been disastrous, even with huge amounts of government assistance and favoritism, or as you term it, 'a little extra advantage'. How many untold trillions in taxpayer dollars are you planning on throwing into this money pit, if the $22 Trillion spent since Lyndon Baines Johnson first started his "War on Poverty" and 50+ years of government favoritism, or as it should be called, racism in favor of blacks, hasn't been enough to lift them out of poverty?

If the definition of insanity is repeating the same process and expecting a different result, then supporting these policies should be grounds for admission to Bedlam Asylum. The first step to fixing any problem, is admitting you have a problem in the first place. It's time to admit this is a failed policy, and begin looking at viable alternatives. Doubling down on the same failed policies helps nobody, and as the above-linked report shows, leaves the population less capable of dealing with poverty and less capable of self-sufficiency than previous generations by increasing intergenerational dependency.

Seriously, put down the spoon and needle...this is an intervention.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

How many untold trillions in taxpayer dollars are you planning on throwing into this money pit, if the $22 Trillion spent since Lyndon Baines Johnson first started his "War on Poverty" and 50+ years of government favoritism, or as it should be called, racism in favor of blacks, hasn't been enough to lift them out of poverty?

Are you under the impression that that 22 trillion went exclusively to affirmative action or to blacks? Because that's not what the war on poverty is. And yes, the war on poverty is a failure like most wars on concepts, and also due to the fact that LBJ along with every president since him (minus maybe Carter) has been using the "war on poverty" as an excuse to enrich the rich. They're aren't trying to help the poor any more than the war on drugs was designed to help people get off of drugs. It's all scams to enrich people with power.

If the definition of insanity is repeating the same process and expecting a different result, then supporting these policies should be grounds for admission to Bedlam Asylum.

How does sixty years of affirmative action make up for more than one hundred years of systematic de-education, inability legally to hold a job, and enslavement? How do they make up for the subsequent hundred years of being classified as separate? When was the first black person invited to the white house? Look it up. You say we keep repeating the same process - the process just started! You want two three generations to get this small benefit and that's supposed to make up for literally being prevented from having jobs, from being charged with bullshit crimes so you could be re-enslaved, from being unable to vote?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

So because it was a bad thing to treat them as inequals under the law, which I'm not disputing mind you, you want to reverse that dynamic against whites and give blacks "Special Treatment" as you so call it, for, I can only guess, 29 more years (From the nations' founding in 1977 until the 13th Amendment was passed was 88 years. Any Slavery before that falls purely on the fault of the British Crown. LBJ Started implementing AA Policies in 1963, until today marks 54 years of Affirmative Action, meaning 29 more years if you want a year-for-year support of AA for every year of Slavery). The process just started? No, we're already past the halfway point, even if we grant your argument of being able to hold today's populace responsible for the crimes of their ancestors legitimacy, which is a ridiculous idea on it's face. We're quickly approaching the 75% timeline-to-deadline mark, and your policies haven't even begun to make even the slightest dent. Even if we were to grant the argument that we should hold today's populace to the standard "Privilege Argument" that they must allow special treatment to make up for those years of oppression (88 years, by any fair standard, if we're to take that line of argument), these policies have failed miserably at their intended goal. It's a failed policy, even if we grant it's premise that we have to violate the constitution and give preferential; treatment based upon skin color, a premise that blacks screamed was unfair when they were victims of that same system and were not the beneficiaries as they are today, legitimacy.

No, fuck you and fuck your special treatment. Either you can be treated as equals under the law, or the law can favor one racial class over another. You don't get to have your cake and eat it to, by demanding equal treatment when the law benefits you to, and demanding special treatment when equality works against you. And if you want to make the argument for the law to favor one racial class over another, you then need to make the argument as to why all of those blacks should not already be back on the plantations, because you've just undermined your own argument for repealing slavery, namely that the law should treat everyone equally.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

The practical purpose of affirmative action was to get blacks into the workforce, as the people doing hiring were discriminating against blacks. Affirmative action has worked, many blacks are now part of the workforce. And I think affirmative action should be only for blacks, which is not anti-white, it's simply pro-black, and as I've said repeatedly, I think that kind of relief is justified based on the history - even just from a practical point of view, if you de-educate a population, get them accustom to not working but being enslaved, and disallow them to pass on money, you can't just throw them into a modern capitalistic framework and expect them to be able to compete. And if you do nothing, then you have a de-educated, angry populace who resorts to crime.

8_billion_eaters ago


dontforgetaboutevil ago

Because two wrongs don't make a right?

But also because as a living man in my lifetime I was never a part of what was done to the ancestors of other people today who did not themselves suffer those acts.

