SearchVoatBot ago

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CadeConnelly13 ago

Ugh. And here I was thinking they were an actual alternative to REddit.

laughsatfats ago


lol stay mad naztard

CuckDestroyer1488 ago

maybe you shouldnt have incited violence than you stupid kike

Fragile_white_cuck ago

Um How did this free speech fail? Are you in jail? Or just sitting ina basement watching a Facebook news video while pumping your face Cheetos trying to understand how a balding man who wasted his life, by becoming a manifestation of excuses of why things didn’t work your way, instead of just understanding you were the failure

DeeplyDisturbed ago

You deserve an award for that username. i hate you because I didn't think of it first. Asshole.


Nosferatjew ago

It's ok, I hate you too. Nothing personal though :)

TCP_V1P3R ago

Is this suppose to be a Neocon version of Reddit or are they run by the salty Anti-Biden lefties? First time I've seen the platform mentioned.

Goat7 ago

I got banned from

For posting what?

hogleg ago

Dirty new first time mother looking to be broken back in. Milk me, stuff me, break me in like the nasty mom I know I can be can do anything, anyway.. just make sure you don't wake the baby... and I won't call you daddy if you don't like that sort of thing. ;) text me to meet up (678)6917214 or you can stop by here. Local to Syracuse ny area preferred due to my location.

IntrospectiveDeviant ago

So you were actively trying to get banned, and you lasted for two days?

Nosferatjew ago

I wasn't "actively trying to get banned", I was just not holding back and doing what I do here on voat to test the waters and see how serious they were about their commitment to free speech. Turns out, saying "gas the jannies" is a banhammer worthy offense.

claire_lovely ago

It looks to allow more discussion than Reddit but not as much as Voat. It will probably still be a useful platform even if it is to get people to this one.

Drstrangebeard ago

hope this clears things up for you if you are still confused..

capicua ago


Forrestsun ago

Exact same with me and Parler, I lasted like 3 days haha

VladmirPutinOffical ago


Monstrum ago

Missed opportunity "Noseferatjew"

Nosferatjew ago


squishysquid ago

how hard where you going? you know the faggots don't like it when you call them niggers.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @WhatsThatSkaSong.

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Intrixina ago

No you're not. You have plenty of redpilling you can do in real life.

boekanier ago

It's only on voat where you really can say what you think. The rest is watching closely that you do not step outside the lines.

Xenuphobe ago

The State will fix that.

GhostBalls ago

Did you actually incite?

Nosferatjew ago

I said "Gas the jannies", which translates to "gas the mods" (I had to look up the word "jannies" before making the comment). It was a response to the comment seen in this screencap: "fuck jannies". The reason I think this is what got me banned is it was one of the last things I said before getting banned, and it was deleted by the mods.

heretolearn ago

let's all go back and take revenge. more posts!

Thereunto ago

Ruqqus has a setting on the profiles to hide slur words. This includes:











Towel/Rag Head



Interesting it doesn't include the term "kaffir" which is illegal in South Africa. It includes "Jap" but does not include "Chink".

Just observations, but interesting.

Nosferatjew ago

lol I saw that. What a pathetically short list.

Bill_Williamson ago

I posed there once. I should check back as I too was probably banned for what I told a literal faggot. It was an honest answer to their stupid question. Appreciate the Voat!.

Cicoisplenty ago

What's the point of ruqqus if you can get banned?

Nosferatjew ago

Just another safe space for fags.

0cra_tr0per ago

I should make a ruqqus ban speedrun.

Nosferatjew ago

Do it. Post the results.

carnold03 ago

That is awesome. That is just awesome.

CryptoBard ago

How much free speech does it take to get to the center of a honeypot.... one.... twhoooooo.... ..... two. Two days of free speech.

Jiggggg ago

Thanks for checking it out for us

Lawyer42 ago

Freedom of speech only applies to federal and state governments. Private organizations can limit your speech as much as they want.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, those faggots explicitly told me “no one is banned from the site” yesterday.

Nosferatjew ago

Ha! Can you link or screencap that?

Tallest_Skil ago

Unfortunately not, because contextual links to a given post causes a 503 error 100% of the time. Damn site goes down more than Voat. If it ever works again, here it is.

Nosferatjew ago

That site is a real piece of shit.

areyoumygaffer ago

ah don't worry tyrone, there will always be a porch somewhere for you.

PhilKDick ago

Thanks for your work.

I always did think Nosferatu looked jewy, BTW. He is a bloodsucker, so it's appropriate.

suterusu ago

I've been patiently expecting an era of entertainment and media in which freedom of speech becomes the most important selling point once people get tired of censorship.

There's many third party outlets that are already bringing more attention to the idea just like Voat, once there's proven to be tons of money to be found in hosting such a platform it will become a mainstream idea mark my fucking words. I believe it to be just a matter of when, not if.

I'm more excited for the impact on gaming in which publishers and developers actually go out of their way to market towards free speech/anti-political correctness in the form of more heavyhanded versions of DOOM Eternal's "mortally challenged".

