libertyvs ago

okay. thanks.

How many point do I need to get in order to message someone? It seems like a lot of hoops to jump through just to post a few ideas (which caught some attention right away - before moderator deleted - as "YES!" so I'm trying to respond to them by private message, but can't. What a mess. )

libertyvs ago

While I'm at it? While I'm at what?

Well I'd say thanks, but I think you're trying to insult me for not seeing Rule 4 in the sidebar -- Guess what? My (widescreen desktop monitor w/ no expansion of font) - DOES NOT have a Sidebar, and I don't see Rule 4, on various pages.

Next bright idea?

libertyvs ago

Well I wish I knew where to find this RULE FOUR.
I violated it and had what I thought was a fine post deleted (asking about priorities on pizzagate) - So how in the heck did I VIOLATE a RULE, that I'm not even aware of what it is? Social Media wtf? Facebook at least explains itself. LOL

libertyvs ago

I realize your post is 2 months old now, but - what is Rule 4? I just had a post deleted due to it.

libertyvs ago

I just had a post deleted, citing Rule 4. What is Rule 4? Where do I find it. Is this a VOAT-wide issue or a pizzagate specific. What the heck?

Pumbadog ago

A month my ASS! :P

OnlyMyLifeMatters ago

I'm really surprised you still haven't had voat admins be top mods at very important default subs like news, politics, worldnews. These are places that matter and people with money and power will try to influence. Don't even allow them the possibility.

MrPim ago

Honestly, this place is great because of the community activity. Probably the best site I've been a part of, because the people here care about here and police our shit. This shit being called out and then the admin weighing in. This is how the net is done right.

jerry ago

Atko I'm glad you intervened. Much of voat was worried you had become absent since we hadn't seen ya in a month or two.. hope you're doing well brother. Thank you for keeping voat going. I love voat <3

heili ago

Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

mamwad ago

Eh. I've pretty much written off voat as a failure.

The same people who are brigading have long ago made it impossible to recruit new users and maintain the interest of old ones. All the free speech on this site is wasted because 90% of the users have the exact same opinions. That fight isn't worth it, though I still enjoy rustling your jimmies because you aren't really a bad dude. Just a bit of an over-serious person.

mamwad ago

Why post to Twitter when you are just making people click another link to get at the goods? You're just trolling for attention.

cointelpro_shill ago

Nah I just think you made a smug little comment man, chill

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

You tell 'em Atko!

Xorro ago

News does not start with news outlets any more than history starts with textbooks. Both are built upon the output of those who record their observations. Such output can and should include images and even editorialised titles. And like it or not, social media are the clay tablets of our era. For moderators to presume to have the prescience needed to judge what should become part of humanity's collective history is ludicrous.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

You should just demod the toolbags @amyacker and @typo. They are cancermods from Plebbit, as this incident shows.

Anyway, +1 good work.

cointelpro_shill ago

I'm serious though, that would be a good community guideline right now

Tor1 ago

This link was posted by Typo to the news subverse.

This spam ad for mainstream media content remains.

Legitimate twitter news content is removed.

Typo ago

Okay got it; thanks for replying. Post made.

cointelpro_shill ago

Smug comment of the microcentury

xeemee ago

Mainstream media is almost always corrupt [...]


Gorillion ago


Only if you were born yesterday.

Artofchoke ago

You're fantastic.

Fagtardicus ago

his comment is usually already at the bottom and out of sight by the time i see it, the problem is that its still sent to the rouge janitors and they act on it

weezkitty ago

Atko comes through again

superesper ago


Typo ago

He said only blatant spam removed. I was asking for clarification since others can read this and might take it the other way.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Cut the shit. You know what you're doing. You're being paid for it. Kill yourself.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh also, why does your profile quote now say "question everything" in latin?

xeemee ago

[...] are the last ones left from the @she, [...]

ah, but weren't those the days! the drama was palpable! everyday i tuned in just to see what @she was going to say next (and how many billions of d/v's she could generate) LOL

Typo ago

Just to clarify so we are on the same page, all the rules taken off the sidebar, only spam removed. Correct?

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Take your check from the Clinton campaign and buy yourself a bottle of bleach. Then, drink the bleach.

LlamaMan ago

I think you're making fair responses and fair points. I do not see why you are being downvoated.

Gorillion ago

Because he's being a snotty, passive aggressive little turd.

cointelpro_shill ago

Just put "ASSANGE POSTS ONLY" in the sidebar

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fuck yeah.

KoKansei ago

Slimy mods BTFO.

Typo ago

Title of your thread "v/newsmods Using Rules to Censor the Leaks". The leaks are posted to the sub and I posted the links of exactly the information that your title insinuates doesn't exist.

edit: And you posted this title to the /v/news sub "Podesta Emails Release 11 - This should not be deleted off of Voat" That implied the post was deleted. Here is the exact link that you posted, on the sub earlier posted by another user

Typo ago

You said that the leaks were being censored. I linked you to posts that are exactly what you say are the ones being censored.

Typo ago

First two links that you posted was posted here

The next links were posted in these posts

Everything you posted exists in the sub.

peacegnome ago

Wow, that is just like what an r/politics mod would have said a year ago: "what do you mean? we let that through after we deleted the main conversation". We've seen where these tactics lead.

xeemee ago


eh, wouldn't it be better if sys subs were moderated only by users and jans?

and again, it's not me d/v'ing you - you seem to have a parasitic attachment :)

6double5321 ago

When a twitter feed is the fastest news source for a subject, and it's are called to be deleted cause "no pictures" it's kind of fucked up.

Fagtardicus ago

truely, it doesnt matter what @unruly 's motivation is. hes an idiot, and hes being useful to people that strongly dislike that voat is discussing these things

xeemee ago

yeah, i won't completely disagree - i deleted my comment that you replied to because it's more complicated than i had thought - that rule 4 is a strange one - needs to be refined at least

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i think you're hitting on an important point:

the spirit of the rules is to remove non-news items and as this is part of ongoing news, it ought not be deleted.

ARCHIVED before posting sure.. but not deleted....

6double5321 ago

Some archives were reported? for being screenshots. (mobile?)

6double5321 ago

@unruly comes to mind. People have asked about it.

gramman74 ago

Get a rope!

Kal ago

The hero we need. Fuck mods.

InnocentBystander ago

Now there's some good advice.
Fuck the mods.

If we got laid more, we probably wouldn't be such assholes.

cointelpro_shill ago

Fuck retard cabals