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Womb_Raider ago

they have attempted to censor at great cost.

Sane, you dumbass. They haven't tried to silence you at all, despite me wishing they would.

You just started a ranty fucking comment without even citing a single. fucking. example. Stop being an intellectually lazy infantile stain on this place.

You have evidence of laws being broken and the admins ignoring it? Go ahead and show us. But fuck off with this finger pointing and shouting. I'm tired of looking at it and I used to genuinely like you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


haen't tried to silence you at all

1,500 (1800 total now) downvoats in 24 hours. 30+ hours of over 40 posts and 600 comments ALL of which were part of an organized attempt to assassinated my character, destroy my reputation on voat with 100% fabricated lies with no evidence of any claims, in an obvious effort to halt any conversation on voat about @lockeproposal ACTUALLY doing reddity cancer shit in a private sub.


evidence was on the front page half of yesterday at one point hit top post for my page.

if you're incapable of finding it i'd be happy to link some of them to you.

you must not have been here yesterday the attack on me was kind of hard to miss.

look up delaware defamation laws

and get back to me.

until you know what's going on... well hey you're free to judge without knowing. sure. but you look like an idiot.

just super sayan bro.

Womb_Raider ago

Yeah... and what does this have to do with specifically the Admins? Nothing.

Your account doesn't fucking matter. Start a new one. I don't care about mine (though I admire the punny name). If this happened to me, I'd start anew and continue spreading my message.

All that matters is your message.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

assuming i have a message lol.

i admire my own username

have a nice voat! bye!

Womb_Raider ago

Doesn't have a message


Crying that his message is being silenced

Get the fuck out of here.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


shill detected. 5% shill. logged on chance of shill.

Womb_Raider ago

Go ahead and label me whatever you like. I've been here a long time and had a consistent perspective.

I don't come off as a lunatic. Do you have that going for you?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

goalposts lol

shilling (behaving in a consistent way using disinformation tactics and fallacies not ness. paid for nor organized)

is not


see that's what i'm talking about bro.

we've chatted before

i don't think you're a shill

but right now your comments are by definition


Womb_Raider ago

Whatever you say man. I'm just trying to get you to lend your argument more credibility for others to see. Have a good day.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


all my comments in this chain got insta -3.


stupid fuck

you have so little credibility left.

60% shilling for silence.

Womb_Raider ago

insta -3? Dude, this comment chain has been up for almost 2 hours. I checked it pretty frequently, and for a long time, you were -1.

And now, in response to this, even though I have not downvoated you (and I'm willing to prove it if you ask me to), you're calling me a stupid fuck.

I've been trying to be supportive this entire time. Yes, I'm being critical of you, but because I want you to be better. Instead, it seems you're bent on being small minded.

I'm not a shill, but if you want to believe me to be one, go ahead. There's no 'science' to your approach though. Good day.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yes, i'vebeen constantly monitoring all threads. this comment chain with you went from 0 to -3 within a minute.

i don't give a fuck about votes.

i don't vote on voat anymore. not for months.

i understand your intent. you've repeated it. i gotcha. and i'm responding as i know how, intending to respond meaningfully.

you are not saying things and backing them up

that's not critical, it's shilling.

people can shill. it's just a set of behaviors like using disinformation tactics and fallacies consistently.

anyone can shill.

there's no "science" to your approach though

example of you making claims about me as facts without any proof to back it up.


Womb_Raider ago

You're lying. You were at -1 for at least half an hour. I considered upvoating you to counter it. Don't exaggerate or people will pay less attention.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

if that's the case then it went down 2 in that short period.

my sincerest apologies


unless you have an archive you can't prove your statement either so

you're lying

how can i trust you?

Womb_Raider ago

I can prove that my account has you at 0 voats, no upvoats or downvoats. Do you want that proof?

Anyway, you did indeed have just -1 for a significant amount of time. To state that you were "insta -3" is inaccurate, and honestly think about it... even if it were accurate, just 3 downvoats isn't much of a targeted brigade.

Wouldn't you think they would work harder to silence you?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

because i know you on voat from long time, i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt but comments like this

c'mon. "crying" line i mean come on bro.

i am notifying users of changes to voat that have been SPECIFICALLY CENSORED ON VOAT.

which in and of itself is also a notification that there is overt allowed censorship on voat (evidence that yes, voat is compromised at the top.)

i don't give a shit about voats or any reputation i never had. lol.

i stand for the truth.

and am being censored on voat by the sjw cabal.

you intially claimed this doesn't have anything to do with the admins and that i should start a new account? and then admired yourself for a great pun name...

i mean seriously bro

go read what disinformation tactics are and go learn all the fallacies.

then come back and "lend me some credibility" when i don't need any.

the facts stand for themselves

the front page posts of defamation per se at me, and elsewhere not to me: threats calls to violence.. evidence that law breaking content is not deleted on voat anymore. it used to be before the admins vanished the same time.

Womb_Raider ago

For the record, the downvoats you're getting aren't from me.

And yes, this feels like crying. You're not citing examples and you're shouting, you're throwing CAPS all over the place. You're spazzing out.

You're being censored by the SJW horde? OK. Why do you then say the Admins are at fault for this egregious crime? They're obviously not. You're misplacing blame and yes, it sounds like crying to me.

The facts stand for themselves

Okay, so you say, but if you don't present the fucking facts how do we even believe you? Not every Voat user is following the history of your individual account, dude. You spend more time here than many. Keep that in mind.

If you want people to listen, you need to learn how to speak to them in a way they'll be receptive to. This isn't it. And honestly, your presentation is probably winning you most of your downvoats.

I'm not trying to tear you apart here. Just proof-read your shit and don't make claims without some meager form of citation.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

if you're meaning that, then thank you for taking the time to have a conversation.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

examples are easily accessable on v/historyanecdotes in the mod logs, compare the sub rules, and the remaining comments (or if locke's now deleted them, note the timeframe in the mo logs)

posts defaming me were on the front page yesterday you can easily see them unless the ops have deleted. fuzzy oeethegreat dougal_mchaggis laurentio the pyro rotteauxx (sp?x3) all ops whom you can check their post histories and see the posts.

are you asking for me to make a nice little compendium for you?

go ahead and ask

if you want people to listen

my intent is to inform. i could give a fuck what people do with the info.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm just telling you this, ignore it if you like:

my intent is to inform.

If you intent is to inform (even though you claim you have no message), then why are you so against citation? You literally typed out all those usernames, but you could have very easily made them clickable links.

You're going about this in such a backwards way.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the 1000 comments i'm attempting to respond to.

compendiums of all this shit are forthcoming.

reason for your stated assesement as "backwards" because of the insanely massive attempt to silence simple conversation about locke's sjw deletions and bans. not his rules. that he's censoring users outside the rules on fee fees. the last thing i do when silenced is be silent.

so when someone censors you, womb, you shut up like a good little bitch?

you're a voater, i would expect better from a real goat.