Kekistani_SS ago

Your username reminds me of black single moms, nice.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Fucking liberals just never seem to know what they are CLAIMING are THEIR guiding principles do they? What is ruqqus? Sounds stupid.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

what was the comment? good job, faggotron...not meant sarcastically

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Anyone got any rep points? If we want a presence there we need to find a potentially popular name that hasn't been used yet and make it a beachhead. The various sub owners seem to have complete power over their domains. I doubt the site owners would ban a whole sub this early in their history.

jimibulgin ago


mrnicegoy ago

you just need level 3 verification, send them your drivers license and a selfie like a good goy and they will consider expanding your allowed speech

Xenuphobe ago

If voat dies go to Poal.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

heard ruqqus is owned by a guy in mongolia. I guess that is better than reddit being owned by china

SlyerSoul ago

google "ruqqus", ruqqus is top option.

google "voat", get wikipedia, theverge, github, reddit, vice, etc...

all you really need to know

lanre ago

I name the Jew and call out blacks on thedonald all the time, but as long as you don't use slurs it seems you're fine. Sharing uncensored footage of the riots, facts about black violence, etc. has all been ok. Sometimes I get called a racist or anti-semite, but there's a lot of people that tacitly agree or are finding this information for the first time.

veteran88 ago

Telling the truth about ongoing Jewish crimes incites violence so you can't.

That is pretty much kikes sinned up in one sentence.

Nosferatjew ago

That is pretty much kikes sinned up in one sentence.

Based autocorrect.

SouthernCracker ago

I've been brigading the shit out of your posts to keep them from getting downvoted into oblivion those past 2 days. Your posts were constantly getting 'yanked' and moved to spam. I subscribed to your account with each of my socks, all from different tor ips, and you magically kept losing those subscriptions. One second you'd have 6 subscriptions, next you were back down to 2, etc. Those accounts are still active too, no bans. Whatever they're doing, it's really fucky, and that site is completely pozzed.

Nosferatjew ago

Thanks brother. Can confirm.. every single post I made, regardless of content or subject matter was immediately "yanked" into the spam guild, sometimes multiple times, as you can "unyank" posts back to general. After a few hours on day 1, I had 6 subscribers, but by the next morning I was down to 2.

If we are to effectuvely infiltrate this site, we'll need a team of goats supporting eachother. There are no posting or commenting restrictions based on having negative rep, so they can't actually stop us unless they ban us. But I can set up dozens of accounts on different IPs with my VPN, and I'm just one guy. If a dozen of us each made a dozen accounts, we could dominate.. they'd be fucked.

SouthernCracker ago

Yeah, those were all me. Once I saw the subscribers fall, I quit bothering with subscriptions.

On an unrelated note, if you know a scripting language like python, there's this browser automation thing called 'selenium' that you can use to do amazing things with a web browser. If your vpn accepts command line arguments, you can also script in switching your ip with your account. You can even sign up for new accounts with such amazing technology. Might be a fun learning project. If you do it though make sure you respect the robots.txt and user agreement of whatever site you are learning on, and don't do things too quickly so as to have your intent be misconstrued as a ddos attack. There's nothing wrong with learning and experimenting, so long as you are careful to remain legal in all your activities. From what research I did, I didn't see anything restricting that kind of stuff on ruqqus, but their site gets 503 errors all the time, so it might be wise to learn on another site so that we can still troll them with gore posts in their furry porn guilds. Not that I would ever do that, of course.

Here's a pajeet shitting up the place with a barely intelligible tutorial.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Side note has anyone ever been banned from Voat aside from maybe posting kiddie porn or some shit? Like has anyone ever been banned for "inciting violence?" I see glowniggers around here all the time like "Hello fellow African American homosexuals! Let's meet up and overthrow the government! Darn the Hebrews!" but I don't think I've ever seen anyone banned for "inciting violence."

CryptoBard ago

Often subverses will be created by shills who will disparage you in threads if you sufficiently call out their shenanigans. I've been banned by flat-earthers and plenty of forum-sliders.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I meant banned from the site. I realize powertripping mods are an inevitability of any platform like this.

CryptoBard ago

One more thing, I believe I've seen more ISPs, hosting providers, and payment processors ban this website than this website ban users for anything but those evil things mentioned.

CryptoBard ago

Ahh... well... I'm not a great Voat historian.... besides the aforementioned things, all those types of kike spam debauchery in the years I've been here, no, never, never have I seen anyone being banned for free speech. I've seen users defame the administrators of the site right to an extent that only makes me believe they are incredibly brave and courageous, they know what they're doing. I respect this, and consider it easily the best website on the Internet.

fusir ago

Yes. For actually inciting violence, that got putt contacted by actual glow niggers. It took like 4 years for that to happen though.

rebel_1812 ago

reddit and 4chan have calls for violence. it is just against caucasians. glow niggers only investigate if it goes against their agenda.

lazyhammer ago

Proof Putt stuck to his word, if its not illegal you can say it here. The fact amelek and sanegoat are not banned for shitting up a ton of threads is proof he was more then willing to stand by the concept of free speech to a fault.

RedPaladin ago

You might even say you caused a ruckus.

Nosferatjew ago

Which I thought was the whole point of the site! So disappointed :(

offender ago

Uncle Ruqqus?

Nosferatjew ago

So true.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Run by juden, and has sideway shekel logo, what did you expect.

Nosferatjew ago

Turn their logo upside down, and it's a nose.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago


shillaccount3344 ago

inciting violence? You mean like MSM incites violence on whites?

AhmaudArbery ago

WE should flood Ruqqus with Race pills and get them to start banning so we can show it's not a free speech platform.

Nosferatjew ago

Just say the word. I have thousands of race pill memes locked and loaded.

AhmaudArbery ago

me too, thinking about posting some sick moon man raps as well.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Please stop advertising for that VOAT knock off site OP. Thanks.

Nosferatjew ago

lol shut up fag.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Send @Maroonsaint your dick pic shit stain, and go fuck yourself.

Nosferatjew ago

Go fuck yourself too faggot!

Mustard_Monkey ago

VERY original fucking NPC.

