xberb ago

Lol, thinking right wing snowflakes don't act exactly the same as people who you're complaining about when it comes to not handling criticism well

Tallest_Skil ago

Whatever. It literally doesn’t fucking matter. We don’t have our own sites. There are no sites for us. Every one of them allows anyone to say anything at any time for any reason. This one in particular.

HoodSafari ago

You are more like smallest_dick

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, you’ll never actually go on a hood safari. Your very existence proves me right.

HoodSafari ago

The existence of you mom tonguing my taint proves me right. Go to bed young man.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry harder about being unable to accept facts that hurt your feelings, child.

HoodSafari ago

You are such a sad alt account. A gay scout leader. A creepy uncle. A neighbor who diddles kids in exchange for candy. A closet fag at your church. Yes. I know who you are. I’ve found you.

Tallest_Skil ago

autistic lunatic invents bullshit out of thin air because he can’t handle objective reality

can’t address why I’m wrong in any capacity

so attacks me personally

This ought to be good. Note that if you’d actually found anything you would have just posted evidence outright instead of whining like a leftist, but please, go ahead and show the class “who I am.”

Note that we don’t have our own sites and that leftist “penetration” happens by the design of the site owners and that everything you believe–which you refuse to state, by the way–is false.

HoodSafari ago

Here comes the skill copy pasta....

You are such a loser. Have an original thought once in a while.

Tallest_Skil ago

still no argument

doesn’t even attempt to hold a conversation

acts surprised when he gets copied and pasted the same facts that hurt his feelings

Whatever. It literally doesn’t fucking matter. We don’t have our own sites. There are no sites for us. Every one of them allows anyone to say anything at any time for any reason. This one in particular.