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Questionable_1 ago

What was it that you said? Just curious

jewer ago

Its ALWAYS anything the jews hate that gets you banned, no matter how factual.

Admins also move posts manually to (+Trashcan) and shadow ban "jew haters"

Ruqqus the reddit clone is bans if you discuss illegal aliens or things Jew dislike :

banned for discussing modern germany! BANNED!

And this poor user is shadowbanned or de facto banned on Ruqqus :


because of this image posted to Ruqqus, i assume :

Admins got so upset they seemingly moved his post to a "trash" area ( +Trashcan ) for mod hidden stuff , presumably :

NOW THEY HIDE THAT PAGE from voat!!!!! (might be temporary block?)

TL/DR : Ruqqus protects jew lies

Nosferatjew ago

Yup. This guy is on it.

jewer ago

I love how a few of the leftists on Ruqqus want to censor HATE THOUGHT in a big thread today :

Ruqqus is not a haven for hate.:

Bwah hah hah hah!

Nosferatjew ago

Oh shit! My comment in that thread is still there!

They deleted my response to the "fuck jannies" comment though, which was "Gas the jannies." Maybe that's what earned me the ban? lol such pathetic fags.

jewer ago

Factually, a real human (Homo Sapiens sapiens) having sex with another species is indeed bestiality, and Negroid hominids have been fully proven to be a unrelated species, (not subspecies, but different species). Negros closes DNA ancestor to a real human is an astounding 350,000 years ago! That is far more than the cuttoff of 120,000 years for forcing two animal subspecies to be labelled separate species.

Sex with a negro is FACTUALLY bestiality!

NoBS ago

I'd rather black men fuck willing mud sharks than children.

Whores got to eat. Besides these (((adult))) whores are the oldest profession known to man. As long as they can legally consent normal males get a heads up to a possible disease carrier.

Why is self incrimination a bad thing?