AhmaudArbery ago

Ruqqus is full of civ nat faggots who argue with me about how there are "so many black conservatives." LOL some serious retards over there.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Color blind civic nationalism is a total failure.

Conservatives only personally know functional black conservatives because they never put themselves in situations where they have to interact with the average ghetto trash nigger.

Conservatism has not conserved anything in the past 80 years.

The Founding Fathers and all pre WW2 Presidents were racist White supremacists.

These are some of the Red Pills I force down the throat of civnat Normies.

AhmaudArbery ago

I have been arguing with civ nat fags on Ruggus for the past few days. I literally just had some hot tell me "racism comes from povery and ignorance" and she doesnt believe rich blacks are racist lol. These people are fucking stupid.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Lay it to her with the facts about how the Founding Fathers were racists. Quotes from Lincoln's debate with Stephan Douglas will make her head explode. Follow up by asking her if SJW Leftists, from whom she adopted all of her ideas about racism, are smarter and more moral than the Founding Fathers.

AhmaudArbery ago

Racism is natural, whites are the least racist group on the planet.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Racism is nothing more that recognizing reality for what it is and dealing with it in a practical manner. Like recognizing that blacks are dumb and violent and then dealing with them by separating them into their own areas, preferably on a another continent.

stoicmanchild ago

thanks for the recon.

i wont waste my time... sticking w 4chan + Voat

douk_nokum ago

Sad. I'm there to audit free speech as well, so far got the boot from the racism sub equivalent.

Nosferatjew ago

Do you know what triggered the booting?

douk_nokum ago

I have no idea, my username "niggerfaggotkike" might have had something to do with it combined with encouragement to call nigger a nigger. However no direct reason was given.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

What did you post to get banned?

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Keep posting there repeatedly, eventually anything reposted continuously becomes the truth.

Adam_Jensen_ ago is started to slowly, I mean slowly, wake up a little.

lanre ago

After they got pushed off reddit I noticed a big change. It seems like most of the faggots stayed on reddit and the ones that moved were more receptive to new thoughts. Now that the remaining reddit fags have moved over, it's like the older ones are redpilling the newcomers.

tallarn ago

I think a lot of the terrible modding decisions were because of Reddit.

ianadba ago

We should blacks in their anti-semetic behavior and speech. It seems that blacks are immune from de-platforming in our current environment. Let's use it to our advantage against the golem crafters.

9000timesempty ago

That platform is as Jew goblin as they come.

Jujubean ago

ooooh ooooh try Facebook next!

Nosferatjew ago


CritKhan ago

Nigger website

Not stable 90% of the time

Bans u for haet spich the other 10%

Nosferatjew ago

This is accurate. It's even more unstable than voat, if you can imagine.

Acerphoon ago

So.... am I supposed to know what the fuck "ruqqus" is?

Nosferatjew ago

Go check it out if you feel so inclined. They claim to be a censorship-free alternative to reddit, but really they're just another, smaller, even shittier reddit.

Acerphoon ago

What a sad site.

The problem is that censorship almost always is a slippery slope. They start by saying "We only ban violent comments!" and soon enough you will have subs banned because of memes that are too offensive.

They will turn into reddit very quickly.

Nosferatjew ago

Well on their way.

Jujubean ago

they're just another, smaller, even shittier reddit.>


Leveraction ago

Welcome to the banned club. I was banned from twatter and disqus long ago. No loss. Anyone know what's going on with thecdailystormer??

Acerphoon ago

What is wrong with the daily stormer?

The site is still on, right? This one:

Leveraction ago

Thank you.

All i was able to get was their archives


Those cucks need a mod log

Nosferatjew ago

And one bullet each.

wipeyournose ago

that place is so faggy. all they want is to be reddit 2.0

Nosferatjew ago

Then that's what they'll get.

Aceishigh ago

You should get a voat badge for your journey.

Nosferatjew ago

I would humbly accept.

Deathperception ago

Just been banhammered for the 5th time from zerohedge.

Leveraction ago

What??? Zerohedge is the only one I have not been banned,....yet.

Nosferatjew ago


Deathperception ago

I'm lokikat123 at 9gag.

Helena73 ago

Like it or not these folks are our best potential allies. PR is critical to any strategy.

Yeah its fun to call somebody a faggot.

But it doesn’t accomplish much.

Figure out which way these people’s compass points, and then shift it a few more degrees in your direction.

You cannot redpill someone in a day.

None of you were red pilled that way.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @ArcturianDeathTrap.

Posted automatically (#121520) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Helena73: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @ArcturianDeathTrap)

Nosferatjew ago

Fuck that. Pedal to the metal. GIVE'M THE GAS

Helena73 ago

You’re going to run out of zyklon in the first week!

Nosferatjew ago

Just like Germany did irl.

Shotinthedark ago

The donald hasn't kicked me off yet and surprisingly they name the jew every now and then. Of course the kikes show up and kvetch about it quickly

registeretakes10s ago

i got temp banned for using the word goy haha. they dont seem to ban naming the jews, only "slurs"

Shotinthedark ago

Wow I use nigger every now and then and no ban yet

Jiggggg ago

they name the jew every now and then

It's us. I post on there every so often and I usually recognize a fellow Goat. Hahahaha

Shotinthedark ago

I figured that but too many of them will go along with "the joke" or agree. Unless there are a lot more of us there. I still say we should have a voat BBQ.

RoundWheel ago

It always will unless it's controlled.

If things do not slowly yet continuously shift rightward then you know it's controlled.

All platforms which support free speech always shift far right.

Shotinthedark ago

You're very correct

CheeBooga ago

I got banned by a bunch of flappy jew tiddy pic kikes today too!! We're brothers now.