And if you want to talk about my inherited privileges well fuck you I grew up in a trailer park. I buried my father when I was 15 and my grandmother when I was 19. Since then I've been mostly on my own without a fucking thing from the past to aid me.

I don't owe anybody in this country a goddamned thing. Least of all do I owe them primacy of place!

P.s. As for all this past nonsense! Where are my reparations for what the Romans did to Britain? Those wop ass Italians owe me a check and it hasn't shown up yet.

P.P.s oh yeah my mom was adopted. A lot of her family is Cherokee I came to find out later. So how fucking much do I owe the descendants of slaves as a descendant of fucking genocide?!

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Okay, let's pretend it's 1965. Do blacks deserve affirmative action? You can no longer say - "that stuff was in the past." It's 1965, blacks had been directly discriminated against for hundreds of years. The civil rights act has just passed. Do blacks living in 1965 deserve affirmative action?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Jobs should go to the most qualified. Nobody should get preference and especially not just because of race.

And what you gotta see is that affirmative action ensures that white people and black people will never unite to demand what is really in both of our best interests. That is increased investment in the US economy to the point where labor is in high demand. So high that businesses couldn't afford to be prejudiced against anyone.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

So blacks in 1965 didn't deserve some form of relief? Why? They had faced direct oppression often paid for by states or the federal government.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Relief is one thing. But taking it from citizens in the form of their job opportunities isn't the way to go about it. That is just going to spread the poverty around instead of really alleviating it.

Also repaying people and making things right isn't really what government's do. It's almost damn near impossible to get one to change it's mind about something like slavery or jim crow laws or genocide or marijuana. But when it does nobody really gets a paycheck, 40 acres and a mule. And even sometimes when the government says people will get that. They still don't.

I think that relief for black communities is something that is still needed to this very day. But I won't give up my job to another man just because he's black. My kids need stuff too.

There are other ways.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

That is just going to spread the poverty around instead of really alleviating it.

So you'd prefer the poverty just stay in the black community? Of course there are tons of poor whites, but why do you not look at them with the same pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality? They can't outperform blacks who were directly oppressed for hundreds of years and systematically de-educated for many of those? Blacks had to overcome genuine sometimes violent oppression, and many did and became successful. So what? Are poor whites so lazy they can't overcome mild oppression in hiring under certain circumstances? Cry me a river.

But I do agree that it would preferable had black people been directly relieved and not through affirmative action for the very reason you stated. Unfortunately the government would rather have blacks become like whites - easily exploitable workers.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

So you'd prefer the poverty just stay in the black community? Of course there are tons of poor whites, but why do you not look at them with the same pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality? They can't outperform blacks who were directly oppressed for hundreds of years and systematically de-educated for many of those? Blacks had to overcome genuine sometimes violent oppression, and many did and became successful. So what? Are poor whites so lazy they can't overcome mild oppression in hiring under certain circumstances? Cry me a river.

You aren't trying to find justice in this you are just trying to retaliate. I told you that I was in favor of relief for black community and by extension also to poor white communities. The truth is that poor rural white people and poor inner city black people are both suffering from the same systemic problems of poverty and both situations could be addressed with the same pieces of legislation and aid.

Because school funding in the US is based on property taxes poor people get terrible educations. But worse than the lack of education is the feeling of being imprisoned by the school without actually being educated there or equipped there to succeed. Uncoupling school funding from property taxes would go along way towards alleviating systemic and historical poverty in this country. It would also reduce crime.

But I do agree that it would preferable had black people been directly relieved and not through affirmative action for the very reason you stated. Unfortunately the government would rather have blacks become like whites - easily exploitable workers.

At least here then we can have some agreement. I hate to see people suffering and their skin color doesn't change how I feel about it. I have always hated suffering. Especially the way it just breaks people and can make them into animals. Healing that aint easy.

8_billion_eaters ago

If I ever meet you in real life, I'll extend a helping hand......if I can. That is the difference between us.....and them.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Yeah, minorities never help one another.

Have you ever noticed that you exaggerate your points so much that they no longer make any coherent sense?

yergi ago

"minorities". Keep in mind that whites comprise less than 12% of the world population. That's less than blacks, Asians, etc. Whites are the true minority.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

You do realized that whites are the majority in America, right? And we're talking about America.

yergi ago

People need to stop referring to people of color as minorities. White people are the minority. Once more people realize this fact, some won't be so quick to relinquish the things that we have fought so hard to achieve.

