Baconmon ago

Are the podesta dumps still going to continue?..

bikergang_accountant ago

I called this a long time ago. Ecuador is going to pay greatly for hosting Assange. Soros is the king of making little countries squirm. He can nearly bring us to our knees with his US government insiders. Imagine what those same US insiders can do to a country like Ecuador just by changing a trade policy here or requiring another country to do so. Imagine how many offices he can buy there just to screw them over. It's worked here, he can crush them there.

I knew at some point Ecuador was going to cave to very real threats.

7even6ix2wo ago

Interestingly Ecuador uses USD as its currency which I would have thought would have made them hyper-vulnerable to aggressive persuasion

bikergang_accountant ago

Maybe just the opposite.

7even6ix2wo ago


facepaint ago

Threats. Maybe. But I suspect a substantial carrot was offered. They didn't need to do anything but cut of his internet access until after the elections.

A_M_Swallow ago

Has the South American country Ecuador been bribing either Obama or Hillary?

GizaDog ago

You have no right to play alt Mod crying like a little baby.

NotWearingPants ago

You sound like a reddit mod.

JerseyWabbit ago

HRC tentacles have a long reach.

CTRShillAcct ago

I believe you're a contingent of Russian propaganda, as such your perfect Russian tits are news worthy.

Post tits or GTFO, bitch.

CTRShillAcct ago

Pick your side.

America or Russia.

Fuckin' commies.

Broc_Lia ago

Sadly America seems more socialist than Russia these days.

CTRShillAcct ago

Then move to Russia, dick.

Broc_Lia ago

Actually I'm considering Honduras.

CTRShillAcct ago

Great! Fuck the country up with a protest vote and then leave.

But don't act like you're a fucking patriot. You are a seditionist and a traitor.

Just the kind of Che Guevera supporting ignorant man child that Honduras needs.

What makes you think any other country wants your sorry asses? Only thing you've EVER offered your own country is discord and Russian propaganda.

Edit: ok you're not a yank, and you're moving to Honduras. What in the ever loving fuck does your opinion matter for fucking anything. I've got a 9 and 4 year old living in this "game". You have no skin in this game whatsoever, so please do shut the fuck up with hypothetical bullshit. These kids in here look up to you.

Broc_Lia ago

Great! Fuck the country up with a protest vote and then leave.

  • I'm not from America, so I can't leave it

  • Also I can't vote there

  • Even if I did, the chances of my vote fucking anything up are pretty infinitely slim

But don't act like you're a fucking patriot. You are a seditionist and a traitor.

I never claimed to be a patriot, also, were those supposed to be insults? Many great men and women who I admire were seditionists and traitors.

Just the kind of Che Guevera supporting ignorant man child that Honduras needs.

Youwhatnow? A moment ago I was a trump supporter, now I support Che Guevara? Who's next, Kublai Khan?

What makes you think any other country wants your sorry asses? Only thing you've EVER offered your own country is discord and Russian propaganda.

You've already made so many wrong guesses, why not a few more?

selpai ago

So, you don't consider social media to be an acceptable platform for the dissemination of information, news, and current events? What decade were these rules drafted for? What century?

This stance is, in a word, stupid. In several more, it's ill conceived, widely rejected by this community (or anyone with an ounce of common sense), and completely untenable.

Clearly, the rules need to be amended to accommodate cases such as these.

hungry_mungry ago

Can't someone toss him a smart phone?

NeedleStack ago

They said in another tweet that they have back-up contingencies so that's good.

selpai ago

Would it be okay if it were archived?

ratsmack ago

It's sad to think that Russia may have to come and rescue us from a corrupt government.

WeekendBaker ago

It's not the country we deserve, but the country we need now.

CTRShillAcct ago

It's sad that all the white entitled children here think choosing Russia's propaganda makes them patriots.

Broc_Lia ago

The american insurgents allied with their former enemy (France) in order to gain freedom and break away from the UK. I don't see why a new generation shouldn't consider Russia.

CTRShillAcct ago

I'm going to quote this back to you on the 9th.

The answer is because you are a young naive misinformed child easily, really easily turned to the fake propaganda of a foreign propaganda campaign.

You don't think for yourself anymore. You think what Bannon and Putin tell you to.

GizaDog ago

You'll be out of a job on the 9th!!

Broc_Lia ago

Ok, since you edited in a reply, what does that have to do with the 9th?

Broc_Lia ago

Why, out of curiosity?

CTRShillAcct ago

Because maybe by then you'll finally be ashamed of yourself. Probably not, I don't think any Trump supporter at this point is capable of shame, but maybe.

Broc_Lia ago

Even if I were a trump supporter, why would being of the opinion that some Americans shoudl consider alliance with Russia shameful on the 9th (specifically)?

MaxDragon ago

They way things are right now, I'd almost vote for Putin.

BigFatDaddy ago


Pawn ago

Almost cause Putin is hillary's corruption emboldened and no longer hidden.

BigFatDaddy ago

I dunno, man. I still think that, even if misguided, Putin actually tried to have Russia's best interests at heart. Hillary is ONLY out for Hillary and would gladly see the rest of us dead as long as it meant just a little more in her own pocket.

Islamiscancer ago

Hi there. I dont have the figures on hand as im currently showering, but Putin in the last 13(?) years has donevabsolute wonders for Russia.

Unemployment fell, GDP rose, the deficit was reduced. A bit of googling and comparing values from before and during his presidency will reveal quite a few interesting facts.

If you ignore the media bashing, and again, read into his policies and methodology- hes really quite the good leader.

Id vote for Putin were i a russian. I understand that America and ((((the Wests)))) slander and hatred of east europe is a political play to keep russia away from world power (like america).

BigFatDaddy ago

I've been to Russia. I like the people. I know Putin has his own laundry list of problems. He really was in the KGB. He really does have mob ties. But so does Hillary. So did Kennedy. But Putin will do whatever he needs to for Russia to come out on top. To be a Superpower like it was when he was young. He's a Russian leader for the Russian people, and good for them. I just wish America had someone, a smart tough and skilled leader who legitimately wants to see America be what it once was. That's why I like Trump. I may be naive, but I believe him when he says he wants to Make America Great Again.


That rule should be amended “unless the account is an authoritative source discussing its own affairs”. This basically a press release, Wikileaks just happens to use twitter to make its announcements. That's not the same category as some random idiot opining about their outrage of the day.

GizaDog ago

In this case it perfectly fine.

derram ago :

WikiLeaks on Twitter: "We can confirm Ecuador cut off Assange's internet access Saturday, 5pm GMT, shortly after publication of Clinton's Goldman Sachs speechs."

This has been an automated message.