Aceishigh ago

I saw something like this.

OogaBooga696969 ago

Gross. I almost forgot about this drama. Time to read some old posts...

User4965 ago


OogaBooga696969 ago

Srayzie and her Q people having drama with long time goats, then someone posting her Twitter pics before she left. Possibly some nudes, but I don't remember if they were fake.

CheeBooga ago

kek yuck

No wonder these incel losers are at her command.

Nosferatjew ago

Hahaha grats bro XD

Askaboutthefreeplant ago

"inciting violence" is the "we can ban who ever we want" card of supposedly ban free sites. I completely understand banning people for calling for actual violence, but we live in a world wgere not only is saying "it's ok to be white" called "violenc" but even silence is "violence" so you can ban someone for anything and just call it violence.

User4965 ago

Or you know it stops a site from getting taken down.

dassaer ago

And where wearing a 'MAGA' hat will incite actual violence by others - but the one wearing is supposedly the instigator ...

TheVOATangel ago

Dem fragility

Thrangulor ago

Don't forget that violence is assault. So by sitting quietly or simply smirking white people are assaulting niggers which they can respond to with lethal force. The change in language is intentional so that you're already guilty of laws on the books by their new definition of simple words we've used for generations.

We should play that game back and conflate brown skin with treason. Antifa is a terrorist group so anyone that isn't fascist is a terrorist and needs to be tried, convicted, and executed as such.

Nosferatjew ago

This is probably what happened. I did say we needed to eliminate niggers and jews though, but I didn't say what "eliminate" meant.

Attac ago

We need to kill all niggers and jews in Minecraft

Acerphoon ago

I would really only understand it if it's directed at a specific person and a real threat.

As in: "I will shoot John Steinberg tomorrow." or something like that.

Nosferatjew ago

I agree. Which is why "gas the kikes" doesn't qualify.

TheAntiZealot ago

Pass the bikes.

Nosferatjew ago

Race far now.

Humansized ago

isnt that site just reddit for people who got banned from reddit?

Nosferatjew ago

Yes. But they claim to be a censorship-free platform.

CherryClorox ago

What a disappointing lie on their part.

smokratez ago

Eventually any voater will get banned there. They are still normie faggots at heart. I am using it as a platform to push soft redpils on those who need it most and to show others that being white and normal is super cool.

Intrixina ago

I think almost everyone here has been banned from at least 1 platform outside of Voat.

codeinemassacre ago

The normies there don't know that free speech always gravitates to the right.

smokratez ago

They haven't learned that the right is the only side trying to find the truth.

jD13JsxQ ago

Stirrings of jew naming are popping up on

Don't get comfortable in the echo chamber, goats. venture out. people are more primed than ever to hear the truth.

maaaxheadroom ago

I went over there and the first thing I saw was a warning that Voat is brigading Ruqqus. Funny

Kekistani_SS ago

Free advertisement. Weak people will leave here anyway(with exceptions...), so maybe some get red pilled coming and staying.

yt4cz9 ago

Soft redpills are the way to go. It's too bad our people have been so heavily programmed they are like this.

CadeConnelly13 ago

Even something as simple as telling a fellow Christian that the concept of marriage no longer legally exists gets me absolutely shat on, almost like it's a reflex.

Agent7851 ago

It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled

fusir ago

Any easy way to go is to just highlight lies. People hate being lied to more than anything else, and it takes lies to oppose the truth of human biodiversity. Follow the "they say, I say" pattern. Find the lie. Show the data that conflicts it. Don't even make an argument about how to interpret the data. People can do that for themselves. But let people see the efforts to manipulate their understanding.

That's why it's good to see /r/all on reddit every now and again, to see what the lie of the week is, and then assemble the data to discredit it. Don't waste your time trying to correct it on reddit though. Address it in front of people who will be receptive. Even that's good content for voat, because as much as it's preaching to the choir, it's helpful to know what the recent lie is and the data to address it.

Jiggggg ago

Absolutely. People like to rail on those who have a Facebook or Twatter or whatever, but knowing what the mainstream is pushing is very important. We can't just chill in our echo chamber

Kekistani_SS ago

Kind of true.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

I think there's some potential there for such. I've toned it down on Ruqqus but still said opinions there which would get me into trouble on Reddit, and they seemed to go over OK.

That said, they have the same system as Reddit, where a few powermods could get on top in the major "guilds" and completely run the place. The "guildmasters" have 100% say in what goes on in their guilds and the major guilds are going to be where all the action is. Those people who got in early and claimed the best names are pretty much going to be in charge there. I give the whole thing a year before it becomes another Reddit.

Is it just me or is guildmasters fucking stupid? I can't say that seriously. This isn't D&D.

Jiggggg ago

Well I heard that the term "master" is racist now, so

HomerChimpson ago

Breaking programming is impossible if the person is not willing to admit they've been programmed.

I first realized that I had been programmed to believe certain things when I first heard ron paul and his beliefs. I agreed with a lot if them, but to me ron paul was supposed to be a joke. What I saw was a politician with ideas designed to help people rather than the machine. However my belief was that he was a fool, so I questioned why I had such a strong belief about a topic about which I was ignorant. The TV was the answer.

I was offended to have been manipulated like that. So I started questioning any knee jerk belief and searching for my own answers. The rest followed form there.

If you can just get one thing to break, the rest can follow if the person is willing.

OogaBooga696969 ago

That's funny, since Ron Paul brought my first red pills as well. About government. Then, about the education system. Then about feminism. Then race realism. Then the Jew. Last red pill was in republicans. That's a hard one to swallow. They did this all on their own, with their virtue signalling, and selling out of the white race.