I've lived overseas for most of my adult life and can attest to acts of racism against me in every country that I have lived. Things that would end a business in the states. Evil racists? We comprise less than 12% of the world population. The real racists are the people who attempt to demonize the minority 12% of the world population, the minority that modernized the world, for everything wrong with it.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I got it now, but thanks. I'm 40 and sort of after a long time managed to even get a little piece of land. A lot of people have lent me helping hands over the years. And cousin, you gotta see this. Not all of those hands were white.

There is no better way to ensure that we are ruled by assholes than that we don't unite as a people. Affirmative action sucks and it's got to go. But it wouldn't even have been necessary in a society where the capital was managed better and invested in our nation. Then there would be jobs enough for everybody who wanted one instead of today were a man has to bow and scrape and beg for the privilege of laboring for another!

8_billion_eaters ago

hecho. You and me never had anything to say to each other. I've heard bad things about you, but never commented.

You have the benefit of doubt. You are only a victim of a series of accidents....as are we all.

crazy_eyes ago


8_billion_eaters ago

hecho and Amelek and whoever... I've agreed with everything Amalek and eagleshigh have said. You fucking retards... Did you just think they were posting all those links because they were trying to piss you off? Are you retarded? Read the God Damn links..... then take your heads out of your ass

crazy_eyes ago


DeltaBravo ago

You're right, but if we blow this chance (this one chance to turn the tide) the repercussions could be horrific.

8_billion_eaters ago

I don't think we will. I think we'll end this social justice nightmare.

This is our Thermopylae. This is our Rorke's Drift on a global scale.

We are colonial Marines. We will prevail.

rt101 ago

Thermopylae? Really? I never understand why folks reference that. Do you WANT to be a martyr in a losing battle? Stick to Rorke's Drift if you aspire to victory.

piratse ago

You won't. Imagine we started on a football field on the 50 yard line. The Conservatives have generally wanted to just hold ground. They think the Constitution is great, and that's about good enough, save for a few things. Liberals want MORE. ALWAYS looking to push shit, remove societal norms, and push for constant change. So the conservatives don't really go past the 50 yard line. They get pushed a yard or two at a time. Give up a little here, a little concession there. All the while the liberals are gaining inches, and conservatives are just trying to hold a line. Now sometimes the liberals stand in the pocket too long, and BAM, conservatives push them back towards that 50. But year by year, generation by generation, they are losing inches. Look down, they've pushed conservative to their own 20. We might push back. But the never ending offense will keep pushing, while conservatives try to hold a line.

Think this analogy isn't correct? If the 50 yard line is the founding fathers ideas of this nation, and the constitution/ laws as they were intended. And the end zone is a nation where almost all constitutional rights have been eroded to the point of meaninglessness, and foreign powers control us.... Which do you think we are closer to? The 50 yard line or the end zone?

CowboyXero ago

Meanwhile all the other teams are sitting there going "Dude...we're gonna retire another team before these two buncha fucktards ever let us on the field."

DeltaBravo ago

I'd like to think that at this point we are a fourth quarter team set up for the come back...it's unfortunate that it got this far but this was the level it needed to come to in order for us to level (and change) the playing field. Few people of this generation pay any attention to the things that go on around them, fewer still care enough to change it. I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant of things that will eventually lead to their demise.

SkinnyMagna ago

Beautiful analogy. Have an upvoat!

DryerBox ago

This is the exact reason the alt-right formed.

8_billion_eaters ago

........the end zone.

8_billion_eaters ago

pirates.... What do you think will happen if the scumbags score on us? ....in your football scenario?

piratse ago

I'm personally think it's inevitable. and it won't be the country it was intended to be 200+ years ago. I'm not saying it's good or bad. Things change. I just think conservatives need to start playing offense and stop trying to set the goal line as the constitution. But if they "score ", it will be a country that ignores the facts that cultures clash, that some people are stupid, and that some rights/laws were in place for good reason. But you'll NEVER see the America that was intended, that ship has sailed.


It's up to MSM to ruin this for everyone.

8_billion_eaters ago

MSM is moot. Check the real news.

MadMonkey ago

You can call the MSM moot but it spoon feeds the majority of American citizens.


That's what I was getting at. I think it's safe to say that if you're here, you're probably aware of MSM being fake news. That doesn't mean that the majority isn't still eating that shit up, no questions asked.

8_billion_eaters ago

You are right....but check the numbers. The MSM has failed to take into account the influence of this media.

It's been in their face for 20 years now and they are still programming their daily "news" shows the same way.

The majority of Americans are smart White people still...... That's why I say....This is our final stand.

We will win or lose. BUT IT WILL BE BASED ON MERIT! .....not Liberal ideals. HARD FACTS!

It's about God Damn time!