ShitsInPringlesCans ago

Need to call out to the people who found the serial number on the missile.

ShitsInPringlesCans ago

This excellent summary needs to be on the front page!

And where are the people who recovered the stinger serial number?

Jaegerjaques ago

They'd probably rather get covered in a big pile of shit once than have a little bit of shit flung at them every day for the rest of their lives.

Xorro ago

CTR is being even more obvious than usual with the "nothing to see here" spamming on the topic in r/news and r/politics.

heili ago

Saving so I can download later from home.

heili ago

It's kind of fitting, isn't it?

The very governments that designed the Internet from the ground up to be unstoppable, even in the event of a nuclear war, are now going to be hanged by the signal that can't be cut. They created the Hydra. They grew it, and raised it, and made it invincible. Now it has become a sentient thing outside their control and it has turned on its evil masters.


Plavonica ago

Just wait until GAI gets made.

Broc_Lia ago

Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in

I can think of several other reasons: like the conspirators were still naively hoping they could keep it quiet.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Jesus Christ this makes me sick to my stomach

hunter3 ago

videos with just text bullets, whats the point?

Baconmon ago

This is probably because the podesta emails are having a HUGE impact.. They want to shut them (the emails) down! But they can' the next best thing they can think of is to shut Julian's internet down..

Hey, come to think of it, some people (including me) don't like Trump's stance on edward snowden (one of the very very few things I disagree with Trump on), but yet wikileaks and Julian are helping out Trump tremendously, right?.. I hope that Trump can see why we really do need whistleblowers.. I hope that when Trump takes office he will allow Julian to not be extradited to the US.. Trump owes him a lot.. Maybe Julian can finally be free and get out of that stuffy embassy?..

ChaoticNeutral ago

He might get freed but the Dems would assassinate him out of spite.

Fenrirwulf ago

This isn't a dem vs repub issue. Both he and Snowden have embarassed the powers that be. They don't assassinate you for that, they capture you and throw you in a deep hole in a secret prison so you can be constantly reminded on why you don't 'backstab' the establishment.

Baconmon ago

He wouldn't necessarily go live in the US if he were free though would he?..

ChaoticNeutral ago

You're assuming a paid assassination could only take place in the US. I'm sure there isn't a place in the world they couldn't make it happen.

Gorillion ago

Well, you can see why Barry wants Killy to take over reigns.

Guernica ago

d/ling and seeding the first 2.

We need to make sure as many people as possible have these.

fivmincal ago

All eyes should be forced to turn to see the corruption taking place by the state entities. Once people understand the festering ulser that it is the masses will force a purging of the corrupt.

GoodGodKirk ago

I guess they don't realize how these releases work? Taking down the internet while storming JA doesn't stop them from being released.

Slayfire122 ago

Gotcha. Thanks.

Bindlestiff ago

can we get some eyes on the embassy? roger stone and some other wingnuts are saying they're going to storm the embassy or that ecuadore was going to give him up or some shit.

SecularPenguinist ago

That's it, I'm now officially boycotting all Ecuadorian products. I'm giving up cocaine, soonish, for sure this time.

doubleherpes ago

You bring up an interesting point- there should be a campaign to favor Ecuadorian goods and tourism, to reward their providing of asylum to the white wizard.

Slayfire122 ago

What are those seeds for?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

How big are these?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

  • George R.R. Martin

shill343 ago

Right after he started posting those hashes, I doubt it is a coincidence.

Lemongarb ago

There's no guarantee it's the same code that will be installed during the votes.

gosso920 ago

And the recipe for the world's best egg salad.

AOU ago

(((They))) do.

Lemongarb ago

Why would he release that?

novictim ago

Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.

Assange is a fucking rockstar! Thank you, Julian. You are burying Hillary under her own lies and misdeeds and it is FANTASTIC! And the TRUTH is unstoppable.

Poor Joe Biden! He probably thought that some physical damage to the Ecuadorean Embassy would not have a thousand easy work arounds! What an idiot and what a disgrace to his own legacy he has ended up being.

Joe Biden, "Man of the people" my ass.

Broc_Lia ago

You are burying Hillary under her own lies and misdeeds and it is FANTASTIC! And the TRUTH is unstoppable.

Unfortunately not. Too many people still blindly tune in to CNN and assume they're getting the full picture.

novictim ago

You are right that we are not certain of a Trump victory. I hope we have Trump supporters at every polling booth on the day of the election to witness what happens to the ballots and that they get counted correctly.

Trump needs some folks to organize that. I hope he is doing so.

Broc_Lia ago

Well, there's already this shit openly going on, so I can only assume regular voter fraud is inbound.

SpitsMonsters ago

I not sure what he's done, but he's probably covering his own ass. I'm sure he has something to hide as well.

Fagtardicus ago

its required that you have something to hide to work in politics; in britain for example, raping a child is required before your allowed to wield any power.

novictim ago

That is right. You have to grant TPTB your own public kill switch, some piece of disgusting filth that they can hang you with if you step out of line. Only then will they grant you power, allow you to be elected to Parliament or hold a an important appointed position or judgeship.

Throwingtothewolves ago

Oh. Oh no. Prayers.

derram ago :

Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party - WikiLeaks — RT News

'WikiLeaks has activated contingency plans after their co-founder’s internet link was intentionally cut off by a state party, WikiLeaks has said in a tweet. '

This has been an automated message.