LurkedForever ago

started questioning any knee jerk belief and searching for my own answers.

That shit is sooooo fucking hard. I try to do it, but every year or so I'll remember some idiot knee jerk belief that I held forever and feel ashamed.

Fuck yeah for Ron Paul.


lanre ago

That's what happened with me. It was like a dam bursting. Suddenly everything fit into place and you couldn't go back. I still think have the people on here are retards, but I'd rather be with a flat-earther goat than a normie.

Nosferatjew ago

I just went all out to see if they could handle it... they couldn't.

Attac ago

That's why I won't bother.

Boltsky ago

What was the thing you said that was actually considered as inciting violence?

Nosferatjew ago

I explained my best guess here:

But really, it could have almost anything. I went hard.

Moon_Central ago

jews need to be exterminated like rats

Nosferatjew ago


HateCumbuckets ago

The pill isn't supposed to be a suppository...

Literally-Oppressed ago

Idk man my asshole still hurts from finding this place

Phantom42 ago

Well shortly enough it'll be a bullet or rape gang on their wife/girlfriend/daughter so they can decide which.

DankSniper ago

But I bet you take it that way anyway, you homo

HateCumbuckets ago

I'm so sorry bro. Didn't mean to bring up your repressed memories of uncle Bob....

DankSniper ago

Keep trying to hide it, we all know you love it up the pooper

HateCumbuckets ago

When I prolapse, you're going to suck that sweet pink meat sock like a cock.

fusir ago

It's more like eye or ear drops, which some people still can't seem to handle.

Faggot1234 ago


Catfishbelly ago

Not even enough people on that website to justify the time or effort.

Nosferatjew ago

Probably so.

TheSeer ago

We need to learn to incite violence more like the MSM, because they never seem to be punished for THEIR incitement of violence.

klobos ago

They have lies that are easy on the brain for low IQ stupid retards since they don't have to face reality. We have truth and therefor don't stand a chance against them.

TheSeer ago

Yes, this is the appeal of Communism.

They can say whatever you want to hear, and do whatever they want.

ciaozuzu ago

Your username makes me happy everytime I read it.

Deathperception ago

Veen spamming 9gag hard,that's why I've been a little scarce lately.

Minimal moderation & easy to pist memes.

Nosferatjew ago

I've seen some pretty based memes on 9gag. Keep it up. Normies need to wake the fuck up already.

Deathperception ago

Were you b& from entire site or booted out of the guild into "general"?

And what did you post?

Nosferatjew ago

Sitewide ban, and all I said was "gas the jannies". I said and posted a bunch of other shit too, but that's what triggered the ban. They said I was "inciting violence" lol

Deathperception ago


Read their tos & is pretty vague.

DenounceTrannies ago

"Hate speech" is bullshit

Nosferatjew ago

Thanks brother. It was fun while it lasted. Posted a few dozen race realism memes, some crime stats, a couple jew memes, and made a lot of faggots uncomfortable with my naturally abrasive personality.

supermassive ago

The fact you're proud of having a "naturally abrasive" personality is fucking weak.

registeretakes10s ago

am testing ruqqus daily expecting to get banned haha

CryptoBard ago

Speaking fire is more fun anyway, never change!

Jiggggg ago

lmao sounds like just a typical day at Voat

ChiCom ago

Proves free speech prevents violence.

This honeypot isn't violent like all those heavily censored Facebook and Gab type sites where people actually go out into the real world to express themselves.

Nosferatjew ago

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

BalfourYourFace ago

Who says it has to end? Make a new account

Kekistani_SS ago

I think i make one tomorrow and post about the holohoax and some kike involvement in the WWs.

BalfourYourFace ago

Yeah it's good to terminate accounts anyway, this one is almost ready to recycle

Jujubean ago

You should focus your abrasiveness on some of the newer acolytes that have recently joined here. Polish them up or maybe run them off. Clean the joint up. I suggest you start with duckfuckoooOOOoo

Nosferatjew ago

Eh, I do that too. And that guy has been around for a while, that's not his first account.

Jujubean ago

That explains his abrasiveness. LOL

Aceishigh ago

I saw the posts and was waiting, I grabbed an account while I was at it.

ExtremeJogging ago

Most people cant actually handle a 4chan style board.

redpilldessert ago

What was the actual meme/post/comment that got you banned for violence?

Aceishigh ago

He did the blacks commit 200 times more gun violence than whites infographic I know for sure. The faggots tried to disprove the chart by using updated census which made it worse. Kek

Nosferatjew ago

Not sure, they didn't provide any specifics, and I posted and said so much, it would be a shot in the dark if I tried to guess.

VitaloStarbucky ago

Just found this. Admin says you were banned for using an alt to say "kill x race"

Nosferatjew ago

I said "gas the jannies". So now "jannies" is a race?

redpilldessert ago

Do you think you said anything there that could be considered glorifying violence? Also, did they warn (or temp ban) you before the perm ban, or was it straight in with the perm ban?

Maybe I'll just use saidit instead.

dassaer ago

Ahh, sounds like the "Carries such a big shit bucket" and not the 'walls being so fcking big or that shit is sticky' narrative ... lol

Goat7 ago

Always archive in both Wayback and Archive.Today

Gimmethelolz ago

Such a jew site. I tried to look up your link but i guess it got deleted. Instead I got a page asking for donations for more servers.. I guess those honeypots don't pay for themselves.

Ocelot ago

I can still view it. The servers probably crashed while you were trying to access it because it's got jenga-tower stability right now.

