Big_Willy_Wallace ago

What the hell is with this sudden type of entity being called a "state party"? It reeks of bullshit. Who fucking did it? How do we knowthe state is involved? Why are we obfuscating the facts with this bullshit newspeak term, "state party"?

TauCeti ago

How can they sever his link without severing the embassy's link?

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

You know how the internet works, right?

For example, say I wanted to deny you (and only you or your group, no one else) access to some resource online, and Im a government. I dont have to do anything more than find a router that your traffic has to go through, and block your devices from being able to pass packets to a specific set of IP addresses (your resources you want access to).

Its very simple to do in theory.

TauCeti ago

And what about when he sits down at an embassy terminal? Severed to me means completely cut off. Are they going to cut the embassy off with him? Sounds like a diplomatic incident in the making.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

I dont think he can just log on any terminal all willy-nilly. Even if he could, theres ways to do it without just knocking the embassy off the internet.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

All of them may route out through the same IP address.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

RT's UK bank account frozen as well.

child_abuse ago

its funny how the MSM calls these emails stolen, when there was a subpoena for them and she attempted to delete them all.

derram ago :

Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party - WikiLeaks — RT News

'WikiLeaks has activated “contingency plans” after its co-founder’s internet service was intentionally cut off by a state actor, the media organization said in a tweet. '

'Clinton’s campaign has made unsubstantiated claims that WikiLeaks is working with the Russian government to help defeat the Democrat in favor of Trump. '

'The unverified claims of state sabotage come as WikiLeaks continues to release damaging documents, most recently thousands of hacked emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta. '

'Earlier this month, it emerged that Hillary Clinton reportedly wanted to “drone” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange when she was the US secretary of state. '

'READ MORE : Podesta files: Top 10 revelations from leaked Clinton campaign emailsThe ninth release of Podesta emails occurred on Sunday, bringing the total number of leaked files to over 12,000. '

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