But yeah, if it's not super kiked it's at least super cucked.

Nosferatjew ago

lol yeah probably.

Ocelot ago

Even though when I joined it said everything protected by the first amendment is allowed.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

*though doesn't seem entirely cucked yet, maybe give them a litmus test.

Nosferatjew ago

Never heard of it tbh.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I was in "unpopular facts" post about World IQ map showing basically all of Africa in the red, and there were all sorts of the typical fucking excuses of "socioeconomic factors" and "first world aid" keeping them down and preventing a thriving economy and educational system from forming. As if funding/rebuilding Japan didn't catapult them into the 21st century, but instead rendered them a 3rd world low IQ shithole. Yea sure, it's the "foreign aid" that's holding Africa back.

Just shows how terrible reddit has become that cucks like that chose to migrate.

Wartimepope ago

Lmfao. Not to mention IQ has absolutely nothing to do with education or knowledge. It's a fucking pattern recognition test.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Ruqqus is proving to be garbage. If the page shuts down while I'm reading (not even loading a new page) that's a dealbreaker. Not to mention the place is full of half-awake fence-sitting cucks.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Wait, leftists want to get rid of foreign aid? I'm down.

NoTrueScotsman ago

So, what they're saying is stop all foreign aid to Africa? I can get on board with that part.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

That is actually what the dominant argument is saying which, yes, I totally agree with. They say the same for the welfare state of the US. Problem is they think niggers are smart enough to succeed on their own merits and it's aid (and thus true failure, thus consequences of said failure, and thus creation of self-reliance) that's holding them back. I'm all for ending aid, but the outcome won't be what they expect.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Yeah, I agree with you. I could believe that welfare and aid subsidize more of the laziest, lowest IQ among them to replicate, but those weren't outliers to begin with. The time frame to see a population shift in IQ based on stopping that would probably be very long indeed.

But maybe they'd forget that we used to force them to wear pants and stand in front of cameras and go on with their lives.

Ilisyer ago

The 'foreign aid" excuse is a joke.

The more money I received, the more palatial my castle would be; The more lavish my garden; The world around me would be more beautiful, more prosperous, more civilized, etc. I would not be living in increasing squalor with my hand reaching out for more gibs as I spent every cent on drugs and juju.

thatguyiam ago

👏👏👏 ...when the festering censorship cesspool gets so bad that even the cucks leave. What does this mean for Reddit.? The only ones left are the advertizing fegets advertizing to each others and to nobody else, & the totalitarian fegets. The normie fegets prolly all jumped ship too.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

They want the censorship, just not as much as reddit. They are Cuck Light.

78616BC93459 ago

You mean you got liberals to admit we should cut aid to Africa to prevent racism? That's a major achievement.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Eh, ruqqus liberals <> reddit liberals. As indicated - at least they acknowledge the race/IQ gap exists. That's "hate speech" on reddit.

Acerphoon ago

They are WRONG about it aswell.

Not only do we have enough data about: Brainsize and IQ correlations; heritability estimates from twin studies and adoption studies AND racial differences correlating with general heritability at a very high rate, we also have GENES.

YES, that is right. Things that weren't possible just 4 years ago, are possible now!

Leftists HATE this fact.

Original was censored, but there is an archive:
538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects

CryptoBard ago

I'd like to say I've got at least a couple hundred of those ones... I'm still flawed as fuck though.

jewer ago

SKIN COLOR proven related to IQ:

THAT science based factual map would cause a rage meltdown on ruqqus!

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

ruqqus appears to be down, but I would link you to the "World IQ" post in r-UnpopularFacts. It has the exact map on the right.

No one there's debating that niggers are dumb (so there's that), they're just not blaming it on anything but a series of misfortunes largely brought on by unintended consequences from first world nations.

Nosferatjew ago

Ruqqus goes down every 30 minutes.

jewer ago

Unpopular fact:
USA Blacks are retarded, and Genes prove why they are retarded in negro DNA on US soil!

Half of USA Blacks are RETARDED!

This fact is from official American Association on Mental Retardation,

For US Negroes, who are from race-mixing for over 200 years far far smarter than African Negros, the US Blacks are very retarded ON AVERAGE still.

Niggers forced the US medical definition of "Retarded" to be altered because OVER HALF of negros are born with retarded IQs.

In 1959, AAMD set the IQ threshold for mental retardation at < 85. The civil rights movement of the next decade forced psychologists to rethink this boundary, because half the African American population fell below it!

In 1973, responding to this concern, AAMD (by then AAMR) changed the threshold for retardation from IQ < 85 to IQ < 70. The boundary moved south by one standard deviation! The proportion of blacks below the threshold instantly dropped from about 50 percent to 12 percent. Subsequent refinements made it still more difficult to meet the criteria for retardation.

When Binet in 1905 produced the first IQ test, it promised to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of mental retardation. A half century later it came under attack for reasons Binet could not have imagined. Could any of the pioneer psychometricians have foreseen Larry P. v. Riles (1979), a California class-action suit that focused on IQ testing of young black children? The court held that IQ tests were not valid for African Americans. It banned California from using the tests for placing black students in classes for the "educable mentally retarded" or equivalent categories on the grounds that the tests were biased. After a series of appeals, the district court ruled that no special education related purposes exist for which IQ tests could be administered to black pupils. Though only a California ruling, the case began a political assault on standardized testing that has spread beyond the IQ test to college entrance exams, promotional exams and more.

La Griffe du Lion Volume 2 Number 9 : September 2000

Court Bans Use of I.Q. Tests for Blacks for Any Purpose in California State:


Niggers are retarded because pure blacks have %0.00 percent neanderthal high-IQ genes. Every other human on earth has large amounts of Neanderthal genes, even asians, who got them from fucking Denisovans a few times in history.

Not one Neanderthal DNA gene has ever been found in any 300 year old or older skeleton in Africa, ever! %0.00 percent neanderthal high-IQ genes!

DNA is well proven to be source of 80% of IQ based on huge research studies.

The two bombshell 80% DNA source of IQ studies ! :

2018 : 1,016 genes

paper = Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis In 269,867 Individuals Identifies New Genetic And Functional Links To Intelligence

Nature Genetics (2018)

Now 1,016 genes are proven correlated to IQ (many are brain , skull, or birth canal related, some might be merely (non-negroid) genes in general.

2018 : 538 genes

UK Biobank DNA yields 538 genes that are linked to intellectual abilities - genetic effects on intelligence and personality

pop science description of the above :

538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects) : (original deleted and censored, archive still exists)

TL/DR: Half of USA Blacks are RETARDED (< IQ 85) as per classic definition by (AAMR)

Timur9000 ago

Unpopular fact:
USA Blacks are retarded, and Genes prove why they are retarded in negro DNA on US soil!

Half of USA Blacks are RETARDED!

This fact is from official American Association on Mental Retardation,

For US Negroes, who are from race-mixing for over 200 years far far smarter than African Negros, the US Blacks are very retarded ON AVERAGE still.

Niggers forced the US medical definition of "Retarded" to be altered because OVER HALF of negros are born with retarded IQs.

In 1959, AAMD set the IQ threshold for mental retardation at < 85. The civil rights movement of the next decade forced psychologists to rethink this boundary, because half the African American population fell below it!

In 1973, responding to this concern, AAMD (by then AAMR) changed the threshold for retardation from IQ < 85 to IQ < 70. The boundary moved south by one standard deviation! The proportion of blacks below the threshold instantly dropped from about 50 percent to 12 percent. Subsequent refinements made it still more difficult to meet the criteria for retardation.

When Binet in 1905 produced the first IQ test, it promised to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of mental retardation. A half century later it came under attack for reasons Binet could not have imagined. Could any of the pioneer psychometricians have foreseen Larry P. v. Riles (1979), a California class-action suit that focused on IQ testing of young black children? The court held that IQ tests were not valid for African Americans. It banned California from using the tests for placing black students in classes for the "educable mentally retarded" or equivalent categories on the grounds that the tests were biased. After a series of appeals, the district court ruled that no special education related purposes exist for which IQ tests could be administered to black pupils. Though only a California ruling, the case began a political assault on standardized testing that has spread beyond the IQ test to college entrance exams, promotional exams and more.

La Griffe du Lion Volume 2 Number 9 : September 2000

Court Bans Use of I.Q. Tests for Blacks for Any Purpose in California State:


Niggers are retarded because pure blacks have %0.00 percent neanderthal high-IQ genes. Every other human on earth has large amounts of Neanderthal genes, even asians, who got them from fucking Denisovans a few times in history.

Not one Neanderthal DNA gene has ever been found in any 300 year old or older skeleton in Africa, ever! %0.00 percent neanderthal high-IQ genes!

DNA is well proven to be source of 80% of IQ based on huge research studies.

The two bombshell 80% DNA source of IQ studies ! :

2018 : 1,016 genes

paper = Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis In 269,867 Individuals Identifies New Genetic And Functional Links To Intelligence

Nature Genetics (2018)

Now 1,016 genes are proven correlated to IQ (many are brain , skull, or birth canal related, some might be merely (non-negroid) genes in general.

2018 : 538 genes

UK Biobank DNA yields 538 genes that are linked to intellectual abilities - genetic effects on intelligence and personality

pop science description of the above :

538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects) : (original deleted and censored, archive still exists)

TL/DR: Half of USA Blacks are RETARDED (< IQ 85) as per classic definition by (AAMR)

foltaisaprovenshill ago

"first world aid" keeping them down

Accidentally based.

cyclops1771 ago

Drop the meme quotes of historians and media types blaming Africa's problems on drawing borders without ethnic considerations,, and how they all fail because of mutli-ethnic tensions. When they all start hopping on that rug, yank it out with the "So, what you are saying is, multi-culturalism has destroyed Africa?"

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Actually not familiar with those quotes specifically... you're referring to a subset of the "evil colonizers" argument?

cyclops1771 ago

Basically, yeah. Someone put together a screencap of about 10-15 of them in the past week where all of Africa problem stems from bad white man, who draw bad borders, not realizing that they were 100% condemning the entire mutli-culturalism basis of their Western philosophy.

Neverfelted ago

Imagine believing a wall made from 20 materials would be stronger then a wall made out of black people.

wipeyournose ago

*bad (((white men)))

cyclops1771 ago


TheSeer ago

Somalia, post-WWII Germany, post-WWII Japan... I wonder what the difference is? Surely not the people. Must be the magic soil over in Germany and Japan!

Deathperception ago

Germany was NEVER 2nd place to Dumbfuckistan.

Everything this turd world shithole touches turns into niggers.

SpreeFeech ago

Turd world, I'm going to use that.

blumen4alles ago

What were you doing on ruqqus? You don't need anyone other than us goats :)

Thrangulor ago

ruqqus lets you save files there so their gun community is much more helpful. They host all sorts of 3d printed goodies for you to download.

User4965 ago

Hobbies are a big reason for sites other than vote. Call me a faggot, but sometimes I have a question about Carpentry or how to work on my bike.

CowWithBeef ago

Someone should help free the goyim.

Nosferatjew ago

Yeah, I know. Gotta test out these new "free speech" platforms though, ya know, to see if they are what they say they are. Might be fun to go back with a team of goats and try to colonize the place. We have a good thing going here, but sometimes I think we need to spread the love a little to other, less well informed parts of the web.

Kekistani_SS ago

Maybe a team of goats gassing 6 million ruqqussians.

Covid14 ago

There are a few of us goats over there building up slowly. Wait until we can make our own subs, then turn /new right wing. Also, unlike reddit, you can troll the fuck out of degenerate faggots.

yt4cz9 ago

We do need to have other places to go just in case. I'm already certain this place is a honeypot/place they allow us to vent but we need some more places if this one goes down. I know of and

CouldBeTrump ago

Might be fun to go back with a team of goats and try to colonize the place.

How would that work? Wouldn't the admin team just give you anuddah shoah?

Nosferatjew ago

Depends how we do it. I had no back up while I was there, but if there was a team of goats supporting eachother, upvoting and commenting, shutting down nay sayer fags, we could probably make more progress. I also did not attempt any sort of subtlety, which was intentional, so a less "extreme" approach, taken by a dozen or so goats simultaneously, could be rather effective.

noob_tube ago

Count me in. My handle on ruqqus is "jogger".

Nosferatjew ago

Noted. I'll see about organizing a raiding party. Ask your bros. I think this could be fun :)

Jiggggg ago

Welp guess I'll go make a ruqqus account

Nosferatjew ago

Good man.

Questionable_1 ago

What was it that you said? Just curious

jewer ago

Its ALWAYS anything the jews hate that gets you banned, no matter how factual.

Admins also move posts manually to (+Trashcan) and shadow ban "jew haters"

Ruqqus the reddit clone is bans if you discuss illegal aliens or things Jew dislike :

banned for discussing modern germany! BANNED!

And this poor user is shadowbanned or de facto banned on Ruqqus :


because of this image posted to Ruqqus, i assume :

Admins got so upset they seemingly moved his post to a "trash" area ( +Trashcan ) for mod hidden stuff , presumably :

NOW THEY HIDE THAT PAGE from voat!!!!! (might be temporary block?)

TL/DR : Ruqqus protects jew lies

redpilldessert ago

Yes, BANNED for that!

Banned from all of Ruqqus or just that particular sub on Ruqqus?

jewer ago

since 16 days ago, not one more post :

since 16 days ago, not one more comment :

looks like a shadow hard ban rather than full deletion and full shoah like others are getting

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

For posting images there

JamesGunnIsPedo ago

Damn those newspaper clippings are worded like fucking emails in my spam folder. And they actually got money for it. It's the jewish version of the Nigerian prince emails.

Nosferatjew ago

Yup. This guy is on it.

jewer ago

I love how a few of the leftists on Ruqqus want to censor HATE THOUGHT in a big thread today :

Ruqqus is not a haven for hate.:

Bwah hah hah hah!

Nosferatjew ago

Oh shit! My comment in that thread is still there!

They deleted my response to the "fuck jannies" comment though, which was "Gas the jannies." Maybe that's what earned me the ban? lol such pathetic fags.

jewer ago

Factually, a real human (Homo Sapiens sapiens) having sex with another species is indeed bestiality, and Negroid hominids have been fully proven to be a unrelated species, (not subspecies, but different species). Negros closes DNA ancestor to a real human is an astounding 350,000 years ago! That is far more than the cuttoff of 120,000 years for forcing two animal subspecies to be labelled separate species.

Sex with a negro is FACTUALLY bestiality!

NoBS ago

I'd rather black men fuck willing mud sharks than children.

Whores got to eat. Besides these (((adult))) whores are the oldest profession known to man. As long as they can legally consent normal males get a heads up to a possible disease carrier.

Why is self incrimination a bad thing?

Questionable_1 ago

That was pretty informative, you should make a new post in v/whatever get the word out

Nosferatjew ago

This is all they said. I included that one fag's comment about blocking me too, as an example of the rampant thin-skinned faggotry present on that site.

voatusernamevoat ago

Was your comment "The master and his slave"?

Nosferatjew ago

Hahaha yeah, that was me :)

voatusernamevoat ago

What was the context?

Nosferatjew ago

It was this post.

voatusernamevoat ago

I prefer letting them squirm from showing what jews say and do:

Zed_Leppelin ago

I wonder if those fags consider "punching Nazis" advocating violence too. What a bunch of niggers.

ZenoOfElea ago

I'm not censoring you, I'm just banning you because I don't like what you're saying

How quickly people go from no think to double think.

noob_tube ago

Reminds me of how F-Droid silenced all dissent on GAB with bans and censorship, then claimed that it wasn't a free-speech issue.

Cat-hax ago

"early adopter" pffffft lol

Questionable_1 ago

I thought about trying it, thanks for letting us all know it's shit.

Nosferatjew ago

Cucks, faggots, and nigger lovers, as far as the eye can see.

Nosferatjew ago

Not sure, they didn't give me any specifics, and I no longer have access to my posts and comments.

Helena73 ago

Oh cmon. What was the worst thing you said?

Nosferatjew ago

The qorst? Hard to say really, I said so much. Maybe something along the lines of what I said in this voat post a few weeks ago:

Really though, it's anyone's guess. I said a lot of shit. Like, I told one guy, who told me he was a jew, "Get gassed kike."

Aryanawakening ago

Thats the one lol

Kekistani_SS ago

Nah, that's just a nice wish, but not a call to action.

Helena73 ago

That would do it.